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Attempting to Get Around Added Sugars


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  On 4/13/2017 at 7:07 PM, Green Baron said:

Loosing the sense of thirst can happen. People first get a headache, then get dizzy and finally start to fantasize. For example students on excavation in arid areas usually grossly underestimate the risks of dehydration and frequently must be urged to drink enough.

I am not sure whether "professionals" really can acclimatise or train the body to use less water. I would never recommend such a thing. "Drink enough, 3* pee a day are the minimum". Not my idea ... :-)



how far well it always depend you know .... also you ll never know until your try train pratice fail or succeed or loss everithing ... it depend it depend

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/13/2017 at 7:07 PM, Green Baron said:

Loosing the sense of thirst can happen. People first get a headache, then get dizzy and finally start to fantasize. For example students on excavation in arid areas usually grossly underestimate the risks of dehydration and frequently must be urged to drink enough.

I am not sure whether "professionals" really can acclimatise or train the body to use less water. I would never recommend such a thing. "Drink enough, 3* pee a day are the minimum". Not my idea ... :-)


Not to use less water, but to eliminate less. But not like "less"-less, its more that in normal, urban day-to-day life there is more excess to play with. So its not like a huge "Im aclimatised to heat now, fear me!" but just a sort of fitness for hot weather. People who are obsessed with drinking a lot of water in day-to-day life though, can get in trouble very quickly in hot places for this very reason, if there is no preparation, and as you say, they are taken off-guard by how much water they need.

Edited by p1t1o
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yup yup filtering limon use to help

may be try with 2 3 a day in a medium glasse like 4/5 3/4 water 2or3 time per day ... then go up to 5 6 a day half water or a bit more depending how you feel after a week and half or so hard to say, and preferably no sugar ... also i m not medic ... just a rough idea

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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If you want to eliminate sugar form your diet dont you have to remove everything containing hydrocarbons, too? Afaik they get processed the same way, just dont taste as sweet and are better for your teeth. And somehow you have to refill your glycogen storage, at least when you are doing sports (and not moving much is way unhealther than sugar).

I still dont understand the whole anti-sugar hype anyway. From what i know there are 3 main dangers: Bad teeth, diabetes type 2 and overwheight. The first is countered by brushing your teeth, the others by doing sports...

Edited by Elthy
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bah sugar ... how many sort of sugar there is .... also everyone do not react the same at all to sugar and whatever, regarding sugar some bee sugar are often cool depending the flower tree (melting) and bee species they come from .. may be ytou can add a small spoon of some specific honey to limon drink, but well would require some advised dietetician for wich bee and wich location to use

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/13/2017 at 8:41 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I believe the intent was to cut soda consumption by 100%, i.e. half as much as before.


Oh, i misread that. Well, i never understood why people in the USA drink soda all the time. I drink lots of "Apfelschorle" (funny it doesnt even have an english name), while that doesnt have less sugar its healthier in other aspects. Or try just carbonated water. I cant stand still water, but carbonated water is fine...

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  On 4/13/2017 at 8:39 PM, Elthy said:

If you want to eliminate sugar form your diet dont you have to remove everything containing hydrocarbons, too? Afaik they get processed the same way, just dont taste as sweet and are better for your teeth. And somehow you have to refill your glycogen storage, at least when you are doing sports (and not moving much is way unhealther than sugar).

I still dont understand the whole anti-sugar hype anyway. From what i know there are 3 main dangers: Bad teeth, diabetes type 2 and overwheight. The first is countered by brushing your teeth, the others by doing sports...


Yes, at the end of the day it is all about caloric intake. But sugar, in-and-of itself, has some pretty bad effects when consumed in excess. It spikes your blood sugar, which leads to glycemic stress, which over time leads to type 2 diabetes, among other diseases. For the same lifestyle choices and caloric intake, if more of your calories come in via proteins, complex carbohydrates, and other low-glycemic-index foods, your chances of developing type 2 diabetes drop significantly.

  On 4/13/2017 at 8:30 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

For beverages, I'd suggest making your own lemonade. It tastes, I think, better with less sugar then commercial lemonade has.


One thing I miss about California: Having my own lemon and lime trees. :(


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  On 4/13/2017 at 8:47 PM, Elthy said:

Oh, i misread that. Well, i never understood why people in the USA drink soda all the time. I drink lots of "Apfelschorle" (funny it doesnt even have an english name), while that doesnt have less sugar its healthier in other aspects. Or try just carbonated water. I cant stand still water, but carbonated water is fine...


I looked that up, it looks like what I'd call "sparkling cider." A company called Martinelli's makes it in the US: https://www.martinellis.com/products/single/sispc8.shtml

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i m concerned with gout ... not because alcool but because: 


now i almost never eat sugar directly, but when oh well whatever i want some and bah ...

i used to eat lot of candy and haribo and lutti .... so ... when it happen oh do i solve gout: i just walk 10 15 min suffering a lot ... ... because it has to do with heart pressure and extremety (for me it's feet) but for some people it could be hand or shoulder ...

and gout is a somehow a very strong physical pain .... aciditic concentration and nerve related prolly // heart pressure...

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/13/2017 at 9:17 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I looked that up, it looks like what I'd call "sparkling cider." A company called Martinelli's makes it in the US: https://www.martinellis.com/products/single/sispc8.shtml


I dont think its the same, apparently this is pure applejuice, just carbonated. "Apfelschorle" is applejuice mixed with carbonated water, thus making it way easier to drink in bulk...

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  On 4/13/2017 at 8:41 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

I believe the intent was to cut soda consumption by 100%, i.e. half as much as before.


That is true, but just a small portion of the overall scheme. It's reducing my overall sugar intake, of which the majority is just simply sodas. Even one can contains more than a day's worth of sugar according to the WHO, and before now two a day wasn't common but wasn't rare either. I've cut cans entirely and now am consuming a small portion, the results of which I'll put together into either another thread, or, motivation allowing, an actual report or paper.

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The real villain of added sugars is fructose coupled with a sedentary lifestyle. Table sugar is sucrose, which is a glucose and fructose stuck together. Every cell can use glucose, while fructose has to be processed by the liver. If a person has been exercising, the liver will turn fructose into glycogen, to replenish the body's energy stores, which is fine. But when the glycogen reserves are full, then the fructose starts getting turned into fat, and that's when the problems start. So stay away from that high fructose corn syrup, unless you have your muscles working!

*Note that real fruit is not a problem, it's the crazy amount in anything processed that is!



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I never drank a lot of soda (usually only a can if I was at some kind of party) but the reason I stopped is because I always get nausea when my stomach is full of gas. It's almost like my vomit and burp sensations are swapped, so I'd get really nauseous, only to expel pure gas. It's really not fun, and it happens pretty much every time, so I decided some months ago to completely stop drinking carbonated beverages.

  On 4/12/2017 at 10:19 PM, Tex said:

I'm attempting to cut down on my soda intake nearly 100%, apart from some data I'm gathering for a report I intend to cobble together eventually. I can also assume that many forumgoers here either choose to limit their sugar intakes, or have diets based on allergy needs or whatever, but what can be done for suitable replacements? Fruits and vegetables for several foods, but what about beverages? Are there any good, tasty, and actually low- or no-sugar beverages that are beneficial on the whole?


If you're in a region where it's available, I hear coconut water is loaded with healthy stuff. It's mildly sweet and is generally pretty tasty.

  On 4/13/2017 at 7:07 PM, Green Baron said:

Loosing the sense of thirst can happen. People first get a headache, then get dizzy and finally start to fantasize. For example students on excavation in arid areas usually grossly underestimate the risks of dehydration and frequently must be urged to drink enough.


When I was young, I would get headaches relatively frequently. In middle school, I started getting complex migraines about once a year. Explanation could get lengthy, so I'll put it in a spoiler:

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After this, the doctors advised me to drink more water, and my "regular" headache problem was fixed by that. The migraines still came occasionally though, and once one started there was nothing to do but wait it out. Recently, I was at lunch and felt a toe go numb for a couple of minutes. I know this is a sign of a migraine, and I thought, I might as well try something, anything to stop it! So I drank two bottles of water as fast as I could, and it went away. There's no way to tell if it was a fluke or not, but I'll definitely be doing that next time.

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make me ask how do "so called" doctor "cure" dog smell or cat affraid of cucumber and etc ... but well doctor you know it may depend  ... still the ratio of dumbly  huxley because weeee eeee eeee huxley it's all my life and belief is way too high ... imho

soda could be a could soma it depend ... it could arm as well ... it depend

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
ohohohoho huxley ; ) light novel ;) badum tssss tssss tshhh
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Sorry to be obscure @Tex, just a little homebrewer humor.

I applaud your efforts both at self improvement and analysis. Also, (as a homebrewer) I really think that learning to make something (usually edible in my case) that you love, so if you love soda, try making your own. You would never be able to add as much sugar into your own as a store bought soda has.


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