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CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network); v1.28.0 - Dyson


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Small feature suggestion.  Give us the ability to blacklist mods so that any time a mod that requires them as a dependency is selected, it will highlight it in red like a conflict and disable the apply changes button..   It would be nice to be able to select up a bunch of mods without having to keep track of which ones have a dependency for a mod I don't want to ever install.


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Hello, guys. I realy try to find somehting like "Ideas" or "Suggestions" link anywhere, but find this tread.

I have a trouble in looking a better mod that can add a more realistic and complex Life Support mechanic in game.

So, my idea is make a rating column in list of mods in The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKANsomething like " ★★☆ " where users of SKAN, can vote, to find out what's mode is better in list of "Filtered by descriprion"

I think, this is better way in process of looking , than reading a lot of information in forums and mod decription, looking for some videos on youtube with game play, spending many muntes, hours, sometimes days.

I don't have any idea, how GitHub works. If i may to make some changes myself, i'll will, i just need some instructions =)

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Found a missing dependency for Bluedog Design Bureau.
B9 Part Switch.

I suppose 'dependency' is a strong word--the mod works without the other add-on, but useful bits are missing from it.

Hopefully this is the place to document that sort of thing.

Edited by slaintemaith
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4 hours ago, slaintemaith said:

Found a missing dependency for Bluedog Design Bureau.
B9 Part Switch.

I suppose 'dependency' is a strong word--the mod works without the other add-on, but useful bits are missing from it.

Hopefully this is the place to document that sort of thing.

Like what kind of useful bits? The BDB thread does not say anything about needing B9 Part Switch, or even suggest it.

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Not sure what else, but the Saturn (Sarnus) V needs it for the explode-away plates on the LM fairing under the CM/SM stack.

I was just in the dark as you, but I spoke with the maker of BDB last night and he said it was needed.
Since I just like to find things that don't work and report them, I feel I've done my job.  =)

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41 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Like what kind of useful bits? The BDB thread does not say anything about needing B9 Part Switch, or even suggest it.

We are dependent on B9PartSwitch, DMagic Science Animate, Community Resource Pack, and Module Manager. I will update the OP to additionally clarify it for future reference; I'm really sorry for the confusion. I had no idea our CKAN configs were out of date, or I would have said something long ago. :)

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16 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

We are dependent on B9PartSwitch, DMagic Science Animate, Community Resource Pack, and Module Manager. I will update the OP to additionally clarify it for future reference; I'm really sorry for the confusion. I had no idea our CKAN configs were out of date, or I would have said something long ago. :)

Thanks for the confirmation, this should be fixed now.

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Dealing with a seriously annoying antivirus issue that I just wanted to share. I'm using Bitdefender 2018.

I set up a new KSP install by copying a fresh Steam install to a new directory. I then copied over a fresh CKAN download and started installing mods. After a while, eventually some mod gets flagged as being a virus, and everything goes haywire; ckan gets quarantined, and somehow a lock gets created on the directory such that I cannot copy any ckan.exe or rename any file to ckan.exe in that directory. 

This has now happened twice, with two different mods causing the AV destruction at different times. Even if I completely wipe the directory, somewhere on my system there is now a lock on the full paths that point to a ckan.exe. I have to make new directories and start from scratch. 

I'm ready to tell Bitdefender to GFY.

If anyone knows how to unlock the directory, I'm at my wits end. 

edit: I turned everything off, and let bitdefender restart the computer, then renaming ckan seemed to work. Now I will try to whitelist ckan.exe and GameData and hopefully this will stop happening

edit2: after the restart and rename, I whitelisted the local ckan.exe in Bitdefender's "Advanced Threat Defense" module, and so far I haven't had any more issues.

Edited by drhay53
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1 minute ago, CobaltWolf said:

Future update, releasing some time this week. Our new LEM IVA needed the props, and they factor into our future IVA plans as well so we figured we'd just get the dependency set up. :)

Sounds good. Let us know when the new version is out, and we can merge the dependency update at that point.

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Id like to request a  feature added. A simple filter for currently unmaintained mods(not limited to out of date ones either). I was thinking it be a good idea so devs have a place to look if they want to adopt a mod without combing the forums just looking for one. Having a good looking list of all in one place. What better place than ckan id say?



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17 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Id like to request a  feature added. A simple filter for currently unmaintained mods(not limited to out of date ones either). I was thinking it be a good idea so devs have a place to look if they want to adopt a mod without combing the forums just looking for one. Having a good looking list of all in one place. What better place than ckan id say?



How would you know a mod is unmaintained?  That's a passive state, not an active state.  Some mods can go a long time without changes without anything being wrong.

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7 minutes ago, Loren Pechtel said:

How would you know a mod is unmaintained?  That's a passive state, not an active state.  Some mods can go a long time without changes without anything being wrong.

Ohh..I see what you meen...I didnt think about that aspect. Like if a mod was made for 1.2 but still works fine in 1.3.1.

Id like to think any mod that is like that could be considered 'maintained' until the next ksp version version release breaks it? The premise "dont try and fix what's isn't broken". I cant only think of a few reasons why mods are 'out of date, version wise'. It isnt currently maintained. Its currently being worked on(maintained but release unfinished) It is maintained, but its not broken, so why mess with it.  Or simply the author putting it on the backburner.


Can I reword it? So instead of a filter for mods that are currently Maintained, what about Mods that 'Currently have Support' Regardless of KSP version. Im just looking for a means to see what mods are considered 'Dead' but not obsolete. Mods that still have purpose, but with no one to give support or updates.


Sorry if I'm sounding like a pain in the butt :) Im just throwing out ideas. No harm, No Foul, right?

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6 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Id like to think any mod that is like that could be considered 'maintained' until the next ksp version version release breaks it?

The closest thing currently would be the Incompatible filter:


That would show you all mods that have no versions compatible with your version of KSP. If a mod is supported but not updated to the latest KSP, or updated to the latest KSP but no longer supported, I don't think CKAN would be able to collect that information.

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Just now, HebaruSan said:

The closest thing currently would be the Incompatible filter:


That would show you all mods that have no versions compatible with your version of KSP. If a mod is supported but not updated to the latest KSP, or updated to the latest KSP but no longer supported, I don't think CKAN would be able to collect that information.

Bummer...  Yea problem with that filter is not everyone plays the same version. Outdated for my ksp version, maybe..but possibly still supported by the dev. So technically still maintained.

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4 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Bummer...  Yea problem with that filter is not everyone plays the same version. Outdated for my ksp version, maybe..but possibly still supported by the dev. So technically still maintained.

An easy workaround to that conundrum is to install the latest KSP. :)

CKAN supports multiple instances. You could just pop over from time to time to look for mods that haven't been updated.

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35 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

An easy workaround to that conundrum is to install the latest KSP. :)

CKAN supports multiple instances. You could just pop over from time to time to look for mods that haven't been updated.

I running 1.3.1 currently. Even if a mod is for a different version of KSP. It doesn't matter which really.They can still be actively maintained and supported. Its all at the devs discretion if they want to update their mod I can only assume :) . Im specifically referring to mods that have zero current support for them, regardless of ksp version, that are not considered obsolete still(the mod features have been added to stock game). Mods that basically have no current owner/ the owner have been M.I.A. for a greater than reasonable amount of time. I now realize this is probably isnt in the scope of what ckan can do, but since ckan has literally thousands of mods available with only a few mouse clicks, I thought Id share the idea here.


what If we can leave it up to the mods current owner?(devs can opt in for a specific date or update the mod on ckan manually and flag it as'Currently Unsupported' if they ever want to move on from the project, hopefully changing the license before that if they need to... I know that wouldn't happen 100% of the time as people either forget, or life just happens. But if the option was there, I think slowly it would make for a great comprehensive list of mods that for better or worse phrasing "Wants some TLC". It could also possibly help with the dreaded issue of a dev placing their mod under a strict license, then abandoning it, for whatever reason. Helping only in certain circumstances...if the license cant be changed, the mod has to be rebuilt from scratch..or it just dies I guess..such is life. But if was planned out..couldn't the adopt process be streamlined a bit?

 But I do understand if I'm just talking dreams to everyone. I do that a lot haha. But I do hope I clarified what I am suggesting here. Thanks guys for your responses!

P.S. im not a dev, currently just very enthused. I am learning though, so ya never know :)

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1 hour ago, Jesusthebird said:

what If we can leave it up to the mods current owner?(devs can opt in for a specific date or update the mod on ckan manually and flag it as'Currently Unsupported' if they ever want to move on from the project, hopefully changing the license before that if they need to...

CKAN probably isn't a good tool for what you have in mind, frankly. If a developer wants to abandon mods, a forum thread will get immediate attention and facilitate discussion and transition to new owners. Whereas if it was done via CKAN metadata:

  • The possibilities for new maintainers would be limited to CKAN users
  • ... who had recently refreshed their registry...
  • ... and thought to check the "Unmaintained" filter to see if there were any new mods in the list...
  • ... and then somehow figured out how to contact the previous maintainer to coordinate the transition

If you're really interested in abandoned mods, the Incompatible filter applied to KSP 1.3.1 will list plenty of old mods that you could investigate.

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An announcement for Mac users:

Taken together, these points mean that your operating system vendor is planning to discontinue support for the CKAN GUI. Currently the CKAN development team has zero active members with a Mac, which means our ability to fix Mac problems or write new code for Mac is limited; there's a chance that someday Mac users will download CKAN and not be able to get the GUI to work at all. If you are a Mac developer and would be interested in helping to improve this situation, we'd love to hear from you!

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On 1/29/2018 at 1:45 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Hebaru, if I may bother you again - Bluedog needs to have @Nertea's new NF Props pack added as a dependency. Would you be able to do that for us? Thanks! :)

On 1/29/2018 at 2:05 PM, HebaruSan said:

Sounds good. Let us know when the new version is out, and we can merge the dependency update at that point.

Update is out. :)

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