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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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1 hour ago, DarkOwl57 said:

Well where I am we consider about 3 inches "Snowed in," so hearing someone got 13" is like "OMGHOW?!?!"

Hehe... I grew up in upstate New York, where 24" of snow overnight is just considered a halfway decent storm....

Now I live in Florida, and I've heard it only snowed once here in the last 20 odd years... and a few measly snowflakes locked up the whole town! Man, I wish I had been here to see it, or get to see it again someday... I know this is bad to say... but it would be hilarious to watch!  :D

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When my father was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas in 1977, it snowed 1/2 inch. Our school shut down pretty darn quick. Two years later, we were in Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1982, Dad was stationed at Fort Bragg - and 1/2 inch of snow shut down the schools there, too. Well, in 1983, we moved to Frankfurt, Germany, where in December it snowed 2 feet! I was so sure there wasn't going to be any school. I mean, after all, school cancels when there's only a 1/2 inch... but as we listened to the Armed Forces Radio station - you could about imagine my horror to discover SCHOOL would be in session and following normal hours! It took another year of school before I learned Germans don't shut down anything because of snow... :D

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25 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Hehe... I grew up in upstate New York, where 24" of snow overnight is just considered a halfway decent storm....

Now I live in Florida, and I've heard it only snowed once here in the last 20 odd years... and a few measly snowflakes locked up the whole town! Man, I wish I had been here to see it, or get to see it again someday... I know this is bad to say... but it would be hilarious to watch!  :D

Everyone's freaking out like "THE WORLD'S ENDING" and you show up in swim trunks and a smoothie "Sup guys?"

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20 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

When my father was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas in 1977, it snowed 1/2 inch. Our school shut down pretty darn quick. Two years later, we were in Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1982, Dad was stationed at Fort Bragg - and 1/2 inch of snow shut down the schools there, too. Well, in 1983, we moved to Frankfurt, Germany, where in December it snowed 2 feet! I was so sure there wasn't going to be any school. I mean, after all, school cancels when there's only a 1/2 inch... but as we listened to the Armed Forces Radio station - you could about imagine my horror to discover SCHOOL would be in session and following normal hours! It took another year of school before I learned Germans don't shut down anything because of snow... :D

In Soviet Russia Germany, Snow stops YOU

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On 2017-04-24 at 3:51 PM, adsii1970 said:

When my father was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas in 1977, it snowed 1/2 inch. Our school shut down pretty darn quick. Two years later, we were in Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1982, Dad was stationed at Fort Bragg - and 1/2 inch of snow shut down the schools there, too. 

I can understand it, when nobody, not even the tire stores, have snow tires, and everyone is sliding around. 

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People at my school can be complete blockheads when they want to be. The level of ignorance, really offending jokes, and sheer stupidity today was so much that it was sometimes funny. The rest of the time it made me want to crash an entire ship of Kerbals.

Maybe I'll try and find a new planet busting glitch to unwind from today. I hear destroying entire planets is great for relieving stress.

It's true. Danny said so :P

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Well, I went into a Telstra store to pay a phone bill (Not sure if places other than Australia have Telstra???) and I was rushing slightly because I was meeting up with family to watch a movie not long afterwards. So I've handed over the money, and the worker there was handing me the receipt. Now, this is about where my brain decided to stuff up on me, and didn't want to aim my arm properly. Next thing I know, my hand hurts, the computer monitor at the desk is shaking, and the workers there were laughing at me. Turns out I accidentally punched a computer monitor at a communication service provider store. I was laughing and apologising profusely until I just stopped and ran out of the store. 

So yeah, that happened to me. 

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So my state (Alabama) is notorious for the weathermen getting everything completely wrong. Today in my science class (a real smart  group of people [jk]) were saying how there will be tornadoes tomorrow and Saturday like they were definitely going to happen. I legitimately can't believe they still take in anything the god of weather James Spann tells them. This is also the class that didn't quite know what D-day was.

Edited by The Raging Sandwich
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well, just wandering if there a proper way to remove a few electrico/magneto/chemico oscilloscope from somewhere in my head, or just continue to support there signals mess on a regular basis ...

so well nothing special as well ...

edit: ah and i almost forgot i received a sms with 8 month late from a far away location ^^ partially lost on the servers to servers queries it seem ^^

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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Just as I was logging on to the forums, a group of seniors walked into our room. They asked us all what our preferred type of steak was - I answered medium rare. They ran out, and apparently to ask as many people in the school how they like their steak.

EDIT: Seniors as in the student, not an old person.

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In Algebra class we've been working on Exponential Growth for a few days now. One of the word problems today involved someone feeding pigeons. 10 pigeons come at first but every minute the number triples. One thing we had to find out was how many pigeons would come after four minutes. It turned out to be....2,430. 

But it gets worse. 

By 10 minutes there's over half a million of these rat-birds flocking for food. And then I got the bright idea to see how many would come after and hour. 


Yes, you heard me right. 424 octillion. This is not only catastrophic for the surface of Earth but there's another even more horrifying outcome! Considering the average mass of a pigeon to be 0.907 kilograms we would be looking at a total population mass of 384 octillion kilograms. That's over 64,000 times the mass of Earth! This is massive enough for the pigeons to sustain NUCLEAR FUSION and become a RED DWARF STAR!!! Earth and all its 7.5 billion people would be killed in a fraction of a second as the pigeons collapse into a thermonuclear ball of plasma!!!!!

But believe it or not, things get ever. More. Horrifying....

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I have track after school. My coach is going to states the next three days so we didn't have practice today (or tomorrow, we're off Friday). I stayed 40 minutes after school for whatever. As I was there, everyone started rushing to the street. Turned out some kid's mom was trying to pick him up in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET and he got clipped by a truck and had to be taken out by an ambulance. So that was fun.

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