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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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On 12/22/2017 at 8:49 AM, Marssu1309 said:

Hey Guys, first im really happy with BDA. 
But since 1.3 BDA have some problem.
My Missile can not lift up from turret, track and everything that i attach missile on. But Missile still fire up, it's just like you running but still stay in one place. Can u check it!!

Which missile are you using and what are you attaching it to?
All missiles need a target lock (radar, heat or laser) or GPS target and should only be attached to missile rails.

3 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

So why are the 50 cal round so ridiculous overpowered? 

Not anymore :) Next release changes all that

17 hours ago, Nuclearpigz said:

My bullets become sharp spears and just stick into anything they hit. They dont heat up and destroy things. It really lags my game...


I have the physics mod thing linked in OP, but it still doesnt work.

Please read the following about reporting issues, I cannot really understand anything of what is going on without more information or logs

  • What version of KSP?
  • What version of BDA?
  • Have you tried completely removing BDA folder and re-installing, it sounds like you may have an old or broken version.



Edited by gomker
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On 22-12-2017 at 9:43 AM, Galane said:

Jolly Roger Aerospace posted a BDA dogfight tutorial yesterday.


This made me realize that my OP missile problem may have just been caused by me not disabling the engage missiles option on my guns....

I'm sorry for bothering anyone with that


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Merry Christmas guys!!!   Watch the video to see what the tree's special trick is...... I'm in the BDA thread..... what do you think it does LOL.




Sorry about the "booping" sound lol... Discord was running on the other screen... and @gomker had alot to say!  :sticktongue:


yes I had to change the base.... the first one was too weak.

Edited by TheKurgan
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On 12/24/2017 at 3:10 AM, gomker said:

Which missile are you using and what are you attaching it to?
All missiles need a target lock (radar, heat or laser) or GPS target and should only be attached to missile rails.

Not anymore :) Next release changes all that

Please read the following about reporting issues, I cannot really understand anything of what is going on without more information or logs

  • What version of KSP?
  • What version of BDA?
  • Have you tried completely removing BDA folder and re-installing, it sounds like you may have an old or broken version.



All Kind of missile, first missile has never left but second is okay. I often use AIM 120. My version is 1.3.1 KSP. Lastest BDA. I reinstall whole game not just BDA. Missile stuck also on Jenas Turret or other kind of turret which u can attach missile. I also tried missile rail but it's still happen.

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On 12/24/2017 at 3:10 AM, gomker said:

Which missile are you using and what are you attaching it to?
All missiles need a target lock (radar, heat or laser) or GPS target and should only be attached to missile rails.

Not anymore :) Next release changes all that

Please read the following about reporting issues, I cannot really understand anything of what is going on without more information or logs

  • What version of KSP?
  • What version of BDA?
  • Have you tried completely removing BDA folder and re-installing, it sounds like you may have an old or broken version.



By the way, u can see this to know what happen, i made it: 


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Well I as playing with the new beta with the realistic weapons damage, yeah now the 50 cal is basically useless, I can pump ~2000 rounds into a small plane before felling it. The 20 mm cannon also takes a couple of hits before a part goes, it is only the 30 mm cannon that can blow a plane apart in a handful of hits. 


The bullet hole decals are a nice touch, but often float above the surface.




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4 minutes ago, RuBisCO said:

The bullet hole decals are a nice touch, but often float above the surface.

Yeah, that's a known issue. The guys will revisit that later, and see if it can be resolved.

And I share your dismay with the 50 cal damage... I've brought it up to the guys personally. I don't know if it will be changed.

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2 minutes ago, TheKurgan said:

Yeah, that's a known issue. The guys will revisit that later, and see if it can be resolved.

And I share your dismay with the 50 cal damage... I've brought it up to the guys personally. I don't know if it will be changed.

I guess it is realistic though, what I want is nude 20 mm and 30 mm cannons like the 50 cal that can can shove into wings and fuselage. 

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Yeah I have tried those, would be nice if they just came with the BD Armory mod. The more mods the less downloads on KerbalX. 


I do have a solution of using the 30 mm cannon turrets locked forward and hidden as "pop out" cannons. With the new ballistic parameters those rounds still do a whole lot of damage.  

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9 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

Well I as playing with the new beta with the realistic weapons damage, yeah now the 50 cal is basically useless, I can pump ~2000 rounds into a small plane before felling it. The 20 mm cannon also takes a couple of hits before a part goes, it is only the 30 mm cannon that can blow a plane apart in a handful of hits. 


The bullet hole decals are a nice touch, but often float above the surface.




Making the decals map to the mesh surfaces is on the to-do list - but is also  VERY hard to to :) We felt like it was best to get the feature started even if its not perfect

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I noticed that the .50 cal guns actually do seem to do a good amount of damage if they're in salvo mode (if that's the mode where all guns fire at once). It's probably due to the fact that the bullets all hit at about the same time, which means each succession of shots is going to hit a specific area, instead of the plane shooting guns one after another and the enemy possibly maneuvering and causing those bullets to hit different parts of the plane.

Edited by Deathpuff12
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On 10/29/2017 at 6:24 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi i've just test run all the parts, deployable engines/RCS ,  with the exception of critter crawler, and using the last available version of animation modules from https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases

And all parts  work as advertised ,  all functions are as far as i can tell in order.

Actually, I just found a bug in one of the modules in the raidernick version of BDA, and fixed it, I have submitted a PR to him for it

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Amazing, I'm loving the new damage feature, it even takes a lot of 20 mm rounds to bring down a plan, but the 30 mm round only a few are needed. Some questions though: what does the bust of flames mean? It really slows down my computer to. Yeah that flame effect needs some work, or perhaps it is my version of directX/opengl?

Album a/piVCY will appear when post is submitted


Edited by RuBisCO
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8 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

Amazing, I'm loving the new damage feature, it even takes a lot of 20 mm rounds to bring down a plan, but the 30 mm round only a few are needed. Some questions though: what does the bust of flames mean? It really slows down my computer to. Yeah that flame effect needs some work, or perhaps it is my version of directX/opengl?

Album a/piVCY will appear when post is submitted



Please raise an issue on our github :)


Also an FYI ... when you forceopengl while using BDAc you will end up with a magenta targeting camera ... known issue with no fix other than not forcing opengl

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Two things:

- One day I rally hope that there is a tank AI module added that will look for hills and buildings for your tank to hide behind if under fire. And will go out tracking down enemy tanks. Maybe it could have an anti air and artillery mode too.

- Another and possibly more important one is I hope there is one day space AI for fighters bombers carriers and battleships, this would add a whole new layer to the game and would utilize what KSP was made for. It would be so awesome.

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On 2017/12/30 at 1:39 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

Please raise an issue on our github :)


Also an FYI ... when you forceopengl while using BDAc you will end up with a magenta targeting camera ... known issue with no fix other than not forcing opengl

Hello mister.

I've made some missile samples that I want to add to the game using BDArmory.

But when I find out it is an awful trial. The missile wont act normal.

I'm using the same cfg file from AIM-120 but it turns out my missiles dont have the some results.

1.They dont have CRUISE thrust but only BOOST thrust.

2.Since I'm using Verticle Launch System to launch my missiles Its guide mode seems not right(I'm using aam mode/radar guidance)

3. How can I made my own missile in the UNITY? What else should I be awered?

     In my UNITY  I only have the missile itself and a Object as the thrusttransform.



Thank you very much and Happy new year!

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7 hours ago, Johnny005611 said:

 In my UNITY  I only have the missile itself and a Object as the thrusttransform.

Hi , you are missing something, missiles ideally need a rotation transform in order to fly properly.  If you have properly referenced the unity names in the cfg then the exhaust and boost exhaust should be active from the exhaustTransform.

more notes

Missile Exhaust 'Prefabs' - If you want to use a missile exhaust prefab for your missile, remove any existing exhaust particle emitters, and create an empty object called "exhaustTransform" with it's local Y axis pointing in the direction of the exhaust (opposite direction of missile).  See image.

If you want to use different exhaust prefabs for boost and cruise phase, make a separate gameObject, and name it something like "boostTransform" (it doesn't matter, as long as its referenced in the part config).

If you don't set up a separate boost transform, the exhaust prefab will be used for both boost and cruise phases.

Then setup the config (in the MissileLauncher part module):

exhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/smallExhaust          //only line needed if using only one prefab for both thrust phases

//only needed for separate boost effects
boostExhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/mediumExhaust				
boostTransformName = boostTransform
boostExhaustTransformName = boostTransform

Take a look at the part config of AIM-120 for an example of the dual stage exhaust, and the Hellfire for a single exhaust prefab. 

Final note,  most missile cfgs are set up for a particular missile , there is no one cfg fits all, so take your time, make ONE small change and test.  Also check out the cfg differences between ground and air launched missiles. (there are plenty of examples not just in BDA but many other mods)

something that may help, although the missile below has a detachable booster , these are pretty much the standard transforms and directions for 99% of missiles


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17 hours ago, goduranus said:

I was gonna report some balance issued but changed my mind when I saw JRA had a new tournament, so gonna use that to my advantage XD.

Oh cool!

I've discovered some patterns as well, and submitted a fighter too. Can't wait to see how yours performs.

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On 2018/1/1 at 11:32 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi , you are missing something, missiles ideally need a rotation transform in order to fly properly.  If you have properly referenced the unity names in the cfg then the exhaust and boost exhaust should be active from the exhaustTransform.

more notes

Missile Exhaust 'Prefabs' - If you want to use a missile exhaust prefab for your missile, remove any existing exhaust particle emitters, and create an empty object called "exhaustTransform" with it's local Y axis pointing in the direction of the exhaust (opposite direction of missile).  See image.

If you want to use different exhaust prefabs for boost and cruise phase, make a separate gameObject, and name it something like "boostTransform" (it doesn't matter, as long as its referenced in the part config).

If you don't set up a separate boost transform, the exhaust prefab will be used for both boost and cruise phases.

Then setup the config (in the MissileLauncher part module):

exhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/smallExhaust          //only line needed if using only one prefab for both thrust phases

//only needed for separate boost effects
boostExhaustPrefabPath = BDArmory/Models/exhaust/mediumExhaust				
boostTransformName = boostTransform
boostExhaustTransformName = boostTransform

Take a look at the part config of AIM-120 for an example of the dual stage exhaust, and the Hellfire for a single exhaust prefab. 

Final note,  most missile cfgs are set up for a particular missile , there is no one cfg fits all, so take your time, make ONE small change and test.  Also check out the cfg differences between ground and air launched missiles. (there are plenty of examples not just in BDA but many other mods)

something that may help, although the missile below has a detachable booster , these are pretty much the standard transforms and directions for 99% of missiles


Thank you very much sir! These problems have been solved very well and again THANKS to you!

I would also like to know if there is any chance to give the missile RCS controls.

Since I'm making the new VLS system , I would want my missiles launched as following precedure:

step 1 :VLS push the missile to the sky up to about 100 meters Rapidly.

step 2 :Using RCS control to change the direction of the missile very quick (like in 0.5s)

step 3 :Main engine starts and head towards the target

Will that be possible cuz I found some descrebtion about missile RCS in the github/BDarmory but I couldn't make it happen.  

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