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Uncontrollable wheel jitter

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Making a Mk2 SSTO and, on adding any kind of landing gear to anywhere but the main fuselage of the plane, it begins oscillating madly from side to side and sliding around on the runway like its on a tiltboard. Originally this bug cropped up when placing the gear on the Spaceplane Tail Fins I use as wings (so I can use the flaps as heat-resistant aerobrakes) on a modded vessel but, even after removing all mod parts from the vessel and all mods full stop from the game, I have no option but to give the plane a dangerously narrow wheelbase since I cannot place any landing gear at all far from the centre (on any part) without summoning the kraken and making it impossible to take off or even taxi thanks to the shaking (unless the landing gear is retracted, which makes it useless). How do I circumvent this kraken (or is this a Gameplay Question)?

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Hi @voicey99, unfortunately there's no fix for the wheels, but you could work around this.

Fit your gear to the main fuselage, I find the nearer the root part the better, then enable the move tool (2) and hold the shift key while to move the gear.

The offset limit will be disabled, allowing you to position the gear where you want it, while still being firmly connected to their parent part.

Hope this helps.

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20 minutes ago, voicey99 said:

Holding shift while offsetting the gear does not disable the offset limit for that part, it offsets the entire ship.

You must click the gear, some arrows will appear for X Y and Z translation, mouse over one of these and hold the left shift key, hold the left mouse button and you can move the part, with left shift not pressed the part will only move a short distance.

If you're using editor extensions this will not work, as that mod breaks this feature.

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1 minute ago, sal_vager said:

You must click the gear, some arrows will appear for X Y and Z translation, mouse over one of these and hold the left shift key, hold the left mouse button and you can move the part, with left shift not pressed the part will only move a short distance.

If you're using editor extensions this will not work, as that mod breaks this feature.

Assuming you mean hold lshift and drag the arrows around, that doesn't work. Not using EE either.

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52 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:


Can you send me details on what EEX breaks?  This is the first I've heard about it.

I have heard that having EE installed prevents parts from being offset, I've not tested this myself though.


52 minutes ago, voicey99 said:

Assuming you mean hold lshift and drag the arrows around, that doesn't work. Not using EE either.

Have you been upgrading an install of KSP over several versions? If you have you will have an old settings.cfg file, you can delete it to make KSP make a new one, or reset it from the settings screen.

Or, open it in notepad and look for this line.


If it's not there, add it, if it's set to a low value it's an older cfg file.

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20 minutes ago, sal_vager said:

Have you been upgrading an install of KSP over several versions? If you have you will have an old settings.cfg file, you can delete it to make KSP make a new one, or reset it from the settings screen.

Or, open it in notepad and look for this line.


If it's not there, add it, if it's set to a low value it's an older cfg file.

I started the install in 1.1.3, so it's been through one major change. It did have that line in, but was set to 0.2-changed to 20.


.....which works, and they are now offset ridiculously to the side in midair. It would still be better if that wasn't necessary in the first place, but bugs be bugs.

Edited by voicey99
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