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Weird sight phenomenon


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I tried googling this with no luck so i thought I should ask it here. Something i've noticed is that if you flash the lights on and off quickly, keeping your head completely still, you see a very detailed black and white image of what you were looking at when you flashed the light. It lasts about 5 seconds and disappears if you move your head. I decided to experiment with it and i found it'll disappear if you put your hand in what would be your field of view and if you close your eyes right after you flash the lights you still see the image (pretty trippy). Do any of you know what's going on or is this new information?

Edited by rustysocket
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Well, certain illicit drugs have been known to do this....apart from that, it's probably just neurochemical residue from your retinas.

Either that, or get off the caffeine late at night. :wink:

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2 hours ago, TheKosanianMethod said:

This kinda sounds like you were using illegal substances...

Despite that being the most direct route to altered states of consciousness, other techniques such as meditation, dancing, prayer etc can also induce these sorts of effects.

It might surprise you to know that the chemical released by your pineal gland whilst dreaming (and also at the point of death) is an astoundingly strong psychedelic, which is also found in a wide range of plants which are in fact legal.

Your brain can do weird things when prodded in the right way.

Edited by pxi
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I think its just a bit of damage in your retina or something that heals quickly. I have the same thing, but its a reddish color with a inner blob of vomit yellow, instead of plain black and white.

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