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[1.12] Astrogator v1.0.1


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Loving this mod!

I have noticed one odd thing.  If sitting on the pad and warping to the launch window desired, when you get into orbit, it doesn't give you the launch window you'd expect.  It gives you a much further launch window into the future.  For example, sitting on the pad, it showed Jool had a launch window in 40 days so I hit "warp" from the Astrogator window.  I then launched at the end of warp and got to orbit but now, once in orbit, it's showing Jool has a launch Window in 1 year and 40 days into the future.

Shouldn't it be smart enough to know I already warped to the correct launch window and don't want to wait another year and a half?

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5 hours ago, Biggen said:

If sitting on the pad and warping to the launch window desired, when you get into orbit, it doesn't give you the launch window you'd expect.  It gives you a much further launch window into the future.  For example, sitting on the pad, it showed Jool had a launch window in 40 days so I hit "warp" from the Astrogator window.  I then launched at the end of warp and got to orbit but now, once in orbit, it's showing Jool has a launch Window in 1 year and 40 days into the future.

Maybe some explanation will help. Astrogator's calculations don't generate windows for transfers, they generate instants, singular points in time that are the best that it can find over the next orbital periods (because it needs one time in order to generate maneuver nodes). As soon as that point in time is in the past (for example, if you click  to time warp to 1 minute before the transfer and then spend a few minutes launching a rocket), Astrogator will find the next one after that (generating a maneuver node in the past doesn't work very well).

At one point I had a tentative to-do item to add support for extended windows, but it's hard to define a tolerance that works well in all cases, and the single-instant behavior is usually "good enough." Plus it would be a problem for the data model and UI if there was no longer a single specific time/burn that the maneuver icon could calculate for you. It could put the maneuver 1 second in the future, 1 minute, 1 hour, etc., until the window expired. How to choose one?

5 hours ago, Biggen said:

Shouldn't it be smart enough to know I already warped to the correct launch window and don't want to wait another year and a half?

What I've usually done is put my craft in orbit before warping, set up all of their transfer maneuvers, then warp to the earliest one. I recognize this is not viable if you also install mods that penalize craft idle time, such as life support.

Since I don't think I've plugged it in this thread before, Planning Node is the mod where my more recent transfer-related thoughts and efforts have gone. It's more flexible in that you get to plot the exact transfer that you want using the stock maneuver tools, rather than taking just the one option that the mod offers you, and instead of a floating text window on the screen, your planning nodes are rendered as visible objects in the map view. You can even name them, assign colors, and share them among all crafts, and I'm not sure but I think they stick around after they recede into the past, so you could create one to mark a window and then use it to perform several transfers over time without losing it:

Anyone who's happy with Astrogator is of course welcome to continue using it, but if you find that Astrogator isn't suited to your play style, it may be worth it to check out Planning Node.

Edited by HebaruSan
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Thank you for the well thought out reply!  Now I understand how Astrogator is calculating the transfer "point" a bit better.  I can understand how it would be a bit tough to determine how "best" to determine what tolerance you should give Astrogator before it picks the next transfer point.  Perhaps if one clicks the Astrogator warp button on the pad, then the "optimal" transfer could be calculated within 10 - 30 minutes after clicking the warp button and coming out of warp?  That would give a transfer point that makes sense with the launch.

At any rate, I'll give your other mod a try as well.  I really like how simple Astrogator is to use.  It's going to be hard to switch away!  

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@Biggen  FWIW, my general method for planning launches leading up to Astrogator transfer times is to check when Astrogator says the transfer should be done, then set a manual alarm (either in KAC or the new stock alarm clock system) somewhere between 5 and 15 days prior to the transfer.  Make sure that alarm is set to kill warp.  When that alarm goes off, I launch the craft for that mission and stick it in a parking orbit 5-10km above atmosphere.  Make sure it's actually ready for the rest of the mission (i.e., I didn't forget anything or goof something up), then warp to the Astrogator transfer maneuver and execute it.

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  • 6 months later...
1 hour ago, fenrock said:

I've add a github issue/question too, but my question is, is it possible to integrate this with KoS to make it possible to add nodes from kerbal scripts?

We can continue chatting on GitHub, but to sum up my response for anyone else interested:
It's probably possible, but I won't be working on it, though I'd consider merging a pull request from someone who knows kOS.

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Astrogator v0.10.4 is released.

Upgrade if you prefer Italian text or if you want to use Mark's upcoming kOS integration. Otherwise it's the same as the previous release.


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CKAN is crashing when I try install the latest.  Fwiw, I tried using 'ckan consolegui' option for the first time ever and it crashed, but still crashed when attempting again via 'ckan gui'.  So not sure if first attempt poisoned the second.  I'll try it again later and get some logs and any relevant screenshot

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2 hours ago, darthgently said:

CKAN is crashing when I try install the latest.  Fwiw, I tried using 'ckan consolegui' option for the first time ever and it crashed, but still crashed when attempting again via 'ckan gui'.  So not sure if first attempt poisoned the second.  I'll try it again later and get some logs and any relevant screenshot

Please post CKAN problems on the CKAN thread, not on mod threads:

CKAN seems to be working fine, so we'll need a lot more info to help you debug your system.

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1 hour ago, HebaruSan said:

Please post CKAN problems on the CKAN thread, not on mod threads:

CKAN seems to be working fine, so we'll need a lot more info to help you debug your system.

I should have been more clear, it was only installing this mod that correlated with the crash.   Three others did fine.  And as noted, more information when I get time as I'm well aware more information is needed.  At the same time I was curious if was known issue

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44 minutes ago, darthgently said:

I should have been more clear, it was only installing this mod that correlated with the crash.   Three others did fine.  And as noted, more information when I get time as I'm well aware more information is needed.  At the same time I was curious if was known issue

Nonetheless, please post CKAN issues on the CKAN thread, not on mod threads.

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  • 1 month later...

Astrogator v0.10.5 is released.

  • Thanks once more to @fenrock, we discovered a problem in some old code borrowed from KAC that affected how Astrogator finds descending nodes, and thus broke about half of plane change maneuvers. This should be fixed now, roughly the same way everybody else who borrowed that code fixed it a couple of years ago.
  • After fixing that, I noticed that clicking the maneuver creation button was only creating the plane change maneuver, skipping the initial burn completely. (This was why this release took longer than I initially told @fenrock it would.) Eventually I traced this to the "Auto-delete user-created maneuver nodes" setting clobbering Astrogator's own nodes. Now it won't do that anymore.

This should be the first release in a long while that might actually give more accurate transfers than the previous release. Upgrading is recommended for all users.


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Astrogator v1.0.0 is released.

There are no user-visible changes. @fenrock requested that some of the orbit extensions be added to the public API, and that is now done. Since his plan is to call these in a future release of kOS-Astrogator, users of that mod would probably want or need to upgrade for compatibility with some future update of it.

https://semver.org/ says:

  1. Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time. The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.
  2. Version 1.0.0 defines the public API. The way in which the version number is incremented after this release is dependent on this public API and how it changes.

Since we are now providing a public API to be used by other projects, the version number is bumped to 1.0.0 so we can henceforth use the semantic versioning rules to signal compatibility or lack thereof with previous releases.


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  • 2 months later...

This mod has made my life so much easier. I love TWP but I honestly am not the best at actually setting up the maneuvers that get created when picking a transfer (chock it up to just a lack of education and knowing exactly how to get the ejection it shows on the map screen (I usually just end up  using MJ to create the node since I just can't seem to figure out the best way to get the ejection angle that gets plotted). The only feature I'd love is a way to choose an "immediately" maneuver, instead of waiting for the best transfer window. Sometimes I have tons of extra dV and want to start my fly-by of Eve sooner than Astrogator offers. I still use it because I actually prefer the interface over adding a TWP plot to KAC. Is the ability to create a more immediate (but obviously less efficient) maneuver something that could possibly be added in the future?

Thanks for your mod and making my life much easier while prepping for my missions :D

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4 hours ago, shoe7ess said:

The only feature I'd love is a way to choose an "immediately" maneuver, instead of waiting for the best transfer window. Sometimes I have tons of extra dV and want to start my fly-by of Eve sooner than Astrogator offers. Is the ability to create a more immediate (but obviously less efficient) maneuver something that could possibly be added in the future?

I'm not actively working on adding new features to Astrogator in general, and I won't be working on this specific suggestion because I've already released Planning Node for arbitrary transfer planning:

I see some potential value in combining the two mods; once KSP2 is out I might find the motivation to work on that for the new game. Fingers crossed!

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17 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

I'm not actively working on adding new features to Astrogator in general, and I won't be working on this specific suggestion because I've already released Planning Node for arbitrary transfer planning:

I see some potential value in combining the two mods; once KSP2 is out I might find the motivation to work on that for the new game. Fingers crossed!

That's perfectly understandable and I appreciate the response. I've almost pulled the trigger on Planning Node a few times now but the amount of clutter from my the 22Gb gamedata folder needs to get trimmed down, re-configured, or just removed, but I have the download folder ready to be copied over after I do a little config/cleaning the next time I play.

On a side note I use both Astrogator and Smart Tanks, having just discovered them when jumping from 1.8 to 1.12, and those are two mods I really wish I found earlier (especially smart tanks, I really can't emphasize the time savings it's given me). I really look forward to seeing what's in store for KSP2!

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  • 1 month later...
4 hours ago, Kezrah said:

you should eventually make it so it can also target airfields/launch sites on kerbin and maybe even other vehicles

It will give you transfers to other vessels, if you target them and they're in space.

Landing isn't a transfer, so I won't be working on that.

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Hello sir,  I start use your mod these days and it's really helpful.  

 I still have a problem with the menu display and need your advice.   When I try it in RSS, the menu (as well as the IVA's RPM monitor) doesn't show the celestials' namelist, while the functionality goes well.   I've tried editing the translate cfg, removing some localisation files but still not work.


Here are the screenshot of my discription. 

(mod menu)




(they can be selected but can't be seen)


mod version:   

RSS v19.1.0.0       

Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (support rss)    1.12.1-166


Edited by AzioK
add rss's version for referencing
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  • 6 months later...

I realize you said that you had largely moved on from this mod, but I still love it. (Sorry, but I'm just not fond of the Planning Node mod for several reasons, which this isn't the place to detail; might be great for some people, but not for me). So I thought I'd at least try posting this here. In my current playthrough I'm getting Unity crashes a lot of the time when I try to bring up Astrogator. Not all the time; indeed, often as not when I reload a save point to try to get a reasonably "clean" reproduction to report, it then, of course, works fine. See attached log file for a fairly clean one finally. I'm not very good at interpreting all the cruft in log files, but this one does give me the impression that perhaps it might be some interaction with Alarm Enhancements. Hmm; perhaps I might try turning off the auto-alarms for maneuver nodes; I can live without that.


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1 hour ago, rmaine said:

Hmm; perhaps I might try turning off the auto-alarms for maneuver nodes; I can live without that.

You can also try turning off "Generate plane change burns" in Astrogator. It looks like Alarm Enhancements hooks into maneuver creation and doesn't like it when Astrogator does that from a background thread.

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