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Mods that still allow shareables


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Despite my signature, my "stock" means "I can share my saves and craft to stock player and it will work, and they can share their saves and craft to me and it will work for me." In that case, which mod are "stock friendly"?

So far I have:

  • KER
  • Stage Recovery
  • Kronal Viewer

Plannign to use (this will keep my definition of stock right?)

  • Veselview (not the KVV)
  • Trajectory

Would like to use:

  • FMRS (seems to be not updated)

Are there other mods that will keep my game "stock" as in my definition?


Edited by Jestersage
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RCS Build Aid
Pretty much any docking aid that doesn't add parts.  (Such as NavyFish's HUD.)
Pretty much any science tracking aid.
DMagic's Kerbnet controller.  (Heck, almost all of his modlets.)
ShipManifest / TAC Fuel Balancer (So long as you only use them in place of the existing tank contents or crew xfer system.)
Kerbal Alarm Clock.
MechJeb (so long as you use a module manager script to add MJ to command modules and probe cores rather than mounting the MJ case.)

Unless you use a Module Manager script, KER violates your rule as you have to mount the KER 'chip' IIRC.

Edited by DerekL1963
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46 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

Unless you use a Module Manager script, KER violates your rule as you have to mount the KER 'chip' IIRC.

From the thread:


This mode is completely optional though, and by clicking on "Settings" on the Kerbal Engineer Redux window in the editor, you may change its mode from "Career" to "Partless".

Which is how I run.

BTW, is FMRS still not working for 1.2.2? Or did someone picked up the project?

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I generally organize my mods by splitting them into five categories:

- Aesthetics mods, which improve the look and sound of the game
- Content mods, which add parts, contracts, planets or other straight-forward 'meat'
- Dependencies, which don't do anything by themselves and are only present so a different mod can do its job
- Gamechangers, which alter the way the game is played in a noticable way
- Utilities, which assist the player to make their experience more comfortable, and tweak the UI

Out of these, it's content mods and gamechangers that have potential to render craft files "unshareable" (or at least, unloadable by stock KSP). But it depends. For example, Contract Configurator is a gamechanger in my book, and its contract packs are content mods, but neither affects your craft files in any way. On the other hand, a gamechanger mod like Ferram Aerospace Research does affect your craft files, even if it adds no parts; and a content mod that adds extra engines probably doesn't need explaining.

If you wonder if a mod affects your craft files, try and ask yourself real quick: in which of these categories would you instinctively sort it? If you can confidently tag it as aesthetics or utility, you can be pretty confident that you can install it without worries. If you'd call it a gamechanger or a content mod, then well, it warrants closer examination. Dependencies should never affect your craft files unless you have a mod that does, because a dependency doesn't do anything by itself. So if the mod that requires a dependency is sharing-safe, the dependency is also automatically sharing-safe.

For reference, here's the (temporary, unfinished) modlist I'm currently assembling into a playable game instance. Maybe you can find some ideas for your own list in there. :)

Edited by Streetwind
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