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[1.8.x] KSC++ Continued (from Lack's Stock Extension thread) - version 4.1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I installed this via CKAN and I don't see any errors but when loading a game (or starting a new one) I don't get any of the buildings or anything. Is there a config that needs to be edited or enabled somewhere?

Latest version of KSP (1.12.5)


Found out it was a patch for the Launch Sites Appended mod that was disabling the buildings. If anyone comes here with the same issue, the file is on GameData\FP_LaunchSitesAppended\Patches that was disabling the buildings, and it should be removed.

Edited by Jafex
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/15/2023 at 10:12 PM, FormosaT_9 said:

after your v4.1 ...... five years !

I updated the ghost road with Fastcorp and KerbinSide:






and keep the railway and moving cars in KSC.

--- thanks for giving route ideas :D

woah that looks sick, could you send me over your configs?

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What I feel needs to be done is to keep parts of the KSC++ and use it in KSC Extended.. and KSC Harobr.. once you got that tone, you could actually have a working system and who knows? A Road Network to other launch sites and places? Maybe another couple of place could spring up.. But a road network and a update to reflect the KSC Extended mod might be worth it.. would give it more of a realistic feel.

Just my thoughts. 

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  • 7 months later...

Hey, sorry for bumping an old thread but since this is the mod release thread I thought it would be the proper place to post.


For some reason, when I have KSC++ installed and the game is supposed to actually load KSC++ (as in, with the fix for FP_Launchsites that was mentioned by @Jafex above), the game just doesn't load. It loads all assets, goes to the final "Loading" screen and just freezes. I get no error, no crashes, nothing that would indicate any error, but the game just freezes. I've figured that KSC++ is causing some problem for me because the game loads properly if I either have KSC++ uninstalled or have the FP_Launchsites NoKSC++ patch in the patches folder.


Maybe another mod is conflicting with it, I don't know. However, I've attached links to pastebins where I've pasted my mod list from CKAN and my KSP.log - if any log files are missing, please let me know.


CKAN Mod list: https://pastebin.com/GMCP5C9G

KSP log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11DQphNU753Z3a3IAqn7qISeuUUddcK2D/view?usp=sharing


The last entry on the log is from 12:21 local time, I closed the game around 12:30 so the game was frozen for the better part of 10 minutes while still using about 13-15% of my CPU. My uneducated guess is that it was doing something...




EDIT: I've gone through the trouble of uninstalling every mod and running a file verification through Steam. After that, I've installed ONLY KSC++ and the listed dependencies in CKAN (those being Kerbal Konstructs and Custom Pre Launch Checks) and tried launching the game. It still gets stuck at the final Loading screen with the planets orbiting the Sun. Once again, I'm linking to the KSP.log and also the Player.log (which I forgot in my initial post, sorry about that!)

KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ryPEgYdS_7eTVu_SBBYM0xNk7IsK0bp/view?usp=sharing

Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FHvUZ6tIVxNRFq6aapfjNnHSlDbxR-va/view?usp=sharing

As before, the game is using my CPU while apparently frozen, so it's stuck doing something. Obviously less RAM usage because of...I'd say, 75 less mods, lol.


Edited by thepanzafahra
Added logs from a game instance running only the one mod
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I did some searching in the files and, as I understood, the problem is somewhere in the configs in the buildings folder I was able to run the game after removing the configs road hut junction, I think the problem is in one of them if you want to see for yourself here is the path game Kerbal Space Program\GameData\LackMisc\Buildings

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My latest attempt at loading the game has stopped with this line in KSP.log:

[LOG 10:24:04.578] KK: [InstanceUtil] CreateGroupCenterIfMissing: Creating a new Group Center: Kerbin_Ghost Road

I tried running the game with the cfg files you mentioned and without, and it just won't load at all. It keeps freezing at the point where the Kerbin Ghost Road is created, so I suppose there is something wrong at that point? I think I'll try deleting and selectively re-adding all Ghost Road entries in the road.cfg, maybe that'll help in some way...


EDIT (before the post even got approved): I got the game to load, but it runs like liquid...you-know-what. That's mostly because I'm running about 100 mods at this point, but here's what I did: 

> Delete all Ghost Road instances from road.cfg
> Delete dustshed.cfg
> Delete dustwall.cfg
> Delete smallhab.cfg
> Delete all Ghost Road instances from carpark.cfg
> Delete all Ghost Road instances from parkedvehicles.cfg
> Delete all Ghost Road instances from smallbuildings2.cfg
> Delete all Ghost Road instances from windsock.cfg

The game now runs, but I'm sure that wasn't what was intended with the ghost road being added all that time ago...I wish I knew what caused this, because it should run with those instances.



Edited by thepanzafahra
Tried a few things, got the game to load...without the ghost road, though.
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8 hours ago, thepanzafahra said:

I'm sure that wasn't what was intended with the ghost road being added all that time ago...I wish I knew what caused this, because it should run with those instances.

Try changing the Kerbal Konstructs version to the previous one. With my game works fine.

Edited by Aerospacer
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9 hours ago, thepanzafahra said:

My latest attempt at loading the game has stopped with this line in KSP.log:

[LOG 10:24:04.578] KK: [InstanceUtil] CreateGroupCenterIfMissing: Creating a new Group Center: Kerbin_Ghost Road

In the old cfg format, creating a new group center was not mandatory; there was such a line in the configuration:

GroupCenter = false

It looks like the cfg format has now been changed, but compatibility with old configuration files should have been maintained. With KK and earlier everything works as it should.


P.S.  Btw, the root folder of KK contains two new BIG dll-s that were not there before. (perhaps they are redundant)

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On 7/5/2023 at 10:14 AM, kerbalboi said:

woah that looks sick, could you send me over your configs?

you will need Kerbin Side Remastered,   Ordinary Konstruction and   my edited statics;
with  Kerbal Highways(mine KK instances CFGs)

if all work, you will get:   Dessert Strait,   Route36 and   South Gulf Connexion(part of Route 24)


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/20/2024 at 1:38 PM, FormosaT_9 said:

you will need Kerbin Side Remastered,   Ordinary Konstruction and   my edited statics;
with  Kerbal Highways(mine KK instances CFGs)

if all work, you will get:   Dessert Strait,   Route36 and   South Gulf Connexion(part of Route 24)

I installed everything that this wonderful mod asked, and still there's some things missing.
First I could only load South Gulf Connexion.
The Dessert Strait has the "bridgeW" and "bridgeE" groups missing so it doesn't load anything.
And the Route 36 there's a group called "c++ base road" that I had to delete for it to load, also the "ksideroadhump1" STATIC wasn't on the Edited Statics, so I had to take it from KerbinSide Continued old mod.

If all this is fixed it works flawlessly :wink:






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  • 1 month later...
On 6/16/2023 at 10:12 AM, FormosaT_9 said:

I updated the ghost road with Fastcorp and KerbinSide:


On 2/20/2024 at 8:38 PM, FormosaT_9 said:

you will need Kerbin Side Remastered,   Ordinary Konstruction and   my edited statics;
with  Kerbal Highways (mine KK instances CFGs)

if all work, you will get:   Dessert Strait (IB dessert),   Route36 and   South Gulf Connexion (IB south gulf)

- fix Dessert Strait (IB dessert)'s groupcenter and terrain MapDecal
- added Kerbin City inter overpass (route36 S)
it was designed with the restored version K.C ! if you want the city, check this:

Known mistakes:
- still don't have fillers to connect route36 and ground of KSC, need manual place them.
- lights and decorations may become performance killer, in this case - delete  36art_instances.cfg
- every work was in "Default" terrain settings, if you using High / Ultra / Parallax may have some roadblock (image by @Overlocker96)


Edited by FormosaT_9
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  • 4 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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