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Development Update for Consoles!


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It hasn't been a full year yet. We still have until July 12 before it's been a year, which is just under two months away. If the update doesn't come out before then, then I'll probably never play KSP again and never buy another game from them ever. On top of that, I believe they said something about the update coming in early 2017, yet 2017 will be half way over in just a matter of days. At this rate I'll probably be adding them to my "do not buy from these developers" list. I was glad that they are keeping us updated on the situation, but I believe that we can all agree that a year is too long for a broken game to go without a single update (it's still version 1.0 on PlayStation 4, never been updated, and no available updates). I understand there's a lot to fix, but this is beyond ridiculous an no reason it should take this long. At the very least they could have released an update that only fixes the corrupt save problem and released updates one after another, slowly fixing the game like most companies do rather than trying to fix everything all at once a year later. Thats one of the best way to lose fans, letting them buy a broken game then have them wait a year before they fix it.

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29 minutes ago, Jeremiah said:

It hasn't been a full year yet. We still have until July 12 before it's been a year, which is just under two months away. If the update doesn't come out before then, then I'll probably never play KSP again and never buy another game from them ever. On top of that, I believe they said something about the update coming in early 2017, yet 2017 will be half way over in just a matter of days. At this rate I'll probably be adding them to my "do not buy from these developers" list. I was glad that they are keeping us updated on the situation, but I believe that we can all agree that a year is too long for a broken game to go without a single update (it's still version 1.0 on PlayStation 4, never been updated, and no available updates). I understand there's a lot to fix, but this is beyond ridiculous an no reason it should take this long. At the very least they could have released an update that only fixes the corrupt save problem and released updates one after another, slowly fixing the game like most companies do rather than trying to fix everything all at once a year later. Thats one of the best way to lose fans, letting them buy a broken game then have them wait a year before they fix it.

I think I speak for all of us when I say that if they had actually been just a little bit forthright and took 30 minutes out of the past year to post a comment on THIS thread telling us what's going on and why, us console owners would be a lot more understanding.

The absolute best way to get your customers to hate you is to give them a broken product and then keep silent for almost a year while they practically beg you for information about a fix.

Seriously, if we had just a little bit more communication, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have so many angry console gamers. And I'm not talking about some patch notes, but an actual dev talking to us.

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2 minutes ago, LegendaryAce said:

I think I speak for all of us when I say that if they had actually been just a little bit forthright and took 30 minutes out of the past year to post a comment on THIS thread telling us what's going on and why, us console owners would be a lot more understanding.

The absolute best way to get your customers to hate you is to give them a broken product and then keep silent for almost a year while they practically beg you for information about a fix.

Seriously, if we had just a little bit more communication, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have so many angry console gamers. And I'm not talking about some patch notes, but an actual dev talking to us.


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On May 17, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Curveball Anders said:

Then add that nothing gets released on consoles until it's been cleared by the powers that be at the respective console stores (MS and Sony).

Guess what man this is totally false or i wouldnt have the faulty game to begin with


On May 17, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Space Station 4 Crash said:

The fact that SQUAD didn't abandon the console version all together says something about them in my opinion. 

They sold me trash they dont get props for "ATTEMPTING" to clean up their own mess they should have stopped selling it at the first sighn of bugs or in this case total catastrophic failure but no it still in the ps store ripping people off

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10 hours ago, jake867 said:

Guess what man this is totally false or i wouldnt has the [snip] game to begin with!

Nobody said that MS and Sony have good verification. It's probably little more than another bureaucratic layer. But the point is that it makes things take longer and be harder, whether or not it is effective.

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1 hour ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Nobody said that MS and Sony have good verification. It's probably little more than another bureaucratic layer. But the point is that it makes things take longer and be harder, whether or not it is effective.

Seems that they're no different than Steam or Android. I'm all for free publishing, but when the integrity of the product is compromised due to it, then I think the law needs to be laid down.

Call me a hater, fanboy, whatever, but I think Apple has it right making devs go through heavy Cert layers. It helps separate the good from the bad. I'm a huge fan of Aerofly FS2 and Infinite Flight, and both games could be quite buggy if they didn't have to worry about certification.

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11 hours ago, jake867 said:

They sold me trash they dont get props for "ATTEMPTING" to clean up their own mess they should have stopped selling it at the first sighn of bugs or in this case total catastrophic failure but no it still in the ps store ripping people off

Be aware, that if they take it off the store guess who pays the 'Port' ? as long as its on store there is income generated to finance the 2nd port (that who all actually hope will work properly)

Money always flows only in one way. it never gets magically out of 'save pockets' back to development again. Future development will only be financed from future income.

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15 hours ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Nobody said that MS and Sony have good verification. It's probably little more than another bureaucratic layer. But the point is that it makes things take longer and be harder, whether or not it is effective.

Exactly so.

My point was that Blitworks can't shout "Woohoo! We're done!" (or done in a week, a month or a year) because it has to be accepted by Squad first.

And Squad can't shout "Woohoo! We're done!" (or done in a week, a month or a year) because nothing will be released until it has passed certification by MS and Sony (and at least when it comes to Sony it's individual certification per region ...).

Which is why the progress reports that we get are "Whee! It's getting closer!" ...

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I honestly don't mind the current state of the game on console and I barely run into any bugs/glitches at all. But new updates are wonderful and make me more interested in what the game has too offer. So it could take another 2-3 months and I really wouldn't care. As long as it is out by the end of the summer I don't mind the wait! :)

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17 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

And Squad can't shout "Woohoo! We're done!"

but they caaaaaan...

  • Issue an apology
  • Issue refunds
  • Issue free PC copies of the game through their inhouse store to affected console users
  • Issue free DLC vouchers to affected console users
  • Pull thier product from the stores to prevent customer confusion

When your product is a dumpster fire you can only say "hold tight be patient" up to like 3 months before you lose any shred of a moral high ground you had left against your enraged customers at which point concessions need to be made to save face. Instead Squad knuckles down and reinforces its policy of sticking its fingers in its ears and pretending everything is fine and has always been fine. You see it everywhere from thier art previews to thier development priorities, they aren't fixing the console port because they owe thier customers anything they are only doing it for the same reason they fixed all the bugs in 1.2. It's because sony europe caught them, and stopped them, and since they really really want to break into the european console market they had no choice but to stop and do half of a right thing to pass inspection.

You can say some of this is speculation on my part but if I'm wrong how come we haven't seen any of these concessions yet after almost a year of these shenanigans?

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44 minutes ago, passinglurker said:

You can say some of this is speculation on my part but if I'm wrong how come we haven't seen any of these concessions yet after almost a year of these shenanigans?

Why should they ? Tell me one good reason.

Besides that, i read on a Netherlands Website that Deported has something to do with "Parallel Dynamics S.A." anyone knows something of that Company ?


(i hope i didnt posted the wrong stuff now...)

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5 minutes ago, Sirad said:

Why should they ? Tell me one good reason.

Public relations. Something squad is consistently bad at for a studio that spawned from a marketing company.

Think of how many customers this port has burned how many that are fed up with squad and kerbal that won't come back, won't recommend the game, won't buy dlc, etc... all because not only did squad screw up but they didn't own up to their mistake.

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2 minutes ago, passinglurker said:

Public relations. Something squad is consistently bad at for a studio that spawned from a marketing company.

Think of how many customers this port has burned how many that are fed up with squad and kerbal that won't come back, won't recommend the game, won't buy dlc, etc... all because not only did squad screw up but they didn't own up to their mistake.

The 'license-seller' has enough Bucks to fly to the moon by himselv in REAL. Why should he bother ?

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On 12/13/2016 at 0:02 PM, UomoCapra said:

We will be giving regular updates regarding the development of these new ports in KSP Weekly.

Looking back at the first post, I'm seeing nothing but empty promises. I've seen only 3 of these  "regular updates" since this thread was started. They've constantly kept us in the dark. That's why they should compensate us!

Honestly, Squad makes EA look like Bungie!

3 minutes ago, Sirad said:

The 'license-seller' has enough Bucks to fly to the moon by himselv in REAL. Why should he bother ?

I'm guessing you're a PC gamer who doesn't have to deal with such a horrible release huh. Always getting whatever you want whenever you want? Must be nice...

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28 minutes ago, LegendaryAce said:

I'm guessing you're a PC gamer who doesn't have to deal with such a horrible release huh. Always getting whatever you want whenever you want? Must be nice...

Life would be cool if it were like that, but no its not like that. You do not allow me to have my own opinion on the behave of 'tax saving shady licensing models' that 'supercute green men' companys create ?

Stuff like this works. Why should any company bother with 'fair customer treatment' ? They laugh at us, because they get away with it. This forum is for venting, the more vented her the less lawyers get called nor ? This is likely enough to get away with a not working release aint ? Dont blame me for 'you have waited 10 months without taking any action' Its not my fault.

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Guys and gals, you're welcome to come with your opinions on the situation, but this is edging towards getting a little personal, isn't it? Let's try and keep the discussion objective.

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19 minutes ago, Deddly said:

Guys and gals, you're welcome to come with your opinions on the situation, but this is edging towards getting a little personal, isn't it? Let's try and keep the discussion objective.

Yeah, so then how about we get some form of information on this game!? I'm getting real tired of people saying just be patient. And PC gamers saying it's not their fault don't help.

This is a thread for console gamers. So if console gamers want to vent, they have every right to and shouldn't be told that they're wrong for being angry.

As for "not doing anything" what am I supposed to do? Sue the hell out of them for false advertising? Yeah, a US citizen suing a Mexican company. Good luck with that.

Why don't we start a Change.org petition to force them to stop sales until they fix this!

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On 5/19/2017 at 4:45 AM, LegendaryAce said:

Looking back at the first post, I'm seeing nothing but empty promises. I've seen only 3 of these  "regular updates" since this thread was started. They've constantly kept us in the dark. That's why they should compensate us!

The avenue through which Squad shares info on the console updates seems to have moved to the Kerbal Weekly thread in the Daily Kerbal forum section. There's not a ton of info as the sort of testing that is likely being done is not all that glamorous but there is mention of work on the console versions just about every week. 

For what it's worth I completely understand your frustration with this whole situation. It's pretty clear that the initial console release was not the quality that was desired, and from the switch in porting companies I infer that it has not been simple getting a good fix out the door. I am hopeful that the next release will be much better, as that would seem to be the only way to salvage anything from the whole mess. 

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On May 18, 2017 at 3:35 AM, Sirad said:

Be aware, that if they take it off the store guess who pays the 'Port' ? as long as its on store there is income generated to finance the 2nd port (that who all actually hope will work properly)

Money always flows only in one way. it never gets magically out of 'save pockets' back to development again. Future development will only be financed from future income.

We can go around and around the point is you dont pay for a game before it works. so what your saying is we (And new people unknowingly buying it) should be expected to fund this sub-Branch of the company? No if they didnt have a working port they plain and simply SHOULD NOT HAVE RELEASED IT. 

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On 07/05/2017 at 9:33 PM, LegendaryAce said:

So, let's get this rebuttal done then, shall we?


[in short]: Squad not vetting FTE properly (repeated a lot), FTE lying, Squad doing bad QA, Console Stores.

You don't know how Squad vetted FTE ... you don't know if their vetting was proper or not, you don't know if FTE was truthful or lying, you don't know if anything changed on, say, FTE's side, like top developers quitting suddenly, ...

You can surely say that Squad made a bad mistake.  But I would be very careful to blame Squad for doing insufficient due diligence and vetting.  It looks like they are at fault --- given the information we have --- but we certainly are missing large amounts and critical bits of the whole thing.


It's the job of the game developers to make sure their build runs, not the publisher. So if Battlefield 4 has a game breaking bug, you'll blame EA, not DICE?


Yep, I blame EA.  After all, EA should have properly vetted DICE.  They did not, so it's their fault. Easy-peasy.  Apart from that, the problem is likely linked to EA's Digital Restriction Management and Play Protection and always online (and --- of course --- totally overloaded servers at game launches), a thing EA is better known for in general than Kerbals here are known to be green and using crazy/explody rockets.

But you probably want me to blame DICE --- well, I certainly blame FTE, who actually develop the console version of the game.  It's not a simple translation, if it was, Squad would have hired a Translator for a month or 3 and all would be fine.



•Nope. Why should consoles have to conform to PC equipment? How would you like it if I said that PC needs to ditch the mouse-keyboard and become like consoles and use controllers? PC and console are different on purpose. I can't stand using a keyboard because I play Ace Combat and Battlefield, and a keyboard would suck on it for me.

It's easy to plug in a controller into a PC, so you can have it. 

PCs are open, consoles are walled gardens.  PCs easily allow modders to live, and ask little of the game to accommodate them.  Consoles?  Nope.  PCs can bring you into modding, becoming creative outside the walls of the game, allow you to scratch an itch ...  Consoles?  Nope.


On 19/05/2017 at 8:09 AM, passinglurker said:

Think of how many customers this port has burned how many that are fed up with squad and kerbal that won't come back, won't recommend the game, won't buy dlc, etc... all because not only did squad screw up but they didn't own up to their mistake.

How many customers would that be?  And ... FTE screwed up.  They are/were the developers for the console port.


On 19/05/2017 at 8:15 AM, LegendaryAce said:

Looking back at the first post, I'm seeing nothing but empty promises. I've seen only 3 of these  "regular updates" since this thread was started. They've constantly kept us in the dark. That's why they should compensate us!

They kept you in the dark and therefore you demand compensation?  Can you point to any part of a treaty between you and Squad that says you need to be informed?

Yes, it is not particularly nice to get no status updates, but if the status has not changed in a relevant matter, what could status updates do for you?


On 19/05/2017 at 9:40 AM, LegendaryAce said:

Yeah, so then how about we get some form of information on this game!?

Sure thing.


16 hours ago, jake867 said:

We can go around and around the point is you dont pay for a game before it works.

So you say I should not have bought the alpha back when, because it wasn't having everything?  And the same with quite a number of other alpha games?


Do you all think that Squad could have done this on purpose?  Bring out a game with serious bugs to rip you off or to destroy their name?  Why should they do that?

Edited by weissel
Posted by mistake, not finished.
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@weissel You're right. I don't know what's going on. But I'm certain that unlike you, I have a broken copy of the game. So I have every right to place blame on BOTH companies.

Really? You think EA would be a fault? I'd blame DICE in an instant, and I'm a 12 year Battlefield player! There's absolutely no excuse for a bug riddled game, whether you're a AAA game dev or an indie dev. Minecraft was an indie game, but Markuss and Jeb made sure that their game worked before releasing it on consoles.

Obviously you haven't seen Fallout 4. Microsoft allowed Bethesda to launch mods on Xbox One and PS4, to critical acclaim. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Other devs like Avalanche (Just Cause series) are considering launching mods native to console. And chances are that with the Xbox Scorpio, it'll have the power and RAM necessary to run ANY mod on ANY game.

On 12/13/2016 at 0:02 PM, UomoCapra said:

We will be giving regular updates regarding the development of these new ports in KSP Weekly.

READ THE POST!!! They said they would keep up updated!

Nothing pertaining to consoles on their site... Hmm, I wonder why.

Like I told the previous people here, I don't need PC gamers coming here and telling us this is our fault when they've gotten everything they've wanted. When you've ditched the preferential treatment and constant attention and instead actually experienced the plight of console gamers, then come back and talk to me.

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