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[1.12.x] Kerbal NRAP - Procedural test weights!


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18 hours ago, MrBidl0 said:

Thanks for the info.


Don't mean to sound like an idiot - but what is recompiling? Is that something I can do? A quick google search hasn't helped.

You aren't.

You could have done it for yourself, but there is a certain base level of knowledge needed to be able to install the compiler & IDE, set up references, etc.

Takes me about 5 minutes to do the rebuild and update, but for someone who doesn't know, can take a lot longer

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  • 2 months later...

I want to test the aerodynamics of different command pods*, so I need an inline version of this. As far as I understand this part comes in a single nose shaped design, isn't that correct? Can anyone suggest a mod or a technique for such a test?


* The USI Salamander pod seems to have a horrible aerodynamic performance compared to the good old mk1 pod. I can get a mk1 to orbit with 3,400 - 3,500 m/s dV. With the salamander I need about 4,500 m/s!! I don't know what I am doing wrong, my only idea is that it might be aerodynamics, and I wish to make a test.

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4 hours ago, canisin said:

I want to test the aerodynamics of different command pods*, so I need an inline version of this. As far as I understand this part comes in a single nose shaped design, isn't that correct? Can anyone suggest a mod or a technique for such a test?


* The USI Salamander pod seems to have a horrible aerodynamic performance compared to the good old mk1 pod. I can get a mk1 to orbit with 3,400 - 3,500 m/s dV. With the salamander I need about 4,500 m/s!! I don't know what I am doing wrong, my only idea is that it might be aerodynamics, and I wish to make a test.

Quick suggestion is to put it inside an inline fairing, make it small but heavy.

The code has (had) stuff for a node at the top, but the model currently only has a bottom node.

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3 hours ago, Mecripp said:

I did one some time back will dig around my files and see if I can find it


I just found and added the source Blender files for the NRAP model.  It's now on Github, in the directory called Source

Would be great if you could take it (there are three models) and make a flat-topped version for inline testing.

If you can, send it to me (with the models, please) and I'll update the mod to include it

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16 hours ago, canisin said:

I want to test the aerodynamics of different command pods*, so I need an inline version of this. As far as I understand this part comes in a single nose shaped design, isn't that correct? Can anyone suggest a mod or a technique for such a test?


* The USI Salamander pod seems to have a horrible aerodynamic performance compared to the good old mk1 pod. I can get a mk1 to orbit with 3,400 - 3,500 m/s dV. With the salamander I need about 4,500 m/s!! I don't know what I am doing wrong, my only idea is that it might be aerodynamics, and I wish to make a test.

The new release is for you

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I'm gettting some kind of error related to UI icons, looks like filter extensions isn't happy with something NRAP is doing.  This log is just me launching the game and loading into the VAB.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eyWaAU5cvr93w21XABUOzjnnfAevawin

[LOG 06:59:59.656] [Filter Extensions 3.0.1]: Starting on general categories
[WRN 06:59:59.748] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.749] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.750] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.751] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.752] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.753] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.754] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.755] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.756] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.758] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.759] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.760] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.761] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.762] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.763] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.764] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.765] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.766] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.767] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.768] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.769] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.770] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.771] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[WRN 06:59:59.772] UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.
[ERR 06:59:59.776] Exception handling event onGUIEditorToolbarReady in class NRAPIconManager:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NRAP.NRAPIconManager.CorrectIcon () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[EXC 06:59:59.779] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	NRAP.NRAPIconManager.CorrectIcon ()
	EventVoid.Fire ()
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[LOG 06:59:59.787] *****Adding icon for KAX
[ERR 06:59:59.789] Exception handling event onGUIEditorToolbarReady in class GCFilterManager:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.AddCustomSubcategoryFilter (KSP.UI.Screens.Category mainFilter, System.String subFilterName, System.String subFilterdisplayName, RUI.Icons.Selectable.Icon icon, System.Func`2 exclusionFilter) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AT_Utils.SimplePartFilter.add_filter () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[EXC 06:59:59.794] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.AddCustomSubcategoryFilter (KSP.UI.Screens.Category mainFilter, System.String subFilterName, System.String subFilterdisplayName, RUI.Icons.Selectable.Icon icon, System.Func`2 exclusionFilter)
	AT_Utils.SimplePartFilter.add_filter ()
	EventVoid.Fire ()
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[LOG 06:59:59.807] *****Adding icon for Kolonization
[LOG 06:59:59.809] *****Adding icon for Construction
[LOG 06:59:59.811] *****Adding icon for Logistics
[LOG 06:59:59.813] *****Adding icon for Manufacturing


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You are seeing several different things.  You can ignore this:

UIList: RemoveItem didn't find any item to remove.

it's not an error.

If that error from NRAP only happens once, ignore it, it's probably an initialization error, although I will look into it.

Then, you have errors from the AT_Utils:

[EXC 06:59:59.794] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer.AddCustomSubcategoryFilter (KSP.UI.Screens.Category mainFilter, System.String subFilterName, System.String subFilterdisplayName, RUI.Icons.Selectable.Icon icon, System.Func`2 exclusionFilter)
	AT_Utils.SimplePartFilter.add_filter ()
	EventVoid.Fire ()
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 2/15/2018 at 11:52 AM, eberkain said:

When saving a NRAP as part of a subassembly it does not retain the sizing.  

It actually does, but the visual isn't updated until it is snapped into place.

That being said, I will get it fixed.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 3 months later...

Feature request:

Small, very dense weights I can add to a rover. I've landed a rover on the mun for the first time, and I'm finding out - the hard way - that rovers don't like to stay on the ground in low gravity. A very low center of gravity and high mass would help tremendously.

At the moment I've taken to adding excess batteries and some usi storage containers, but I keep wishing I had some kind of lead weight I could just drop in the center of the rover.

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3 hours ago, Boersgard said:

Feature request:

Small, very dense weights I can add to a rover. I've landed a rover on the mun for the first time, and I'm finding out - the hard way - that rovers don't like to stay on the ground in low gravity. A very low center of gravity and high mass would help tremendously.

At the moment I've taken to adding excess batteries and some usi storage containers, but I keep wishing I had some kind of lead weight I could just drop in the center of the rover.

Why not just use the current models, make them very small and very heavy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

an issue I've had with this for a while is when you surface attach parts to it. I suspect it's due to the ability of the test weight to rescale - whenever you reload the craft in the editor the surface attached parts all get sucked inside to the center of the model. It doesn't even work if you use the translate tool to bring them back out rather than re-attaching them to the surface. If you save and reload the parts are back inside the test weight. This doesn't happen in flight however - if you surface attach and go to the launch pad and reload the flight to launch the parts will still be on the surface of the test weight where you placed them. If you revert back to the editor however they'll be reset again to the center of the model

Edit - reading back through the thread, I did another test with the NRAP not being the root part, and the behavior remained the same

Edited by Drew Kerman
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can someone else reproduce my problem with the parts disappearing into the test weight if they are surface attached? If so, I will log a Github issue

another issue that has to do with compatibility I will log on Github but just so anyone else knows - the test weights both do not have SASServiceLevel defined in their ModuleSAS configs. Now I don't know if this is a stock bug or by design but despite having an SAS Level slider in the VAB for the part (not just this one, tested this on stock probes too) not matter what you set the slider to the probe will only have the SAS abilities as high as what is defined in the config. So a probe with SASServiceLevel = 1 in the config, if you set the SAS Level slider to 3 in the VAB it will still only show the ability to set prograde/retrograde out on the pad when you enable SAS. Since the test weights don't have it defined they are locked to Lvl0 which only has stability assist

if you want a full range of SAS options then use this patch for now:

    %SASServiceLevel = 3


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13 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

can someone else reproduce my problem with the parts disappearing into the test weight if they are surface attached? If so, I will log a Github issue

another issue that has to do with compatibility I will log on Github but just so anyone else knows - the test weights both do not have SASServiceLevel defined in their ModuleSAS configs. Now I don't know if this is a stock bug or by design but despite having an SAS Level slider in the VAB for the part (not just this one, tested this on stock probes too) not matter what you set the slider to the probe will only have the SAS abilities as high as what is defined in the config. So a probe with SASServiceLevel = 1 in the config, if you set the SAS Level slider to 3 in the VAB it will still only show the ability to set prograde/retrograde out on the pad when you enable SAS. Since the test weights don't have it defined they are locked to Lvl0 which only has stability assist

if you want a full range of SAS options then use this patch for now:

    %SASServiceLevel = 3


This is just a configurable dumb weight.  What's the big deal about adding in an OKTO module?  I may include it as an optional patch, but I doubt I'll make the change

Regarding the surface attachment, I found a typo in one of the parts (the top one), will be releasing a fix shortly.  I've tested both parts, both with their initial default values and expanding the width, surface attached parts stay where they are.

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12 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

What's the big deal about adding in an OKTO module

Nothing, but if you feel that way then you should also just entirely remove the ModuleSAS to force people to add one. Otherwise the SAS level setting will just continue to be broken. I'm not asking you to change anything, it's just a thing that's not working properly and needs one line added to the config file to fix it

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