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Ultimate Steve

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2 minutes ago, DeltaDizzy said:


It looks like a question mark without a dot, not an apostrophe.:D

That's the international symbol for the phoneme (the "sound", sort of). If you check the page for Na'vi language, it's there on the table that I linked, with the apostrophe beside it as it's "letter" on that alphabet :wink:

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Just now, monstah said:

That's the international symbol for the phoneme (the "sound", sort of). If you check the page for Na'vi language, it's there on the table that I linked, with the apostrophe beside it as it's "letter" on that alphabet :wink:


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4 minutes ago, Spacetraindriver said:

It appears Egale Rock (where I live...) has suffered a power outage...send help plz

(Turned off traffic lights)


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I believe I recall seeing that nonfunctional traffic lights are to be treated as stop signs... not sure, though.

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for some reason my internet thing (MS Edge) has news stuff when I open a new tab, and today I saw something about, not just Elon Musk, Tesla, but SpaceX! hooray! they're being noticed more! hooray! yay! what fun! much better then stuff about movie actors I couldn't care less about!

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14 minutes ago, carmenara said:

Created what must be the world's first Battletech dance video...

Oh, wow... too funny!  Is this like a victory celebration dance???  :D


On 8/9/2017 at 4:18 PM, monstah said:

Well, ackchyually... the ' in "Na'vi" is a pronounced glottal stop... :D 


edit: just realized they don't have a /g/... but have /ŋ/. WAT.

I can make this easy... we changed her name from Navi to Bug... short for love-bug, cuddle-bug, etc, etc.... :D

And since this is the appropriate thread for a funny thing happening update... she's doing great, and is a riot! We figure she's only about 2 1/2 or so, but has totally adjusted to the new house, and now shes acting like a kitten, running around all over the place, and exploring every square inch... and the cuteness is so very strong with this one! Jedi-master level cuteness... 



Edited by Just Jim
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