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Stratolaunch type craft

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I made a conventional airplane, and attached a rocket underneath with a cockpit. I have kerbals in both of the crafts. I was wondering if it was possible to launch the rocket from under the airplane and control the rocket? When I detach it still has me controlling the airplane. 

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Yeah, the inability to control two craft at the same time in KSP makes this kind of launch pattern a bit awkward.  Doable, but not exactly graceful, and you have to design your ships in a way to ensure that you aren't flying the orbital one when the airplane section falls below 22km.

Couple of options, here:

  • Fly it so that you're above 22km and rising fast when the airplane section conks out.  Separate, switch control to the orbital section, use its engines to fly to a low orbit.  As soon as you get it to orbit, immediately switch back to the airplane section, before it falls below 22km, and then fly it to a landing.
  • Fly it so that you're above 22km and rising fast when the airplane section conks out.  Separate, switch control to the orbital section, use its high-TWR engine to boost it to a trajectory that has a high Ap that will take time to reach.  Immediately switch back to the airplane section, and fly it to a landing.  Then switch back to the orbital section, before it gets to Ap, and wait until you get to Ap to circularize.

The former approach works for low orbit, the latter for high orbit.


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On 3/13/2017 at 10:18 AM, ForScience6686 said:

It works out fine, the key is to get your orbital ship out of the atmosphere and on a trajectory that gives you enough time to land your carrier plane, then return and complete your orbit burn.  I used this method for my goose x:


or, use FMRS to land the first and then return to the main vessel to continue your flight

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7 hours ago, ForScience6686 said:

Not necessary when you can do it in the stock game.  But to each their own.

Not necessary, but its convenient. On the other hand, if one is doing it just because is cool (like in a sandbox game) it don’t even matter if the aircraft get deleted.

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