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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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So how do I properly install the Umbra mods manually into Game Data. Do I simply put the For_release file 'Umbra Space Industries' into game data and put all the other mods like USI and Karbonite there? Because the mods don't function properly like that. Can someone please send me a pic of their game data folder to show the proper way of installation?

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  On 10/16/2021 at 7:46 PM, Parmenio said:

I'm not doing exactly what you are, but have had no problems with Planetary Logistics. And I abuse the crap out of it. My current Minmus base has a "warehouse" that is manned by a QM and able to pull/push resources in and out of planetary storage. 


I really do not know what can be wrong and I am out of ideas.

When I did the testing at Kerbin (see the above posted pictures) I thought that I found a problem.

But when I switched the Quartermaster in Logistics module for Pilot at my Minimus base, it did not help.

So, I destroyed the whole Logistics module at Minimus and sent a new one with Pilot to the Minimus.

But it did not help too, the whole problem persists:





I really do not know what can be wrong :(


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  On 10/16/2021 at 8:47 PM, CipherAspect said:

So how do I properly install the Umbra mods manually into Game Data. Do I simply put the For_release file 'Umbra Space Industries' into game data and put all the other mods like USI and Karbonite there? Because the mods don't function properly like that. Can someone please send me a pic of their game data folder to show the proper way of installation?


No,  you'll also need the compiled DLLs and such, it won't work if you simply grab stuff from Github. The best way is to download the latest pre-release zip from here. Then unzip it somewhere on your hard drive. Inside you will have a GameData folder which already contains everything in the correct place - simply copy the contents of the zip's GameData folder to your game's GameData folder.

Edit: Except for ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll - that's an old version of ModuleManager, chances are you already have the latest version 4.2.1 in your GameData folder. In which case do NOT copy this old DLL, only the other stuff. You should only have one ModuleManager DLL ever. 

Edit2: If you're anything like me you may have some mods installed through CKAN or elsewhere that depend on CommunityCategoryKit so you may already have that folder as well. The version in the zip above is newer than the version on CKAN. It should be safe to overwrite the old version but just in case I would recommend first deleting the old folder from your GameData.

Edited by Grimmas
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  On 10/16/2021 at 11:17 PM, Grimmas said:

No,  you'll also need the compiled DLLs and such, it won't work if you simply grab stuff from Github. The best way is to download the latest pre-release zip from here. Then unzip it somewhere on your hard drive. Inside you will have a GameData folder which already contains everything in the correct place - simply copy the contents of the zip's GameData folder to your game's GameData folder.

Edit: Except for ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll - that's an old version of ModuleManager, chances are you already have the latest version 4.2.1 in your GameData folder. In which case do NOT copy this old DLL, only the other stuff. You should only have one ModuleManager DLL ever. 

Edit2: If you're anything like me you may have some mods installed through CKAN or elsewhere that depend on CommunityCategoryKit so you may already have that folder as well. The version in the zip above is newer than the version on CKAN. It should be safe to overwrite the old version but just in case I would recommend first deleting the old folder from your GameData.


Thanks mate, The mod works perfectly now. Would have uninstalled it if not for this

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quick question on WOLF or logistics in general. I have two mods, Blueshift and KrakenScience which both add new resources namely Graviolium and KrakenJuice. What woulds be needed in terms of a MM patch or otherwise to add those resources to MKS to be able to use its logistics, especially WOLF - in essence to be able to tranport them from depot to depot?

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  On 10/19/2021 at 8:14 AM, g_BonE said:

quick question on WOLF or logistics in general. I have two mods, Blueshift and KrakenScience which both add new resources namely Graviolium and KrakenJuice. What woulds be needed in terms of a MM patch or otherwise to add those resources to MKS to be able to use its logistics, especially WOLF - in essence to be able to tranport them from depot to depot?


Can all be done via module manager configs - but remember you'll need a way to get something *into* WOLF - either a harvester or converter of some kind.

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I am well on my way to bootstrapping Minmus industry in my path-finding for the WOLF walkthrough, starting with sending in an orbital shipyard and a couple of small depots to get Material Kits flowing, then supplementing that shipyard with advanced materials (Alloys, Electronics, Prototypes, Robotics, Synthetics) and specialised parts to continue building out the rest of the infrastructure. The plan for the moment is to fast-track to producing specialised parts locally since they tend to be used in quantities about an order of magnitude greater than the advanced materials (so a typical craft I am building will take 40,000 material kits, 1,000 specialised parts, 100 alloys, 50 electronics, 1 robotics for example), then fill out enough of the remaining production chain to get ready for expansion to Duna.

This is of course distracting me from completing the first part of the tutorial which is simply getting material kits, fuel and fertiliser to Kerbin orbit. I feel this is for the best since I want the "WOLF stuff to Kerbin orbit" part to mesh neatly into the "Bootstrapping Minmus" part, and that means knowing how much of what resources are required (it turns out I can bootstrap with a tiny abundance of fertiliser but hundreds of abundance of Material Kits).

I have two questions though: first: is there a way to get an estimate of the materials required to build a craft other than saving the craft, loading up the orbital ship yard in situ and trying to construct that craft? My workflow at the moment has been: set up a small lander in the VAB, throw on a few WOLF modules and crew, ensure that this is deployable (planner shows no deficits), then head to the ship yard to check construction cost, find I have only used half the available materials, head back to the VAB to throw on some more WOLF modules, and continue switching back and forth between the VAB and the orbital ship yard until I have something ready to deploy.

Also I really miss being able to define where the spacecraft will appear when it is constructed — the old orbital construction facility used to involve docking a DIY kit which would grow out from the anchor point. I really appreciated the level of control we had over DIY kit placement. I'm worried that my newly spawned ship will just end up clipping into my shipyard and breaking my game.

second: is the WOLF resource abundance completely random on Minmus biomes or can I write a walkthrough with an expectation of at least certain resources being available in, say, Midlands? As an example I am focussing on expanding the depots in small increments, so for example sending a few food, oxygen and water to a new biome depot in preparation for installing an Exotic Minerals harvester and associated life support/habitation/power/maintenance. Then I'll add a gypsum extractor to produce fertiliser, then a third visit to add a farm and dirt harvesters. It would be nice to know that Minmus Midlands will always have at least enough exotic minerals, gypsum and dirt to establish the small base I'm setting up in the walkthrough.

I suppose I can work around the variables by giving people a specific save game to start from.


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  On 10/20/2021 at 3:21 AM, JamesonKerbal said:

second: is the WOLF resource abundance completely random on Minmus biomes or can I write a walkthrough with an expectation of at least certain resources being available in, say, Midlands?


Your WOLF resources are going to have the same ratios as resources for extraction, so a standard resource scan will reveal these.   Which also means the distributions are based on your game seed.   If you always want resources somewhere, the best way to do that is with a .cfg file and a biome override and leverage how stock works.  I would not recommend Rational Resources.

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  On 10/20/2021 at 11:15 PM, JamesonKerbal said:

I have no idea what this means. Is this as simple as providing a file with the tutorial ships and saying "put this file in your save game folder"?

It's as simple as putting a config file in your gamedata folder. Community Resource Pack's current (not bleeding edge) release includes resources that do this.
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I would like to use the bleeding edge constellation for USI mods.  I generally use CKAN but in this case, because I have to, I've downloaded the constellation from GitHub and copied the GameData folder into my KSP 1.12.2 install.  It appears to be working as advertised but it's really too early to tell, i.e. no failures in the logs or on screen so far.

Unfortunately, CKAN is still reporting the previous version (1.4.0) from last December as being installed which is just confusing.  What USI mods should I remove using CKAN and then reinstall from the GitHub bleeding edge constellation?

I'm early in my save so I'm not worried about anything changing radically or breaking.  Should I be?? :P

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Just don't use any USI mods from CKAN, get them all from the constellation pack. But make sure you do not copy the old ModuleManager DLL from the pack. Some CKAN mods will complain about CCK missing dependency if installed this way though, so you can install CCK via CKAN and replace it with the newer one from the constellation. 

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  On 10/21/2021 at 12:46 AM, Grimmas said:

Just don't use any USI mods from CKAN, get them all from the constellation pack. But make sure you do not copy the old ModuleManager DLL from the pack. Some CKAN mods will complain about CCK missing dependency if installed this way though, so you can install CCK via CKAN and replace it with the newer one from the constellation. 


So, you're saying to remove via CKAN the mods USI ART, Core, Exploration Pack, FTT, MKS/OKS, LS and Tools, which collectively will remove Karbonite, Konstruction, Malemute and Sounding Rockets, but not CCK which should be replaced with the version in the constellation.

Do I have this right?

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Yes, remove all USI mods via CKAN except CCK, and optionally overwrite the CCK installed from CKAN with the one from the constellation since it is newer (I don't think much changed though).

Once installed I usually also delete all Sounding Rockets files and all Firespitter files except for the DLL but that's according to personal taste, there's nothing technically wrong with those mods.

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  On 10/20/2021 at 11:17 PM, RoverDude said:

It's as simple as putting a config file in your gamedata folder.


Would I just do something like this to make sure that Gypsum occurs in some abundance in Midlands on Minmus? Here I've set MinAbundance and MaxAbundance to 5 and variance to 0 on the assumption that this will provide exactly the same abundance of Gypsum in Midlands every game. I'll just try this now and see, I guess.

	ResourceName = Gypsum
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Minmus
	BiomeName = Midlands
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 5
		MaxAbundance = 5
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 3

edit: seems to work for me. Min/Max Abundance looks to be a 0-100 percentage, with the catch that altering the BIOME_RESOURCE after a WOLF Biome has been surveyed will not alter the WOLF Biome. The file has to be in the Gamedata folder, doesn't work in the save game folder, which means it applies to all games not just the WOLF Tutorial.

Edited by JamesonKerbal
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  On 10/20/2021 at 3:21 AM, JamesonKerbal said:

Also I really miss being able to define where the spacecraft will appear when it is constructed — the old orbital construction facility used to involve docking a DIY kit which would grow out from the anchor point. I really appreciated the level of control we had over DIY kit placement. I'm worried that my newly spawned ship will just end up clipping into my shipyard and breaking my game.


Clipping has not happened to me yet (in the latest version of Konstruction), up until now every ship I konstructed spawned nicely away from the Konstructor but within the 250m range, so I can transfer fuel. Haven't build any really huge ships, but they definitely weren't tiny either.

The building via DIY kits (in GC) was nice, but definitely had its limits in size, and I thought that limit was rather low. I like the new approach way more tbh.

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  On 10/21/2021 at 7:49 AM, JamesonKerbal said:

Would I just do something like this to make sure that Gypsum occurs in some abundance in Midlands on Minmus? Here I've set MinAbundance and MaxAbundance to 5 and variance to 0 on the assumption that this will provide exactly the same abundance of Gypsum in Midlands every game. I'll just try this now and see, I guess.

	ResourceName = Gypsum
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Minmus
	BiomeName = Midlands
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 5
		MaxAbundance = 5
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 3

edit: seems to work for me. Min/Max Abundance looks to be a 0-100 percentage, with the catch that altering the BIOME_RESOURCE after a WOLF Biome has been surveyed will not alter the WOLF Biome. The file has to be in the Gamedata folder, doesn't work in the save game folder, which means it applies to all games not just the WOLF Tutorial.


Yep - that all looks correct to me.

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  On 10/21/2021 at 7:49 AM, JamesonKerbal said:

with the catch that altering the BIOME_RESOURCE after a WOLF Biome has been surveyed will not alter the WOLF Biome. The file has to be in the Gamedata folder, doesn't work in the save game folder, which means it applies to all games not just the WOLF Tutorial.


After you have done a WOLF biome scan, the results will be written into your save game's persistent.sfs which is in your KSP\saves\SAVEGAMENAME folder. This is actually just a text file and you can edit it if you're careful.

There will be a nested section for every biome you scanned. Just delete the DEPOT sections you want to re-scan. 

It will look something like this: 

  Reveal hidden contents

Obviously make a backup of your save folder first in case you mess it up somehow. 

If you installed via Steam, I also recommend disabling Steam's cloud sync for KSP, as I've had issues with cloud sync corrupting my save games after I edited them. 

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  On 10/8/2021 at 3:00 PM, g_BonE said:

What determines a vessel being "too small" to establish a transport route?


Which Kontainer are you using? The 3.75m Crew Cargo Kontainer is broken, it has 1 Payload and doesn't support any actual crew.


edit: oops, unintentional necro. Sorry!

Edited by JamesonKerbal
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Two questions: When installing Bleeding edge - am I overwriting the constellation/older versions? The latest version doesn't have CRP. (If so, am I stepping up versions? Do I just take CRP from 112.0 and add it to 112.0.1?)

Secondly, how modular are the pre-release versions in the pack? There's some USI stuff I want over others (like the updated packrat over life support). Can I safely remove anything? I don't expect this to be 'supported' in pre-release, just curious if it's possible to pick and choose the more up to date versions.

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  On 10/23/2021 at 10:20 PM, LudificorPayne said:

Two questions: When installing Bleeding edge - am I overwriting the constellation/older versions? The latest version doesn't have CRP. (If so, am I stepping up versions? Do I just take CRP from 112.0 and add it to 112.0.1?)


Get CRP from CKAN or here https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/CommunityResourcePack.  Both are v1.4.2.

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  On 7/27/2021 at 5:57 AM, Kerbals_of_Steel said:

You aren't on the most current build, then, that problem has been sorted.

Try this one: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/releases/tag/1.4.1

 Or this one with extra goodies  https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/tree/master/FOR_RELEASE


If, for some weird reason, you try the 1.4 or 1.4.1 versions of MKS and it still hangs up on the light globe, simply searching for and deleting that parts .cfg in GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/parts/LightGlobe.cfg is a simple hack to get you started. I've used the 1.4.1 version of MKS going back to KSP 1.10, though, without any difficulties with the light globe.




I thought Constellation was supposed to be the most up-to-date. What the hell is happening, could this be any more confusing?


Installing your 'extra goodies' version immediately destroys the game via TweakScale 'missing .dlls' for something called 'KSPe.IO.Hierarchy`1'

Edited by Frostiken
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