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Kommunity Space Station 1.4.1

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1 hour ago, ShadowGoat said:

Would it be against the rules to ask that I be allowed a few extra parts, as I'm going to need more than 5 for the fighter section but can probably keep it lower than 15?

It’s not against the rules, so long as you have tried to make it 5 parts or less and can’t find a way. If the problem is docking ports, though, then keep in mind they don’t count for the part count limit.

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37 minutes ago, ShadowGoat said:

Ik I just don't think I can keep the two fighters under 5 parts. At minimum it would need to be 5 parts a fighter. 5 more apiece if you want weaponry. I'll only include two so it shouldn't be an issue tho.

You can launch the fighters on separate turns. That would get you 5 parts each.

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17 hours ago, ShadowGoat said:

Ehh, but that would take quite a while to get done, and the fighters aren't intended to be ssto capable. Literally just tiny crud fighters for show. It would be fine I guess, but I don't have all that much time and I'd prefer to get it done all at once.

Please try launching one instead of 2. :/

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3 hours ago, ShadowGoat said:

I would send one of my orbit to surface planes in a box but those things are 240 parts so. I made this cool folding winged plane with custom landing legs on the drop pod all in stock. I actually made a challenge for this if you want to participate.

The turn is in the drive now

That sounds interesting. I may try that soon.

Edited by 53miner53
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