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your most painful ksp moments


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2 hours ago, eloquentJane said:

What do you mean where? [...] facebook

oh, there.

I don't use Facebook and have all its many long tentacles added to Adblock blacklist to avoid its trackers all over the web. As result, your photo was invisible to me.

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Probably not long after my first successful docking, which took an age but felt awesome when the eggbox decided to 'no target' so no way out except a reboot so lost it. Wasn't hard to replicate, but didn't feel the same.

Its done the same after the first (unmanned) Duna landing as well. 

Now just mucking about and not playing seriously waiting an update to turn the [censored] into something playable


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My most painful moment had to be when i sent a 1500 part 500t warship to the jool system using nothing but ion engines...

Granted there were like a hundred of them, but combining the sheer lag of that many parts (and this was in like 0.25 before the performance improvements) with the utterly abyssmal TWR (and the fact that the ship would instantly desintegrate if i tried to use any phys warp) led to the most painful 2 hour burn in history!

If that wasnt worse enough i actually built it with assymetric thrust and this was in the times before i dumped RCS for reaction wheels, when i ran out of RCS to keep it stable, i had to do the braking burn at 50% ion power to keep the ship from flipping.  I pretty much said screw it at that point and shift-del the entire save game and the craft file because of the sheer rage i was in.  Since then ive switched to nukes for every single ship that is over 50t, because its impossible to give the things enough TWR to not tear your eyes out without going to insane part counts...

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I completely mis-timed a reentry burn at Slate with a giant tracked rover, and slammed into the ground so hard, the treads ended up hundreds of km from each other. (Foundry tracks are nigh indestructable). I killed 3 of my favorite recruits and a few other rookies.

Edited by Kaiser82
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most recently it must be the recovery mission I put on in LKO, I approached the helpless ship just to figure out it was a Cupola View Module, which doest not have any hatch therefore kerbals can not go EVA! I had to get my kerbals down and add an engineer and some parts from KAS to manage a connection between the ships to be able to transfer the poor guys stuck up in space.


a couple of weeks ago I planned  a probe mission to get experiments around Minmus. I was intrigued by the Hibernation setting on the probe. once my probe on its way and further burns planned, I put it to sleep and proceed with other flight to Mun. I found myself desperatly trying to wake my probe up as every antenna were retracted... so I "cheated" a bit by turning Comms difficulty option off just to deploy them 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Realizing that there is simply nothing to do once you get where you are going except waiting on the return window.  Also, realizing that engineering spaceships just isn't enough anymore after many many hundreds of hours of play.

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I spend a good week building a very massive space station over Kerbin. It could hold 100+ Kerbal's and with the mods I had, could build their own ships if they wanted to. On a routine resupply mission, things were going well with the supply ship. Then, I accidently full throttled the engine at about 25m away from the station, pointing towards the station's main habitation core. About 76 Kerbal's were killed, and the station was basically totalled.

I was playing a no reload playthrough, so I couldn't just reload away from the damage. I had to send a bunch of rescue ships to pick up the surviving Kerbal's before using grappling ships to deorbit the salvageable parts. It took me an additional 2 years in game to earn enough funds to build a new space-station.

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I had a crew rotation on my way to my Minmus base of 20 Kerbals. I made the mistake of switching to my base to make sure everything was OK for landing...and it registered my landing ship as "crashing" so I couldn't switch back. I had already swapped vessels, so I couldn't revert either. You can guess what happened next. This made me so irate I actually rage-quit and went of a rant about it on this very Forum.

Edited by TopHeavy11
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Back in the days of KMP, I spent about a week assembling a massive interplanetary vessel to set up a methane base on Vall. I had put a lot of work into it, including a major repair (replacing a large 2.5m grey tank and some other doodads from the propulsion + primary power module) with KAS after a tanker smacked into it due to a 0m closest approach intercept. I hauled the thing all the way out to the Jool system, and then during the Vall insertion burn: "BOOOOMMM POW POW THUD BOOM*

The thing disentigrated into a cloud of hundreds of parts, with the message "Another player is controlling a docked vessel" while of course nothing of the kind was happening, given the status menu. 

KMP did not allow quickloads.

RIP my hard work and 20+Kerbals

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Oh, so many painful moments...

1) Loosing RP-0 missions due to lack of connection on reentry back home

2) Killing a multimission interplanetry trip by accidently pressing the space bar

3) Building a huge overengineered ship, just to realize that I can do no mission with it due to 1FPS

4) Killing a interplanetary mothership by flying low over Ike (it has some very irregular mountains - a orbit might go well once, but not twice)

5) Docking with only the main engine - Spoiler: I failed...

The most painful moment, however, was probably building a interplanetary ship with KAS/KIS in orbit, having critical parts zooming away into space and trying to catch them with Kerbals and underpowered space tugs for hours. To bring them back and have the same thing happen again, and again... Until I understood how to work with KAS:rolleyes: - This was the ship I later crashed into Ike without saving btw.;.;

Edited by grosser_Salat
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm experiencing my most painful KSP moment right now - I'm getting burned out.  Been playing for several months straight, and have just reached a point where I can't get excited anymore, even using Galileo's Planet Pack (note: this is NOT a critcism of GPP, just too much of the game in general).

Anyway, I WANT to play, but I've gotten to the point where I'm just testing and retesting ships and landers, and not really playing the game.  I realize the testing is part of the game, but I feel like I'm just phoning it in, so I'm taking a break for awhile.  

That's not to say I'm leaving the forums though.  I'll still be coming here as often as I normally do (gotta keep up on things, so I'm not surprised when I get back to playing).

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21 minutes ago, MaxxQ said:

I'm experiencing my most painful KSP moment right now - I'm getting burned out.  Been playing for several months straight, and have just reached a point where I can't get excited anymore, even using Galileo's Planet Pack (note: this is NOT a critcism of GPP, just too much of the game in general).

Anyway, I WANT to play, but I've gotten to the point where I'm just testing and retesting ships and landers, and not really playing the game.  I realize the testing is part of the game, but I feel like I'm just phoning it in, so I'm taking a break for awhile.  

That's not to say I'm leaving the forums though.  I'll still be coming here as often as I normally do (gotta keep up on things, so I'm not surprised when I get back to playing).

I think we all get to that point eventually... then take a break, and before you know it you feel the bug again. It happened to me twice before, and I know some members here went through the same as well. Its a game and meant to be fun. You do the right thing to step down for a while when the fun starts to fade.

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2 minutes ago, Dafni said:

I think we all get to that point eventually... then take a break, and before you know it you feel the bug again. It happened to me twice before, and I know some members here went through the same as well. Its a game and meant to be fun. You do the right thing to step down for a while when the fun starts to fade.

Yeah, been there, done that several times.  Just mentioned it because I thought it was a different take on the point of the thread.

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10 Minutes waiting to land on Eve...  The Inflatable Heat Shield goes nuts and starts going out of control, spinning rapidly, as if it were mad; not how I imagined the developers to intend for it.  All this, just to land a tiny rover.  Very frustrating having it tear the rover apart after decoupling it, seeing as I'd need to deploy the parachutes. 

Was not very fun.  Yeh. 

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Dakar Challenge modified Trijet LandTrain 705





... it happened again.. I never thought it was possible..705 was just a train built for a purpose..even her number was taken from her entry flag.. 

conquer the Dakar rally then be put Into preservation on her own island.. Proving the capabilities of land trains and restoring glory to KTP in trailblazer 4408s image




What actually happened was...


the time honoured synergy between youtubes epic music playlists that randomly plays with nothing planned.....

land trains...... a train fighting for traction and therefore life... hostile yet beautiful terrain.. and the train herself now more than just a machine or a bunch of parts resembling a train.. slowly gathered her own personality that I begun to understand as she ply the landscape of kerbin.. fearlessly pushing on over hills and mountains best avoided and following the Dakar route as best we could






yet.. little more than a speck of white in the grand open spaces of kerbin






After battling up a very very steep mountainside that looked so Imposing.. it might as well been a wave.., slipping back, tying herself in knots.. going dark with no headlights to preserve as much power as possible.. she finally made it over the mountain to much celebration.. the horn was sounded continuously and loudly for all to hear.. in the empty wastelands of kerbin.... the fact that theres no one else to hear it ment little.. this was a shout of joy having overcome terrible odds!


Playing on youtube randomly was -


we sat on the mountain summit for some time to let the RTGs regenerate traction power then released brakes to ease down the mountainside...

the terrain just... fell away into a near vertical drop.. the locomotive hit the ground and bounced, wagons bottomed on their suspension and slid over the cliff with all the willingness of crystalised honey from a jar.. but eventually the train was free...this turned out to be a curse more than a blessing

Here the speed increased even with full brakes on the entire train

Traction motors unwillingly forced by gravity were winding up 20, 30, 40ms... releasing the brake and reapplying did nothing.. eventually something caught.. and she rolled hard

for a moment I thought although damaged the locomotive herself would be intact enough to keep going.. injured but with all the resolve of her stablemates before her to keep going..

but it wasn't to be.. she settled on her side...and came to rest... just as youtube was in the middle of playing this song... infact as the music played, it seemed to be writing 705s fate in a way I was powerless stop and only to witness





I'm not a fan of resuming lost trains and simply pressing LOAD again.. infact its forbidden in this Dakar Rally Challenge -

705's race is over.. the Landtrain that completed 2 stages of the Dakar rally Kerbal Edition -

She did well - and was lost in the grand yet.. regrettable dark traditions of the KTP.. just like all those before her


Ive not felt this way since the loss of 4409 back in the elcano challenge.. truly emotional.. unplanned... fate has its way with land trains in KSP..

as a driver for over 2 years of these fine yet deadly machines.. each train is an honour to drive.. each loss is heavy

but the honour they gather persists always with me


I'll try to bring 705 back to KSC sometime








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My most painful moment to date was making a Mun landing with a direct launch (sandbox mode).  No, that wasn't the painful part, yet.  I spent too much dV getting onto the surface, and the lander tipped over because I landed on a steep slope.  Okay, this is salvageable...  Managed to stand the lander back up with RCS (I had a lot of RCS authority).  Jeb went EVA, planted a flag, had to fly back to the module on his maneuvering unit because the ladder was too short.  Still not bad.  Bad was when I found out the RCS tank that was the bulk of the lander (using RCS engines to land so the landing legs would actually touch the surface) didn't have enough fuel left to make Munar orbit, never mind get back to Kerbin.  Jeb bailed in his space suit, and used its jets to establish a stable orbit, and waited for rescue.

So, built another ship, with a second piggyback Mk. 1 Command Pod for Jeb to ride home in.  Spent so much dV trying to rendezvous that there wasn't enough left to get back to Kerbin, and flew Jeb's maneuver unit dry as well.  Now Jeb and Val are stranded in Munar orbit, separately.

Completely new ship, with a three-seat Command Pod, lots of extra dV, and two empty couches -- named "Rescue Them, Dammit!" -- and, you guessed it, I still couldn't fly a rendezvous and get close enough, and now Val's maneuver unit was dry (EVA to try to get to the rescue ship) as well as Jeb's, and there wasn't anything like enough fuel left to get even the last rescue pilot back to Kerbin.

Trying to figure out another rescue mission, and I realized that, due to earlier deaths in flight mishaps, every single pilot available was stranded in Munar orbit.

At that point, I deleted the save file and started a new game.  :/  Started off with rendezvous/docking practice in LKO, haven't been to Mun yet, but my only fatalities to date have been due to a destroyed parachute (docking accident) and getting caught by "can't switch while in atmosphere" while attempting a simultaneous reentry, using the ship with fuel as a tug to push the one that was dry.

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