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[1.2.2] Space 1999 Eagle Transporter 3 Pack v1.03


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Hi there

This is a parts pack for Kerbal Space Program v1.2.2+, to recreate the glorious Eagle Transporter (N° 3) from the 70's series "Space: 1999".

It's my first "mod" and it's a work in progress, so any suggestions and feedback from you are very welcome.

Hope you enjoy it.








Tutorial: Launching the Eagle into orbit







Version 1.03:
    - Added the Eagle Cargo Pod, with retractable legs, built-in generator and 15 attachment nodes (besides from the 4 VTOL ones at the bottom and the docking one at the top).
    - Added a dockable Nuclear Canister for storage and transportation of Deuterium and Tritium.
    - Added the MA-2500 ISRU with built-in radiator and Ore container. Now you can extract Ore and convert it into Deuterium and/or Tritium.
    - Added two access hatches to the Command Module, one at the back door and another at the bottom (emergency exit).
    - Changed Tritium to LqdTritium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly. The fuel rate of the RCS thrusters should be 0.06 L/s.
    - Adjusted the Main Engine fuel rate (LqdDeuterium) to 7.0 L/s and the VTOL Engine (LiquidFuel+Oxidizer) to 7.353 L/s.
    - Increased RCS thrust power and RW torque on the Command Module, for stability purposes.
    - Fixed antenna range on the Service Module and removed built-in antenna on the Moonbuggy, so you can attach one of your choice.

Version 1.02:
    - Changed Deuterium to LqdDeuterium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly to avoid conflicts. The fuel rate on the Eagle Main Engines should be 7.27 L/s.
    - Added some more ASL thrust to the Main Engines.
    - Fixed a problem with a collider on the Eagle Passenger Module, so now you can re-dock it to the ship.

Version 1.0:

    - First release



- Mr. Brian Johnson, original designer of The Eagle, worked on Thunderbirds, "2001: A Space Odyssey", Alien and influenced the spaceship designs of Star Wars and others.
- James Murphy, original author of the beautiful Eagle 3d mesh and Andy Marrs for the Lightwave conversion. 
- Roger Clow for his cool Moonbuggy mesh in Lightwave format.



This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.

Edited by MajorTom69
Version 1.03 update
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The main engine has no power for atmospheric flight, and with engines VTOL is very difficult control of the ship even with the RCS and the SAS active. The ship has a tendency to lift the tail and do a somersault. Despite being one of the more detailed that I have seen, I tested another one that is easier to fly and has more pods, but do not have the level of detail that has this. If you could improve the piloting and add all the pods that were in the series would be great, You could also add support for other mods, such as Connected Living Spaces, and Real Fuels.

https://spacedock.info/mod/1330/Gerry Anderson's Space 1999 Pack This is the other Eagle I've tested

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I was able to fly around using the VTOL engines using TCA! Very nice, The main engines though, the fuel used and the rate of consumption as @Dux Aquila said, makes it pretty impractical.  I'll work on a MM patch to make them dual mode using Liquid fuel and Mono propellant,  and change the RCS to use mono prop as well. 

But great work,  more pods would be welcome, mining rig for example. 


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14 hours ago, MaryG said:

only problem I seem to have is the main engines burn all the deuterium in about one and a half secs.... just start forward and puff!!

Yup.  I see the same thing, both on the runway, in the air, and in orbit (vacuum).  If you activate the main engines at full throttle you burn through all 4000 # of Deuterium in an instant.  At the lowest throttle setting you burn through it all in a couple of seconds.  I suspect the consumption rate which appears to be >40,000/sec.  Is that intentional?

I'm using the provided craft files.

Edited by thomash
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First of all, thanks a lot for your feedback. Here some answers to clarify things.


15 hours ago, MaryG said:

only problem I seem to have is the main engines burn all the deuterium in about one and a half secs.... just start forward and puff!!

That's not supposed to happen, maybe it has to do with the interference of another mod? I never tested it with other mods installed. Try it again with a clean install. Have you copied the Resources folder, included in the pack? Are you using ksp 1.22?


33 minutes ago, thomash said:

Yup.  I see the same thing, both on the runway, in the air, and in orbit (vacuum).  If you activate the main engines at full throttle you burn through all 4000 # of Deuterium in an instant.  At the lowest throttle setting you burn through it all in a couple of seconds. 

Same as above, no idea what's wrong, but it's not the way it should work.


11 hours ago, Dux Aquila said:

The main engine has no power for atmospheric flight,

Right, because the main nuclear engine is meant to be used in space, just like the Nerv engine. You're just using it wrong.


11 hours ago, Dux Aquila said:

and with engines VTOL is very difficult control of the ship even with the RCS and the SAS active.

It is not supposed to be easy, don't forget this ship was designed to operate on the moon, not on the athmosphere.


11 hours ago, Dux Aquila said:

The ship has a tendency to lift the tail and do a somersault.

This is on purpose, so the ship wont fly straight up in VTOL mode, but with a little forward vector. If you fly it correctly (and gently) it will not do a somersault. Just control the throttle and attitude (no more than 10°) until you are high enough (15-20km) to take a more aggressive angle for a gravity assist and then, if you want, you can cut the VTOL mode and start the nuclear main engines to do the rest of the job.
I will probably post a short video explaining how to put the ship in orbit.


11 hours ago, Dux Aquila said:

If you could improve the piloting and add all the pods that were in the series would be great, You could also add support for other mods, such as Connected Living Spaces, and Real Fuels.

Maybe in the future, but I would like to add internals and heating animations first.



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1 hour ago, MajorTom69 said:

That's not supposed to happen, maybe it has to do with the interference of another mod? I never tested it with other mods installed. Try it again with a clean install. Have you copied the Resources folder, included in the pack? Are you using ksp 1.22?

The problem is that Deuterium is defined in the community resource pack with a different density, unit cost, and hsp. CRP also has tritium (but in crp it's named LqdTritium so it doesn't actually conflict) and Hydrogen, Lead, and Depleted Fuel. I'd recommend adjusting using CRP to provide your resource definitions and then adjusting your part configs to maintain the same end result. CRP link for convinience.

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6 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

The problem is that Deuterium is defined in the community resource pack with a different density, unit cost, and hsp. CRP also has tritium (but in crp it's named LqdTritium so it doesn't actually conflict) and Hydrogen, Lead, and Depleted Fuel. I'd recommend adjusting using CRP to provide your resource definitions and then adjusting your part configs to maintain the same end result. CRP link for convinience.

Thanks! Im glad you found the problem. I'll try to use CRP in a next version. Cheers

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Hello all. I have a question, Am I the only one who is having trouble with model?

Some of the parts are upside down when I try and put the ship together in KSP 1.2.2.

Also the landing legs nodes wont connect to the fuel tanks...

The extra booster wont connect anywhere along with the chassis boosters... 

Look, I like the ship its very well made. Very good work but is this a beta release???

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7 hours ago, RegisCraft said:

Hello all. I have a question, Am I the only one who is having trouble with model?

Some of the parts are upside down when I try and put the ship together in KSP 1.2.2.

Also the landing legs nodes wont connect to the fuel tanks...

The extra booster wont connect anywhere along with the chassis boosters... 

Look, I like the ship its very well made. Very good work but is this a beta release???

How you fit it together is in the part descriptions, I had no problem assembling it. 

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So I've been playing,  I love tinkering with Module Manager Scripts.  I did this for myself but I thought I would share. 


// Eagle
    folderName = Eagle;MT-Eagle/Parts
    normalPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_aerospaceTech2
    selectedPath = Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_aerospaceTech2
    title = Space 1999 Eagle.

		name = MonoPropellant
		amount = 70
		maxAmount = 70
		@resourceName = MonoPropellant
		@PitchTorque = 160
		@YawTorque = 160
		@RollTorque = 80

	@TechRequired = commandModules

	@TechRequired = commandModules

	@TechRequired = commandModules
	@TechRequired = commandModules
		@name = Supplies
		@amount = 500
		@maxAmount = 500

	@name = EagleOrePod
	@Description = Bill ripped out the seats of the Passenger Cabin, and turned it into an ore container.
		@Name = Ore
		@amount = 0
		@maxAmount = 2000

	@TechRequired = commandModules
	@TechRequired = commandModules
	@TechRequired = commandModules
	@TechRequired = commandModules

	@TechRequired = commandModules
		%name = MonoPropellant
		%amount = 100
		%maxAmount = 100
		@resourceName = MonoPropellant
	@TechRequired = commandModules
		%name = MonoPropellant
		%amount = 100
		%maxAmount = 100
		@resourceName = MonoPropellant
	@TechRequired = commandModules
	@TechRequired = commandModules
		@maxThrust = 2200
			%name = LiquidFuel 
			key = 0 15500
			key = 12 0.001		// Very overpowered but can just about takeoff from ksc.

		name = ModuleGimbal
		gimbalTransformName = Gimbal
		gimbalRange = 1

// end Eagle


  • I changed the fuels to be Liquid Fuel and MonoProp.
  • I tried to remove the other resource, but my patch wasn't doing it.  Sometimes MM doesn't like me much.
  • I bumped up the engines to allow them to lift off from Kerbin, either from hover or as a rocket and get to orbit.  
  • Copied the Passenger module to hold ore. 
  • Added a part category, using a squad image, I can't draw for toffee. 
  • Moved all the parts into the same tech node, I don't like compound ships that are spread out over several nodes. 
  • Added some supplies for USI-LS 
  • Bumped up the Reaction Wheel, it's still pretty feeble though. 
  • Added a 1 degree gumball to the main engines to help with ascent.

While I've been playing I've noticed a few problems. 

  • When using the Backbone girder as the command point (right click control from here) the ship is not balanced very well. 
  • There is no hatch from the command pod. 
  • Hatches from the support section are blocked by the payload. 
  • Payload when decoupled, cannot be reconnected by making the Eagle kneel ( retract the landing gear ) . Or the payload legs need to be taller. 
  • General lack of manouverablity. 
  • landing over a landed payload is very tricky as it's attached to the backside of the docking node, as well as the manoeuvrability. problem. I did it, but it took me 10 mins.

And some other things.

  • The part names are way too generic,  please use a prefix for each part name so that you avoid conflicts with other mods. 
  • The supplied craft files have hover on 1 and 3 and main engines on 2,  Many crashes occurred before I got the hang of hitting 1 +  3 quickly enough to switch the engines off without flipping. 
  • The rescue pod. It's weird, there are no collision detectors for kerbals, you can walk through the wall, and then get into the buggy. Which then allows you to control the pod. But if you leave the pod with the buggy, you can't do anything with it. 

I really love this mod, it's the earliest TV show I remember watching and brings back good memories. 



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What does reading the description have to do with node placement? 

I will fix it myself in the engine config files for your landing legs.

Also your booster engine has no where to attach, just saying...

And the main engines fuel rate? Why? I don't get it...

But wow, thanks for the great help! NOT!

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That's how they worked in the show, I think.  Would be neat if the retracted all the way; but not a deal breaker.


For those that need help (like me), what would be the easiest way to re-doc with one of the pods? 2000+ hours in and I suck at pinpoint landings... 

Edited by Fr8monkey
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5 hours ago, Fr8monkey said:

You been Kottabos-ed already...

Nice :) :cool:


1 hour ago, Fr8monkey said:

For those that need help (like me), what would be the easiest way to re-doc with one of the pods? 2000+ hours in and I suck at pinpoint landings... 

In orbit, it works fine...

By the way I realised that there's a problem re-docking the Passenger Module (the Rescue pod works fine), due to a collider issue and I will do my best to fix this as soon as possible.

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1 hour ago, nebuchadnezzar said:

Love the mod, but I was wondering if the landing legs are working as intended? It seems like they're designed to sit inside the side pods, but they don't seem to fully retract. 

Thx nebu, Im glad you like it. Yes It was intended, but I agree is not practical the way it is. Improvement for a next version, not a priority though.


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7 hours ago, nebuchadnezzar said:

Love the mod, but I was wondering if the landing legs are working as intended? It seems like they're designed to sit inside the side pods, but they don't seem to fully retract. 

After attaching, retract the legs and use the move tool to push them into the pods so they are flush. When extended they sit at the same height as the legs on the rescue pod. Worked for me.

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