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The whole solar system! [drawings] [You can participate]


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Ay guys! I am soon as to be inactive, I am going to visit a very remote place on Kamchatka, about 700km to other people.

So yeah, task/cttd

1.Finish the moon systems of gas giants thingy, I quite like it, good job everyone!

2. Let's make an asteroid size chart! Best part is that no one did that before, that makes it really cool to have here!

3. A view from Neptunian rings

4. Uranian,Saturnian,Jovian or Neptunian storms in close up.


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I made a composite image of the two habitable zone planets of Tau Ceti. The first (e) is a tropical/desert world barely holding onto its water, while the second (f) is a freezing world covered in icy archipelagos and cold oceans. Both have numerous impact basins due to the large asteroid/Kuiper belt in the system.


Using the "Fog" tool I mentioned in my Kepler-1625b drawing, I managed to make my first-ever nebulous background for an exoplanet image. I wanted to add clouds to both worlds - I even made cloud maps for the both of them - but I ran into a problem. Due to the fact that most of each cloud map is a clear background, when mapped into a sphere it almost "overlaps" on itself. It can be best seen with my rendition of the Super-Venus EPIC 220221272e:


See the issue? It doesn't look nice for the types of clouds I wanted for Tau Ceti e and f, so I decided to not include it. Darn.

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Just now, cubinator said:

Could you map it to only the front half of the sphere?

Hmm....you just gave me a good idea...what I will do is cut a cloud map in half, then map it to sphere. If not then I'll try you're idea. If none of those work, darn.

UPDATE: None of the methods work.


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Another system for today! This time it's the five confirmed exoplanets of Kepler-296 A, a red dwarf in a wide binary system with another small star. The planets have sizes ranging between 1.53 and 2.09 RE, which means that some will be rocky while other will have significant amounts of water and/or gas.


A little overview for each planet:

  • Kepler-296Ac (top left) is the first planet in the system and the second largest at 2 RE. It is rather similar to GJ 667Cb in terms of its environment. This has led me to believe that, like the latter, Kepler-296Ac may be a gas dwarf. The texture I used was a special Space Engine-made gas planet color map I gave to @daniel l. for his "To Boldly Go" project.
  • Kepler-296Ab (bottom left) is the second smallest planet of the system at around 1.6 RE. Due to its "small" size and the likely strong tidal forces it may suffer, I believe this planet is a rocky world. The texture I made for it was that of a Titan-class planet in Space Engine, but I used a specific color scheme to make a desert-like world. I also removed its oceans when exporting.
  • Kepler-296Ad (middle) is the largest planet of the system, which I believe to be a steamy oceanic world. I decided to give it a gas planet-like cloud cover that just barely shows the water below. However, I tried to go for a cloud texture that didn't hide as much of the surface, which proved to be almost impossible to do without getting a terrible result.
  • Kepler-296Ae (top right) is one of the two habitable zone planets of the system, and is the smallest planet of Kepler-296A. As such it is very likely a rocky world. I gave it a desert-dominated texture inspired by a previous Space Engine replica of the entire system. While receiving 40% more sunlight than Earth, it may be habitable if it has a reflective cyclone on the front side made of water vapor. Such a scenario is depicted here.
  • Kepler-296Af (bottom right) is the third-largest and most promising planet of the system. Based on its rather low stellar flux (62% that of Earth) and its large radius (1.8 RE), I made this world a half-frozen ocean planet with some water-filled areas on the back side. I tried to give it a cyclone with only three arms, but the issue that I mentioned in my Tau Ceti post struck again. Now the cyclone looks decent, but rather...weird.
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@cratercracker I'm FINALLY done with the Vain system (Almost). I messed up on a few planets, but didn't have enough effort to remake them.


Vain, an F6V with 8 planets and a binary companion with it's own system (Coming next)



Omegus, the most massive planet, is a hot superjupiter, weighing in at ~2 MJ, and orbits about once every 1.3 days.



Valerie, a Venus-like superearth weighing in at about 1.65 Earth Masses.



Lipdus, a giant Sahara desert weighing in at about 7.5 Earth Masses, hosts an intelligent civilisation.



Volria, a bigger Mars weighing in at about 0.55 Earth Masses, design based on Duna.



Cancer, a less massive Jupiter, weighing in at about 254 Earth Masses.



Selzar, a weird blue saturn weighing in at about 89.6 Earth Masses.



Seradoss, smaller Neptune, weighs in at about 14.15 Earth Masses.



Derrel, big, cold icy world, weighs in at about 6.4 Earth Masses.

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I started to do water color paintings of the planets and objects in our solar system a while back. Around that time the New Horizons probe took the first pictures of Pluto, so I figured I would do Pluto first. (it still is the only one I have done so far). I will try to find it.

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I have an idea to make my clouds work on my planets: what I will do is tweak the cloud maps before merging them with the color maps. This would mean that, when the image is mapped to sphere, only one side of the cloud map is visible. Currently ALL of it is visible, which screws up the image. This method could work with front-side cyclones as well, although I will have to use the "map to plane" tool in order to change the cloud map to have the cyclone smack in the middle.

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