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[1.2.X] [Kopernicus] Total Rebuild

The White Guardian

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31 minutes ago, Racescort666 said:

Circling back, it would be cool to have a high gravity body with no atmosphere and a relatively flat spot on the equator for high velocity reverse spaceplane landing. 

0_0 I gotta see that happen too, that's in!

32 minutes ago, Racescort666 said:

Bummer! I was going to suggest this because binary stars sounds awesome. Good thing I read the entire thread before suggesting that. 

Like I said, there will be a patch when the second star releases that makes the two end up orbiting each other, so you can have a binary star, but for stability reasons this feature will be disabled by default, only enable it at your own risk yadda yadda yadda.

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3 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

Like I said, there will be a patch when the second star releases that makes the two end up orbiting each other, so you can have a binary star, but for stability reasons this feature will be disabled by default, only enable it at your own risk yadda yadda yadda.

You can do what you told me on how to make binary planets and make every thing orbit the tiny black dot(and stop the bug hopefully), not the binary stars. Wouldnt that work? The homeworld has to orbit center of universe so if the black dot is the Center of Universe and everything orbits that I cant see why it wouldn't

Edited by Axilourous
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17 hours ago, Benji13 said:

Is it possible to make a hollow planet with Kopernicus? Like a normal planet that has a hole somewhere that you can enter to get to a large area?

You really need to go to the main Kopernicus thread for Kopernicus questions. Either way, that is not possible, sorry. Only way would be:

1. A heightmap that makes a hollow, square area where you want the hole to be.

2. A custom .dll providing that you can edit PQSCity

3. Use PQSCity to add an object in the hole, this object must include the hole and the area it leads to.

So, a whole lot of work. Sorry, but caves are not yet officially supported. This has to do with the way KSP generates it's planets.

14 hours ago, Axilourous said:

You can do what you told me on how to make binary planets and make every thing orbit the tiny black dot(and stop the bug hopefully), not the binary stars. Wouldnt that work? The homeworld has to orbit center of universe so if the black dot is the Center of Universe and everything orbits that I cant see why it wouldn't




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@The White Guardian Are you open to one more suggestion? If so, I have an idea for a planet made mostly of garnet. It would be named Janet, and have a very weird surface chemistry. The crust would mostly consist of the green mineral diopside and the rock-like crystal of bridgmanite. Highlands of bridgmanite would be brown with greys from other silicon compounds, while the lowlands would be green and sparkly from diopside. Barely any volcanoes will be present, but any that do exist will be up to 10 km high as there is NO plate tectonics. Like on Mars, they grow as big as they want. The entire mantle would be composed of garnet, which would prevent any plate tectonics. Janet could be about 1.07 times bigger than Kerbin with a gravity of 1.5g, as half of its volume is a huge core. A moderate density atmosphere - around half the density of Kerbin's - would be present. Based off of this new study:http://www.universetoday.com/132724/garnet-planets-habitable/


Also, I think your above post may get the mods triggered...just sayin' :wink:


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1 hour ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

@The White Guardian Are you open to one more suggestion? If so, I have an idea for a planet made mostly of garnet. It would be named Janet, and have a very weird surface chemistry. The crust would mostly consist of the green mineral diopside and the rock-like crystal of bridgmanite. Highlands of bridgmanite would be brown with greys from other silicon compounds, while the lowlands would be green and sparkly from diopside. Barely any volcanoes will be present, but any that do exist will be up to 10 km high as there is NO plate tectonics. Like on Mars, they grow as big as they want. The entire mantle would be composed of garnet, which would prevent any plate tectonics. Janet could be about 1.07 times bigger than Kerbin with a gravity of 1.5g, as half of its volume is a huge core. A moderate density atmosphere - around half the density of Kerbin's - would be present. Based off of this new study:http://www.universetoday.com/132724/garnet-planets-habitable/

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Also, I think your above post may get the mods triggered...just sayin' :wink:


Hmm... I'll think about it. Nice suggestion!

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10 minutes ago, ModerndayLink64 said:

I have a question, how would one start a thread for a planet pack in development

Go to the Add-on Development topic listing (should be in the bottom-left corner of your screen, if not scroll down, it should be under the reply box) and click 'start new topic'

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6 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

You really need to go to the main Kopernicus thread for Kopernicus questions. Either way, that is not possible, sorry. Only way would be:

1. A heightmap that makes a hollow, square area where you want the hole to be.

2. A custom .dll providing that you can edit PQSCity

3. Use PQSCity to add an object in the hole, this object must include the hole and the area it leads to.

So, a whole lot of work. Sorry, but caves are not yet officially supported. This has to do with the way KSP generates it's planets.



-Took out video to save room- Axilourous


Thank you, I can still use this in my mod, right? Because my favorite things in Space are most likely Binary Stars, like Spica.

Also, how do I edit bodies like Kerbol, that are already there?

And how would one go about having something in the center of the Universe

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11 hours ago, Axilourous said:

Thank you, I can still use this in my mod, right? Because my favorite things in Space are most likely Binary Stars, like Spica.

Also, how do I edit bodies like Kerbol, that are already there?

And how would one go about having something in the center of the Universe

There's no copyright on planet pack ideas :wink: so if you want to, go right ahead!

For that, use @Body[PLANETNAME] instead of Body. You will also need to add an @ to every planet part that you edit, for example @PQS or @ScaledVersion. So if you want to enter the sunlight, use @Body[Sun] followed by @ScaledVersion, then adress the following values:

In ScaledVersion{ Light{ } } edit:

sunLightColor (the color of the light emitted by the star, simply coloring a lightsource)

scaledSunlightColor (same as sunLightColor, but the effect is only applied to scaledspace meshes)

IVASunColor (same as sunLightColor, but the effect is applied to cabin internals)

ambientLightColor (shadow tint, keep this number very small. I use 0.055,0.06,0.07,1 for a blueish-white star like Altair)

sunLensFlareColor (I think it's obvious what this edits, but keep in mind that the lens flare used by KSP is already recolored by default, therefore mess with the values in-game with Kittopia until you're happy with the settings)

In ScaledVersion{ Material{ } } edit:



(The emitcolor values generate Kerbol's noise texture)



And lastly, in ScaledVersion{ Coronas{ } }... I might as well give you an example code.

				sunlightColor = X
				scaledSunlightColor = X
				IVASunColor = X
				ambientLightColor = X
				sunLensFlareColor = X
                emitColor0 = X
                emitColor1 = X
                sunspotColor = X
                rimColor = X
                    rotation = 0
                    speed = -1
                    updateInterval = 5
                    scaleLimitX = 5
                    scaleLimitY = 5
                    scaleSpeed = 0.007
                        texture = X
                        inverseFade = 2.553731
                    rotation = 0
                    speed = 1
                    updateInterval = 5
                    scaleLimitX = 5
                    scaleLimitY = 5
                    scaleSpeed = 0.009
                        texture = X
                        inverseFade = 2.553731

For the 'texture' value in ScaledVersion{Coronas{Corona{}}} you need to enter a filepath to your star's corona texture, this must be recolored in advance.

Here's a video I made on the subject:

Regarding having something at the center, just have one body without an Orbit{} specified, that all other bodies orbit in some form.

Edited by The White Guardian
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Wow! That looks really good!:D

How do you get planets to look as beautiful as that or most other mod pack planets?

How do you delete planets, or stars, you don't want?

And thanks for sharing that information, I was also looking for that star video of yours so thanks for putting that there too!

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1 hour ago, Galacticvoyager said:

Wait... There's TWO STARS!!!!!!! 

*foams at mouth*

Yes indeed there are! The lightcolor actually changes depending on what star is closest, like if you're closer to the blueish star, the light is gonna be more blue, or when the planet is closer to the reddish star, the light will be more reddish.

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55 minutes ago, Axilourous said:

Wow! That looks really good!:D

How do you get planets to look as beautiful as that or most other mod pack planets?

How do you delete planets, or stars, you don't want?

And thanks for sharing that information, I was also looking for that star video of yours so thanks for putting that there too!

Thanks! I just use PQS-generation mostly, only a few planets have heightmaps. Let's see... only two heightmaps used so far, with... 19 celestials loaded so far. Some worlds (like Kallahan) even have 8K textures available.

Hand-made high-res cloudmaps are also in the works.

What do you mean by 'delete planets or stars you don't want'?

And you're most welcome! :D

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2 hours ago, Galacticvoyager said:

Wait... There's TWO STARS!!!!!!! 

*foams at mouth*

...I like this guy. :cool:

5 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

Alright, time for some more hype train fuel!

Kalla-Hyyyyyyyyype! :o

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Okay, thanks!

So @Body[name] is to edit

and !Body[name] is to delete

that makes sense. Is there anything else that has an effect by adding (symbol)Body[planet name]?

and what are the most common PQS Mods you use for planets?

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16 hours ago, Axilourous said:

Okay, thanks!

So @Body[name] is to edit

and !Body[name] is to delete

that makes sense. Is there anything else that has an effect by adding (symbol)Body[planet name]?

and what are the most common PQS Mods you use for planets?

Not as far as I know, only @Body and !Body seem to be valid.

Probably the PQSMod I use most is VertexHeightNoise, shortly followed by HeightColorMap, then VertexVoronoi and LandControl.

7 hours ago, InterstellarOrbit said:

When do you think this will be Fully released? I haven't tried anything like this, so I'm pretty excited for this.

Also, I can't wait till the beta! :D

Glad you're so excited! I've made tremendous progress today with two whole new planetary systems, going to test them now.

Also, fun fact for everyone: some of the planet maps TotalRebuild uses were hand-made by me in GIMP. :D

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