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One of the defining technologies (for the Saturn rocket) was the use of Hydrolox for the second (S-II) and third stages (S-IVB) giving it a massively improved payload to orbit vs. the Kerolox and Hypergol alternatives of the time.  While the current LF/O and mono would stand in pretty well for the first stage (S-IC) and the LEM/CSM engines (respectively), will the MH-DLC have any concession for these lighter/less-dense yet more efficient cryo fuels?

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On 3/17/2017 at 7:30 AM, Woodstar said:

Why april, why not just 2013, Kinda makes me mad, made my purchase Dec. 2013.

Edit: nice one on the word change. wouldn't want any of our resident children seeing any curse words. HAHA


Mine was April 2014.....I have the month right, does that count?

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5 hours ago, gargamel said:

[Snipped for posterity]

TL;DR: Every possible DLC idea is already done/possible with mods 

I tend to disagree. While most things are achievable through modding, some things end up being very hacky and buggy, or simply aren't possible.

Take Kerbal Konstructs, for example: yes, it works, but it tends to have...problems. Things like the fact that buildings can't be destructable, or that you can't refocus the camera to other space centers. (Let me make clear that I'm not trying to insult KK or its creators, heck I love that mod to death and it's amazing what they've done)

There are also things that can't be done with mods: things like an AI space program. Sure, you could cobble together something from contracts and craft files, but it wouldn't be very good.

HOWEVER I would like to point something else out: mods aren't availible on Console. DLCs most likely will be.

On the same note, I think it would be a cool idea if Squad could work with the CKAN team to bring mods to console, and possibly require a 'subscription' of some sort, or make mods have a cost that is split between the mod maker(s) and Squad.

@RoverDude seeing as you're active in this thread, can you weigh in? (A) will DLCs work for Console and (B) will mods ever come to Console in any form?

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12 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

I wonder if the price of the main game will come down to encourage new people who are considering purchase of stock+DLC.

It usually goes on sale each update. I think it's reasonable to expect the same from the DLC.

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23 hours ago, Snark said:

then of course you'll vote with your wallet.

Snark's got the sum of it. The feedback is useful for Squad, I'm sure, since even the "Squad should do a thing" comments can be translated as, "as a customer, I'm interested in paying money for a thing." Or that you're not interested. But there's not much persuasion (or respect) in "I want these features for free." Everybody's got some mental checklist of things they wish were better, or that "should be" better. I find things go more smoothly when I let go of "should" and acknowledge what "is."

For example, I hate the 2.5m rocket engine aesthetics. They're awful. I have rocket parts packs, and I cringe every time I discover that the Mainsail is the best performance for a payload, because orange and hazard stripes don't match anything else in my rocket wardrobe. I had high hopes for Porkjet's overhaul. In my mind, we should have received that overhaul, finished. We should have had a coherent design aesthetic in stock. Right? Bac9's stint at Squad was a step in that direction, too. The high turnover at Squad has been murder for a coherent aesthetic. That's just an example, and I've got a few more things on my wishlist for KSP, yet I'm happy with where the game ended up. I'm happy with where the modding community ended up. Wherever I think KSP should have gone is irrelevant to the reality of where KSP is and where Squad is. We're nearly two years past 1.0, and Squad is on the tail of a long sales curve. Forget my concept of whether that should have been 1.0, or how things should have been done differently. How can I, as a customer, as a user who still plays KSP in periodic bursts after over four years, persuade Squad to make KSP fit my wishlist even better? There's only one way: by telling Squad what I'm willing to pay to have.

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looking forward to the mission builder. I would be greatly interested in the exact mechanics of it though; it would be cool if the mission builder allowed us to plan out maneuver nodes before a launch.

I think this is a first good expansion, but I would like to see more eventually, such as either stock life support or gas giant 2.

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Just now, Curveball Anders said:

How about all the people who got hired after some people left?


I figured they were pretty much done with the game after that and stopped following it entirely.

Wonder what happened.

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On 3/17/2017 at 8:05 PM, DarthVader said:

Paid expansion except for those who bought the game before April 2013?


On 3/17/2017 at 9:34 PM, Badie said:

Yes we will keep our promise

Huh, I got KSP at 2013, I may have a chance to get it!

*Checks purchase date*



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Can't wait. Would be nice if they rewrote the entire contract system to have a full storyline, but this is a great start. With how much fun I've had with this game, the expac is definitely something I will buy.

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