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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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Last version I used was dev #1146.  I see there is now dev #1148.  I'll try that.  I always use the dev builds, not the Curse nor SpaceDock versions.   When I used 1146, and it failed, I tried removing and installing multiple times.   I'm off to try #1148.  thanks

EDIT #1:  Well #1148 worked no better..  When I put a MJ1_AR202 on a capsule in the VAB, I don't get a Delta-V window  Only thing I see (even without adding the AR202) is a small window in the upper left corner of the screen.  When opened, it shows two options:  "Custom Window" and "Settings"

EDIT #2:  Started a new game with  MJ2 as the ONLY mod in Sandbox mode (not Career).   Delta-V Stats appear in VAB.  All windows available on Launch Pad.  So, the hunt begins to find the mod that's killing MJ2 in Career mode.  I use only about 45 mods, so hopefully, I can find ther miscreant quickly.

EDIT # 3:  I added back some mods.  MJ2 was not working, e.g., no Delta-V window in VAB.  Removed all mods again, except MJ2.    Not seeing Delta-V window in VAB.  My GameData folder has only three folders:  Squad, SquadExpansions, MechJeb2

EDIT #4:  Removed MJ2 and re-installed it.  Delta-V now showing in VAB.   More experiments to follow.

EDIT #5: (4 hours after #4).  Incrementally adding mods.   MJ2 appears to be working as advertised.

Edited by Apollo13
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Is there any remedy for roll crazyness using smart a.s.s for ascents? no matter if i set the aero surface authority to a tiny amount or full deflection range all MJ does is just jitter around the roll input and slowly turn, leaving me at random angles until i take control myself. Force roll works correctly in everything else but not smart a.s.s

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  • 2 weeks later...

BUG report:

When I use Ascent Guidance and Smart A.S.S , my rocket start to roll and lost control.

This bug appear all the time I launch.



all the mod in gamedata→https://1drv.ms/t/s!Av3iukGYy2izpRpo6F7Ox002AdO3?e=ZKXvIr

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  On 12/5/2022 at 11:15 AM, easterlywave said:

BUG report:

When I use Ascent Guidance and Smart A.S.S , my rocket start to roll and lost control.

This bug appear all the time I launch.



all the mod in gamedata→https://1drv.ms/t/s!Av3iukGYy2izpRpo6F7Ox002AdO3?e=ZKXvIr


For the rolling issue here my solution : deactivate the rolling for the elevon at the back of your rocket.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, does anyone know if there is any issues with "Kill H/S" I've always used the keep surf and Kill H/s to create a craft that can perfectly hover if needed. 

I've returned to KSP and if I try and use this feature now it'll instantly tilt my craft a few degrees after pressing kill h/s even on a craft that is just a few small engines under a tank and then a control probe. In the past this would always perfectly hover and not move at all until it ran out of fuel? 

It's strange how it'll first now tilt these few degrees and fall into a crash without being able to save it's self


Thank you 

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  • 2 weeks later...



I don't think MechJeb's gameplay of disabling certain features in career mode is great since most people who fill up the tech tree don't need MechJeb anymore.



Edited by Vanamonde
Please post in English when not using the International subforums.
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KSP v1.12.4.3187

MJ2 v2.14.2.0

I only just started using MechJeb this week now that landings and dockings have lost there charm after years of playing unmodded KSP (except SCANsat). MJ2 is proving to be quite handy but I've encountered a problem with it trying to land on the opposite side of the Mun from the chosen target or (as far as I can tell) trying to go straight through the Mun while still targeting the opposite side of the Mun from the chosen target.

I see this was a problem that was fixed a long time ago and there's been no recent posts about a recurrence so I'm guessing it's a mod conflict unless anyone has a better idea what's causing this. I can supply the log the next time it happens, but in the meantime, here's my mod list in case anyone has a good guess which one it might be. (I'm not uninstalling mods one-at-a-time/launching KSP/landing on Mun/exiting KSP 185 times to find the culprit.)

  Reveal hidden contents


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  • 3 weeks later...

How is "drop solids early" supposed to work? 

I have a shuttle where I start the main engines (stage 4) wait a few moments for things to stabilize and then start the ascent autopilot, which auto-stages to stage 3 which ignites the solids and releases the launch clamps.

If I have "drop solids early" enabled, no matter what value I indicate for lead time, about 1 second later the solids are decoupled and go flying away.

(I thought I'd try dropping them early to see if it would help them separate a little more cleanly.)

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  On 1/26/2023 at 3:05 PM, Kurld said:

How is "drop solids early" supposed to work? 



        // detect if this part is an SRB, will be dropped in the next stage, and we are below the enabled dropSolidsLeadTime
        public bool isBurnedOutSRBDecoupledInNextStage(Part p)
            return dropSolids && p.IsThrottleLockedEngine() && LastNonZeroDVStageBurnTime() < dropSolidsLeadTime && p.IsDecoupledInStage(vessel.currentStage - 1);

It should move to the next stage if the engine is throttle locked (SRB should be), the displayed current stage remaining burn time (in MJ windows is less than the set time and is decoupled in the next stage.

A screenshot of your stages and the MJ dV window may help.



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I'll get back with that later today or tomorrow, I'm in a "test flight" at the moment, trying to get smart on the landing assistance part of MJ2. 

I staged manually with a second or so left on the SRB burn and everything looked so pretty. So if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong, that would be cake.

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A problem ive always had with MJ is when using the ascent guidance it insists on forcing a certain roll angle. It used to be only until the gravity turn began. MJ gave roll control back to me. But now it holds a certain roll the whole time ascent guidance is activated. I just want AG to do its thing and let me handle roll. Is this possible? I would use Force Roll, but that handles pitch and yaw as well.

Edited by Motokid600
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  On 1/26/2023 at 4:16 PM, sarbian said:

It should move to the next stage if the engine is throttle locked (SRB should be), the displayed current stage remaining burn time (in MJ windows is less than the set time and is decoupled in the next stage.

A screenshot of your stages and the MJ dV window may help.




See below.  Let me know if I can provide any other information.  When I launch this I stage #4 with spacebar, let it settle down and then engage the ascent autopilot, which immediately stages #3.  With the "drop early" option selected, the decoupler in stage 2 activates approx. 1 second after engaging the autopilot.  The solid rockets in stage 2 are separator motors for the SRBs in stage 3.



Edited by Kurld
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I just did a test with stock parts and a similar staging and it worked fine. My guess is that MJ does not understand properly your separator motors. What kind of engine do you use for that ? If you are not using the stock Sepratron then can you try with those ?


  On 1/26/2023 at 11:58 PM, Motokid600 said:

I just want AG to do its thing and let me handle roll. Is this possible?


No. The current code take over all the axis controls and it won't change at this point.

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  On 1/27/2023 at 3:42 PM, sarbian said:


No. The current code take over all the axis controls and it won't change at this point.


Is there a way then for it to hold a roll of my choosing then? Or do I have to start using Force Roll? I've tried reorientating my craft in the VAB, but even then it still does a 180 roll off the pad. 

Edited by Motokid600
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  On 1/27/2023 at 3:42 PM, sarbian said:

I just did a test with stock parts and a similar staging and it worked fine. My guess is that MJ does not understand properly your separator motors. What kind of engine do you use for that ? If you are not using the stock Sepratron then can you try with those ?


It's the nosecone from the Photon Corp. SRB parts.

I tried some other nosecone and stuck a sepratron in it and MJ did the same thing.

The SRBs have 3 different thrust curves you can select, so I'm wondering if that is the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never did get the "drop solids early" thing to work at all.

I've run into something else. If you 'revert to launch'  the ascent guidance seems to ditch whatever profile it was using previously and uses something else.  Shuttle invariably winds up headed for horizon by about 14k altitude.  If I revert to VAB, load a different craft and go to launchpad (not sure if this is req.) return to VAB load the shuttle and launch, the ascent guidance seems happy again.

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