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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion thread


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hey nova can you give us the orbital and physical characteristics of the Desert Planet so i can start planning my interplanetary hohman transfer orbit from kerbin

You don't need that info to plan your Hohmann transfer.


I posted too soon. You just need the orbital radius of the other planet.

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I posted too soon. You just need the orbital radius of the other planet.

You really need all 6 Keplerian elements and an epoch to compute a transfer... you're making the assumption that the new planets will have circular, co-planar orbits around the star.

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^ I wouldn't. Harvester said a while ago that the planets in KSP will "represent" planets in our Solar system, or at least resemble them. The planets in the Solar system are not quite in circular orbits (some less so than others), nor are all of them coplanar.

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They should add Solar Sails, for the cruising interplanetary rockets/aeroshells like Curiosity which, when exposed to the Sunlight, propels the craft if the Solar Sail is activated. I think it would be nifty and amazing, and would make some flights fun. I personally am making one (not for plugin, but lot of thrust, no fuel cons.) for a challenge I have......check in the Challenges thread for more detail

But yea, can't wait for the 0.17, hope it comes soon, and etc. But for now, time to go modeling and cfg-ing!

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Is their a list of all the planets that will be added?

Not really, but we know that 1 gas giant and 4 rocky planets will be added this update, and 3 more gas giants are planned. Also, the pictures Nova's shown are similar to an idea he had for planets (before he was a dev).

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Also, the pictures Nova's shown are similar to an idea he had for planets (before he was a dev).

You know, I kind of wonder if maybe Nova has been playing with the colors in the images he releases to fool us into thinking this very thing.

He is the great distractor this time around after all. He has posted pictures, and even managed to keep the discussion thread away from taboo topics, like well THAT combination of words that drives the mods (and devs) to a dangerously near ballistic state, by using suspense and sneak peaks and very grainy images to keep us all guessing and distracted.

I've gotta hand it to you Nova. You're the best thing since not posting ******* ****s.

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Why is nobody speculating on the scenarios? You could make some interesting ones, like the challenges.

Either they could be like milestone challenges such as, "Launch something and land without any negligent homicide".

Or this could be a way of starting mid mission, "you are now in such and such an orbit, rendezvous with another craft without hitting any moons planets or other objects at kraken speeds".

Or challenges

"collide two craft at 3Kms total speed... it'll be awesome"

"EVA jeb 4 different objects"

They could be interesting, but i think for now they will bo more simple, and will work as a sort of tutorial. Something like: "Land on Mun with this lander starting on Kerbin orbit." or "Return to Kerbin from Mun without". But eventually they will probably be more advanced.

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... So you complained about me not posting information about the planets when you hadn't even looked for any?

​I don't even know what to say.

You could say "Wow that was a silly thing to do, I bet your face is red now!

You know what else is red? The planet in this new teaser photo!"


This thread is making me super excited, I think making planets for a whole new solar system must be one of the best jobs there is!

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What's the first thing you all will do in .17?

For me, I'm going to check out the tutorials and new ships, then send a probe into the gas planet. However, just to make sure the rocket will get me there and deorbit the probe, I'll send some kerbonauts in first: Those probes are expensive!!!

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What's the first thing you all will do in .17?

For me, I'm going to check out the tutorials and new ships, then send a probe into the gas planet. However, just to make sure the rocket will get me there and deorbit the probe, I'll send some kerbonauts in first: Those probes are expensive!!!

first thing im going to do is edit the cfg for 999999 gas then exploring so planets. ;) cheating a tad but im curious, the probes and such will all come later.

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I think they'll be making the internal views only, the actual IVAs will come in a later update. So yes I guess it will be half implemented.

Internal views would be awesome anyway. I have always wanted to get in to kerbin orbit or aproach minmus in internal view. It will make the game feel more like you are one of the kerbals, humanising it more.

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Internal views would be awesome anyway. I have always wanted to get in to kerbin orbit or aproach minmus in internal view. It will make the game feel more like you are one of the kerbals, humanising it more.

Although if you look in the KSP folder there is a folder called internals, so...?

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If we've got a Gas Giant, and perhaps some large rocky planets, in 0.17, I'll be very interested to see whether you can see them from the surface of Kerbin. I believe that in Orbiter you can see all the planets from Earth's Surface, even in daylight sometimes.

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Will 0.17 delete all previous craft like 0.16 did?

Probibly wont break them.

But its always best to start with a fresh install, fresh persistance file an new craft files, built from your known designs...

Guarantees no bugs been carried over, an weird craft performance.

After all alot of parts are expected to get rebalanced with. 17.

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