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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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Just created a new dev build #884:


It has an update to that MM config file:


You all should be able to:

1.  make an empty folder in GameData named MechJebUnlocked

2.  delete the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file to force MM to reupdate

3.  restart KSP

4.  gloriously cheat your way to orbit

Edited by Jim DiGriz
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  On 6/10/2019 at 4:14 AM, Jim DiGriz said:

Just created a new dev build #884:


It has an update to that MM config file:


You all should be able to:

1.  make an empty folder in GameData named MechJebUnlocked

2.  delete the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file to force MM to reupdate

3.  restart KSP

4.  gloriously cheat your way to orbit


I must admit, I'm one of those sad sad cheaters.  I was having the same problem getting my cheater MM config to work, and found that MechJebNoCommandPod.cfg was interfering with my own, but I was lazy and just changed it.  Yesterday I went and ran a CKAN update and loaded the game (I'm still stabilizing a modlist for a new game after a while away) and found that my hack stopped working.  Of course, I had barely noticed that it was a new MJ dev build that got updated.  I opened up the file and found the new settings... curious, I didn't think those were there before.  That brought me here and to your post.

Cool idea, I made the changes but didn't bother reloading my game at the time and just beat on the controls like a cavekerbal.  

This morning I went to try and do one more science run before being productive, and as I was designing my new craft I found all of my MJ functionality was missing.  And that leads me to this rambling post.  You made an oops in the new config.  The cheater block opens with this conditional:


it should rather have this conditional, to similarly apply add MechJebCore to all command pods, rather than just apply cheater settings to all MechJebCore modules


Thank you for indulging my rambling, and for making this handy hack.

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I've recently discovered WaypointManager and have been using it to mark spots on the map and store the locations. When it comes time to use it with landing guidance, I just bring up Waypoint Manager so I can see the coordinates of the waypoint and enter them into Landing guidance.

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@steddyj I'm reasonably but not entirely certain that it is correct as its written.

The first block should run first (at least I'd hope -- this is where the uncertainty lies) and should add MechJebCore to all ModuleCommand parts.  Then the second block should run and it should update all the settings of all the MechJebCore modules.  I fixed a silly typo a few minutes ago which might have been causing problems:


Otherwise I checked this on a normal commandpod in stock and found that it worked correctly.  Make sure to nuke the module manager cache.


Edited by Jim DiGriz
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@Jim DiGriz

The first block has the following conditional:


It won't run if MechJebUnlocked is detected, so that's preventing your second block from running.  Well, it runs, but MechJeb is never added to the rest of the parts with ModuleCommand.  It works just fine for MJ parts or if you have something else adding MJ to command pods.  You can remove the reference to MechJebUnlocked and it should work as you intend, or make the change I propose.  Either solution should work, although I've only tested the solution I proposed.  

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I am not sure if this was covered yet about the new expansion, but something happened and I can't figure out how to fix it.  Ok, so I like have the full MJ at the start and in the past all I had to do was go into the .cfg file for the parts and replace all the starting tech to "start" then upgrade the tracking station fully after which I have all the MJ modules available... now, nothing.  I assume the mod had to be changed to account for the new expansion, so do I need to do anything more to get all the modules at the start again?  Before you ask, I use CKAN and according to that everything is updated.

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  On 6/14/2019 at 9:23 AM, Shemuev said:

When we see the new version on CKAN mod manager?


The Dev branch is updated much more frequently than the main branch and can be installed from CKAN. From the OP:


CKAN has all the release of MechJeb.

If you want the dev version of MechJeb then :

  • open CKAN settings (Settings => CKAN Settings)
  • press the New button
  • select the MechJeb-dev line, click OK and exit the options.
  • refresh
  • select "Mechjeb2 - DEV RELEASE" in the list and then "Go to Change" to install


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  On 6/14/2019 at 5:08 AM, steddyj said:

@Jim DiGriz

The first block has the following conditional:


It won't run if MechJebUnlocked is detected, so that's preventing your second block from running.  Well, it runs, but MechJeb is never added to the rest of the parts with ModuleCommand.  It works just fine for MJ parts or if you have something else adding MJ to command pods.  You can remove the reference to MechJebUnlocked and it should work as you intend, or make the change I propose.  Either solution should work, although I've only tested the solution I proposed.  


Yep, I just removed that.  I don't entirely understand how I tested it and that worked, but that should be removed on dev now.

And the reason for going this direction is that it should get the use case correct where someone creates both MechJebUseCommandPod and MechJebUnlocked -- so that they have to use the AR-202 part but everything is unlocked from the start.  Which is a bit weird, but it makes the full 2x2=4 block of uses cases all semantically correct.  With the other patch it would have ignored the MechJebUseCommandPod "setting".

Now that I look at it MechJebUseCommandPod  should really be MechJebUseAR202, it reads like it means the opposite now.

Edited by Jim DiGriz
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  On 6/12/2019 at 6:35 PM, bcqJC said:

I've recently discovered WaypointManager and have been using it to mark spots on the map and store the locations. When it comes time to use it with landing guidance, I just bring up Waypoint Manager so I can see the coordinates of the waypoint and enter them into Landing guidance.


What, pray tell is WaypointManager? Is it something in MJ2 or is it another mod?

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  On 6/14/2019 at 6:55 PM, Jim DiGriz said:

Now that I look at it MechJebUseCommandPod  should really be MechJebUseAR202, it reads like it means the opposite now.



I just understood why this config file exists, and why it broke the old MechJebForEverything file I had been using since forever.  Although now that I understand the conditions you're trying to create, shouldn't the second block NOT include !MechJebUseCommandPod if you want it to trigger if both are flagged? 

For that matter, shouldn't the only NEEDS there be MechJebUnlocked?  As written it will explicitly ban anyone from using this method to unlock MechJeb in an RSS/RP-0 environment, which is fair enough, but since this already requires some minor acrobatics to accomplish and won't provide any feedback as to why it doesn't work in those use cases, couldn't it be assumed that someone who wants to use this option understands that it bypasses the spirit of RP-0?  This is mostly my opinion as an admitted cheater.  But also, I spend a lot of my life working out ways to not have users contacting me for support.  

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  On 6/4/2019 at 3:05 PM, sarbian said:

Use the dev version link to get to the Jenkins server 





Got it.  Now I see the need for CKAN.  It was easy to load MechJeb2 once I figured out how to have CKAN "see" my instance of KSP by pointing it to the buildlD64 file.

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  On 6/15/2019 at 10:20 PM, Neil Kerman said:

Does anyone know how to use MechJeb for a long interplanetary transfer burn, as I keep running into an issue where MechJeb only starts a burn after half of the burn time has already elapsed.


Hi Neil, i don t think there is something special to do. Maybe a screenshot or more details could help. How much dv is your burn ? How long estimated time of burn...etc.

Have for example a thrust limit ?

Try to give more information.

Hope i can help


ps : forget to say : give your ksp and mechjeb version.

Edited by LTQ90
forgot some clues
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@LameLefty Is your KSP installed somewhere in C:\Program Files? This path has restrictive permissions that may be preventing MechJeb from updating it's settings file to maintain your screen settings. I installed under C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program to avoid this. You can just create C:\Games and drag and drop your KSP install directory without needing to reinstall everything, but any shortcuts may need to be updated.

The "stutter warping" is common. I usually only see it if I start from a high orbit or suborbital trajectory like if I select landing at the SOI change before circularizing. For the Mun and Minmus I usually start landing from a 10Km orbit.

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  On 6/16/2019 at 12:07 AM, Tonka Crash said:

@LameLefty Is your KSP installed somewhere in C:\Program Files? This path has restrictive permissions that may be preventing MechJeb from updating it's settings file to maintain your screen settings. I installed under C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program to avoid this. You can just create C:\Games and drag and drop your KSP install directory without needing to reinstall everything, but any shortcuts may need to be updated.

The "stutter warping" is common. I usually only see it if I start from a high orbit or suborbital trajectory like if I select landing at the SOI change before circularizing. For the Mun and Minmus I usually start landing from a 10Km orbit.


I have KSP installed wherever Steam puts it (*); since my C: drive is relatively small (256GB M.2 SSD) I keep most of my games on my D: drive, but KSP is one of the few exceptions. 


(*) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program

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Okay just did a quick test with the new (2.8.4)  Mechjeb and a mod called MechJeb2Embbeded1.4+For KSP 1.2 and earlier and it seems this mod surprisingly works with the new Mechjeb in 1.7.2


So yeah this is definitely a plus for those who want to automate their pods..

(it's rurpsing ti's still works after all this time!)



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  On 6/16/2019 at 12:36 AM, Tonka Crash said:

@Space_Coyote That functionality has been built into Mechjeb for a few months. Look in MechJeb/Parts/MechJebNoCommandPod.cfg


Noted: Tested the pods without enhanced and it works, so removed the mod and saved me a lot of frustration in the future (Thank you).



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