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Red vs Blue Continued


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That's why everyone wanted medium-sized 2 bay part for AMRAAM/ASRAAM/AIM-9R or GBU bombs which all bays of F22/F35  can hold... If someone can mod KSP, it would be great to just longer the small bay to fit the missiles.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 5/14/2017 at 9:55 PM, Toonu said:

Hello guys, I dig deeper into it and am developing bigger bay for AMRAAM. Stay tuned, testing in progress... :wink:

Textures need fix and animation isn't working yet, so unclosable bay for now... :D

@njmksr @XOC2008 



Not to be rude, buttttttt a weapons bay that doesn't close and without a working texture, isn't really what I would call development man.....

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  On 5/14/2017 at 10:31 PM, TMasterson5 said:

Not to be rude, buttttttt a weapons bay that doesn't close and without a working texture, isn't really what I would call development man.....


Oh c'mon, I've never done this...anything for KSP...so you are bit a ... :D I'm doing my best and wanted just show small advance, because I had to first learn everything about how to and..you know...Thanks for support...

Edited by Red Iron Crown
Fixed quote.
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  On 5/15/2017 at 6:14 AM, Toonu said:

Oh c'mon, I've never done this...anything for KSP...so you are bit a ... :D I'm doing my best and wanted just show small advance, because I had to first learn everything about how to and..you know...Thanks for support...


What do you need support with? You didnt ask..... lol

  On 5/15/2017 at 8:46 AM, Toonu said:

So, aligment and textures fixed, bay is opening. everything fine, just tuning last details. :)



  On 5/15/2017 at 2:59 PM, Toonu said:

The bay is done, just trying to convert textures to DDS, but when I do it, the part isn't loading the texture :/

Final tests and link here edited soon. :wink:

Ok, there it is. Have fun!



Why bother converting to DDS at all, it tends to cause more issues than fixes in my experience.

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  On 5/16/2017 at 8:43 PM, Krux said:

This is really cool, love the missiles and the missile bays. Is there any other BDA addon that adds more weapons and such?



  On 5/16/2017 at 9:11 PM, XOC2008 said:

Uh.. like all of them? Are you asking for a list?


Just a few:
Blue Hawk Industries
Stuff and Things
North Kerbin Dynamics
SM Armory

There is about a million weapons mods covering all eras and types

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Just a quick question, 

How should I go about reducing drag on the large weapon bay? Most of my designs using this part are having half of their drag coming directly from this part.



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  On 5/25/2017 at 10:50 PM, maas1248 said:

Just a quick question, 

How should I go about reducing drag on the large weapon bay? Most of my designs using this part are having half of their drag coming directly from this part.




From the config, it seems it has same drag as small bay, are you using FAR?

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  On 5/27/2017 at 9:41 AM, Toonu said:

From the config, it seems it has same drag as small bay, are you using FAR?


I am not using any mods that modify or replace the stock aero model. Also, I seem to have the same problem with the small bay. I'm probably just complaining because I can't get my F-22 look-a-like to supercruise because of it.

Thanks anyways,


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  On 5/27/2017 at 7:34 PM, maas1248 said:

I am not using any mods that modify or replace the stock aero model. Also, I seem to have the same problem with the small bay. I'm probably just complaining because I can't get my F-22 look-a-like to supercruise because of it.

Thanks anyways,



So this is maybe because both bays have same stats, try lower the max and min drag in the config. :wink: Or I will do it for you if you want later...

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  On 5/27/2017 at 7:41 PM, Toonu said:

So this is maybe because both bays have same stats, try lower the max and min drag in the config. :wink: Or I will do it for you if you want later...


I have done this before, but still to marginal effect. I guess I'll just keep lowering those values until it works in a satisfactory fashion. 




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  • 1 month later...
  On 7/10/2017 at 2:09 AM, jrf said:

This seems like a cool mod but I want to know if it works in 1.3?



  On 7/11/2017 at 12:19 AM, V8jester said:


Yup, this mod seems to work with no issue in 1.3 for me.


As V8 said, this(and all other BD expansions) should work fine in 1.3 as long as you are using the BDArmory version for 1.3.

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  • 3 months later...

Updated to be compatible with BD Armory features added as part of the "v1.0.0 - Under the radar, over the horizon" update. If you are still using an older version of BD Armory do not download any future updates, they are not backwards compatible. I will keep the backwards compatible version at the download link as well as new ones so if youre running an old version simply grab the outdated download. If youre running the newest BD Armory updates, grab the newest updates. 


I am also about 100% sure there will be bugs/issues with this version, so please let me know here if there is. Thanks and enjoy!


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  On 11/6/2017 at 7:20 PM, Toonu said:

Hi @TMasterson5, can you add Medium stealth bay into the pack? I own no part of that part since I just edited small bay into medium. But the medium created by me can hold AIM-120 AMRAAMS, JDAM bombs or even some smaller cruise missiles, perfect for F-22/F-35 :wink:


It was pretty nice, but I feel like a medium should comfortably house four AMRAAMs. Do you think there'd be any way to do that?

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