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Rockets exploding with version 1. 3

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After installing 1.3 my rockets are exploding on the launchpad. I think it has something to do with the fairings. When I delete the fairings the explosions don't occur. I tried rebuilding the fairings but the rockets just explode again. Help please!!! 

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  On 5/28/2017 at 7:08 PM, llanthas said:

Well that was...  unusual.  LOL   I've never flown a ship that big.    It looks like the issue is the fairing.  I suspect you've hit some kind of upper limit for the size.  Try flying it without one, or just assembling in space, I think.



Yeah it's the largest ship I've ever built, it's supposed to visit most of the biomes on dres. Thing is this ship was fine before the 1.3 update and I've the same problem with smaller craft that I've built and flown pre 1.3. 

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  On 5/29/2017 at 7:56 PM, Jett_Quasar said:

I'm having a similar problem but with the FAT wings...  This craft worked perfectly in V1.2.2 but in V1.3 it simply explodes on launch.

Image may contain: nature and outdoor

 This craft as well

Image may contain: airplane and night

Note: These pictures were taken in V1.2

- Jett


Does it explode as soon as it loads after you press launch in the VAB? My craft are exploding right when it displays 'physics easing'. Nice craft by the way. 

Edited by RW1984
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The problem happens just like you described in the original post of this thread - that's why I added my update, it's likely the same problem.  It occurs as soon as the craft loads.  I checked the F3 menu and every time it happens the failures start with a part colliding with the FAT- 455 aeroplane main wing.  I have a brand new V1.3 non-Steam clean install (see the pic below).

Edit:  I even tried to rebuild the wings in V1.3, but the problem still happens.

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 - Jett

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So I built my craft from scratch and it's still exploding as soon as I load it. As it stands the game is completely unplayable for me, I sure wish a member of the squad staff would offer us some support. 

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  On 5/31/2017 at 5:44 PM, llanthas said:

The game is unplayable without 100+ ton fairings?


Maybe not but as it stands my career mode is bricked. I know I used a monster craft as an example but this is happening to all my craft, many of which have much smaller fairings. And they were all fine before the latest update. It's gotta be a bug, no? 

Edited by RW1984
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Re: @Jett_Quasar's problem -- that does sound like an error in either the stock code or the stock models for the FAT wings/tails.  There should be no same-ship collisions for standard parts; but your flight-log clearly shows the wing colliding to be the first thing happening (not a joint failure, which would be the 'normal' cause for clipping-explosions like that).  I would file that one on the tracker as a bug.

Re: @RW1984's problem -- might be related to the same-vessel collision problem as well.  What does the flight-log show? (F3).  That would tell you whether you had a joint failure prior to the explosions, or if there is some sort of same-vessel collision problem going on with the fairings as well.


Have you guys tried auto-struts on the offending parts, just to make sure the joints aren't breaking right on physics loading?  (in theory such a break should show up in the flight log, but I've seen cases where the first thing in the log is an explosion, even when the joints were breaking).


If they are both same-vessel collision problems, it would point towards a fairly severe bug in the stock code; parts of the same vessel should be entirely excluded from colliding with other parts on the same vessel.  I would suggest at the very least filing it as a bug-report on the standard bug tracker.  See if you can duplicate any other clipping/same-vessel collision problems with other craft designs / using other parts; the more information and examples you can include the easier it will be for the devs to find and fix the problem.

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@Shadowmage I have attached the flight log (F3). I think I'm having the same problem as @Jett_QuasarlZ9Ks1v.png

I tried auto-strutting the fairing but the problem still persists. This is happening to all my craft with fairings after downloading the 1.3 update, I'm curious as to why more people aren't experiencing/reporting this problem.

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I am having this exact same problem with a lot more believable fairing. It only weighs 2 tons total.  Now admittedly I am using Engineer Redux (partless) and Alarm Clock but these both shouldn't affect this.  Every single rocket I have is useless, unless I remove the fairing from it. No problems before 1.3


(LOL Newbie I am with 700 game hours...)

Edited by progamer1230
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fuel ducts and struts seem to be causing a vibration on physics load. Which causes the fairing to bounce against the contents.

You can stop it from happening by using autostruts instead of struts, and by using manual fuel transfers instead of fuel ducts.

You can also stop it from happening by inserting a modular girder segment between the fairing base and the payload. The girder absorbs enough of the vibration to prevent the explosion.



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  On 5/26/2017 at 7:41 PM, RW1984 said:

After installing 1.3 my rockets are exploding on the launchpad. I think it has something to do with the fairings. When I delete the fairings the explosions don't occur. I tried rebuilding the fairings but the rockets just explode again. Help please!!! 


I didn't report it because I'm playing a modded game.

Same bug.

ANY vessel which doesn't explode without a fairing shouldn't explode with one. If it does it's bugged.

I may think that your method of play is a bit daft because it is different to mine, BUT what I think of your method of play is not relevant.

Bottom line is if it can be launched without one, it should be able to be launched with one.


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If the crafts back end is falling apart it can be physics easing slamming it into the runway. I had this alot on one ship i did. You either need to add or remove autostruts rigidity options in places to correct potentially, or add wheels to the back section to absorb more force or a combo. Also play with autostrut and other settings. I always found a way around it. Unless it's a bug of course.

Try adding some wheels to the part of the ship hitting the runway in the back or various places and see if it alleviates the problem. Also try removing or adding rigidity to the main structure. There may be simple solutions to this depending on what is causing this.

See if increasing the stats on your wheels to max also if it's a space plane. It might get rid of bouncing which can cause the parts to bounce on the ship causing stress. rigidity sometimes caused breaks more or helped get rid of them. Wheels absorbing force at max wheel stat all around always helped.

If not maybe it will display a measurable tolerance to the problem... Assuming that is useful.

Did they adjust the joint strength values in the game again or something?!

When I had potentially similar issues it was the craft bouncing causing parts to come off. I had to be creative to get around the issue. But this was around 1.2 or 1.2.2. If it's related to it hitting the ground on physics easing it may be fixable regardless of the cause.

I ultimately fixed mine with autostruting, modding rigidity(sometimes adding sometimes removing), and adding wheels to the back, or needed areas, to aid in physics bouncing on load. The wheels were the most effective part once the other issues were dealt with. And I autostrut everything to grandparent part in general. Sometimes it simply comes down to sticking something in just the right spot to get rid of the issue.

The rocket one might be that the fairing is simply to big for it's mounted part. The physics easing might be introducing forces too strong for the the thing it's attached too(maybe not, noticed the rest of the pictures and staff commends. but adding support might help regardless). Try regular struts also. Or mount some parts that fit underneath it to hold it up then add struts to be safe. Just make sure they are capped to stop drag issues. That fairing realistically would be completely unwieldy and unbalanced. So treat it like structural problem and see if it's resolved when it looks more like it is solid. The thing inside the fairing might also be wiggling a lot causing problem. Did they ever add auto strut inside fairings(besides actual autostrut, which could help)? Does it have adjustable setting or anything if it's in? On that note take out the ship in the fairing and see if it still blows up. sometimes that helps. If it does try to give it more structural support empty until it is solid. Then add the ship and test again adding more support where it looks like it is needed. That is my normal method for my larger rocket. It is a rocket that goes from 2,350 tons empty to near 20k tons when fully loaded with boosters for launch. Any thing larger generally needs to be dealt with in terms of structural integrity. Because you are usually going past the normal tolerances of the parts sizes you are using.

As an example, try putting i beams or the longer structural frames under the fairing going all the way to the edge in 4-8x symmetry or more(multiple sets.). Make within millimeters of the actual fairing so the fairing hits this and possibly limits movement of the fairing itself. Then strut the new parts to the main fuselage or rockets on the bottom depending on which ones are going to stay on the craft long enough to get the fairing unloaded. You could even make these parts go to the edge or halfway to the edge of the fairings bottom then bend the to go back to the main body like a triangle then strut them to the main rocket.

If that doesn't work it might display there is another problem if anything. Maybe someone messed up a decimal point in the fairings values or something.(that could also be modified potentially to test the problem.)

Derp, I just noticed the staff responded right away! Did the OP and others try the stuff the staff recommended or did it not work?


Edit: Finally got back in game. I'm experiencing the same issue. If I modify my old big planes they can come apart like confetti! And I'm not using fairings.

Edited by Arugela
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  • 1 month later...

I've been having the same problem since 1.3 dropped - fairly simple vessels with a payload inside a fairing are exploding consistently.  I've altered my play to stop using fairings altogether, because every launch they fail.  Modded or stock, same behavior.  I don't use fuel lines, and I autostrut pretty much every part, but nothing fixes it except removing the fairing.



Identical ship without fairing, loads no problem


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1.3 is my first version, but I noticed it doing this a lot too, with the fairings.    I've found that if the fairing closes completely by itself at the top without touching the craft, it would usually explode on the launch pad.  Like this: (Close Fairing will be green)


But, if the fairing closed up against the nose of the ship, it was fine.  Like this: (Close Fairing will be blue)


Probably not the ideal solution, especially if it didn't used to do this (I had no idea) but hopefully it can get you flying again.

Edited by Geonovast
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I'm having these issues as well. It's becoming extremely frustrating. I've only just now reached the point where I'm motivated to build and develop extremely large vehicles for an end game campaign I'm working on... And now I basically can't build any because kraken. And not normal kraken, I mean an unusual amount of kraken immediately on loading in for vehicles that in previous versions, would have been fine.

There are 3 things this seems to affect me for:

1.) Fairings

I first found this issue wherein I tried to replicate an old shuttle design I had a few versions ago with the new auto-strut feature. To make a properly scaled replica, the 3.75 meter tanks aren't big enough to take the place of the shuttle's orange tank. So instead, I use a fairing.

... It kept exploding on the pad.

I tried another design in which I made a huge 1500-2000 ton SSTO to lift large cargo to low orbit. It used a maximum sized 3.75 meter fairing to store potential cargo. Even empty, it caused an explosion on the runway, and even nearly crashed the game.

2.) FAT wings

I tried building an SSTO using FAT wings. i'd never done that before because of their low heat tolerance, but I'd thought I'd try it since I'd seen others pull it off. The second it loaded in, the wings were the first thing to explode, and destroyed the rest of the SSTO. It happened as a result of putting heavy tanks and engines on the end, and clipping them.

3.) Parts clipping on very large crafts

That super heavy SSTO I mentioned in the fairings portion, I tired removing fairings altogether, and not using FAT wings... Though it did start loading in, and started looking promising, it started exploding again. And since it's so big, I could watch it in slow motion. This craft has a lot of clipped parts. They aren't one on top of the other, but they are clipped to make it look nice. For example, it's a twin fuselage design, and each fuselage has 2 mk 3 tanks stacked on top of each other, and they're clipped in so the flat sides line up. When I watch the explosion happen, I can actually SEE the parts that are clipping suddenly have collision between them turned on (despite being the same vessel), and the tanks and such start flying apart and exploding. It's very frustrating. It seems that clipping works just fine on smaller vessels, but once it reaches a large enough point, the game's issues with clipping it once had many many versions ago suddenly return... Which sucks, because that problem was solved already a few versions ago.


I'd really like to see squad make this one of their priorities on the 1.3 development. It's making ship design difficult.

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