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[1.9-1.10] Global Construction


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5 minutes ago, GoldenKraken said:

I have a space station with an orbital workshop but it only came with Material Kits

The workshop doesn't use "SpecializedParts", only "MaterialKits". It can't build DIYKits on its own. The orbital assembly line comes with capacity for SpecializedParts and contains a converter to make them from MaterialKits (and also Machinery from SpecializedParts, that's only useful if you build another assembly).


I was also wondering When I mine Ore the convert-o-tron doesn't give me an option to smelt it into metal.

The ISRU unit's GC "smelter" converts Ore to MaterialKits. It's a slow process.

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Facing a problem with a ground workshop not having any crew capacity. The part is called the "Scout" Landing Module, it has a workshop interface and can deploy kits, but is unable to perform construction because of no kerbals in the workshop. From what I've read, there need to be engineers in the workshop part you're working from to build, but this part has no capacity, so I'm feeling like something's up.

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9 minutes ago, I-iz-Zed said:

Facing a problem with a ground workshop not having any crew capacity. The part is called the "Scout" Landing Module, it has a workshop interface and can deploy kits, but is unable to perform construction because of no kerbals in the workshop. From what I've read, there need to be engineers in the workshop part you're working from to build, but this part has no capacity, so I'm feeling like something's up.

If you mean the "Scout" module from MKS, I think that's just an error in the configuration of the part. The MKS wiki doesn't mention anything about that part being meant to be a workshop, even though in the VAB I also see it as having the workshop module.

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3 hours ago, Tokamak said:

If you mean the "Scout" module from MKS, I think that's just an error in the configuration of the part. The MKS wiki doesn't mention anything about that part being meant to be a workshop, even though in the VAB I also see it as having the workshop module.

@I-iz-Zed, this should probably be bought to attention on the MKS thread, since they manage these parts. I didn't even know what the Scout is until now :rolleyes:

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Hi @allista.  I'm trying to build a Munar base by building modules on site.  I had my GroundAssemblyLine on an incline and cannot build stuff because it keeps slipping.  That's when I noticed that the GroundAssemblyLine has an "Attach anchor" command.  That's cool!  I made a patch to add ATGroundAnchor to parts that contain a ModuleCommand - did it in the __LOCAL folder so it gets executed last.  So far, nothing has exploded and all my ships now have "Attach anchor" capability.

Are there any known issues that I should be aware off?  So far, the only thing I noticed is that when loading a save, ships in a scene start a few meters off the ground and take a while to settle - which is ok with me.

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7 hours ago, bcqJC said:

Hi @allista.  I'm trying to build a Munar base by building modules on site.  I had my GroundAssemblyLine on an incline and cannot build stuff because it keeps slipping.  That's when I noticed that the GroundAssemblyLine has an "Attach anchor" command.  That's cool!  I made a patch to add ATGroundAnchor to parts that contain a ModuleCommand - did it in the __LOCAL folder so it gets executed last.  So far, nothing has exploded and all my ships now have "Attach anchor" capability.

Are there any known issues that I should be aware off?  So far, the only thing I noticed is that when loading a save, ships in a scene start a few meters off the ground and take a while to settle - which is ok with me.

Slow settling after loading is caused by the initial positioning of landed vessels. I'll try to fix this. Aside from that I don't know of any issues - the anchor is pretty simple module.

But all the command parts? Seems a bit excessive; especially when I imagine small stock probe cores stuck to the ground :D

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21 hours ago, bcqJC said:

So far, the only thing I noticed is that when loading a save, ships in a scene start a few meters off the ground and take a while to settle - which is ok with me.

Tried to mitigate this, but since I couldn't fully reproduce the issue is starting above the ground, I'm not sure this will work for you.

Anyways, it'll be in the next release.

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Thank you for looking into it.  It's not a biggie.  I just use the "Attach anchor" now only when necessary - when GC issues the message where it cannot assemble/construct because the ship is moving.  And I make sure to detach anchors before saving.

I've also upgraded my existing vessels to have those stock friction pads for those with landing gears - I just retract the landing gears so they sit on the friction pads.  Have VesselMover to thank for that ;)

So now, thanks to Hangar, GC, CC and TCA, I've built the support structures of my Munar base.  Started by bringing in an InlineWorkshop, a Forklift ship, a DIYkit for a GroundAssemblyLine, and all the MaterialKits I can carry to construct the GroundAssemblyLine from the kit.

Then assembled and constructed a full sized MobileWorkshop - had to make several trips to bring in SpecParts and MatKits.  From there, it was just a matter of time to set up a mining facility, depot for making MatKits, depot and docking facilities for SpecParts production (the GroundAssemblyLine is mobile and docks with the SpecParts depot when SpecParts are low), and power stations.  Thanks to SimpleLogistics, I didn't have to deal with the minutiae of laying down pipes/connections.  Now, I'll work on base itself.

When 1.9 came out, I was too lazy to revert back to 1.8.  Holding off playing until you published 1.9 versions of your mods was worth the wait.  Thanks!

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Hey again, allista! Couple of queries. 

First, are the docking ports of the dockable kit containers (particularly the construction ports) compatible with the USI Konstruction mod's weldable docking ports? (let's just say I've been having trouble with getting a craft's nodes to expose in the build scene for GC to identify, so I was thinking if I used weldable docks to somehow get around it). It doesn't seem like they're compatible, but this brings up another query.

And second, as pictured below, I was testing if the kit can dock to a weldable dock. But when I set the control-from-here to the construction port, it was aiming backwards (the DPAI gives the better indicator of it, but even the navball shows that the construction port in this case is oriented antitarget). Was I doing something wrong here?


EDIT 24 June 2020: The reason why I wanted to investigate if a dockable kit can dock to the weldable dock is because, like I said, one station module I'm making wasn't registering its bottom node as exposed by Global Construction. Some convoluted thinking on my part thought that maybe using a docking port would allow GC to recognize something, and I wanted to use the weldable ports to make a permanent connection if I was forced to use it.  But I discovered what was causing GC to drop recognition of the bottom node, and I wanted to run it past you.

The two pictures below represent the space station module I am constructing. The node meant to attach to the mother station is a Stockalike Station Parts Expansion/SSPx 3.75m crew tube structural, though that's not critical right now. What I found was that if I added one of the three large solar panels from the Near Future Electrical mod, the three being (a) the superlarge circular panel generating 125EC/sec, (b) the superlarge blanket array generating 250EC/sec, and (c) the hyperlarge blanket array generating 500EC/sec, all three being surface attachable only, Global Construction can no longer recognize the exposed node. (Picture below is the 125EC one)


If I take the solar panel concerned away, however, GC will now recognize the exposed bottom node.


As I'm not a coder, I can only run some hypotheses from intuition.

(a) These are superlarge solar panels (you could see it in the first picture of this setup). Somehow their size causes GC to lose recognition of the bottom node. (Please note that this happens whether or not the panels are retracted; I extended them in the pic to give you the idea of the total size). But I note that there are other solar panels in NFE that approach the size of these, but do not cause GC to lose the bottom node.  Is there a size limit to GC in the orbital-dockable construction mode?

(b) Something in the code of these specific parts is messing with GC. But that means having to coordinate with Nertea on what's conflicting, if there is any conflict in the first place. But the other NFE solar panels do not cause this to happen.

(c) Maybe there is another mod interfering with both NFE and GC. Haven't gotten to test that yet, admittedly.

Again, running this past you in case I might have run into a GC limitation (this time, size, maybe). 

Edited by B-STRK
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I'm still getting to know this delightfully useful mod, and I had a question. Is there a way to tell how far along a kit is in its deployment process? I ask because I have a station expansion kit attached to a station of mine, and it's status has been "deploying" for quite some time, but it doesn't appear to be getting larger anymore. Is there a progress display I'm missing or something similar?

I assume the slow deploy speed is to stop the physics from freaking out, yeah? Relatedly, I note that while it is deploying, my station keeps picking up angular momentum in seemingly random directions, and when I arrest it, it just starts happening again. Is this just kerbal's physics being slightly confused as it expands?


Edit: To clarify, "quite some time" means that I let it sit and do its thing at 1x speed for about 30-40 minutes

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9 hours ago, Tokamak said:

I'm still getting to know this delightfully useful mod, and I had a question. Is there a way to tell how far along a kit is in its deployment process? I ask because I have a station expansion kit attached to a station of mine, and it's status has been "deploying" for quite some time, but it doesn't appear to be getting larger anymore. Is there a progress display I'm missing or something similar?

I assume the slow deploy speed is to stop the physics from freaking out, yeah? Relatedly, I note that while it is deploying, my station keeps picking up angular momentum in seemingly random directions, and when I arrest it, it just starts happening again. Is this just kerbal's physics being slightly confused as it expands?


Edit: To clarify, "quite some time" means that I let it sit and do its thing at 1x speed for about 30-40 minutes

No, there's no progress indication at the moment, but deployment could take quite some time, because it is limited by the maximum momentum, so as not to destroy anything around the container.

The calculation is as follows:

deplymentSpeed = 0.5/containerMass/maxIncreaseInSize; // 1/s

// so for example, for 10t that should grow from 1m to 10m in height
deplymentSpeed = 0.5/10/9; // = 1/180s, i.e. it will deploy in 3 minutes

Random torque is caused by minute moves of the container relative to the docking node during its resizing, but I'm not sure if anything could be done about it: the resizing of a docked part is quite unnatural process with respect to KSP mechanics -- part joints are not meant to be moved around each frame.

I'd recommend to simply deploy in time warp; this would remove the torque and save you the waiting.

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19 hours ago, Tokamak said:

I'm still getting to know this delightfully useful mod, and I had a question. Is there a way to tell how far along a kit is in its deployment process? I ask because I have a station expansion kit attached to a station of mine, and it's status has been "deploying" for quite some time, but it doesn't appear to be getting larger anymore. Is there a progress display I'm missing or something similar?

I assume the slow deploy speed is to stop the physics from freaking out, yeah? Relatedly, I note that while it is deploying, my station keeps picking up angular momentum in seemingly random directions, and when I arrest it, it just starts happening again. Is this just kerbal's physics being slightly confused as it expands?


Edit: To clarify, "quite some time" means that I let it sit and do its thing at 1x speed for about 30-40 minutes

"Hidden feature"...  This only applies to DIYKit based builds...  Switch to the kit.  Display the kit's PAW and click on "show deployment hint".  Then go back to the GC screen and start the deployment.  The kit will grow until it encloses the space defined by the deployment hint.  That's the indication how far along the deployment is.  Then time-warp to minimize the drift.

Edited by bcqJC
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19 hours ago, allista said:

No, there's no progress indication at the moment, but deployment could take quite some time, because it is limited by the maximum momentum, so as not to destroy anything around the container.

The calculation is as follows:

deplymentSpeed = 0.5/containerMass/maxIncreaseInSize; // 1/s

// so for example, for 10t that should grow from 1m to 10m in height
deplymentSpeed = 0.5/10/9; // = 1/180s, i.e. it will deploy in 3 minutes

Random torque is caused by minute moves of the container relative to the docking node during its resizing, but I'm not sure if anything could be done about it: the resizing of a docked part is quite unnatural process with respect to KSP mechanics -- part joints are not meant to be moved around each frame.

I'd recommend to simply deploy in time warp; this would remove the torque and save you the waiting.

That makes sense. I don't envy the task of Kraken Avoidance in KSP when doing anything like this. I love the game, but the basic newtonian physics is... well, it tries hard. :)


9 hours ago, bcqJC said:

"Hidden feature"...  This only applies to DIYKit based builds...  Switch to the kit.  Display the kit's PAW and click on "show deployment hint".  Then go back to the GC screen and start the deployment.  The kit will grow until it encloses the space defined by the deployment hint.  That's the indication how far along the deployment is.  Then time-warp to minimize the drift.


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15 hours ago, bcqJC said:

"Hidden feature"...  This only applies to DIYKit based builds...  Switch to the kit.  Display the kit's PAW and click on "show deployment hint".  Then go back to the GC screen and start the deployment.  The kit will grow until it encloses the space defined by the deployment hint.  That's the indication how far along the deployment is.  Then time-warp to minimize the drift.

Also @Tokamak

Not THAT hidden :D

The deployment hint may also be toggled with the global switch at the bottom of the main GC window (one that shows lists of workshops per planet).

It could be toggled per container as well, when you click on the kit info panel in the workshop window: the sub-panel should appear under the list of the kits with some info and, among others, "Show" button.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 2.6.3 for Kerbal Space Program 1.9.1

Released on 2020-07-05

  • Added deployment ETA display to container PAW and workshop window
  • When deployment is finished, time warp is stopped automatically
  • Fixed construction of heat-shields and other parts requiring Ablator
  • Moved ConstructionSkill to AT_Utils to also use it in Cargo Accelerators
  • Fixed USI-LS integration (this time for sure) thanks (again) to @Marschig
  • Fixed several bugs in Recycler UI
  • Fixed spot-lights

 Download (15.80 MiB) 

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I'm having an odd issue with this mod. I have a space station in orbit and I want to create a DIY Kit. When I press the button, it says I need to close the assembly space first. The orbital assembly space opens automatically and it has no buttons, so I have no idea how one "closes" it.

Currently on KSP 1.7.3 and (if I'm reading the mod info correctly) GC 2.4.0. I did a quick Google and it sounds like the problem was with the version that came packaged with MKS (which it is). But when I tried to remove it and reinstall it myself it didn't fix the problem.

I'd appreciate any help you guys can offer, even if it's "update to the latest version." I'd rather not do that, since 1.7.3 is the latest version that has all the other mods I'm running.

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I'm looking forward to trying this out.

Can you clarify this for me?

" The exceptions are: Solid Fuel, Ablator, all non-tweakable resources (cannot be transferred) and resources with zero density (EC, for one) "

Does this mean these parts are still included just not shrunk?

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7 hours ago, SkiRich said:

I'm looking forward to trying this out.

Can you clarify this for me?

" The exceptions are: Solid Fuel, Ablator, all non-tweakable resources (cannot be transferred) and resources with zero density (EC, for one) "

Does this mean these parts are still included just not shrunk?

No, only that these resources are also put into the kit along with the stuff needed to build parts.

8 hours ago, terrendos said:

I'm having an odd issue with this mod. I have a space station in orbit and I want to create a DIY Kit. When I press the button, it says I need to close the assembly space first. The orbital assembly space opens automatically and it has no buttons, so I have no idea how one "closes" it.

Currently on KSP 1.7.3 and (if I'm reading the mod info correctly) GC 2.4.0. I did a quick Google and it sounds like the problem was with the version that came packaged with MKS (which it is). But when I tried to remove it and reinstall it myself it didn't fix the problem.

I'd appreciate any help you guys can offer, even if it's "update to the latest version." I'd rather not do that, since 1.7.3 is the latest version that has all the other mods I'm running.

The UI window of the assembly workshop has the buttons to close assembly spaces. At some point this was also fixed by automatically closing the gates when you press the "create empty kit" button, but I don't remember when exactly.

Oh, and @terrendos, you can share the logs obtained after you've tried to spawn a container. It'll help in case this is a bug.

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3 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

@allista - are you doing a new version of GC for 1.10?  Checking as I am prepping the MKS releases and want to make sure I include the correct one.

Just released it yesterday :cool:



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There's an issue I've had with this mod which was there in 1.7 and still appears present in 1.10.  In career mode if I go into the Assembly line window quite a lot of the USI parts aren't being listed.  None of the Kontainer tanks or Tundra modules are listed so if I want to build something from MKS I have to create it as a subassembly or vessel.  all other mods appear to be listed in full.

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4 hours ago, allista said:

@DoktorKrogg we may use this to add the modules required for GC-in-MKS to use logistics.

Are you asking if I have anything to include in the PR? If so, then no, not yet. My game development computer is in pieces while I wait on some new cables, so I haven't had time to test any of my ideas yet unfortunately. Cables should arrive later this week.

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