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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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  On 11/12/2021 at 3:33 PM, RookFett said:

a quick question @RoverDude and/or @DoktorKrogg -

1. What is the design idea behind the Atlas harvesters?    One is automated, and the other says crewed, but the latter has no capacity for crew.

Other than the title name, there appears no difference in what they do.    I would imagine the crewed one should operate more efficiently, but since you can't get crew on it, it does nothing special.



Finishing up on my project - :)  should be able to upload real soon (tm) now...



Crewed would mean the ship attached to it has a crew, so you would get the engineering bonus

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Mod looks great, new features look promising too.

I would like to bring attention to the fact that  Kerfabricator allows fabrication of unresearched parts.

That's for USI bleeding edge 2.



one question about catchup mechanics:

Lets assume i have drill extracting 100 ore a day, and converter processing 100ore a day into 100lqd fuel a day, plus storage for 1000 ore and for 10000lqd fuel

If time warp while sitting there I will fill the fuel tank in 100days

What happens when I time warp 100 days while watching KSC?

will I get full fuel tank or

will I get 1000 fuel as that's my ore tank capacity? - sadly this is the case, WOLF makes even more sense now.










Edited by ZAJC3W
answered my own question
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  On 11/12/2021 at 11:53 PM, ZAJC3W said:

one question about catchup mechanics:

Lets assume i have drill extracting 100 ore a day, and converter processing 100ore a day into 100lqd fuel a day, plus storage for 1000 ore and for 10000lqd fuel

If time warp while sitting there I will fill the fuel tank in 100days

What happens when I time warp 100 days while watching KSC?


Catch-up happens in 6-hour increments, so as long as you have at least 6 hours worth of storage (i.e. 100 ore), you will have full fuel. So, you'll be fine.

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  On 11/12/2021 at 11:53 PM, ZAJC3W said:

Lets assume i have drill extracting 100 ore a day, and converter processing 100ore a day into 100lqd fuel a day, plus storage for 1000 ore and for 10000lqd fuel


This is where Kerbal Alarm Clock comes in really handy. The stock alarm clock is okay at a pinch but KAC includes useful things like automatically adding alarms for SOI change and maneuver nodes.Once you know how long your storage will last you can set an alarm to check on that vessel before the ore storage fills up (10 days for the ore in your case). If you use planetary warehouse remember that containers will only empty half their contents into the planetary warehouse, so a 2.5m Kontainer Tank which holds 900 ore being fed 100 ore a day will fill up in 9 days the first time, but 4.5 days after that.


@RoverDude which .Net are you building against, and have you had any success building with the .Net framework on Linux?

dotnet-sdk-5.0/hirsute 5.0.403-1 amd64
  Microsoft .NET SDK 5.0.403

dotnet-sdk-6.0/hirsute 6.0.100-1 amd64
  Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0.100

I'm using Visual Studio Code 1.62.2 on Pop OS 21.04 64-bit.

I have this silly idea in my head that I'll try sorting out the formatting error for MKS issue 1551 https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/issues/1551, formatting error in the Luxury passenger route Colony Supplies message.

Edited by JamesonKerbal
i was trying to split my two separate posts into two separate posts but the forum keeps smooshing them together
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does USI affect the communication system for kerbal space program? I had modular kolonization system, malemute, konstruction, and exploration through CKAN, and I uninstalled them so I could use extraplanetary launchpads, but now no crafts connect to the space center. I checked and if I create a new game that doesnt have USI it works fine

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  On 11/17/2021 at 3:44 AM, TycoonTitian01 said:

does USI affect the communication system for kerbal space program? I had modular kolonization system, malemute, konstruction, and exploration through CKAN, and I uninstalled them so I could use extraplanetary launchpads, but now no crafts connect to the space center. I checked and if I create a new game that doesnt have USI it works fine



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Duna PDU explodes due to overheating despite having  sufficient cooling.

I have aPDU with 2 medium thermal control systems attached  and landed on the mun. Required cooling is 200kW, and 500kW available.

When loading after approx 1h(landing another base part) PDU explodes seconds after being loaded with f3 log saying it exploded due skin temperature exceeding max temperature (850) .

Wha am I doing wrong?

Edited by ZAJC3W
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  On 11/17/2021 at 8:08 PM, Parmenio said:

Maybe a silly question, but do you have the thermals deployed? Also, are the thermals attached directly to the PDU or to another part of the station?


Not as silly as you may think, thermals are deployed, they are attached directly to PDU even though they don't have to - radiators are cooling only directly attached parts, thermal control systems cool ship wide.

It happens only while approaching with another vessel, even with reactor shut down when core temp didn't drop below 800k before flying/switching away.

Loading from tracking station or from another vessel in map view  works fine.



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  On 11/18/2021 at 12:03 AM, TycoonTitian01 said:

do you have physics range extender on? sometimes that causes strange things to happen


Nope,  I'll try to reproduce this on vanilla +MKS


Tested with only expansions, deadly reentry(halves part max temp) Umbraspaceindustries bleeding edge 2 and hyperedit 

And problem is gone, NF electrical next ...


I give up, reinstalled all mods one by one, testing same crafts every time with no explosions.

Moved my save to new install, landed once without explosion, just to see it explode on second landing, like chasing a ghost.


Edited by ZAJC3W
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Question - apologies if this is the wrong thread to ask this - I can ask an engineer kerbal to disassemble components in orbit or on a planetary base. Is there guidance anywhere as to how many parts you get from the disassembly of a given dry tonnage of rocket? I'm thinking of adding a storage container to my next station for this purpose and would like to have some idea of how big to go (apart "from as big as possible").

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  On 11/21/2021 at 12:08 AM, heli said:

Why is the Assembly Plant module relatively much earlier in your career than Industrial Refinery.
without an industrial refinery, assembly plants are almost worthless


I would consider an assembly plant as being able to make a chair out of blocks of plastic or lumber, while a refinery needs to make ingots out of ore or chemicals out of rocks.

Considering that an assembly plant might not need to be much more complex than a well equipped garage workshop, while any sort of refinery generally involves, high temperatures, noxious fumes, toxic reagents and/or catalysts, an assembly plant seems much less demanding than a refinery in my mind.


You can always send up refined resources to be turned into parts on-site before you have the infrastructure in place to refine the resources locally.  (like 3-d printer spools taking less space than all of the things you can print form them, even if you can't make more spools locally)

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  On 11/20/2021 at 5:03 PM, Malcymalc said:

Question - apologies if this is the wrong thread to ask this - I can ask an engineer kerbal to disassemble components in orbit or on a planetary base. Is there guidance anywhere as to how many parts you get from the disassembly of a given dry tonnage of rocket? I'm thinking of adding a storage container to my next station for this purpose and would like to have some idea of how big to go (apart "from as big as possible").


You get half the part mass in MaterialKits. So per ton of mass you get 500 MK. The other half is lost.

I usually just add one ISM for this purpose, to contain the scraps until I build up until orbital production becomes available. It never fills up for me, mostly because you only get to scrap the upper stages anyway, which should generally have very low dry mass to get decent deltaV.

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I found a bubu in latest  ART configs, issue raised on github.

In all bleeding edge releases parts were moved to "Parts" folder but their configs don't reflect that change resulting in parts not loading.

MassDrivers and Separators  are affected:

fix for mass driver:

    model = UmbraSpaceIndustries/ART/Parts/MassDriver/MassDriver
    texture = Difuse, UmbraSpaceIndustries/ART/Parts/MassDriver/Difuse
    scale = 2.5,2.5,2.5



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Question, I decided to update to the latest version of MKS, I was using pre Atlas and WOLF, does the old planetary logistics not exist anymore?


Edit: yup was on me, something didn't install right.

Edited by Caithloki
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Sorry for stupid question, but how those wolf transport credits are calculated? I have RealSolarSystem and with smallest craft i was able to get to the Moon's biome it says "423 transport credits" (from depot at KSC site). That is kinda too much, will have to spend excrementsload of money to get enough transport credits. Almost impossible in career mode. Do i have to use cheapest possible rocket or orbital refuelling to lower cost?

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  On 11/29/2021 at 9:13 PM, vasimv said:

Sorry for stupid question, but how those wolf transport credits are calculated? I have RealSolarSystem and with smallest craft i was able to get to the Moon's biome it says "423 transport credits" (from depot at KSC site). That is kinda too much, will have to spend excrementsload of money to get enough transport credits. Almost impossible in career mode. Do i have to use cheapest possible rocket or orbital refuelling to lower cost?


The transport credit cost is based on the mass lost from the original vehicle(fuel, stages, etc).  Refueling at the destination can reduce part of this cost, but staging will always be expensive.

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  On 11/29/2021 at 9:13 PM, vasimv said:

Sorry for stupid question, but how those wolf transport credits are calculated? I have RealSolarSystem and with smallest craft i was able to get to the Moon's biome it says "423 transport credits" (from depot at KSC site). That is kinda too much, will have to spend excrementsload of money to get enough transport credits. Almost impossible in career mode. Do i have to use cheapest possible rocket or orbital refuelling to lower cost?


I always refuel to avoid making transport credits. 

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