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CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network); v1.28.0 - Dyson


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On 22/10/2017 at 4:30 AM, HebaruSan said:

You can join the conversation about the future of cross-platform C# GUIs here:


Last time I checked, some investigation had been done and GTK# was the frontrunner, but there was some concern that it might not be any better supported over the long term than WinForms was.

That's basically about the gist of it. I think we have a decision, and now we need someone sufficiently familiar with UI programming  to go through the process of changing over the UI, which I suspect is going to be a mammoth task, earning huge plaudits from all users.

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13 hours ago, gendalf said:

politas, Sorting by date won't work, because often there're older mods that weren't updated.

Admittedly, it's not perfect, but you should get every version of a mod in the relevant order, so you can delete the old ones. If you're in the situation where you are having to manage every MB downloaded, it may be worthwhile.

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10 hours ago, Arivald Ha'gel said:


When can we expect pull jobs to run? It seems that they weren't run for week now...

Just to clarify what we're seeing here, looking at http://status.ksp-ckan.org/ it appears that most mods haven't been checked in 8 days.  netkan-bot does seem to have been making more commits (though these don't seem to show on the status page).

The mod in particular that brought this to our attention is RealFuels, which has been updated to v12.4.1 but no .ckan has been put in CKAN-meta for this version.  I verified that running NetKAN on my computer generated the .ckan correctly without any errors.

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Yes, the NetKAN-bot has not been running for about 8 days now. This means that new versions of some mods would fail to be automatically indexed. The CKAN team is aware of this issue. The current status, as far as I'm aware, is that we're trying to contact the team member who has in the past donated his time to create and maintain the bot and the server it runs on; sometimes real life strikes at times that are inconvenient for free and volunteer projects.

This is a problem mainly for mods hosted on GitHub and Curse, which depend on the bot to index new versions; SpaceDock has a piece of code that pro-actively reaches out to index new uploads, so mods hosted there should be unaffected. It's still possible to add new versions manually; submit an issue here for help with critical situations: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues

I will post any updates on this ticket as the situation progresses:  https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/issues/5992

(Full disclosure: I'm technically a member of the team, but I'm a recent recruit and my knowledge of the bot's operation is incomplete. I may misunderstand the functioning of software or the roles of people. Take all of the above with a grain of salt.)

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Some mod updates are still getting through because they are triggered by the updates, but the bot is frozen. Our bot expert is at an SF con, so it should be fixed within a few days. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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CKAN keeps crashing with an unhandled exception 

GPP conflicts with LoadingScreenManager.   at CKAN.SanityChecker.EnforceConsistency(IEnumerable`1 modules, IEnumerable`1 dlls)
   at CKAN.RegistryManager.Save(Boolean enforce_consistency, Boolean recommmends, Boolean with_versions)
   at CKAN.SettingsDialog.RefreshReposListBox()
   at CKAN.SettingsDialog.UpdateDialog()

This error started this morning and I haven't changed or updated a thing. I can manually remove GPP and it's dependencies and start CKAN just fine and then re-add them once CKAN has started. If I don't remove GPP, I can't install or uninstall any mod (uncheck doesn't give the Apply Changes option), and if I enter any menu, I get the unhandled exception. 

I tried to export my mod list and reinstall both KSP and CKAN, but CKAN won't let me do a damn thing without crashing. The best I can do is screenshot my mod list.

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4 hours ago, Be4st said:


GPP conflicts with LoadingScreenManager.


Have you tried removing LoadingScreenManager?

3 hours ago, anytarseir67 said:

may come off as a little rude but can you add vessel mover mod to ckan

Good news, both it and VesselMoverContinued are already in CKAN. However, they're not compatible with KSP 1.3.x, as per the versions listed on their forum threads.

Edited by HebaruSan
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1 minute ago, HebaruSan said:

GPP bundles a specific version of LoadingScreenManager, which means it conflicts with the indexed version of that mod.

Both the bundled version and newer version throw the same error in CKAN. Still haven't found a fix yet. I'm tempted to just reinstall KSP and CKAN and back up my saves and hope a fresh install fixes this issue as it's rendering CKAN unusable. I have had nothing but issues since I started playing with micro-freezing (though it mainly happens after I try to do an experiment), but not even a clean install fixes that and I am unable to find the mod causing it.

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Just now, Be4st said:

Both the bundled version and newer version throw the same error in CKAN.

Installing GPP's bundled version will not generate a conflict message. If CKAN's doing that, then it thinks you still have the standalone version installed. Try uninstalling it via CKAN rather than deleting the folder manually.

Just now, Be4st said:

I'm tempted to just reinstall KSP and CKAN and back up my saves

Probably a good idea if the installed mods are no longer what CKAN thinks they are.

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15 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Try uninstalling it via CKAN rather than deleting the folder manually.

Would love to do that, but this error makes CKAN unusable. If I uncheck or even check a box, it doesn't pop up with the usual 'Apply Changes' box. It just does nothing. Backing up mods or even accessing anything from the drop down menu's up top throws me the 'Unhandled Exception'.

To delete a mod, I have to empty my GameData folder minus the Squad folder, Start CKAN and then put everything back in the GameData folder. Doing that earlier was fine, but reinstalling GPP with it's bundled LoadingScreenManager throws the error again.


Scratch all that. I found the issue. The newer LoadingScreenManager has a dll that isn't part of it's folder structure and places it directly into GameData. This remained after uninstalling and was the culprit for this whole debacle. After removing that dll, CKAN functioned correctly.

Edited by Be4st
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Does CKAN have the capability to list dependencies as an OR case? For example, you require either Mod A or Mod B but not both.

I am trying to add support for TextureReplacer and also TextureReplaceReplaced at the same time but let the end user decide as to which they wish to use but I would require an OR behavior in the metadata dependencies node.

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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

Does CKAN have the capability to list dependencies as an OR case? For example, you require either Mod A or Mod B but not both.

I am trying to add support for TextureReplacer and also TextureReplaceReplaced at the same time but let the end user decide as to which they wish to use but I would require an OR behavior in the metadata dependencies node.

This is typically done via "provides". E.g., Scatterer depends on Scatterer-config, but there is no real package by that name. Then any package that ships configuration files for Scatterer is marked with:

"provides": [ "Scatterer-config" ]

When a user installs Scatterer, CKAN prompts the user to choose among those packages.

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That method won't really work with what I require though as then TextureReplacer and TextureReplacerReplaced would have to have a dependency on, say, "Skybox-provides" of which then all the skyboxes on CKAN would have to update their metadata with a "provides: [ "Skybox-provides" ] " which is unreasonable as not everyone who installs Texture Replacer or TextureReplacerReplaced necessarily wants to have a custom skybox... also the two said dependent mods are not my mods, I have no involvement with them, and as such I shouldn't be making requests on them to be dependent on my mod(s) to achieve this behavior.

Does that sound reasonable/make sense?

EDIT: Ah, it seems TextureReplacerReplaced currently  "provides": ["TextureReplacer"], so it is listed as a possible dependency satisfier when one of my skyboxes is selected for download in CKAN.

I now get what you meant @HebaruSan with your above post. I can specify my mods to require TextureReplacer but TextureReplacerReplaced can be listed as a provider of that identifier also. :D All is good.

Edited by Poodmund
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Feature request: Can we please make it possible to flag or de-flag mods listed based on whether they were previously selectable at the last session?

Or, can we manually hide mods that we affirmatively decide we won't want to consider installing?

Whenever a KSP version rolls over, the mod ecosystem takes weeks and months to catch up.  That's fine, that's the name of the game when you're dealing with volunteer modders donating their time and expertise for free.

But the only way to start a new virgin-install copy of KSP and simply periodically check for all of your favorite mods to be updated is to manually scroll through the "compatible" list one scroll-wheel-click at a time and manually read or quick-scan with your eyeballs to see if any given line might be present that wasn't before.

Please, allow me to manually suppress or block certain mods from my scroll visibility.  This would probably come with an option for me to go in and de-suppress something (or even de-suppress all).  Is there anything to suggest that this already exists, or is already in the works?

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20 minutes ago, MisterFister said:

But the only way to start a new virgin-install copy of KSP and simply periodically check for all of your favorite mods to be updated is to manually scroll through the "compatible" list one scroll-wheel-click at a time and manually read or quick-scan with your eyeballs to see if any given line might be present that wasn't before.

There is something like that in place: the New in repository filter. When you refresh the mod list, any mods that became newly available in that update are added to this filter. It's not perfect, but it ought to be better than scrolling through the entire list every time. Note that the list is reset every time you close/launch CKAN. (Also note that this icon is from the next version; it's a magnifying glass in the current version.)

z2XdBtd.png  hMj53ft.png

Edited by HebaruSan
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22 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

There is something like that in place: -snip- Note that the list is reset every time you close/launch CKAN.

Thank you for this info.  However, does this mean to convey that there is no receptiveness to incorporating a manual-suppress feature?

My reason for asking is that I run multiple parallel copies of KSP, side by side.  Each one has its own modlist.  Having the new-in-repository feature reset every time I close or run CKAN deprecates the net effect for me and others in my usage scenario.  Allowing a user to manually toggle the visibility of specific mods on a per-KSP-install basis would turn the default function into something much more useful, whether or single-copy users or multi-copy users.

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4 minutes ago, MisterFister said:

Thank you for this info.  However, does this mean to convey that there is no receptiveness to incorporating a manual-suppress feature?

No, I did not mean to imply that; I was just trying to think of ways to address your use case with the app as it exists today.

In fact, this type of favorites or anti-favorites flagging is one of the more frequent feature requests:

None of those tickets have been closed as "will not do." In fact, some of them have the ★☆☆ or ★★☆ label set, which means it's something the team would like to do. Clearly it would be desirable to have, but to date no one has stepped forward to attempt to execute it.

4 minutes ago, MisterFister said:

My reason for asking is that I run multiple parallel copies of KSP, side by side.  Each one has its own modlist.  Having the new-in-repository feature reset every time I close or run CKAN deprecates the net effect for me and others in my usage scenario.

Can you help me to understand how? I would picture this flow:

  1. Open CKAN
  2. Select an instance of KSP
  3. Refresh
  4. Select the New in repository filter to see what was recently added

This could be repeated in sequence for as many instances as you like, and it should work just as well as if you had only a single instance, since each instance has its own copy of the registry.

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What has happened to IR and how do I fix this:


See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
CKAN.ModuleNotFoundKraken: Cannot install InfernalRobotics-LegacyParts, module not available
   at CKAN.CkanModule.FromIDandVersion(IRegistryQuerier registry, String mod, KspVersionCriteria ksp_version)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at CKAN.RelationshipResolver..ctor(IEnumerable`1 module_names, RelationshipResolverOptions options, IRegistryQuerier registry, KspVersionCriteria kspversion)
   at CKAN.MainModList.ComputeConflictsFromModList(IRegistryQuerier registry, IEnumerable`1 change_set, KspVersionCriteria ksp_version)
   at CKAN.Main.<UpdateChangeSetAndConflicts>d__77.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at CKAN.Main.<ModList_CellValueChanged>d__76.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()


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14 hours ago, Mine_Turtle said:

What has happened to IR and how do I fix this:

  Reveal hidden contents

See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
CKAN.ModuleNotFoundKraken: Cannot install InfernalRobotics-LegacyParts, module not available
   at CKAN.CkanModule.FromIDandVersion(IRegistryQuerier registry, String mod, KspVersionCriteria ksp_version)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at CKAN.RelationshipResolver..ctor(IEnumerable`1 module_names, RelationshipResolverOptions options, IRegistryQuerier registry, KspVersionCriteria kspversion)
   at CKAN.MainModList.ComputeConflictsFromModList(IRegistryQuerier registry, IEnumerable`1 change_set, KspVersionCriteria ksp_version)
   at CKAN.Main.<UpdateChangeSetAndConflicts>d__77.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at CKAN.Main.<ModList_CellValueChanged>d__76.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()


IR is still in BETA rework/development for latest KSP release. You need to follow instructions how to properly install it:

Do not use CKAN for IR install until it is "officially" properly updated for latest KSP release. Considering that active moders are low on free time for maintaining IR, it may happen again that KSP is updated sooner than IR mod.


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