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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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I have this base that I'm testing some power designs.  I have some nukes attached to bases when they are very high in power consumption.  But, if I have spare capacity, it gets somewhat wasted, so I wanted to see if I can share the excess as a PDU.  In the screenshot, I have a nuke with a Power Coupler attached to make it a power distributor.  But, the base does not use the nuke at all, it pulls all of the EC from the other external PDUs first.  If I do the same with a real PDU, the base will use it for local power first, and then share the rest externally.  Is there a way to force that behavior with a nuke/coupler combination?





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Hello Rover, I wanted to thank you for your mods :wink:

I have so much fun building bases and going on space adventures with them !

Here's a picture of my last base (not much but I'm proud of it :)) :


Album link if you want : http://imgur.com/a/2uUNg

I can't wait to finish it and launch the next base to Duna


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Hiya @RoverDude,

Small bug fix request for the next edition.

The Tundra 2.5m Workshop displays the wrong texture, labeling itself as the Agricultural Module visually.

The fix is pretty simple:

In \MKS\Parts\Tundra_Workshop250.cfg, change:

		model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/Tundra_250Rigid
		texture = t28,UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/t28


		model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/Tundra_250Rigid
		texture = t22,UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/t28

No idea why that fixes it if I'm honest. I just looked and noted that all the others follow that same format, changed it, and it works.

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3 hours ago, FirroSeranel said:

Hiya @RoverDude,

Small bug fix request for the next edition.

The Tundra 2.5m Workshop displays the wrong texture, labeling itself as the Agricultural Module visually.

The fix is pretty simple:

In \MKS\Parts\Tundra_Workshop250.cfg, change:




No idea why that fixes it if I'm honest. I just looked and noted that all the others follow that same format, changed it, and it works.

Make a PR for that on GitHub to make it easier for RD if you want it to be speedily added.

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not worked for me(


whats wrong, I'm missing Silicates and Silicon in my storage( 


and any other just like that. some switchable containers do not hold anything(


some bug, reinstalling mod helps.

Edited by Finnyk
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1 minute ago, FirroSeranel said:

I looked into it, but I have no idea what I'm doing with it, and don't want to hurt anything... :(

It's easy-ish© . Go on GH and click the "fork" button at the top right of the page-this will clone the repository to your account. Now go into your forked repo and click through the files until you find Tundra_Workshop250.cfg. Now click edit (at the top right of the box containing the config) and make the changes you made to your version of the cfg file (or delete the lot and copypaste your modified cfg in), and click "commit changes" at the bottom (adding optional title and description). Then, go into the main MKS repo and open a new pull request-after clicking "compare across forks", select your fork ("[YOURNAME]/MKS") from the "head fork" dropdown, "BobPalmer/MKS" from the "base fork" and "DEVELOP" from the "base". Now it will create a PR to add any changes ("commits") you've made in your fork into the main dev repo. RD will review your PR before he adds it so if you made a mistake it won't break anything.

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There may be nothing that RD can do as it's probably a broader KSP issue, but to satisfy the OCD itch in me is there a way to alphabetize the resources in the resource tab?  Once I have multiple resources I'm tracking it is frustrating trying to find Silicates, for example, in the list.

Edited by DDay2021
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2 hours ago, voicey99 said:

It's easy-ish© . Go on GH and click the "fork" button at the top right of the page-this will clone the repository to your account. Now go into your forked repo and click through the files until you find Tundra_Workshop250.cfg. Now click edit (at the top right of the box containing the config) and make the changes you made to your version of the cfg file (or delete the lot and copypaste your modified cfg in), and click "commit changes" at the bottom (adding optional title and description). Then, go into the main MKS repo and open a new pull request-after clicking "compare across forks", select your fork ("[YOURNAME]/MKS") from the "head fork" dropdown, "BobPalmer/MKS" from the "base fork" and "DEVELOP" from the "base". Now it will create a PR to add any changes ("commits") you've made in your fork into the main dev repo. RD will review your PR before he adds it so if you made a mistake it won't break anything.


Thanks! That was very clear and concise. Much appreciated.

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47 minutes ago, DDay2021 said:

There may be nothing that RD can do as it's probably a broader KSP issue, but to satisfy the OCD itch in me is there a way to alphabetize the resources in the resource tab?  Once I have multiple resources I'm tracking it is frustrating trying to find Silicates, for example, in the list.

If it's possible, this is the mod that'll do it:


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2 hours ago, voicey99 said:

It's easy-ish© . Go on GH and click the "fork" button at the top right of the page-this will clone the repository to your account. Now go into your forked repo and click through the files until you find Tundra_Workshop250.cfg. Now click edit (at the top right of the box containing the config) and make the changes you made to your version of the cfg file (or delete the lot and copypaste your modified cfg in), and click "commit changes" at the bottom (adding optional title and description). Then, go into the main MKS repo and open a new pull request-after clicking "compare across forks", select your fork ("[YOURNAME]/MKS") from the "head fork" dropdown, "BobPalmer/MKS" from the "base fork" and "DEVELOP" from the "base". Now it will create a PR to add any changes ("commits") you've made in your fork into the main dev repo. RD will review your PR before he adds it so if you made a mistake it won't break anything.


Yay, I did it! :cool:

It was scary.... :0.0: but I think I did it right!

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12 minutes ago, FirroSeranel said:

Yay, I did it! :cool:

It was scary.... :0.0: but I think I did it right!

I tested out your change, and it works just fine. The Big Bad Evil Dev should merge it in a day or two. I think the reason it was showing up as an agri module is because I think the base tundra model might use the agri part as a default skin and the agri sticker as a base sticker, in which case it might need to be specified before it can be replaced with another side label.

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On 6/3/2017 at 8:48 AM, ExavierMacbeth said:

Which logistics module specifically?

You need to have either the "Duna" Logistics Center or the Tundra Pioneer Module with a Pilot in the module plus a warehouse storage module with Planetary Logistics enabled on it (Pretty much any of the USI Kontainer Storage Tab stuff). That will allow you to push/pull just about anything into or out of PL.

The recent patch though added some unmanned refineries that will Push stuff into PL without the need of a pilot for remote mining bases but your main base will still need the above to pull anything out of it.

I have the last version of mks, a logistics duna module with a pilot. The craft has a full container with PL enabled, the PL tab is sill empty. If there is a source producing that resource, it stops because the container is full. If I have the same setup in the planet but needing the resource for something STILL the PL tab is in blank.

Nevermind, I reinstalled it and it now works

Edited by Tomycj
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1 minute ago, W. Kerman said:

Looks like a great mod to install to calm my base making urges, but, I have to wonder, does this work with planet packs, and how are you supposed to get this huge things around?

Works fine with planet packs.  And you can either move the bits around with Konstruction, build smaller disconnected bases with expandables, or build in-situ with Ground Construction.  All of these options are available out of the box.

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On ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 0:16 PM, Gilph said:

I am tracking down why I always have zero Silicon after a few days, even though I produce a net positive amount. I think it's because my Silicates tank is too small.  With all the bonuses and large load, I need over 6000 per day and I only have 2500 storage. I need to test with bigger tanks, solely to support the 6 hour requirement.


On ‎3‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 0:26 PM, RoverDude said:

@Gilph - I have some additional ideas to help with that issue :)

As an FYI, I reshuffled processing and was able to repaint two 2.5 tanks for Silicates, totaling 9000 storage.  All works now.

Until @RoverDude works his magic, I'm using 3.75 tanks for Silicates and Minerals, 2.5 for Chemicals and Silicon on the bigger factories.

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7 hours ago, W. Kerman said:

Looks like a great mod to install to calm my base making urges, but, I have to wonder, does this work with planet packs, and how are you supposed to get this huge things around?

It works perfectly with planet packs. Just beware that:

  • resource repartition is randomly generated, so you might end up with your dream planet having no water at all etc ... (I don't know what the stock planets guarantee about that). Just scan before sending all you've got
  • planet packs I've seen tend to have some of the cool planets quite far away, which means long transfer times. If you play with life support, I suggest using the "Deep freeze" mod.
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Did anyone else lose the "Rovers" tab in the VAB? I just wanted to add some sweet Karibou wheels to a lander but there was no tab.

I could find the parts using the module filter for wheels, so they're still there and accessible, just no rovers tab... (using latest USI constellation).

What could be causing this?

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1 hour ago, jd284 said:

Did anyone else lose the "Rovers" tab in the VAB? I just wanted to add some sweet Karibou wheels to a lander but there was no tab.

I could find the parts using the module filter for wheels, so they're still there and accessible, just no rovers tab... (using latest USI constellation).

What could be causing this?

Do you have the latest version of Community Category Kit installed?  (If not: install it.)

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55 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Do you have the latest version of Community Category Kit installed?  (If not: install it.)

Huh. I was going to say that I did  because I checked the CCK.version file and saw 1.2.2. But because the versions are so similar I saw the KSP_VERSION instead, which was also 1.2.2 ... silly thing.


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