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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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  On 4/17/2017 at 8:16 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

and is the .version file in the 1.2.9 version correct?


Apparently not as the pre-release version is being given to everyone who is downloading it from ckan regardless of which version of KSP they have

Odd it is that a version 3 releases back is being provided as the latest version on ckan

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  On 4/17/2017 at 8:29 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

Apparently not as the pre-release version is being given to everyone who is downloading it from ckan regardless of which version of KSP they have

Odd it is that a version 3 releases back is being provided as the latest version on ckan


Odd, that a tool which many people use gets broken when it is fed garbage.

And I consider the .version file in the 1.2.9 file broken, because it still refers to 1.2.2

There is an old saying:  Garbage In, Garbage out. 

guess what is happening?

CKAN has a specific file version hard-coded in the netkan file, I'll see what I can do to fix this

One of the problems is that you changed the versioning numbers, causes problems (probably even for AVC) if not adjusted for

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  On 4/17/2017 at 9:17 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Odd, that a tool which many people use gets broken when it is fed garbage.

And I consider the .version file in the 1.2.9 file broken, because it still refers to 1.2.2

There is an old saying:  Garbage In, Garbage out. 

guess what is happening?


The version for KSP 1.2.9 is a pre-release, clearly labelled as well as clarified in the OP of this thread that it is such

There have been 2 releases since the pre-release compatible version was posted with both having correct version files

The pre-release compatible version was posted as a courtesy and unfortunately the version file did not get changed before being posted ... I apologize for any inconvenience that the BDAc team may have caused by not following the rules and conforming to the CKAN gods wishes as it is apparent that modders must do as CKAN says or else

  On 4/17/2017 at 9:27 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Ok, CKAN is updated, and it is now downloading the correct file for 1.2.2


So what was the problem? ... something about garbage

guess what happened?

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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  On 4/17/2017 at 9:30 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

The version for KSP 1.2.9 is a pre-release, clearly labelled as well as clarified in the OP of this thread that it is such

There have been 2 releases since the pre-release compatible version was posted with both having correct version files

The pre-release compatible version was posted as a courtesy and unfortunately the version file did not get changed before being posted ... I apologize for any inconvenience that the BDAc team may have caused by not following the rules and conforming to the CKAN gods wishes as it is apparent that modders must do as CKAN says or else

So what was the problem? ... something about garbage

guess what happened?


Well, still wrong for AVC, but CKAN is overriding that file, which I wasn't aware of before

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  On 4/17/2017 at 9:30 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

The pre-release compatible version was posted as a courtesy and unfortunately the version file did not get changed before being posted ... I apologize for any inconvenience that the BDAc team may have caused by not following the rules and conforming to the CKAN gods wishes as it is apparent that modders must do as CKAN says or else


Please no.  Hopefully we are all here to both have a good time and help other people have a good time.

CKAN isn't perfect.  Neither is anything else.  It's just better than anything else available for KSP right now.

If I offended, I apologize, I did not mean to.

  On 4/17/2017 at 9:35 PM, jrodriguez said:

It was my fault. I did not expect that CKAN will be tracking that release after I did a new one. At the moment there is only one master branch which contains the code compatible with KSP 1.2.2.


Due to a number of reasons, CKAN has the version hard-coded into the file.  Because of that, when you did a new release, CKAN didn't pick it up automatically the way it does most other mods.

I don't know the history, but was able to get it updated.

If you could ping me anytime you do a release, I could (usually) get CKAN fixed 

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I ran into something of a bug: it appears as if all bullets/missiles are attached to the position of your vessel instead of an inertial frame of reference. This manifests as:
- Explosions moving across the ground at the same speed and direction as my plane.
- flares turning along with my jet, so that the 'flare pattern' moves along with my jets just as if they were formation flying
- Hydra rockets turning the same way as my flares did
- 20mm vulcan bullets moving/turning along with my jet as well
- Cluster Bomb submunitions are also affected by turns and velocity changes of the vessel the cluster bomb was fired from

apart from this:
- the GPS-guided 1000lb bomb did not steer towards the target and fell as if I had no target selected
- the AGM-86C cruise missile also did not steer in any way and fell to the ground like an unguided bomb with a small engine

This happened both in the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of KSP

Edit: I use KSP 1.2.2 and BDAc v

Edited by Hector_919
added info about my versions of KSP and BDAc
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  On 4/18/2017 at 12:49 PM, Hector_919 said:

I ran into something of a bug: it appears as if all bullets/missiles are attached to the position of your vessel instead of an inertial frame of reference. This manifests as:
- Explosions moving across the ground at the same speed and direction as my plane.
- flares turning along with my jet, so that the 'flare pattern' moves along with my jets just as if they were formation flying
- Hydra rockets turning the same way as my flares did
- 20mm vulcan bullets moving/turning along with my jet as well
- Cluster Bomb submunitions are also affected by turns and velocity changes of the vessel the cluster bomb was fired from

apart from this:
- the GPS-guided 1000lb bomb did not steer towards the target and fell as if I had no target selected
- the AGM-86C cruise missile also did not steer in any way and fell to the ground like an unguided bomb with a small engine

This happened both in the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of KSP

Edit: I use KSP 1.2.2 and BDAc v


Please, as usual you should open an issue here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues

I recommend to open different tickets per issue topic, attaching your KSP.log generated during gameplay and the steps to reproduce the problem.


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Is Physics Range Extender essential or will everything still work more or less without it, maybe just with reduced missile ranges or something? I'm mainly interested in direct fire weapons and just wanna have WWII style close range dogfights, will that still work?

Edited by the_machemer
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  On 4/21/2017 at 6:05 PM, the_machemer said:

Is Physics Range Extender essential or will everything still work more or less without it, maybe just with reduced missile ranges or something? I'm mainly interested in direct fire weapons and just wanna have WWII style close range dogfights, will that still work?


It will work. But entities will not load before 2km. Even with WW2 style planes, that's not much.

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I've been testing with a vehicle that has a tracking radar linked to a plane with no on-board radar and AMRAAM missiles. Whether the AI chooses to use missiles or not seems to depend on the size of the target. Does anyone have any more information on this?

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I have some issues with this mod, alrady did a completely clean instal only using bdarmory and vesselmover but for some reason the AI refuses to use the Jernas missile turret (only weapon on the ship, using ai module and weapon manager) when in guard mode it refuses to pick the turret with 2 PAC missiles mounted 

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  On 4/23/2017 at 10:49 PM, SnappingTurtle said:

I've been testing with a vehicle that has a tracking radar linked to a plane with no on-board radar and AMRAAM missiles. Whether the AI chooses to use missiles or not seems to depend on the size of the target. Does anyone have any more information on this?


Unable to say without details of the target,  though there is a built in limit to the signal strength that will trigger the system.  Other things too determine use of missiles, such as guns with overly long ranges,  or setting the AI to long gun range will effectively turn off missile use.

  On 4/24/2017 at 12:23 PM, KevinVDxcke said:

I have some issues with this mod, alrady did a completely clean instal only using bdarmory and vesselmover but for some reason the AI refuses to use the Jernas missile turret (only weapon on the ship, using ai module and weapon manager) when in guard mode it refuses to pick the turret with 2 PAC missiles mounted 


Hi just tested Jernas and PAC3  and am unable to replicate your issue using KSP 122 and BDAc v0210 . Multiple Jernas turrets loaded with pac 3 intercept missiles fitted to test rig  all fired and tracked to target correctly. Can you try moving the firing interval slider to the lowest setting and retry

  On 4/24/2017 at 7:07 PM, mr. engino said:

is there a mod incompatibility? for some reason, I'm only able to fire the air force laser, nothing else works at all.


HI, there are no known incompatibilities and very few issues in general, and no way to properly diagnose your issue without further details or logs. That said before proceeding you should check the the BDA install path is correct, the only correct path is KSP/GameData/BDArmory, no other path will work and installing the mod any other way will cause it to fail . IF the filepath is correct check that you have the correct version of BDA for the version of KSP you are using.

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  On 4/24/2017 at 8:46 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Unable to say without details of the target,  though there is a built in limit to the signal strength that will trigger the system.  Other things too determine use of missiles, such as guns with overly long ranges,  or setting the AI to long gun range will effectively turn off missile use.

Hi just tested Jernas and PAC3  and am unable to replicate your issue using KSP 122 and BDAc v0210 . Multiple Jernas turrets loaded with pac 3 intercept missiles fitted to test rig  all fired and tracked to target correctly. Can you try moving the firing interval slider to the lowest setting and retry

HI, there are no known incompatibilities and very few issues in general, and no way to properly diagnose your issue without further details or logs. That said before proceeding you should check the the BDA install path is correct, the only correct path is KSP/GameData/BDArmory, no other path will work and installing the mod any other way will cause it to fail . IF the filepath is correct check that you have the correct version of BDA for the version of KSP you are using.


I havent changed any of the ai settings tho, i first tried setting both SAMS next to each other but as opponents in guard mode and they didnt even bother turning on the JERNAS radar, then i tried with the same SAM and the stock aeris with flight AI attached also on opposite teams and the aeris was flying fine, constantly heading towards the SAM for a strafe without weapons but the SAM didnt respond again, not even switching to the JERNAS radar, tried with both PAC and sidewinders, nothing, hope this reply is abit more usefull

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  On 4/24/2017 at 8:57 PM, KevinVDxcke said:

SAMS next to each other but as opponents in guard mode and they didnt even bother turning on the JERNAS rada


The missiles have an minimum and maximum launch range the AI will not fire a PAC3 within 2KM or further than 15KM,  Which why the AI did not respond when they were next to each other .

Lets just clarify things, 

You have  the correct versions  of KSP and BDA and BDA is correctly installed       You have craft A on the runway,  craft B the aeries is flying at a distance of no closer than 2km . Craft A  the launcher,  has a  available EC and  1 weapon manger set to team A and craft B has 1 weapon manager set to team B . The missile turret .craft A has missiles attached correctly and not fouling or in collision with the launcher,  The exit path for the missile is unobstructed.  by struts or other turrets.

If all the above is true then the radar should activate and the AI fire the missile at a valid target, however if just one thing is false it will fail to work as advertised . 

Check the filepath for correct installation, check the version is correct, make sure the test is not being influenced by other errors (other mod problems)  If all that checks out a copy of the KSP.log will be required (as per the first post)  in order to diagnose your issues



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So I tried to launch 3 fighter jets to do a flyover of the island, and EVERYTHING failed.

1) BurnTogether decided that either the other 2 planes wouldn't take off at all (I fiddled with leader settings, turned AG mimic off/on; I tried everything). Then the throttle shut off and I couldn't change it.

2) So then I tried the AI mode. The pilots almost collided, and then when I tried to make them follow me, they crashed into the ocean, causing not only a game crash, but also a very peeved off player who was trying to have an epic 3v3 battle.

Any ideas at all as to what is going on?

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  On 4/24/2017 at 11:05 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

So I tried to launch 3 fighter jets to do a flyover of the island, and EVERYTHING failed.

1) BurnTogether decided that either the other 2 planes wouldn't take off at all (I fiddled with leader settings, turned AG mimic off/on; I tried everything). Then the throttle shut off and I couldn't change it.

2) So then I tried the AI mode. The pilots almost collided, and then when I tried to make them follow me, they crashed into the ocean, causing not only a game crash, but also a very peeved off player who was trying to have an epic 3v3 battle.

Any ideas at all as to what is going on?


So Burn Together is not designed for the purpose you are trying to use it for

What you are looking to use is the Wing Commander module built into BDAc ... Consult the in game BDPedia (KSPedia) for detailed instructions on how to use this feature

You can also see an example of Wing Commander in action by watching the video below:


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  On 4/24/2017 at 9:20 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

The missiles have an minimum and maximum launch range the AI will not fire a PAC3 within 2KM or further than 15KM,  Which why the AI did not respond when they were next to each other .

Lets just clarify things, 

You have  the correct versions  of KSP and BDA and BDA is correctly installed       You have craft A on the runway,  craft B the aeries is flying at a distance of no closer than 2km . Craft A  the launcher,  has a  available EC and  1 weapon manger set to team A and craft B has 1 weapon manager set to team B . The missile turret .craft A has missiles attached correctly and not fouling or in collision with the launcher,  The exit path for the missile is unobstructed.  by struts or other turrets.

If all the above is true then the radar should activate and the AI fire the missile at a valid target, however if just one thing is false it will fail to work as advertised . 

Check the filepath for correct installation, check the version is correct, make sure the test is not being influenced by other errors (other mod problems)  If all that checks out a copy of the KSP.log will be required (as per the first post)  in order to diagnose your issues




Thank you, i will try all this out and if it fails, where can i find the log? I'm most certain the versions arent the problem as its KSP 1.2.2 and the 1.2.2 compatible BDa, it has an Electric Charge and i can fire the missiles just fine manually, so i think it might be the distance

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  On 4/25/2017 at 4:44 AM, KevinVDxcke said:

Thank you, i will try all this out and if it fails, where can i find the log?


Your KSP.log can be found in your KSP root directory ... it gets overwritten each time you start KSP 

Upload the file to an online file sharing site such as dropbox or google drive and paste the link here 

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  On 4/25/2017 at 2:23 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

Your KSP.log can be found in your KSP root directory ... it gets overwritten each time you start KSP 

Upload the file to an online file sharing site such as dropbox or google drive and paste the link here 


Don't worry, it was the fistancr, moved a 2 SAMs 5km away from each other and it worked,  it works with the planes now, and the SAMs also targets naval ships so its working fine for me

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