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Voyage - The Final Warning (Chapters 34-36 And Epilogues)

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  On 12/30/2018 at 5:55 PM, Kerbalstar said:

Wonderful @Ultimate Steve! But... You forget to change the thread title. ;) When is moar coming? 


Ah, oops. I'll do that now. Moar sooner than later, as the screenshots for at least most of the next chapter are done, as they were supposed to be lumped in with this chapter, but it got really long (7k plus words).

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  On 12/30/2018 at 6:12 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

Ah, oops. I'll do that now. Moar sooner than later, as the screenshots for at least most of the next chapter are done, as they were supposed to be lumped in with this chapter, but it got really long (7k plus words).


Yay! Moar soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...




Ultimate Steve

  • Mr. Steven
  • Ultimate Steve
  On 6/16/2017 at 2:56 AM, Ultimate Steve said:
  On 6/15/2017 at 7:56 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

Elon Musk sat, transfixed at one of the windows, probably thinking up a way to launch a Tesla to Mars.

  On 3/6/2018 at 11:55 PM, obney kerman said:

Either Elon Musk reads this story, or you are a prophet.

I think it's the second. ALL HAIL HIGH PROPHET @Ultimate Steve!!!!


First Elon Musk launches a Telsa to Mars and now one of SpaceX's drone ships is called Mr. Steven!!! Either Elon Musk does read this story... OR @Ultimate Steve IS Elon Musk! Tell us the truth "Steve"!


  On 1/4/2018 at 11:32 PM, Ultimate Steve said:

One of my few New Years' Resolutions was to do a chapter of this per month. It's the very next thing on the list once I get back from Ohio. So, not dead! Just semi-permanently dormant. :)


Again this year? So, moar, when? And soon tm I know, but it's like a contractual obligation to ask at least once. No pressure though, I'll wait patiently.   

Edited by Kerbalstar
Mars not MArs! :)
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  On 1/8/2019 at 10:26 PM, Kerbalstar said:

First Elon Musk launches a Telsa to Mars and now one of SpaceX's drone ships is called Mr. Steven!!! Either Elon Musk does read this story... OR @Ultimate Steve IS Elon Musk! Tell us the truth "Steve"!


To be fair I changed my title after they announced Mr. Steven.

As for the second point... With how long writing takes me, I can't imagine Elon having enough time to write this! Also, I'm changing the BFR design again, it's titanium and will feature a reusable raptor based third stage for direct GEO insertion of communications satellites without refueling. It will also be useful as a Phobos/Deimos exploration vehicle once you dock a Dragon to it. We're also shrinking Raptor so we can have 42 engines. And since the hopper is now outdated we're donating it to Blue Origin as a peace offering, which will also make it practical to launch the New Shepard as a 2 stage vehicle that could reach orbit... Except we're sticking a ULA ACES between the two stages, and we're modifying the New Shepard stage to be restartable and long term storable (really hard with hydrogen). These will be ready for launch in 9-16 weeks, and will have a first mission of intercepting and destroying Starman, who has, unfortunately gone rogue and must be destroyed. We'll launch a replacement in the form of a Starliner spacesuit posed on a tricycle. Or maybe a skateboard. With a cowboy hat on.


  On 1/8/2019 at 10:26 PM, Kerbalstar said:

Again this year? So, moar, when? And soon tm I know, but it's like a contractual obligation to ask at least once. No pressure though, I'll wait patiently.   


Unfortunately I think I'll be busy for a few days, but soon-ish.

Also I thought a lot about the story and I managed to find a way to fix two future plot problems, and hopefully make the story flow smoother.

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  On 1/9/2019 at 1:30 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

To be fair I changed my title after they announced Mr. Steven.



  On 1/9/2019 at 1:30 AM, Ultimate Steve said:


As for the second point... With how long writing takes me, I can't imagine Elon having enough time to write this! .


But if you were Elon, maybe you actually write quickly, and just do it in your spare time. 


  On 1/9/2019 at 1:30 AM, Ultimate Steve said:





Ah-Ha! ;) (Just kidding about all of that of course... Unless...)

  On 1/9/2019 at 1:30 AM, Ultimate Steve said:


Unfortunately I think I'll be busy for a few days, but soon-ish.

Also I thought a lot about the story and I managed to find a way to fix two future plot problems, and hopefully make the story flow smoother.




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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/18/2019 at 4:36 PM, TeslaPenguin1 said:

When can we expect the next chapter?


I've been working on a huge project for the past few weeks. Should all go well it will be concluded this week, at the earliest, Wednesday, but if we don't have school due to snow I can't do it thursday, and the class schedule will be off so I can't conclude it Friday.

Then there is other stuff. But eventually.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/6/2019 at 9:13 PM, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

When is this "eventually" you speak of? Also, on behalf of all the people named Ethan on this (expletive) planet, thanks for giving us a little bit of hope that our lives may one day be important!


Hopefully soon-ish, but that's what I said last time. :( I want to get back to writing, but there's stuff I have to do. Fortunately the huge project has been completed:

But for the past month or two, all of my Saturdays/weekends have had something going on, most of the time Speech or Academic Decathlon. Luckily, the last (I think) occupied weekend will be this weekend. Weekdays are running low on time as well, but not as lacking, and I've been getting back into my long term KSP career. Spring break is 1.5 weeks from now, so I should have some time to do a chapter or two then, but don't count on it. I may have one before then, or it may be a month, but if I could choose one story to finish before college (1.5 years from now) it would definitely be this one.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far, thank you for your kind words!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Author's note: I included Jacksepticeye in the story originally as sort of a joke, but as the story went on I realized that it didn't really work well as more than a one off funny thing, especially as I haven't watched his videos in forever. And then the scope of the story exploded into much more than it was originally supposed to be, further diminishing his effect. So, if I ever do a revision of the story, which I want to do but may not have time, I will probably replace him entirely with someone with a similar personality. And I have finally admitted to myself that this whole thing isn't much more than a rough draft. There is so much that can be fixed in this story. There are plot points that I started writing towards and abandoned in favor of something better, there are formatting inconsistencies, general inconsistencies, and characters with no defined personality, like Alonya and Marie. There are also Bill, Bob, and Valentina, who almost may as well not be there at all. All of these things will be fixed in the revised version, assuming I get around to doing a revised version, which I intend to.

But I must be doing something right, people seem to enjoy this! Thank you all for your continued support (and patience!), and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!



Chapter 19 - Blink and You'll Miss It

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Edited by Ultimate Steve
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Awesome! And: 

  On 3/17/2019 at 4:38 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

How expensive?"

"Do you want a Dyson sphere or a monolith?"


Ahahahaha! I literally laughed out loud at several points in this chapter. As for "a sense of accomplishment" , I feel like the fact that like 10,000 people have been to space and we have designed a complex space mission to a gas giant and it's moons in a little over a week (!) has already stripped humans of most senses of accomplishment. I know I sure wouldn't be complaining. Can they stop by Venus too?


As for your author's note: I, personally, like Jack just the way he is. I also have no idea if he's a reference to anybody, so that may factor in. As for the rest, I think it's great and doesn't need any revision! Also, you forgot an end quotation mark after "I'd read it tomorrow." Only mistake I noticed . And falling out of the sleeping bag was great! I laughed so hard!

So, moar when?

Edited by Kerbalstar
I sure, not I'm sure. Silly me.
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  On 3/17/2019 at 6:47 AM, Kerbalstar said:

Ahahahaha! I literally laughed out loud at several points in this chapter. As for "a sense of accomplishment" , I feel like the fact that like 10,000 people have been to space and we have designed a complex space mission to a gas giant and it's moons in a little over a week (!) has already stripped humans of most senses of accomplishment. I know I sure wouldn't be complaining. Can they stop by Venus too?


Right, I hadn't fully considered that... I guess visiting Mars without Kerbal assistance would be at least close to the amount of accomplishment attained by visiting a gas giant with a boatload of Kerbal assistance. Maybe.

It's not Venus, but I have an unused image from testing:


Not canon.

  On 3/17/2019 at 10:04 AM, RealKerbal3x said:

Oh! Cool, another Voyage chapter!

@Ultimate Steve What mod are those big (3.75m?) cargo bays on the Legacy II from?


I believe those are the 5 meter cargo bays from Near Future Launch Vehicles.

  On 3/17/2019 at 1:23 PM, obney kerman said:

Me too! Also, @Ultimate Steve, don't worry about your doubts about this story. It's still funny, well-written, and relatable, at least in my eyes.


Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, most of the screenshots for the next 2 or 3 chapters are done, I think. Don't quote me on that, it depends on if I decide to do anything extra, or how many chapters I cram into the space of one.

But I'd like to give an interesting update on something not directly related to the story.

The Wyvern can do Earth ascent, but IIRC I had to use ignore max temperature for both the ascent and the descent. It also uses a lot of part clipping.

For a potential future project, I started designing and testing a Wyvern II design. It is being designed to be able to land on and take off from any reasonable Kerbal-scale atmospheric world. It could do vacuum worlds too but another lander can do that much simpler... It also must not use part clipping, and must also not use ignore max temperature.

Not a very good picture, but here is the latest design:


A far earlier picture:


This picture shows the layout much better. Many of the details have changed, though. The wings, outboard engines, and crew cabins have been completely redone, and many other things have been tweaked.

Unfortunately I broke my "no clipping" rule by attaching nose cones to the backs of the engines and offsetting them inside to make the whole thing sleeker. I'll see if it works without those, but if not I'll keep them. But, this is still less clipping than in the original, which had the fusion engine, a hydrogen tank, a nuclear ramjet, and an antimatter reactor/power generator clipped inside each other.

I'm not sure if it will still be able to do Earth (it might, and should be able to but maybe not) but it makes up for that shortfall with more versatility. Wyvern II:

  • Can land and take off vertically
  • Can land and take off horizontally
  • Holds 4 crew instead of 3 (a bit cheaty, the 4th seat is a tweakscaled hatch, it will probably only fly with 3)
  • Can land on and take off from oceans (in most cases). It has a hydrofoil type thing to help with this. Unfortunately, it also adds drag.
  • Operates on 5 propellants instead of 6, antimatter, deuterium, tritium, hydrogen, and monopropellant. The original needed to refuel its nuclear reactor from time to time, but that's not really relevant.
  • Can fire hydrogen powered antimatter thermal engines (which can also be used as hydrogen jet engines) in order to increase apoapsis if it's too low to clear the atmosphere

Wyvern II has been designed with a greater range of worlds in mind, ocean worlds, thin and thick atmospheric worlds, but in order to fit those roles it has lost some of the original Wyvern's capability. Wyvern II:

  • Cannot fly near-infinitely for exploration. This is the biggest con. The atmospheric engines are antimatter powered, and the antimatter reserves on board are good enough for a few ascents/descents without refueling, but antimatter is not as efficient as you'd expect in atmospheric flight. It can fly around a bit, enough to get pretty far away, but antimatter reserves become a problem quickly. The original Wyvern had a nuclear ramjet instead of an antimatter one, which was much better for flying around. I'm going to try switching out the antimatter ones for nuclear ones to see if it is better, but if I'm probably going to stick with antimatter unless nuclear is just as good as ascent.
  • Cannot fit in any reasonable cargo bay.
  • Has more drag (I think) than the original Wyvern. I may be wrong, those radiator wings are actually pretty draggy and I replaced them, but I can't get up to original Wyvern speeds with Wyvern II. 3km/s? Nah. Maybe 1.6, but actually it's heating at that point that becomes a problem, but even with ignore max temperature I doubt it could get to 3...

And I'm not sure whether to put this in the pros or cons, but it has significantly higher performance in oxygen atmospheres because the engines can operate in hydrogen-intake air mode, giving better performance than atmospheric mode, while still remaining fuel efficient.


So, yeah. Progress is being made related to the story, but not towards the story.

BTW Wyvern II is definitely not canon, it's for something completely different that I may or may not do. It just had its roots in this story, so I thought I'd share it with you.

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So, that Vista fusion engine on the back of the Wyvern is the only reason for the 2.5m profile. It gets a specific impulse of 15,000 ish at the highest thrust setting, almost double that at the lowest. However, when I added the thermal rocket nozzles, I noticed that they had a specific impulse of 7,000. I only intended to use them for a little extra boost, but I decided to see what would happen if I dropped the fusion engine and replaced it with an antimatter thermal one.

Also, at this point I changed the hydrogen only fuel to a hydrogen fluorine mixture which is more dense, if it only gets a specific impulse of ~4000 seconds (haha, "only" 4,000 seconds!).

BOOM. Amazing performance, but only in oxygenated atmospheres, as the thermal rocket can't operate in just atmospheric mode. I still had to use the thermal ramjets to get up to orbit. Except, the thermal ramjets are vastly outperformed in hydrogen-intake air mode by the thermal rocket engine, giving much more thrust.

So I decided to try ditching the side ramjets, leaving me only with a single thermal rocket. Maybe I could do non-oxygen ascents on just rocket power.

So I tried that. I ended up with a vehicle with 10km/s of Delta-V with hydrogen and fluorine, plus a little extra hydrogen for oxygenated ascents. It was also single stick, so there was a bit less drag. The size of the engine was dropped to 0.95 meters because it actually had too much thrust. Unfortunately, due to drag, it got to Kerbin orbit with 5km/s left. Granted, I plowed through the atmosphere, but given the crazy worlds out there, I don't want to take risks.

I messed around with propellants. This is where I hit what I think is my gold mine.

PVC gets a specific impulse of 3500, but is very dense. The fuel tanks are less heat resistant, so I wrapped them in a fairing. At this point I may as well put the whole thing into a fairing... But this fuel, in the same volume gives me a Delta-V of about 20 kilometers per second.

The only downfall is the 1.55 TWR. I would prefer that at at least 3-4 in order to deal with some of the more crazy worlds out there.

So I bumped the engine back up to 1.2m, giving me 2.87 TWR and 17km/s Delta-V. I'm pretty sure that's enough for my purposes.

Near current design:


At this point it has little in common with the original Wyvern except function.

Advantages over fusion design:

  • Lighter overall
  • Five propellants, but one is the plutonium for the RTG which won't need to be replaced for pretty much ever, so functionally it's hydrogen, PVC, monopropellant, and antimatter. Deuterium and Tritium were eliminated but PVC was added.
  • Less drag
  • The only clipping is for the RTG because I couldn't find out where to put it, and the clipping for the hatch (which is just structural clipping). Nothing is aerodynamically clipped. I intend to fix the RTG but I may not. The fusion version had nose cones and fairings clipped around to reduce drag.
  • I've only tested this once but it appears to be easier to land on water with this design

Disadvantages over fusion design:

  • Even less atmospheric endurance. The hydrogen tank is small and this can't operate in intake air only mode, so it's good for flags and footprints but not much else.
  • Probably harder to land vertically because the wings are higher up
  • A bit less heat resistant on average I think.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter Twenty - The Most Beautiful Song

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