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NASA Under the Incoming Administration


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At the moment, I'm torn between two different scenarios:

"We've been to the Moon and it was boring. Mars is more of the same. Let's rather save the cost, and get a lot of money left over we can use for tax breaks for billionaires".


"We're the friggin' USA and we can do anything! Let's go to the moon and erect a 150-foot golden statue of our President to show the world how great we are!"

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38 minutes ago, Codraroll said:

At the moment, I'm torn between two different scenarios:

"We've been to the Moon and it was boring. Mars is more of the same. Let's rather save the cost, and get a lot of money left over we can use for tax breaks for billionaires".


"We're the friggin' USA and we can do anything! Let's go to the moon and erect a 150-foot golden statue of our President to show the world how great we are!"


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2 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

A mission to Saturn with Project Orion? It's just insane enough...

I guess it lets him use nukes in a productive way. Add a line about making Saturn pay for it and he'll do it. 

Assuming manned space travel will become the new focus ( American Earth Science: another notable death in 2016) it will either be private industry driven (Thiel's faction) or more of the same on steroids (Sessions' faction). Both of them can be spun to fit existing rhetoric. Private space development can be spun as cost-cutting and creating jobs in the private sector. The government approach can be spun as Making America Great Again ("'Member when we went to the moon? I want us to go to the moon again folks, and then Mars! And we are going to do it [harder] better, faster, [stronger] and cheaper!") and also creating jobs, and appeals to national pride more than private ventures do. 


Edit: TBH, what's more important (IMO) than what might be approved is what is going to be cut. Earth science, astronomy, basically anything that isn't this:


Edited by Robotengineer
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33 minutes ago, Robotengineer said:

Edit: TBH, what's more important (IMO) than what might be approved is what is going to be cut. Earth science, astronomy, basically anything that isn't this:


FYI, i just stole this GIF. Because a admin is probably going to close this soon.

I am not optimistic about NASA or science getting any kind of funding whatsoever in the upcoming administration.
Unless perhaps we get into a space race with China or anyone that the orange overlord happens to dislike.

*NOTE* 'not optimistic' is a really polite way of putting it.

Edited by SpaceMouse
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1. SLS going to be cancelled and replaced by Falcon Heavy and New Armstrong,
2. Lunar space station (if this is not going to happen then Orion is going to be cancelled and replaced by future versions of Dragon v2 and Boeing CST-100),
3. Mobile sea launch and landing platform for reusable rockets or... new launch site on Cuba or Mexico or Venezuela (after they declare bankruptcy),
4. Some missions to Venus and Mercury,
5. Development of laser communication satellites

Edited by Darnok
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45 minutes ago, Darnok said:

1. SLS going to be cancelled and replaced by Falcon Heavy and New Armstrong,
2. Lunar space station (if this is not going to happen then Orion is going to be cancelled and replaced by future versions of Dragon v2 and Boeing CST-100),
3. Mobile sea launch and landing platform for reusable rockets or... new launch site on Cuba or Mexico or Venezuela (after they declare bankruptcy),
4. Some missions to Venus and Mercury,
5. Development of laser communication satellites

Source? I see no hints of Orion/sls going away. And why would the new administration export space jobs when he promised to bring jobs back.

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anyone want to speculate


17 minutes ago, insert_name said:

Source? I see no hints of Orion/sls going away. And why would the new administration export space jobs when he promised to bring jobs back.


I don't need source for speculations :wink:


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