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I am still unsure if I shall buy the DLC or not. It will probably depend on the price. I can see and understand what SQUAD is doing. They are a company and need to make money. Completely understandable. However, (I can't name them off the top of my head) I know there are already mods for historical rocket parts, but I imagine a SQUAD-developed pack will be more balanced and less buggy.

From the pages of this thread that I have read, there seems to be little anger, which is a good sign for SAUAD and the community. However, I would like to know if 1.3 is the last major version of the stock game, if 1.4, 1.5... etc. are only bug fixes, or if features will continue to be added to the stock game.

Any word on a release timeframe?

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4 hours ago, Quantstar said:


My parents have gotten the belief that KSP is making me stupid and I don't have any bank account so I will have to buy this expansion in several years possibly.

BTW:  Makiig Histogcz Eexpaisioi


I told my kids that they could play KSP as much as they liked, vs other games with time limits for exactly the opposite reason.

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5 hours ago, Quantstar said:


My parents have gotten the belief that KSP is making me stupid and I don't have any bank account so I will have to buy this expansion in several years possibly.

BTW:  Makiig Histogcz Eexpaisioi


Wut... KSP is one of the games that boosted my understanding of physics massively. How on earth can someone think it makes you less intelligent?

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5 hours ago, Quantstar said:


My parents have gotten the belief that KSP is making me stupid and I don't have any bank account so I will have to buy this expansion in several years possibly.

BTW:  Makiig Histogcz Eexpaisioi


You have my deepest condolences for you bad choice of parents :wink:

I offered to buy it for my kids.

One said "nah, maybe later", one said "already have it, and a copy for my son" and the remaining two said "I'll grab on the next steam sale" ...

But it could be added that all 4 are 18+ (some with a wide margin ...).

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There are many issues with KSP's fidelity to the physics in question, but in terms of having an implicit understanding, or "feel" for such mechanics, I think the Randall's comic is spot on. I can imagine some people posting that KSP is not realistic---and I agree---but being a very imperfect simulation doesn't change the educational value of gaining an intuitive feel for something that can be inherently counterintuitive.

I had read WW2 aviation history for years, for example, and didn't "get" dogfights until I had played good, WW2 flight sims, for example. Were they perfectly accurate? Not even close. Did my understanding of what was discussed by real pilots in books make more sense? Absolutely, it made a night and day difference.

One thing that I think is required to improve the educational value of KSP is to kill the trial and error with no data nature of the stock game with fire. Add a dv readout already. Yeah, yeah, I know that for kooky kontraptions such readouts are likely inaccurate, so @SQUAD avoids it, but add a dv readout with a large caveat that it only works for rockets that look like real rockets, and crazy stuff will result in inaccurate readouts. Seeing in real time how changing a rocket changes final dv is incredibly useful, and adds a lot to the game. Any such addition should be stock, not DLC, BTW.



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On 3/17/2017 at 10:38 AM, minepagan said:

Congrats, Squad. You're first expansion is something already doable with mods.


Name something they would be interested in doing as a DLC that isn't already a mod? 


Right, then, as everything that is conceivable under the sun is already a mod, how are they supposed to make anything new? 


What they are doing is taking things they want to do, and doing them better than the mods.  They are making a mission editor, with a node editor, so you can setup your own missions to share.  Seems dumb to me, but that's just my opinion.  Other's may get a real kick out of it, and if they do it well, good for them.  They might also be taking  the mods they are 'copying' and purchasing the parts and textures from the mod makers.  So you might see those mods become discontinued in the near future.


And so what if they offer DLC that is available as a mod?  Then don't buy the DLC, and use the mods.  But they may be releasing another DLC later on that requires the installation of the earlier one.  And that one will ahve content you want.

2 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

WHAT!? :confused: 

Seriously, this game has taught me more about spaceflight than SCHOOL! 

How can your parents think it's making you stupid???

Well, most reality TV shows will teach you as much about spaceflight as school will. 


"A long time ago, we went to the moon, kids"

"Teacher, how did we get there?"

"I'm not sure Bobby, but I'm pretty sure it was evil black magic.  Now drink your kool-aid". 

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everything! there's something about making ketchup, bacon, and burgers, into rocket parts, there's weapon mods!, there's navy mods!, there's a mod for everything! planets, engines, SCIENCE!!!, literally everything is possible with mods

before you say "its possible with mods" think of something that cant be done with mods

its nothing! because its all coding! (something I'll never understand) its all made the same way (except that the devs made the game)!

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32 minutes ago, StupidAndy said:


everything! there's something about making ketchup, bacon, and burgers, into rocket parts, there's weapon mods!, there's navy mods!, there's a mod for everything! planets, engines, SCIENCE!!!, literally everything is possible with mods

before you say "its possible with mods" think of something that cant be done with mods

its nothing! because its all coding! (something I'll never understand) its all made the same way (except that the devs made the game)!

Actually no.

Or rather, yes everything is possible with mods, but there's several things that aren't practical.

Several things that aren't practical due to the design of Unity and of KSP core on top of Unity.

That's why it's so nice that Squad do think about mods in their internal processes (note that modding has a heading of it's own in the release notes).

<off topic>
9 exclamation marks ...

And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head. -- Terry Pratchett in Maskerade
</off topic>

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Hey, despite enjoying many mods, I'm excited about the expansions! It will be great to have historical missions besides the default Soyuz 1 and Apollo 1 scenarios included with the base game.... haha.

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4 hours ago, razark said:

Have you tried telling them actual NASA people play it?

Probably doesn't help that there's people out there who choose to believe NASA is faking moon landings and hiding alien technology from us... (yes, at the same time)

Edited by swjr-swis
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11 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

...faking moon landings and hiding alien technology from us... ( yes, at the same time)

Well, we have to do it.  If the public found out that the moon landings were actually part of the coverup for our intervention in the Martian civil war, there's no telling what might happen.

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15 minutes ago, Spacetraindriver said:

Forgive me if this has been already been asked and/or answered, but will these new "Historic Parts" render some of our rocket/spacecraft replica effort futile when you could make your own perfect looking one in a couple minutes?

Why would it render your efforts futile if you enjoy doing it? People who don't like the "splattering of structural parts somehow makes a pleasing aerodynamic shape" aesthetic (honestly never understood why people think that looks good but whatever floats your boat) will now have more options (and so will people who do, tbqh) but how does that invalidate your build style?

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On 18.03.2017 at 0:08 AM, RoverDude said:

I agree, they would be amazing

RoverDude making 1,875 parts pack confirmed? :cool:

Anyway, shut up tell me more and take my money.

I think any KSP fan may afford 20-40 $. I don't get why people whining about DLC and money grab. It is ridiculous...

Want KSP be alive? Please pay, seems logical.

I'm glad to see this announcement. It is really needed for those mexican guys who own KSP brand any further development.

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