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Doing it Soviet Style

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Zond LS-1


I created this rocket almost exactly as it was, five stages; all with the appropriate number of engines. Unmanned. Stock. 700 parts. 30 engines. What could possibly go wrong?




30 engines roar to life and we're off!


First stage separation. Second engines ignite, carrying on the journey.


Second stage separation. Third stage will ignite to finish the orbit.


LES Jettison. A bit awkward with nothing in between the fifth and LOK module?


Third stage separation, fourth stage gives a little kick to circularize a 90kmx90km orbit.


The fifth stage is not used for this mission. Left as space junk.


LOK Module in orbit.


Orbital module and Service module separate, as the Soyuz capsule prepares for re-entry.


Parachutes open.


Touchdown. The N1 proves to be a worthy rocket, as the program prepares for the launch of Zond LS-2.

Adding up the points (will be added on to the upcoming missions):

Accurate launch vehicles: Your Soyuz analogue has four engines clustered on each of the four side-strapped boosters, and the main stalk also has four engines. Your Proton analogue has six engines on the first stage, four engines of the second stage, and two on the third stage. Your N-1 analogue - well, let's be honest, giving it thirty engines on the first stage is huge overkill for the Kerbal universe, so I'll allow ten engines. If you want thirty, feel free to do so. Your next stage has eight engines, the stage after that has four. Now, your rocket should be in space. +15 

Accurate spacecraft: Your LOK, which is basically an over-engineered Soyuz spacecraft, has enough room for two Kerbals. If you also have a Soyuz analogue, make sure the LOK's service module is slightly longer. Your LK, the lunar lander, is a one-stage lander with one crew capacity, which ditches the landing legs and other equipment you wouldn't need for the ascent (ie: science equipment, etc.). If you are unfamiliar with the designs, you should already have wikapedia open. +10

Power generation: Your LOK uses fuel cells and has no solar panels. +5

Efficiency is key: Use the 3rd stage of the N-1 to complete the transfer burn. If you are using RSS or some other large rescale, complete the burn with the 4th stage. +5

Survivability: Have a LES. +5

Hardcore: Do it stock only. +40

'Zond LS-1': An unmanned test of the N-1 with the LOK stashed behind a fairing. Do not bring the LK with you. Only go to LKO. +20

Total score (so far): 100

Edited by Munbro Kerman
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14 hours ago, Munbro Kerman said:

@NISSKEPCSIM For the "Far Out" Mission do we just do a fly by with or without the LK or do we land as if it was a Mun mission?

For the 'Far Out' bonus, you can land, flyby, orbit, you could even put the Munar station in orbit. Visiting Minmus means conduct any of the Mun-themed missions with Minmus replacing the Mun.

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Greetings Komrades!

For the advancement of our glorious space program, I present the following, mostly successful mun mission.  Here's my "N-1" on the pad:


Yeah, not quite as realistic looking as the entries above, but I made (minimal) kosmetic efforts with some useless fairings.  My first three stages are:

Stage 1, "Mighty Booster of the People."  Powered by 9 Reliants and 6 Swivels in concentric rings.

Stage 2, "Glorious Sustainer of Socialism."  Powered by 8 Swivels.

Stage 3, "Orbital Insertion Stage of Great Progress."  Powered by 4 Swivels.

From there, we've for a Poodle for munar ejection and injection, a Terrier-powered descent stage, a Spark for landing and ascent, and another Terrier on the service module to come home.  An Mk. 1 lander does the landing honors, a Mk-1-2 command pod stands in for the reentry module, and a Hitchhiker serves as an orbital module.   I also have a Launch Escape System, and fuel cells for electricity.  All parts are stock. 

Full album at:




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6 hours ago, Aegolius13 said:

Greetings Komrades!

For the advancement of our glorious space program, I present the following, mostly successful mun mission.  Here's my "N-1" on the pad:

I have added up your points and you are now on the leaderboard. Next time, please put your goals achieved and your total score at the end of your entries.

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6 hours ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Next time, please put your goals achieved and your total score at the end of your entries.

Should probably edit the initial post with instructions to that effect. Just a suggestion.

Still haven't found time to join you, komrades; hoping to soon.

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Hey all.

Thank you @NISSKEPCSIM for the challenge.

Always was interested by the LK. In my own words "Wonderful-Wonderful 1930-Tractor-Retro Punk look to it".

Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/w31op

Mission report: To the Mun Soviet Style. N1, LOK, LK.

A few pictures:











Accurate launch vehicles: Your Soyuz analogue has four engines clustered on each of the four side-strapped boosters, and the main stalk also has four engines. Your Proton analogue has six engines on the first stage, four engines of the second stage, and two on the third stage. Your N-1 analogue - well, let's be honest, giving it thirty engines on the first stage is huge overkill for the Kerbal universe, so I'll allow ten engines. If you want thirty, feel free to do so. Your next stage has eight engines, the stage after that has four. Now, your rocket should be in space. +15 Didn't make a Soyuz or Proton....Do I keep the points?

Accurate spacecraft: Your LOK, which is basically an over-engineered Soyuz spacecraft, has enough room for two Kerbals. If you also have a Soyuz analogue, make sure the LOK's service module is slightly longer. Your LK, the lunar lander, is a one-stage lander with one crew capacity, which ditches the landing legs and other equipment you wouldn't need for the ascent (ie: science equipment, etc.). If you are unfamiliar with the designs, you should already have wikapedia open. +10 Didn't make a Soyuz so it's not longer....Do I keep the points?

Power generation: Your LOK uses fuel cells and has no solar panels. +5

Efficiency is key: Use the 3rd stage of the N-1 to complete the transfer burn. If you are using RSS or some other large rescale, complete the burn with the 4th stage. +5 I used the 3rd to orbit, 4th to do the TLI and 5th to orbit the Mun as per the original Soviet plan....Do I keep the points?

Use asparagus staging. -30

Big dreams: Use RSS or some other large rescale: Multiply your total score by 6.

Sightseer: Visit a munar anomaly like an arch or a monolith. +5

Far out: Visit Minmus with the same, unmodified spacecraft. +30

Realism: A kerbal dies. -30

Survivability: Have a LES. +5

Life support: Use a life support mod. +20

Hardcore: Do it stock only. +40

Spacewalking: EVA a kerbal from the LOK into the LK, instead of simply transferring them. +5

Chernobyl: Use nuclear engines. -40

Argue-on: Use ion engines. -40 

Surface science bonus: If you are playing career mode, gather as much science as you can without landing in more than one place. Tell me how much you get. Science labs not allowed. Stock experiments only.

Impress me: Points determined from how impressed I am.


Point total: 85


Score: 85

EDIT: 85 + 15 (Docking without RCS Bonus)

Final Score: 100.



Edited by Martian Emigrant
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Yes, you do get to keep the points for accurate spacecraft and launch vehicles; the Soyuz and Protons are only if you used the Soyuz or Proton


Fifteen extra points for docking without RCS. I am impressed.


How much science did you get? You had the surface science bonus in your total.

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12 minutes ago, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Yes, you do get to keep the points for accurate spacecraft and launch vehicles; the Soyuz and Protons are only if you used the Soyuz or Proton


Fifteen extra points for docking without RCS. I am impressed.


How much science did you get? You had the surface science bonus in your total.

No science was done. Ran in sandbox.

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'Zond LS-2'




In a fit of frustration, I slapped over 100 struts on the thing to stop it wobbling in the shape of a bracket!   )

1st stage SEP:




I actually lost one of the solar panels when the clamshell fairing deployed; it got stuck in the interstage and wouldn't separate until I slammed the 'W' key with the RCS on.

After 2nd stage SEP, I performed the de-orbit burn:


Re-entry after decoupling the lander and service module:


Parachutes deployed:




Survivability. +5

Accurate Spacecraft. +10

Accurate Launch Vehicles. +15

Mission Objective Completed. +20

Add previous balance. +30


80 points.

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On 3/5/2017 at 10:24 AM, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Your Proton analogue has six engines on the first stage, four engines of the second stage, and two on the third stage.

Which Proton variant are these numbers from? According to Wikipedia, the Proton-M has 3 second stage engines and 1 third stage engine, and the Proton-K also has only 1 third stage engine. I know there are several variants, and I'd like to know which one you're referencing here so that I can aim for a fairly accurate appearance.

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Oh. I looked at the Proton-M on Wikapedia. I'll change it to the Proton-K.

EDIT: I guess it wasn't the Proton-M I looked at on Wikapedia. I actually don't remember.

EDIT EDIT: I guess that the original post I put up on the Proton also accounted fro the gimballed small engines, which, I'll have to admit, I actually put down 3 (1 main engine and 2 gimballed ones) instead of 5 (1 engine and 4 smaller gimballed ones), but now I think I'll remove them altogether.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: I actually put down 2? What was I thinking when I posted it?

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I skipped a few missions to get straight to the 8-L landing mission. Complete mission report is here.




  • Accurate launch vehicles: +15
  • Accurate spacecraft: +10
  • Power generation: +5
  • Survivability: +5
  • Zond LS-1: +20 (I forgot to add this last time)


  • 8-L: +20
  • Sightseer: +5 (I'm not absolutely certain about this one considering the distance I landed from the anomaly)
  • Spacewalking: +5

Total (with Big Dreams multiplier): 510

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1 hour ago, eloquentJane said:

Sightseer: +5 (I'm not absolutely certain about this one considering the distance I landed from the anomaly)

Yeah, I should probably clarify in the topic, you need to land with in 1km. On another note, badges are coming soon!

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Just now, NISSKEPCSIM said:

Yeah, I should probably clarify in the topic, you need to land with in 1km. If you land farther away, yet still EVA your Kerbal to the intended anomaly, it's okay. On another note, badges are coming soon!

I'll keep that in mind. I'll try to land the lunar base closer to the anomaly when I get round to doing that.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I've just created a new suite of badges for this challenge over the past few day, all done in Microsoft Paint!

The lunar program badge: You must have completed Zond LS-1, Zond LS-2, 6-L, 7-L, and 8-L to earn this badge.


The station and munbase badge: You must have completed LO-1 and BAZ-1 to earn this badge.


The interplanetary flyby badge: You must have completed FN-1, KP-1, and ZE-1 to earn this badge.


And one for if you've done all three but are running out of signature space:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Working on completing the challenge.  Aiming to go all the way to the flybys because I've got time.

Still working on Mun landing, going to finish tomorrow. 

Zond LS-1

Zond LS-2



Points so far:

LS-1 : +20

LS-2 : +20

L-6 : +20

L-7 : +20

Accurate spacecraft : +10

Efficiency is key : +5

Survivability : +5

Hardcore : +40

I'm having fun so far with this challenge! I'm looking forward to the other parts.

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