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[1.8.x] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.6.0 (Feb 5 2020)


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15 hours ago, kirito1605 said:

Hi, im still kind of new to modding KSP, and i am using CKAN, however when I try to find B9 Aerospace it wont let me install it. I have tried to manually install it, but have had no success with it either

Welcome toe the forums!  Is the problem that it isn't showing up on CKAN or that there is some error when you try to install?  If it's just not showing up, the problem is probably just that you're on KSP 1.3.1 and it's not marked as compatible.

I've been meaning to make a new release for KSP 1.3.1 but just haven't gotten around to it yet.  Should hopefully have time this weekend.

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On 02/11/2017 at 9:04 PM, blowfish said:

Welcome toe the forums!  Is the problem that it isn't showing up on CKAN or that there is some error when you try to install?  If it's just not showing up, the problem is probably just that you're on KSP 1.3.1 and it's not marked as compatible.

I've been meaning to make a new release for KSP 1.3.1 but just haven't gotten around to it yet.  Should hopefully have time this weekend.

Pwetty pwease

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On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎02 at 1:19 AM, kirito1605 said:

Hi, im still kind of new to modding KSP, and i am using CKAN, however when I try to find B9 Aerospace it wont let me install it. I have tried to manually install it, but have had no success with it either

You say you're new to modding KSP, but I'm not sure how new you are to game modding in general.  Assuming you're on the new side with that, too, I think I can help explain.  Basically, CKAN works because of "metadata," wherein mods are packaged wherever they're up for download.  CKAN doesn't "hold" any mods, it just holds a centralized index.

That index keeps track of a lot of things, including mod versions (as a mod gets updated, the CKAN index expands to include multiple versions of the mod, I think.)  Individual mod versions are tested and indexed as to which exact patch versions of KSP they're keyed to be compatible with.  Indeed, most of the very reason behind mod version changes is to keep the mods up to date with the latest version updates and patches of the base game.

With this mod, the metadata says that the latest mod version is v6.3.2 (as of the writing of this comment) and that this version of the mod is compatible up to KSP v1.3.0.  If you run KSP from Steam (more on this in a second) then in all likelihood you've migrated to KSP v1.3.1.

That third digit of the KSP version may or may not be significant to a mod's compatibility.  The CKAN index can never know, so it never assumes.  If a mod creator chooses to list its own metadata as keyed for KSP up to a max version of v1.3.99, for example, then that's how that mod creator would let the CKAN index know that small version patches to KSP are predicted to be immaterial to mod compatibility, but any time the game migrates to v1.4.0 or higher, then CKAN is instructed to await further instructions.

In this thread, a few panels above my comment here, the current mod caretaker made a comment that indirectly confirms that the KSP v1.3.0 to 1.3.1 is a significant enough jump that some tweaks and updates within this mod are necessary.

Note that CKAN never "knows" if a mod is EVER compatible, it just lists mods filtered against the internal metadata of your system KSP install and the metadata of the mods themselves in the centralized index.

Basically, the scenario here for B9 is to wait for a few more days for the mod-author to update it for KSP v1.3.1.  And have a pleasant modding evening.  :)

Note from above regarding Steam installs:


I can get into further technical detail if you want me to, but CKAN doesn't just have an online central index of mod metadata.  It builds metadata specific to your KSP install as well.  What exact KSP version you're running, what mods you've used CKAN to install, and what mods you might have installed manually.

VERY IMPORTANT to realize that when Steam auto-updates the base game, CKAN is almost entirely unable to keep track of that.  Often (I don't even know if it's "most" of the time or not -- but definitely not "always") CKAN can handle this with no interruptions.  This is difficult to predict because when CKAN does act up, it's actually not CKAN itself acting up, it's one or more of the mods that it's managing on your system.

For this reason, I and most other people here will STRONGLY urge you to NEVER run CKAN against the live Steam-installed copy of the game on your system.  My best advice is for you to set aside a folder or section of a hard drive for multiple KSP versions running at the same time (I even go a step further and keep an archive of as many unmodded and "fresh" base-game KSP versions as possible, in case I ever need to downgrade to a version no longer available on Steam, for example.)  Keep your folders and subfolders neatly organized!!  Backup your savefile in the game.

Then within Steam, right click the game in your library list, and uninstall it.  After that's done, navigate to the Add Remove Programs menu to uninstall the game from there, if it's still listed.  Then after that, navigate to the original game folder at [X]:\Steam\steamapps\common, and manually delete the "Kerbal Space Program" folder if it still exists.  Leave this last folder window open (minimize it if you must.)  THEN, from the Steam interface, order the game to re-download and install to the same default location.  The extra steps can sometimes be necessary, or at least helpful, in removing messy aftereffects of half-uninstalled mods, corrupted savefiles, and other REALLY difficult-to-detect troubleshooting issues.  Therefore, I just think it's easier to spend the extra sixty seconds going through these steps every time so I have it memorized and it's not a hassle.  For advanced trickery, you can set aside a folder of shortcuts to all of these relevant computer locations to make the redundant-uninstall process I describe above even quicker and easier.

Once the game is finished downloading, DON'T RUN IT FOR THE FIRST TIME.  First, in a set-aside archive location that is convenient for you and your computer system (I use an entire hand-me-down used 64GB SSD for this, since it was lying around not being used for anything else) manually create two new folders, each one with its own subfolder.  Name the first two folders something like "Archive" and "Install."  Within each of those two side-by-side folders, make one subfolder in each, both subfolders with a temporary dummy name for the time being.  Then, COPY your entire new "Kerbal Space Program" folder from [X]:\Steam\steamapps\common into each of the two subfolders.  Your system will now have three perfectly identical fresh unused copies of KSP -- one in your Steam install folder, and one in each of the two subfolders you just made.  Now, go to the dummy-named subfolder inside the "Install" folder and run it directly from the .exe of your choosing (if you mod, I'd generally predict you'd want the x64 version.)

Let KSP run for the first time, and let it load to the menu screen.  Note the exact long-form KSP version number in the lower right corner of the game display window.  Go to the "Archive" folder, and rename the dummy-named subfolder to read the same as that exact long-form version number.  Copy that folder title to name the other subfolder within "Install" to be the same thing.  Set your default resolution and other menu settings the way you like, then close the game.

Each of your first two new folders, "Archive" and "Install", should now have its own copy of the exact same subfolder named after the current longform KSP version number.  Within THOSE two identical subfolders, each one will have a full and complete "Kerbal Space Program" inside it.  The only difference now is that the copy inside "Archive" is untouched, never run once, no mods, no edits within it, nothing.  Leave it that way.  That's your baseline to restore from if your modding attempts go whacky and you don't want to wait for Steam to re-download all over again.  The "Install" side of the setup contains the copy of KSP that you've set your preferred window resolution instead of the new-install default.  You can duplicate that one as many times as you wish before modding it, if you want to have multiple different sets of mods running for different uses of KSP.  For example, you can run a clean unmodded stock game, as well as one for RSS/RO, as well as potentially four or even a thousand other versions.  That way, you install and troubleshoot all your mod-installs up front, and you can then change up which mods you play with in any given session by choosing between parallel KSP installs with different mods pre-installed onto each.

MAKE SURE YOU ONLY ATTACH MODS to the copies in your "Install" folder.  That way, a Steam update never borks your modded install, and a CKAN error never borks your Steam-installed baseline.  Periodically, check for new KSP updates and add them to new subfolders within your "Archive" folder.  That way, when mods are slow to catch up, you can continue playing your old KSP version with mods that still worked, but you have a new-version baseline that you can run mod-install troubleshooting tests during the days and weeks it usually takes the mod forums to stabilize.

Mild warning, especially if you're new to modding KSP:


Note that you theoretically "can" run CKAN and manual mods alongside each other, but my own experience with very heavy modding -- typically several hundred at a time -- you start running into serious issues where you have both CKAN and manual mods where both of those categories contain more than a handful of mods at the same time.

You can run hundreds of CKAN-managed mods with a small handful (maybe as many as 6-8) manually installed mods at the same time.  Or, you can run hundreds of manually curated mods, alongside again a small number of perhaps 3-10 CKAN mods at the same time.

Of course, if you run fewer than 15-ish mods, my experience would tend to suggest that you'll never have serious troubleshooting issues running full half-and-half between the two categories.

For my own purposes where I run hundreds of mods at the same time, I of course want to emphasize the use of CKAN wherever possible.  Therefore, I limit myself to as few manual-mods as possible, and even with those manual mods I keep close track of them in case they ever get updated and added to CKAN.  If / when that happens, I manually uninstall the manually-installed copy of the mod, and then I install it for the first time through CKAN.  In most circumstances, I've learned that I can head off a lot of future headaches if I simply start all over with mods on a new pristine copy of KSP and then move my savefiles over one by one, but that's my experience and yours may vary from what I describe here.


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B9 Aerospace v6.4.0 for KSP 1.3.1

  • Release for KSP 1.3.1
  • Bring back engine pylons for use on things other than engines (note, they only show up if you have the legacy pack installed)
  • Unify all tank masses with the same formula
  • Reduce mass of structural tank variants a bit
  • Remove unbalanced battery option on Y1 end cap
  • CryoTanks: Bring LH2 and LH2O tank stats more in line with CryoTanks
  • CryoTanks: Add cooling to all tanks as in CryoTanks
  • CryoTanks: Fix definition of boiloff module
  • Fix a couple of legacy wings having nonexistent tech nodes
  • Fix FAR patches on S2 fuselages not properly removing ModuleLiftingSurface
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1 hour ago, Maarek_Stele said:

Anyone else having the built in RCS thrusters on the HL Cockpit not work on the right hand side?  

Interesting, the transforms seem to be facing the wrong way.  I'll look into correcting it, but I don't have access to the original source files which makes it somewhat difficult.

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On 11/5/2017 at 6:09 PM, blowfish said:

Interesting, the transforms seem to be facing the wrong way.  I'll look into correcting it, but I don't have access to the original source files which makes it somewhat difficult.

Do you at least have access to the config file? One potential solution I just thought of would be to disable the (asymmetrical) RCS system of the HL cockpit.

Obviously that's less than ideal, but it can be mitigated in-game simply by slapping a pair of RCS thrusters onto the sides of the cockpit. Seems a bit better than asymmetrical RCS, or trying to solve that issue in-game by putting an RCS thruster with a non-zero mass on one side of the vehicle without a counterweight on the other side.

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15 minutes ago, Thorn_Ike said:


It doesn't allow me to click other tabs in build view

Doesn't sound like it's caused by B9.  Might want to take a look at the "how to get support" link in my signature to you can give us the info we need (logs) to figure out what's really causing your issue.

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59 minutes ago, blowfish said:

Doesn't sound like it's caused by B9.  Might want to take a look at the "how to get support" link in my signature to you can give us the info we need (logs) to figure out what's really causing your issue.

Fixed itself


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1 minute ago, Agustin said:

Can you make your parts configs for this?


Getting PBR working properly requires more than just making configs (need addtional maps).  I think it would be cool, but probably not something I have the time to do right now.  If someone else wants to work on it though, I'd be more than happy to include that in B9

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Thorn_Ike said:

Can you add Mk2 Lightning Cockpit for this? 

I really badly want it but the link that @BahamutoD posted is outdated.

Have been meaning to do this actually - still have to verify that the license is compatible, but it seems reasonable to include the B9 textured versions of those.

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4 hours ago, blowfish said:

Have been meaning to do this actually - still have to verify that the license is compatible, but it seems reasonable to include the B9 textured versions of those.

Yes! YES!! YES!!!

So this means that it's coming to B9?

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10 minutes ago, Thorn_Ike said:

Yes! YES!! YES!!!

So this means that it's coming to B9?

It looks like the licenses might not quite be compatible, so I will have to get in contact with BahamutoD to get permission for them to be re-licensed.

Edited by blowfish
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1 hour ago, blowfish said:

It looks like the licenses might not quite be compatible, so I will have to get in contact with BahamutoD to get permission for them to be re-licensed.

About that...

You might have to ask the BDA team ( @DoctorDavinci, @gomker, @Papa_Joe, etc.) as they run the BDA mods because @BahamutoD is on leave and requested the BDA team to continue mods.

Edited by Thorn_Ike
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3 minutes ago, Thorn_Ike said:

About that...

You might have to ask the BDA team ( @DoctorDavinci, @gomker, @Papa_Joe, etc.) as they run the BDA mods because @BahamutoD is on leave and requested the BDA team to continue mods.

I'm a bit tired right now, what we talking about :) 

MK22 is being maintained here : https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin | current license https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/blob/master/Distribution/GameData/BDMk22/License.txt

PapaJoe is out on Vaca right now, I can take a look at whatever you guys want to do. So far I have only been trying to keep the mod working with updates to KSP and ASET, no new features are planned.  Issues section on github is best way for direct comms to the team, we are in the middle of another major release cycle.


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33 minutes ago, gomker said:

I'm a bit tired right now, what we talking about :) 

MK22 is being maintained here : https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin | current license https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/blob/master/Distribution/GameData/BDMk22/License.txt

PapaJoe is out on Vaca right now, I can take a look at whatever you guys want to do. So far I have only been trying to keep the mod working with updates to KSP and ASET, no new features are planned.  Issues section on github is best way for direct comms to the team, we are in the middle of another major release cycle.


Sorry, but what's MK22?

I want this cockpit: 

But the link is outdated.

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