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[1.12.x] Navball docking alignment indicator (Community Edition, v2)


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12 minutes ago, FuzzyG said:

I would like to help out with recompiling mods. I have been trying to work out the process accordingly in terms of updating these in order for each particular version. I would like to discuss this with you in more detail as time permits with you. 

Kind regards,


You responded to a message more than 6 months old.

I took the opportunity when 1.4 came out to update my build process.  I don't have any issues with recompiling mods anymore, when a new version comes out all I need to do is update my Jenkins server appropriately.

Thanks for the offer, though.

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7 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You responded to a message more than 6 months old.

I took the opportunity when 1.4 came out to update my build process.  I don't have any issues with recompiling mods anymore, when a new version comes out all I need to do is update my Jenkins server appropriately.

Thanks for the offer, though.

Thank you for responding. In actuality, I want to learn how to create mods using the resources (i.e., Blender, Unity, and Visual Studio) that I have but not utilized for real world application as of yet. No worries though. I will work on sifting through the information that is available on this particular forum and other that are out there. 


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/29/2016 at 7:44 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Since @Leeman hasn't been around, and I needed to use this, I've revived it for 1.2.1.  Most of the following text is just copied from the previous thread (here) and the original thread (here)

Navball docking alignment indicator (Community Edition)


To begin with, it is just fair to say that @mic_e is the original Author of this mod. His thread can be found here. As stated in this thread as I personally like this mod alot and he wasn't online for 3 Months I decided to pick it up and continue it's development in his absence. License and all will be kept exactly the same, the only difference will be the name (added Community Edition for clarity) and the sourcecode obviously.


Now a little bit about this mod, what it does and what you use it for.

Ever had the issue that when you were planning a rendevouz in space and wanted to dock to your target however it was a pain in the a** due to rotation of camera, lightning or some other reason? Well then this mod might be just the mod you are looking for. This will add a new Marker to the Navball to show if you are aligned with the targeted Dockingport. (You can also tell the targets rotation by it if you need it) and this will save you lot of fiddeling and switching back and forth to double and triple check. It really is just a minimalistic mod and yet so usefull



  • Add a new marker to the navball to indicate Dockingport alignment
  • You can change the color of the marker via a config (r, g, b values)





It's just a red marker on the navball. So enjoy the following pictures of red markers... on navballs. They even have descriptions!


We're directly facing the alignment marker. As you can see, the vessels are off quite a bit, but their docking ports are precisely parallel. The target velocity marker is used to 'push' the position marker in the direction of the alignment marker. As soon as it has arrived there, the velocity marker is moved onto the alignment marker.


Where to download:

Github: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicatorCE/releases

Spacedock:  http://spacedock.info/mod/1098/Navball%20Docking%20Alignment%20Indicator%20CE-2

it also is available via CKAN

License: GNU GPL v3

Source Github



Issues and Suggestions:

Here or on Github


Changelogs (newest Version on top):


  • Built for KSP 1.2.1
  • Added versioning into assembly

Version: 1.01

  • change color of  the marker via config; By default red;

Version 1.0b

  • Fixed issue where marker did not disappear on vessel / target change

Version 1.0a

  • Disabled Debugging Information as in toggleable via Hotkey

Version 1.0

  • Rewrote most of the code ("legacy" code is marked in the SourceCode)
  • Compatible with KSP 1.1

Support for current KSP version?

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49 minutes ago, WillWam said:

Support for current KSP version?

First, There is no need to quote the entire OP just to ask if it supports the current version.

Second, #1 Rule on the form. Don't bug Modders for updates.

Third, linuxgurugamer maintains about 170 mods. It takes time to do them all.  (1.6 has been out less than a month.)

Fourth, the post above yours said it probably still works in 1.6, as 1.6 did not make many changes in the code.

Fifth, no one has posted that it stopped working in 1.5, 1.5.1, or 1.6. (Which would have happened if someone noticed it was no longer working)

I am using it in 1.5.1 and it works there. More than likely is still works in 1.6 and 1.6.1.  Try it and see.


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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...

With the KURS camera not being available, does this at least work in 1.8.x? :)

Probably requires a recompile against Unity 2019.2 ... CKAN doesn't even let me install, will try some other ways to get the mod.

(binary releases on Github would be awesome, Linuxguru)

EDIT: Spacedock seems to be down, another good reason to host releases on Github. Which I see you are already doing, but CKAN is trying to pull off of Spacedock's shoddy hoster. :)

Edited by Thygrrr
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4 minutes ago, Thygrrr said:

I have mad respect for you linuxguru, and hope you find some way to automate the build process for these mods with each new release, and then offload the testing effort to us here.

Build process is automated, but among other things, I'm adding install checks to each.  I've already fixed a number of bugs in released mods.


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  • 6 months later...
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On 10/25/2020 at 6:20 AM, Laughing Gravy said:

Has this mod been updated for 1.9 or 1.10? The most recent version I see on GitHub is for 1.8 (dated November 8, 2019). 

I remain dumbfounded that this incredibly useful mod is not in the stock game. How else are you supposed to know you are aligned correctly when docking?

Works fine in 1.10.1

53 minutes ago, chris-kerbal said:

I also found the issue, that the marker is not scaling with the navball. Could that be added?

I wasn’t aware.  Will take a look.  No promises, though.

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  • 7 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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