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Project Overkill: Tylo Rescue with an Uber-Rocket (Cinematic/Comedy/Mission Report) - Part 3 is up!

Soda Popinski

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3 years ago (2013), KSC sent 9 explorers to Jool to land on all 4 muns.  Turns out there were 5 of them, and one of those brave explorers got stuck on the one I forgot about.

This is the story of his rescue.

Note:  This started off as a video mission report, but after reading all of Kuzzter's Kerbfleet narratives, I was inspired to turn my mission report into more of a story with characters.  So I interspersed my actual game play with clips from the actual savegame (KSP 0.235) along with "on-set" stuff in the current version of the game, using Camera Tools and Texture Replacer.  So forgive the appearance of the GUI, as this wasn't suppose to be "cinematic" originally.  I tried to make it as amusing as I can.  Hope you guys appreciate my nerdy humor. 

Edited by Soda Popinski
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Came here from KSP from the daily kerbal. All i have to say is the best video i've seen so far. You made me laugh after a long time and i hope you can make this a series (can't wait for the other parts of the story). The dialogs, the voiceover, the references, the editing are amazing, i just can't stop watching the video over and over.


Two questions,


What the heck is that thing jumping up and down behind Excell? Also i want to see PowerPoint Kerman. :sticktongue:

Is Werner a badie? I mean the way he says that line at 3:02 gives me the idea of being a secret villain.


Edited by kookoo_gr
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  On 2/2/2017 at 9:04 AM, kookoo_gr said:

Came here from KSP from the daily kerbal. All i have to say is the best video i've seen so far. You made me laugh after a long time and i hope you can make this a series (can't wait for the other parts of the story). The dialogs, the voiceover, the references, the editing are amazing, i just can't stop watching the video over and over.


Two questions,


What the heck is that thing jumping up and down behind Excell? Also i want to see PowerPoint Kerman. :sticktongue:

Is Werner a badie? I mean the way he says that line at 3:02 gives me the idea of being a secret villain.



Glad you like it!  I'm definitely going to finish off this mission, and hope I can keep the quality up.  A lot of the drama comes from my bad mission planning, and then trying to fix it.  That probably won't be changing.

I'm making the subsequent videos shorter, as 8 minutes is a bit long for for the form, I think.  Part 1 was originally running 13 minutes, so I split it up.  I'm finishing the 2nd half now in editing, but adding some stuff and may have to do some more "pick-ups."  The production takes a while, so I can't make any promises on when the episodes will be out.  I've also got a "behind the scenes / bloopers" reel going showing where things went horribly, horribly wrong.

You'll see that bouncy thing again later.  I just discovered 1.2 has rigid attachments, so it'll be less bouncy.  

And, no Wernher's just eccentric and excitable.  The original mission that spawned this is peppered with a few Kubrick references, including "Dr. Strangelove."  I used that eponymous character as an inspiration for my Wernher von Kerman, which isn't much of a stretch, since Dr. Strangelove was inspired by Dr. Wernher von Braun.  I was going to have a joke where Wernher would refer to the President as "Herr Fuhrer," and the President Barack Kerman would say something to the effect of "Save that for the next guy."  But I thought that joke might be a bit out of placed and too charged, politically.

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This is by far the most overkilled rescuemission i witnessed during my time with KSP and the forums.
You deserve crates full of cookies, excellent Kerbal lore and narration!:D Cheers! 10/10
Und übrigens viel Glück noch! (good luck)

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(Stops giggling for a bit)

Ok, first of all, I love the attention to detail in the scenes. Also as to what happened, I can only describe it as ... Kerbal.
Also, is it just me or does Excel Kerman sound like he's expecting the whole thing to explode in his face at any moment, maybe a by-product of working with the over enthusiastic W.V. Kerman.

As for the Dv problem, I was about to suggest Aerobraking but I saw Deadly Re-Entry is installed, this might be tricky. I'm no expert but I'm wondering if some reverse powered gravity assists skimming over Tylo, along with whatever other tricks are there might allow this mission to be salvaged (unless you have a plan already).


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  On 2/7/2017 at 12:31 AM, AkuAerospace said:

(Stops giggling for a bit)

Ok, first of all, I love the attention to detail in the scenes. Also as to what happened, I can only describe it as ... Kerbal.
Also, is it just me or does Excel Kerman sound like he's expecting the whole thing to explode in his face at any moment, maybe a by-product of working with the over enthusiastic W.V. Kerman.

As for the Dv problem, I was about to suggest Aerobraking but I saw Deadly Re-Entry is installed, this might be tricky. I'm no expert but I'm wondering if some reverse powered gravity assists skimming over Tylo, along with whatever other tricks are there might allow this mission to be salvaged (unless you have a plan already).



I've got footage to Part 4, so what's done is done. I did try aerobraking at Jool...at 9100 m/s.  Let's say the results were spectacular, and will hopefully make it into the blooper reel.

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Hey man, thanks for the videos!  I tried to watch the first one the other night, but only made it a couple minutes-- no offense, it was a "I just worked 14 hours and I can barely keep my eyes open" thing, nothing to do with your work!

I'm glad I took the the time watch both tonight.  "Even macs:" :D

Great style, great humor, and great ship design (in multiple sense of the word).  Looking forward to more!

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Making these Cinematic Narratives is a LOT more work than I thought.  So as a bit of a break, I thought I'd try something I never have in KSP, make a replica sci-fi ship.  It was also an excuse to play the actual current version of the game not involving building sets.  So I had Wernher and Excel try out my first replica build, which is the Thunderbolt Starfury aerospace fighter from Babylon 5.  So if you like my builds and want to see these guys in space, check out the video, "KSP Babylon 5 Thunderbolt Our Last Best Hope to get to Orbit."

Expect Part 3 of THIS series in a week or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 3 is up!  It has more math, and maybe more jokes.  I'm not sure which is funnier.  Also, I figured out how to do much better (and importantly easier) lip-sync.  Check it out!

Edit: It could use an upvote on the Reddits, because I'm vain.


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"...We just melted the thrust plate..." :D ... Epic simulator :D "Project Overkill" is far more than adequate, glorious Kerbal lore in cinema quality!!! :D:D:confused::D:D:confused::D A must see for everyone :D

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Yes, that was a cool simulator and it looks like they get other uses for it as well when not doing training or simulations. I also found quite entertaining the crew role for Albus, one I've seen before I think (at least in concept).

One minor nitpick (only meant as constructive criticism), Tsiolkovsky and Tchaikovsky do sound quite different, I know what you meant and while it was probably a slip of the tongue, I thought it might be a good idea to let you know what happened.

Eagerly waiting for the next instalment


Edited by AkuAerospace
Rewording for clarificaiton
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Serious? I can't tell. (I mean it, I really don't know)
If you are, maybe he could be referenced again to make it a bit clearer, there could also be potential for a humorous moment or two.
Come to think of it, one of his IRL counterpart's compositions sounds a bit, well Kerbal.

Not trying to write your story, I just can't stop coming up with ideas.


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  On 2/26/2017 at 8:31 PM, AkuAerospace said:

Serious? I can't tell. (I mean it, I really don't know)
If you are, maybe he could be referenced again to make it a bit clearer, there could also be potential for a humorous moment or two.
Come to think of it, one of his IRL counterpart's compositions sounds a bit, well Kerbal.

Not trying to write your story, I just can't stop coming up with ideas.



No, I totally screwed up.  The "Would you believe..." line comes from an old spy-comedy, called "Get Smart!" where the bumbling spy would often (slyly?) ask his boss if his latest excuse was plausible.  If you watch the subtitles, I do have it as "Tsiolkovsky."

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