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a kerbal universe history


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So this is something i thought up overtime whilst i played KSP(the free time you get while waiting for mechjeb to preform landings and other calculations is longer than you would expect). I did this for fun and nothing here is "kerbal canon". I will be making references to the kerbinside mod so when you come across any locations in the story that you have not heard of before its due to that.


A history of kerbal universe

thousands of years before the modern kerbal a great precursor race lived (ill give you 5 guesses of what this precursor race is)on what is now known as kerbin. this race was very advanced, to the point where they used large monolith networks to communicate across the kerbal system. This species was not unlike the kerbals. For they too ventured skywards launching from a place called "cape Canaveral" to the stars. There they built stations and ventured to there moon and beyond. They even went so far as to colonize there moon with a few bases. But this species was not to last. A large "meteorite storm' was detected drifting towards there planet and thus they were doomed. The storm drifted towards there home world slowly picking up speed. When the storm hit it did not hit as hard as it would thanks to the gravity of there moon. That pulled many of the asteroids to itself which resulted in its surface becoming covered in craters. The home planet was not to be so lucky, the largest of the meteorites slammed into the side of the planet. Knocking a good amount of the planets land into space and creating the large crater on kerbin we see today. The population on the home world was wiped out. The moons colony's were destroyed by the many meteor strikes. The many space missions that were out in the system died out due to the nonexistence of a suitable planet too return to and the lack of food and oxygen that originated overtime. Over the thousands of years of time the system that this race knew morphed and changed. New planets formed from old. The waste knocked from the home world formed into what is now mininus. And so the local system seemed dead.....for a time.


Not all life died out when the meteorite hit. As life returned to the planet bit by bit and soon something evolved. This species was green,short and not all that different from the race that proceeded it. But most important of all: it was intelligent. This was the kerbal species and they were to become the new dominant force of this planet. At first they lived in small groups but soon these groups combined into small "settlement states" so that they could control small territory's. But soon these settlements combined with others to control more land mass. One of the greatest of these groups became known as the "Kabalonian empire". Originating from the desert they became one of the most powerful groups of the era. They invented irrgation and built pyramids in the desert to live in. Like all great empires the Kabalonian empire fell in due time. As time went on New groups formed and fell but as the years marched on something new evoloved:technology. Soon what was ounce small empires became nations. New ways of building were made along with improved ways to move large distances. Factory's became the new way of mass production for items. then along came electricity, then came the automobile, then came the mastery of flight. Theres thousands of other inventions too name. Each one advancing kerbalkind. But with this advancement came conflict. The kerbals had rediscovered something that their predating species had to deal with: war. Most wars were small and short. Mainly between two country's. Thankfully most kerbals can live there lives knowing that they most likely will never be thrown into a horrible conflict. As time continued some country's became more stronger than others. One result of this strength? The united kerbal states. This adequately sized country boasts large industry, a highway system, and a relatively well off population. Of course the kerbal states have a up kept military consisting of: UKSA (united kerbal states army) UKSMC (united kerbal states marine corp) UKSN (united kerbal states navy) the UKSAF (united kerbal states air force) and finally the UKSCG (united kerbal states coast guard). Whilst country's flourished something else flourished along side it. That was astronomy. Many kerbals got together and began to use telescopes to look skyward. They discovered more planets then they could have seen in the night sky and gave them names like, Duna Bop Jool eve and many others. With these discovery's brought questions such as, "What is the meaning to life?" "Is minimus made of ice cream?" But one of  the most important questions: "could we visit these other planets?"



Many debates broke out about what was the most logical way to get to these planets. One crazy idea was to build a giant glider and use a aircraft carrier launch catapult to fling it to the mun. Of course most of the theory's never made it into exsistance. Heck most kerbals did not take space travel seriously, that was until Wernher came along. Wernher "von" kerman was a engineer who was quite interested in exploring space. He soon developed a theory to use tube like craft to get kerbals into space. Wanting to put his ideas into action he went around trying to sell his theory to major company's. They all turned down his ideas, believing that he was trying to scam them by telling them that they could create a "new industry" "that could create jobs and income for many years". Wernher now having to turn to the military for funding his idea. Nearly all of the top brass turned his idea down. Well that was until he tried to sell his plans to the UKSAF. The air force general at the time Hammond kerman found Wernhers findings and theory's quite interesting and gave the green light to begin construction on step one: building a complex to launch from. The site would not have to be that big. But it would have to be discrete and in a area relatively uninhabited so no one would be killed by falling stages. The site chosen? North rock AFB (now known as KSC 2). After 2 months the launch complex was completed. 3 Months later the first rocket "Genesis 1" lifted off the pad. This rocket was unmaned and only had 1 stage but its launch sent a very important message "rocketry is plausible". 2 Months later "genesis 23" became the first piece of kerbal engineering to leave the atmosphere. Many more rockets were launched not all successful but all important none the less. A year later talks began about sending a kerbal to space. Rocket systems were becoming safer by the launch and most of the directorial personal agreed that a manned flight could be quite plausible. Development began on a suit that could protect kerbals from the harshness of space that was discovered by the "Genesis 35" that used instruments to uncover the quality of the environment that is space. Suit development and capsule development was easy but finding the right kerbal for the job? It was hard. After 26 weeks Wernher and his colleges decided on using pilots from the air forces "craft dynamics testing division" (or CDTD) which is based out of the "green sands proving grounds". Or more specifically the runway known only by its Air force runway ID "runway 110011" or "area 110011" as many of the kerbals stationed there jokingly call it. Many of the pilots were tested but one stood out of the rest. The name was Jedediah kerman and he was one of the best pilots that got cropped up. Jeb was sent to the North rock site for training and preparation. Wernher and his team then began to work on a manned rocket. The result was the "MF-100" but most people who saw it and or its highest range called it "the jumping flea". It was shorter than the unnamed designs and could barely get its occupant to space but this was all for safety reasons.(and to see if a kerbal could survive being launched up to such a height) The day of the launch had clear weather a cloudless sky. The "jumping flea" was moved to the pad without incident and was soon fueled for launch. Jeb would be quoted as saying "That day was like kerbmas. You either get a toy (a good launch) or a ton of socks (a explosion)" Wernher was also quoted "When that timer hit 0 our hearts stoped beating right there and then. It was so quiet with nothing more than the roar of the engines. The silence was broken with a sigh of relief and the sound of Darrel opening a sun khips chip bag".


The launch went off like clockwork with 100% mission objectives completed and the safe return of jeb to the ground. Although many unnamed rockets went higher than jebs first flight. The mission brought back important data on how launches affect kerbals. for many months after successful launches followed like the "kerbal 1"  and "kerbal 1-2" launches. Then with the launch of the "science jr" mission jeb became the first kerbal to pass the atmosphere into space. However all this was at a cost and buying the materials from company's then assembling rocket parts on site was quite costly. (company's like kerbodyne were not founded yet) So jeb volunteerd to use his (now famous) name to create a company to fit the air forces needs. The result? "jebediah kermans junkyard and spacecraft parts co"  As time went on space travel became a increasingly popular idea and soon the "KSC 2" found that its complex was not large enough to house the increasingly enlarging mission payloads. So the kerbal air force green lit construction of a newer complex. This complex was to be built in "star cap bay" and would have a larger pad for larger rockets. The complex's runway would serve the duel purpose for transport and a new base for the local coast guard units whose nearby island runway was becoming quite aged. Add to this the on site labs and the idea was sold to the administration team. The complex would become part of a sub branch of the air force "the kerbal space program". The branch got a large boost in funds during the construction process that took 4 years to complete. Not long after the complex's completion Wernher's team made quite the discovery: spacecraft could be kept in orbit for a long amount of time. As such the focus of the program shifted to get kerbals into orbit. However the program would need astronauts that could make repairs in orbit if anything went wrong as well as kerbals that could study space in orbit so that the science team would not have to wait for the return of the mission. Of which could take days. The result of this fore planing was bill and bob kerman. Bill had a collage degree in engineering and had long time experience in pressure systems  and structural suspension. Bill was given engineering classes during his training to expand his knowledge of rocket systems as well. Bob was a major in physics and was very interested in what could be found in space. However he thought that rockets were still to dangerous to be used in manned flight. None the less he accepted his invitation and joined KSP where he was trained in basic biology and geology. "They wanted me to know everything encase i encountered everything. And that's the planing i like!"~bob kerman KSP then turned to making the rocket only to find that company's had sprouted up and were vying for control of the market. The program decided to begin to hold competitions with the winning company's rocket being used. The winner for the orbital missions? The K-X893 or "kerbal X" as it was called. After a long testing period the "kerbal x" was cleared for manned flight usage. And so on a sleepy morning the original 3 climbed into the kerbal X rocket for the "0RBITR-1" mission. The launch went off as planned. resulting in a basic orbit around kerbin. "the sight of kerbin from that high was amazing. It was like seeing the world you knew was nothing more than a large model ball in space"~bill kerman 4 Days later the mission de-orbited and splashed down into the waters off of the KSC. The data brought back was revolutionized the kerbals understanding of their planet. The KSP began to recruit more astronaut personal not long after for the many flights ahead. 7 missions later jeb became the first kerbal to preform EVA. Wich he did for 30 minutes before reentering the capsule. The orbiter missions were the longest running mission series in the KSPs history. Even continuing past the munar missions.


5 years into the orbiter missions life time the administration began to consider a manned landing on the nearest orbital body. The decision was made to begin development of a lander system. The finally result was a heavily modified kerbal x orbiter stage with landing legs and ladder. the Administrative personal wanted to use a new rocket design but Wernher reassured them that the kerbal x had enough fuel for such a trip and the cost of the launch system was lower than what development of a entirely new system would be. After 6 months of testing the "munar 1" mission was go for launch with jeb confirmed as mission commander. the trip took 2 days to transfer between kerbin and the mun and then land. The landing went down in kerbal history as a very important moment with the famous quote: "one small step for kerbal,one giant leap for kerbal kind"~jeb The crew spent 5 days on the mun surface before returning with at least 23  surface samples. 8 more landers were sent to the mun that continued the work of the first landing. 4 years after the first landing many things have changed. A station was built in orbit around the mun and kerbalkind has landed on minimus duna and ike. Now the kerbals have there sights set on jool and its surrounding planets. With this want to explore and with the tech needed in hand the kerbals destiny now lies in the stars. All they need is kerbals with the bravery such as  jeb bill bob and valentina and they can explore beyond there wildest dreams.....they also need to pack snacks lots and lots of snacks.


If your reading this than thank you for reading it all the way through. This is the story of the kerbal universe i play in. And i am sure others have story's for the universe they play in. Story's i would love to hear. And i hope you enjoyed reading this story for all that its worth                                                                                                                                          


PS:i would like to expand on what the Easter eggs mean in this universe. That is if others would would like to read it and/or if i get the time.

Edited by Avery616
slight modification
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  On 3/16/2017 at 5:07 AM, Avery616 said:

Thank you for your input. I will continue to work to make my posts as enjoyable to as many viewers as i can. :)  PS:is the legend of you being made of ice cream really true?


Nope. I'm obviously made of adamantite, and countless people have unleashed the Hidden Fun Stuff by abusing of ISRU.

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