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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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2 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

I dunno.  I forgot my locker combination at least twice in High School, and one time they just moved me because of it instead of looking up the combo.

Once my lock just disappeared off my locker, just *poof* and it was gone. It was weird.

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10 hours ago, GearsNSuch said:

Next time, before I lock myself out of my house, I'll put a key outside.

If you live alone, or you were the only one in the house at most of the time, always keep the important keys with you. Make enough duplicates.

Another option is to hide one key outside, or keep one at your neighbor.

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5 hours ago, GearsNSuch said:

Did you know that it's possible to force open a locked door with nothing but pruning shears?




Next time, before I lock myself out of my house, I'll put a key outside.

It's also ridiculously easy to pick house locks:

It seems to me that the biggest reason houses don't get robbed more is that most people aren't thieves.

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Well, I think the most impressive part is that I managed to lock three people out of the house (four if you count the dog). The fact that I turned the lock registered, but its implications only became clear as the last person closed the door.

Entering, meh. I didn't so much "pick the lock" as peel the doorknob away enough to get at the locking mechanism with my fingers. After all, there's only so much you can do with a foot-long, quarter-inch-thick piece of metal.

I've done a fair bit of construction work, so fortunately I knew doorknobs are cheaper than windows.


Thank you all for the advice. And yes, it is a good thing most people aren't murderers.

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I was checking out Ghetsis (main antagonist of Pokémon White and Black 2 Versions) on Bulbapedia, and check this-


Ghetsis's right arm is almost always concealed. In the games, it is only seen in Pokémon Black and White's opening, where it is shaded darker than his left arm, while in the anime, it is not seen at all. In Pokémon Generations, both of his arms appear to be fully functional, albeit he still primarily uses the left one.

  • In Black 2 and White 2, Ghetsis mentions that he is going to take the player down with his "own hand" in singular, instead of "hands" in plural.
  • In addition to this, his right eye remains hidden by an eyepiece. In the games, he also appears to have trouble moving the right side of his mouth, as shown by his in-game sprites and models.


If that’s not interesting, I don’t know what is.

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4 hours ago, LordFerret said:

Very true!

Locks only keep honest people out.

Well, to be brutally honest, the other thing locks (and alarms, dogs, etc.) do is make your house less inviting to burglars than the house next door.

Our last dog was a American Staffordshire Terrier mix. Colloquially known as a pit bull. My wife adopted her from the pound before we were married. Someone had cut her ears in the typical pit bull cut, but they had cut them too close and they had become seriously infected so they abandoned her, she almost died. She was a very sweet dog, not aggressive at all, the kids used to ride her like a horse when they were little. But she was very territorial, when someone rang the doorbell she would run at the door barking like she was going to tear it off its hinges and devour them whole. If we opened the door for solicitors they were usually giving their pitch about eight or ten feet from the doorstep.

At our last house in California, a couple of years before we moved, IIRC, the house next door to us was burglarized in broad daylight while the owners were at work. We found out because a couple of Sheriff Deputies dropped by while my wife was home and asked her if she had seen anything suspicious. Apparently several other houses on the block had found signs of attempted forced entry, pried windows, cracked door jambs, etc. My wife went around and looked, but there was not a scratch on our house. And she looked down at our dog and said, "Good girl!" :)

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8 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

If we opened the door for solicitors they were usually giving their pitch about eight or ten feet from the doorstep.

Hahahahahahaha! I would be scared too...


I got to play a big pipe organ for a few minutes today. I will try to get in with the music school to keep playing, maybe I'll even write the modern solar system suite for organ? (I've been planning that for a long time, just felt ready to start Mercury yesterday...)

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Today, I was touring a fort in Rajasthan, India when an American tourist fell on me.. :)... she was a bit on the heavier side, and my chest has a bruise now... I started muttering in my language " Dang...If this were the Bollywood in the 1990s, this incident would have been the start of a love story... ouchouchouch!!!!"

"It still can be one!" I hear her reply in English... :0.0:

She apologized..and I apologized for being so cheesy :D We had lunch together, discussed bollywood (she has watched lotss of movies!!!), exchanged contacts and all was forgiven!!

Earlier in the morning, my younger brother slammed his face right into the bosom of an Italian lady(it was an accident,  we were on an ATR-72, its notoriously small aircraft, with little room for maneuvering.) , and his immediate response was lots of apologies to her and her husband. And a desperate request not to #metoo him... they laughed, the lady ruffled his hair, they talked throughout the flight and later exchanged their contacts...


Bro! What the heck am I supposed to do with these (her contacts)????

-My brother..


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10 minutes ago, Sorabh said:

we were on an ATR-72, its notoriously small aircraft, with little room for maneuvering.

Huh ? Last time I was in one there wasn't much headroom but definitely enough space for turning in the gangway.

Unless some really vile people has turned it into 2-3 configuration.

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1 hour ago, tater said:

The low point in Albuquerque is over 1500 m above sea level. My house is just shy of 2000m alt. Snow here is all about altitude.

Our house is right at 5,000 ft (1,500m. Sorry, I'm a unit partisan.) and I had to scrape my windshield for the first time this morning. Hoping for a better snowpack this year than last. Which would be any, actually.

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18 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

Our house is right at 5,000 ft (1,500m. Sorry, I'm a unit partisan.) and I had to scrape my windshield for the first time this morning. Hoping for a better snowpack this year than last. Which would be any, actually.

I converted to meters for universality. It's the one other language I'm actually fluent in. My Spanish and German are far more rudimentary then my SI. :D

It is snowing quite a bit up high in Northern NM and CO I think, which is awesome, we need the snowpack for sure.

Web cam in my back yard (OK, there's another house between me and the top, but close enough):


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7 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

You live right next to a ski lift? :blink:

The tram base is under 600m from my house.

I wish it was more often a ski lift. We have ski runs on the other side, and the tram is at the top of the regular lifts, but it's not open very much, our weather here tends to be pretty variable. An hour north in Santa Fe the ski area stays open, largely due to being a little farther north, and having weather more like Colorado.

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