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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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5 hours ago, RoverDude said:

@blu3wolf  If there are concerns RE GC CTT placement, those are easy enough to address (not sure if @allistahas CTT support - if not, I can toss over a PR).  For any other CTT issues (for MKS bits), I am happy to take pull requests if there's some consensus on moving a few bits around.

No, there's currently no CTT support in GC. I, unfortunately, never got to that part; never even played with CTT.

So a PR will be great! :rolleyes:

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Hoping I'm not missing something obvious, but I can't seem to figure out, what parts do we need to build new DIY kits off-world? If the wiki's already been updated with that info, I couldn't find it, and I didn't see anything about Ground Construction in any of the MKS part descriptions.

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25 minutes ago, billybob579 said:

Hoping I'm not missing something obvious, but I can't seem to figure out, what parts do we need to build new DIY kits off-world? If the wiki's already been updated with that info, I couldn't find it, and I didn't see anything about Ground Construction in any of the MKS part descriptions.

DIY Kits themselves could not be built off-world. But we're discussing the ability to do so with @RoverDude right now, so in the future you will have that option. It will, however, be hard to achieve that capability. So you should consider GC as means for bootstrapping a colony rather than a production line (which it isn't).

Edited by allista
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9 hours ago, ms6107 said:

Can't deploy MKS Ranger Agricultural Module and MKS Ranger Habitation (at least) after update, NullReferecnceError in console. Checked with no other mods installed in clean sandbox game.12842822.png

I'm experiencing the same issue here. Also can't swich between the different modes of the modules. When I click the button it does nothing. Hope it can be fixed easily. Best wishes!

9 hours ago, ms6107 said:

Can't deploy MKS Ranger Agricultural Module and MKS Ranger Habitation (at least) after update, NullReferecnceError in console. Checked with no other mods installed in clean sandbox game.12842822.png

I'm experiencing the same issue here. Also can't swich between the different modes of the modules. When I click the button it does nothing. Hope it can be fixed easily. Best wishes!

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36 minutes ago, allista said:

DIY Kits themselves could not be built off-world. But we're discussing the ability to do so with @RoverDude right now, so in the future you will have that option. It will, however, be hard to achieve that capability. So you should consider GC as means for bootstrapping a colony rather than a production line (which it isn't).

Is there a tutorial explaining how to use GC when it's on top of MKS?  Like a list of what materials I'll need on-site at the Mun/Minmus vs what needs to get launched from Kerbin?

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10 minutes ago, WuphonsReach said:

Is there a tutorial explaining how to use GC when it's on top of MKS?  Like a list of what materials I'll need on-site at the Mun/Minmus vs what needs to get launched from Kerbin?

GC should work as usual, without any changes compared to its stand-alone operation. You need to ship a DIY Kit from Kerbin and provide MaterialKits on site.

Edited by allista
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3 hours ago, jd284 said:

Is it possible to stop the construction menu from cluttering up the part info window for every single part with crew capacity?

It'd be nice if it was only on the Pioneer.

I believe @allista patched this in the current GC release to make it a bit more selective.  We'll see how that rolls, then I can dial down with a blacklist.

31 minutes ago, Perringo said:

I'm experiencing the same issue here. Also can't swich between the different modes of the modules. When I click the button it does nothing. Hope it can be fixed easily. Best wishes!

I'm experiencing the same issue here. Also can't swich between the different modes of the modules. When I click the button it does nothing. Hope it can be fixed easily. Best wishes!

There is a fix for this incoming.

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5 hours ago, RoverDude said:

@wile1411 - the ExtraTime is correct.  You get 1 exta Kerbal month, above and beyond the 7 hour default imparted by 1 crew slot (also noted in the summary).  What you are seeing upon launch and deploy is an additional 14 days being added due to crew capacity (before activation).  You can also see this in the VAB if you expand the module.  FYI, fixed the activation issue and flavor text for the next patch.

RE the two modules - The difference is the diff between a very large pop-tent, and a similar space kitted out with equipment and more comforts (like a hard-shell caravan).  The reason we have the alternate mini-hab is to provide something a lot smaller :)  

Ah I see what I missed now - thanks @RoverDude. Yes I forgot about the Emergency hab having two seats, so it would of course add 7.5days for each seat after inflation.

As for the other bit I don't understand - I pretty sure this is just me at this point. What I'm not understanding is how the CFG file value KerbalMonths is translated into the VAB. I understand the BaseKerbalMonths value is a direct view from the CFG file that then appears in the VAB. But the KerbalMonths value is the figure that seems to get transformed somehow and I can't work it out. 

- Shelter has 1 seat, CFG KerbalMonths figure of 1.2 and VAB shows 1 Kerbal month hab time
- Karibou Rover Cab has 3 seats, CFG KerbalMonths figure of 1 and VAB shows 4 Kerbal month hab time

Note: These are the ONLY two parts to have a >0 KerbalMonths value in the CFG file. All other parts in the USI constellation using habitation use the BaseKerbalMonths value.

Edited by wile1411
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1 hour ago, allista said:

DIY Kits themselves could not be built off-world. But we're discussing the ability to do so with @RoverDude right now, so in the future you will have that option. It will, however, be hard to achieve that capability. So you should consider GC as means for bootstrapping a colony rather than a production line (which it isn't).

I would really appreciate that! (I might even drop EL for that part because that's what makes things easier .. especially when you wish to explore/kolonize all the rest of the galaxy).

Removing the EL_USI.cfg makes things easier for me (while still using it) atm.

I'm looking forward to updates because I'm fan of off-world building!

Edited by LatiMacciato
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20 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

I believe @allista patched this in the current GC release to make it a bit more selective.  We'll see how that rolls, then I can dial down with a blacklist.

In fact I still haven't changed the VolumePerKerbal parameter (which is currently set to 3 m3). I'm not sure it will make any difference for large parts (except to lower their efficiency somewhat), but it could invalidate some small cabins as workshops; and I'm not sure no one uses them as such. I'm too reluctant to make changes that may break savegames. Am I wrong?

But I have done some heavy UI improvements that, among other things, alleviate this problem.

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Since the update, my convert-o-tron 250 is no longer functional.

smelt ore, mono-prop and LF produce no resources, thermal efficiency says N/A and core temperature doesn't move.

Also, pulse drill 100 can't change separators.

Edited by Baladain
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55 minutes ago, allista said:

In fact I still haven't changed the VolumePerKerbal parameter (which is currently set to 3 m3). I'm not sure it will make any difference for large parts (except to lower their efficiency somewhat), but it could invalidate some small cabins as workshops; and I'm not sure no one uses them as such. I'm too reluctant to make changes that may break savegames. Am I wrong?

But I have done some heavy UI improvements that, among other things, alleviate this problem.

Not a personal fan of the smaller parts being workshops.  Maybe it should be a small list of stock parts, then just the special parts added by GC or MKS's new GC cabin.  With the ability to add it to other parts by adding a value / module using a MM patch.

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I'm trying to build an unmanned garbage scow to treat my ever-worsening Kessler syndrome using the EL recycling bins. I figured that the MKS EL integration would mean that the bin would convert material ingested into Recyclables, but that doesn't seem to be working. Do the recycling bins convert to anything with the MKS integration or I am going to have to send up a Kerbal to do the job manually?

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Hi, Thanks for checking.

Here is the PDU status:


I switch to Engineer to perform maintenance:


There is no difference.  Amount of fuel is unchanged.  I have two fuel containers within 150M.  Am I doing it correctly?


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Okay... MKS base with:

  • (8) kerbals (1 is a pilot)
  • (8) inflated 'Ranger' habs configured as Hab-Common (16.8 kerbal months + 5.2 multiplier for 4 kerbals)
  • (2) inflated 'Tundra' 4.25m habitats (77 kerbal months)
  • (2) Hitchhikers (25 kerbal months, 4 crew)
  • seating capacity from all the Duna/Tundra modules of 26 seats (2 ASMs, 2 PDUs, 7 'Duna's)

Base hab alone should be: 26 x 0.25 months + 16.8 x 2 + 77 x 2 + 25 x 2 = 244 kerbal months

244/8 = 30.5 months per kerbal = 2.14 years

The multipliers should be: 5.2 x 4 = 20.8x (from the inflatable ranger habs configured as hab-common), which should kick base habitation up to about 44 years, right?  Each ranger can handle 4 kerbals (I have 8) and I have eight rangers expanded and working (everything has machinery and power).

Instead, I'm only getting a value of about 3.7 years per Kerbal on the base.

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Did Ground Construction become a CKAN required dependency for MKS? I noticed that the latest update forced installation of Ground Construction and now GC can't be uninstalled without uninstalling MKS.

I know RD manages his own CKAN releases so I apologize if this should actually be a question for somewhere else.

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2 minutes ago, drhay53 said:

Did Ground Construction become a CKAN required dependency for MKS? I noticed that the latest update forced installation of Ground Construction and now GC can't be uninstalled without uninstalling MKS.

I know RD manages his own CKAN releases so I apologize if this should actually be a question for somewhere else.

You could start with the release notes.

" Bundled the 'Ground Construction' mod as the standard off-world construction mod for USI. "

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Just now, goldenpsp said:

You could start with the release notes.

" Bundled the 'Ground Construction' mod as the standard off-world construction mod for USI. "

Oops. Sorry. Having used RoverDude's mods for a very long time I had never seen someone else's mod be a strict dependency. And having only skimmed the above posts I didn't comprehend the depth of the relationship that was being discussed.

Thanks for pointing out my failure to read the release notes :/

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1 minute ago, drhay53 said:

Oops. Sorry. Having used RoverDude's mods for a very long time I had never seen someone else's mod be a strict dependency. And having only skimmed the above posts I didn't comprehend the depth of the relationship that was being discussed.

Thanks for pointing out my failure to read the release notes :/

No problem, although to be fair Firespitter has always been a strict dependency.  It wasn't always the case that Roverdude maintained it.

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That's true, and CRP I suppose. I've just had them installed for so long I forgot they used to be separately maintained.

Anyway, I was wondering if this meant EL was now expendable since I don't use it for anything other than MKS.... looks like RD's most updated status report is on page 44 for anyone who comes here wondering what the heck is going on (like me) after they update:

Now to learn a new mod; I was still catching up on a ton of MKS changes after a few months off from KSP!

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Is it supposed to be possible to change the configuration of a 'Duna' Habitat module once deployed?  What about 'Ranger' inflatable habitats?

The "C1 Recycler=>Habitat" right-click button is not working for my EVA'd engineer on either of these modules.  Nor is perform maintenance.


[EXC 06:11:50.212] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.HasResource (ResourceRatio resInfo)
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.CheckResources ()
	USITools.ModuleSwappableConverter.LoadSetup ()
	BaseEvent.Invoke ()
	UIPartActionButton.OnClick ()
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)
[EXC 06:11:51.880] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	USITools.USI_ModuleFieldRepair.PushResources (System.String resourceName)
	USITools.USI_ModuleFieldRepair.FinalizeMaintenance (System.String msg)
	USITools.USI_ModuleFieldRepair.PerformMaintenance ()
	BaseEvent.Invoke ()
	UIPartActionButton.OnClick ()
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)
[EXC 06:11:53.898] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	USITools.USI_ModuleFieldRepair.GrabResources (System.String resourceName)
	USITools.USI_ModuleFieldRepair.FinalizeMaintenance (System.String msg)
	USITools.USI_ModuleFieldRepair.PerformMaintenance ()
	BaseEvent.Invoke ()
	UIPartActionButton.OnClick ()
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args)
	UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
	UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press ()
	UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
	UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)


Yes, I'm running USI Tools 0.8.14

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