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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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  On 11/29/2015 at 3:37 PM, gary85 said:

problem with airbrakes is that they are 1400 max temperature and are 1 thing that explode and ye i tried using vtol engines but again they exploded.


I think radiators helping against overheating. With Kerbal Joint Reinforcement i was able to fly my StO, land and reorbit it. But the wings are still to fragile for my taste.


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  On 11/26/2015 at 6:15 PM, Sahadara said:

It seems there are three different nuclear fuels available. I noticed that some reactors use ThF4, some use UF4 and some use Enriched Uranium. While trying to figure it out I found a post saying UF4 was replaced with Enriched Uranium, but again, UF4 is still used by some reactors. It's not a huge issue, but the ISRU units only harvest the Enriched Uranium, as opposed to the UF4, meaning the reactors that use UF4 couldn't be refueled on other worlds. Is this intentional or am I missing something?


Commenting to bump because noone seems to have noticed. I would really appreciate if someone could answer my question. I would like to know if the ISRU system is meant to interact with reactors the way it does or if there's a bug, or if I'm just doing something wrong.

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  On 12/1/2015 at 6:37 PM, Sahadara said:

Commenting to bump because noone seems to have noticed. I would really appreciate if someone could answer my question. I would like to know if the ISRU system is meant to interact with reactors the way it does or if there's a bug, or if I'm just doing something wrong.


It is a long standing issue.  Not really a bug, just there are different fuels for reactors currently.   It will be streamlined in the future if I understood correctly the things FreeThinker said. 


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I noticed another couple of bugs.

First there's something wrong with the engines that have built-in reactors. Specifically:

  • TORY nuclear ramjet engine
  • Direct cycle nuclear turbojet
  • Closed cycle gas core engine
  • CANDLE traveling wave reactor engine

The problem is that they produce energy (ElectricCharge) even when offline.

To replicate launch a vessel with one of those engines, shutdown the reactor, wait until heat decay is complete and in the control window the reactor is offline.

You still notice that they produce some electricity.

Second some of the radial attach points for some of the parts of microwave transmission are upside down. Specifically:

  • Deployable phased array microwave transmitter
  • Phased array microwave transmitter
  • Microwave beamed power receiver

You'll notice that if you attach them in-line they're fine, but radially are upside down.

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If possible, I think the antimatter danger mechanics could use a bit of tweaking. In particular, the tanks last much too long unpowered - a minute or two seems reasonable, but 1000 seconds (~17 minutes) kinda takes all the urgency out of it - and they also, for some reason, don't make a big explosion when destroyed. 

This isn't especially urgent since it only really affects what happens when things go wrong in a very specific way, but if it's not too hard, it'd be nice to see a fix - this has been a pet peeve of mine in KSPI since I first started using Fractal's original version back in 0.23.


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  On 12/1/2015 at 10:07 PM, silversliver said:

I noticed another couple of bugs.

First there's something wrong with the engines that have built-in reactors. Specifically:

  • TORY nuclear ramjet engine
  • Direct cycle nuclear turbojet
  • Closed cycle gas core engine
  • CANDLE traveling wave reactor engine

The problem is that they produce energy (ElectricCharge) even when offline.

To replicate launch a vessel with one of those engines, shutdown the reactor, wait until heat decay is complete and in the control window the reactor is offline.



How is that a bug?   Any reactor would still produce a very small amount of heat due to long life radionuclitide decay and spontaneous fission events, and you could use that to produce a small amount of electric charge.  

Even if it is a bug, this should be operation of any reactor in space.   They should have a system that could constantly produce a maintenance charge, and I think it should be mentioned in the description. 

  On 12/1/2015 at 10:07 PM, silversliver said:

Second some of the radial attach points for some of the parts of microwave transmission are upside down. Specifically:

  • Deployable phased array microwave transmitter
  • Phased array microwave transmitter
  • Microwave beamed power receiver

You'll notice that if you attach them in-line they're fine, but radially are upside down.


I did notice this, You can rotate them, but it is kinda weird. 

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  On 12/2/2015 at 2:00 AM, GreeningGalaxy said:

If possible, I think the antimatter danger mechanics could use a bit of tweaking. In particular, the tanks last much too long unpowered - a minute or two seems reasonable, but 1000 seconds (~17 minutes) kinda takes all the urgency out of it - and they also, for some reason, don't make a big explosion when destroyed. 

This isn't especially urgent since it only really affects what happens when things go wrong in a very specific way, but if it's not too hard, it'd be nice to see a fix - this has been a pet peeve of mine in KSPI since I first started using Fractal's original version back in 0.23.



Explosion mechanics are limited by game limitations on explosions. There are a lot of mods that had this issue. 

the 17 mins is to allow a chance to come out of warp time and fix the issue without insta-explosion if I had to guess.  


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Un-BB-fied tables from the title page.

(Sorry for multiple posts, the forum from time to time drops formatting.
Got it: when I set alignment in the table caption, it kills the table, making it a plain text. Btw: on my side CKEditor feels good with that.)


Reactor Family (2.5m) Reactor Cost Unlock Technology Primary Upgrade Technology Secondary Upgrade Technology Core Temp. (Kelvin) max ISP thermal (s) Max Power (GW) thrust thermal (kN) Empty Mass (t) Max Fuel mass (t) Build In Nozzle Base Power Req (MW) Thermal Propulsion Efficiency Thermal Power Efficiency Charged Power Efficiency Heat Trans Effic Min Util. Leaks Product Fuel can be pumped Magnetic Nozzle Efficiency Special Build in Alternator (KW) Tritium Breeding
Nuclear Candle 5,000 Nuclear Propulsion Nuclear Power Improved Nuclear Propulsion 1730 2076 2491 873.66 0.0100 0.0150 0.0225 2.33 0.15 0.05 thermal   100% 0%   10% 100% no no no 0.625m Build In Radiator 50 no
Nuclear Turbojet 10,000 Nuclear Propulsion Improved Nuclear Propulsion Efficient Nuclear Propulsion 1764 / 2000 / 2267 882 / 900s / 1000s 0.400 0.600 0.900 102 / 136 / 171 6 0.03 thermal   100% n.a   n.a 0.1% no no no   50+50 no
Nuclear Ramjet 15,000 Nuclear Propulsion Improved Nuclear Propulsion Efficient Nuclear Propulsion 1764 / 2000 / 2267 882 / 900s / 1000s 0.600 0.900 1.350 102 / 136 / 171 8 0.03 thermal   100% 80% (1)   80% 0.1% no no no Build In Air intake 50 no
NERVA/ LATERN 25,000 Nuclear Propulsion Improved Nuclear Propulsion Efficient Nuclear Propulsion 2123.64 2229.82 2341.31 967.742 991.64 1016.13 1.270 1.796 2.540 267.64 / 369.37 509.79 12 0.1 thermal   100% 80% (1)   80% 0.1% no no no Oxygen Afterburner 80+80 no
Molten Salt 50,000 Nuclear Power Nuclear Fuel Systems Improved Nuclear Power 1100.0 1555.6 2200.0 696.49s 828.26s 984.99s 0.500 0.866 1.500 147 / 174 / 206 6 2 no   100% 100%   95% 10% no partially no Fuel Recycling With Lab   yes
Pebble Bed 100,000 Nuclear Fuel Systems Improved Nuclear Power High Energy Nuclear Power 1451 / 2000 / 2800 800s / 939s / 1111s 4.0 / 6.0 / 9.0 1020 / 1302 / 1823 6 0.235 no   100% 100%   80% 4% no yes no Heat Throttling   no
DUMBO 150,000 Fusion Rocketry High Energy Nuclear Power High Energy Science 1543 / 1964 / 2500 825s 930s 1050s 4.6 / 8.025 14 1137 1760 / 2719 8 0.37 no   100% 80% (1)   60% 0.1% yes no no     no
Nuclear Lightbulb 200,000 Improved Nuclear Propulsion Efficient Nuclear Propulsion Experimental Rocketry 7890 9862.5 / 12328 / 1865.34 2085.51 2331.66 3.375 4.375 5.671 368.00 427.83 496.03 20 0.1 thermal   100% 40% (1) n.a. n.a. 2% no yes no   50 + 50 no
Open Cycle Gas Core 300,000 Efficient Nuclear Propulsion Fusion Rocketry High Energy Science 15780 / 19725 / 24656 2637.99 2949.36 3297.47 2.00 2.847 4.00 154.62 196.87 247.39 4 0.04 no 20 100% 20% (1)   90% 20% yes yes no Buoyancy effects   no
Dusty Plasma Bed 400,000 High Energy Nuclear Power Efficient Nuclear Propulsion High Energy Science 4100 1344s 1,78 2.67 4.00   9 (*) 0,065 no 40 60% 60% (2) 46% 80% 40% yes yes 45%     yes
Open Field Magnetic Confinement (*) 600,000 (*) Fusion Rocketry (*) Fusion Rocketry (*) Exotic Fusion   3500 - 35000s 5.000 10.00 20.00 225.0 450.0 900.0 20   magnetic 800 n.a 100% n.a         80% Variable Propellants    
Closed Field Magnetic Confinement 800,000 Fusion Advanced Fusion Exotic Fusion 7000 / 10500 / 15750 1757s / 2152s / 2635s 4.0 / 8.0 / 16.0   9   no 400 100% 100% 100% 80% 10% no yes 60% (3) He3 Harvesting With Lab   yes
Intertial Confinement Fusion 1,000,000 Advanced Fusion Exotic Fusion Reactions Ultra High Energy Physics 20000 / 20000 / 20000 2970s / 2970s / 2970s 10 / 17 / 28.9   6   no 250 100% 100% 40% 80% 0% yes yes yes     yes
VISTA 1.200,000 Advanced Fusion Exotic Fusion Reactions Ultra High Energy Physics 544785 15500s - 1.550.000 114 / 228 / 456 300 / 600/ 1200 12   yes 2500 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a 0% yes yes 20% Kills Nearby Life   no
Antimatter Initiated Microfusion 1,500,000 Exotic Fusion Reactions Antimatter Power Ultra High Energy Physics 20000 / 30000 / 45000 2970s / 3984s / 4880s 9 / 13.5 / 20.25   4   no   100% 100%   80% 0% yes yes yes     yes
AntiMatter 3,000,000 Antimatter Power Ultra High Energy Physics   60000 / 180000 4695s / 8909s 40 / 120   16   no   100% 100%   80% 0% yes yes yes Total fuel Annihilation   no


Reactor Fuel Modes
Fuel Mode Type Reactors Tech Requirement Requires Science Lab Core Temp Modifier Power Multiplier Fuel Efficiency Power Requirement Multiplier Fuel Products Charged Particles Ratio Brems-strahlung Neutron Energy Ratio
Uranium Oxide Fission NERVA / JUMBO Nuclear Propulsion no 100% 1 85% n.a. EnrichedUranium DepletedUranium ** 0 n.a 2%
Uranium Hexafloride Fission Molten Salt / Gas Core Nuclear Power no 100% 1 15% n.a. UF6 DepletedFuel 0 n.a 2%
Uranium Fuel Cycle ** Fission Molten Salt Nuclear Fuel Systems yes 80% 0.8 80% n.a. UF6 80%DepletedFuel + 10%Plutonium 10%DepletedUranium 0 n.a 2%
MOX Plutonium Burnup ** Fission Molten Salt Nuclear Fuel Systems yes 115% 0.9% 30% n.a. 7%Plutonium+ 93%Anticides DepletedFuel 0 n.a 1%
Thorium Fission Molten Salt Nuclear Power no 138% 1.38 15% n.a. ThoriumTetraflouride Anticides 0 n.a 2%
Thorium Fuel Cycle ** Fission Molten Salt Nuclear Fuel Systems yes 69% 0.69 99% n.a. ThoriumTetraflouride + Anticides 96%DepletedFuel + 2%Anticides + 2%Plutonium 0 n.a 2%
Uranium Nitride Pellet Fission Pebble Bed Nuclear Fuel Systems no 100% n.a. 30% n.a. UraniumNitride DepletedFuel 0 n.a 2%
Uranium Nitride Nanoparticle Fission Dusty Plasma High Energy Nuclear Power no 100% n.a. 60% n.a. UraniumNitride DepletedFuel 83.5% * 0.46 n.a 2%
D-T Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Fusion no 100% 1 99% 1x LqdDeteurium + LqdTritium Helium4 20% n.a 80%
D-He3 Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Fusion ** no 141% 1.04 97% 2.000x LqdDeteurium + LqdHe3 Helium4 + Hydrogen 95% 15.9% 5%
p-B11 Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Advanced Fusion no 186% 0.494 70% 3.46 Hexaborane Helium4 + Hydrogen 99.9% 63.7% 0.1%
T-T Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Advanced Fusion no 200% 0.642 95% 4x LqdTritium Helium4 20% 25% 80%
D-D Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Advanced Fusion no 211% 0.717 95% 4.472x LqdDeteurium Helium4 41.8% 25% 66%
Helium3 Catalyzed D-D Fusion Fusion MCF * Advanced Fusion yes 211% 0.693 95% 4.472x LqdDeteurium Helium4 + Tritium 49% 25% 46.2%
Tritium Catalyzed D-D Fusion Fusion MCF * Advanced Fusion yes 211% 0.610 95% 4.472x LqdDeteurium Helium4 + Helium3 29% 25% 94.5%
D-Li6 Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Exotic Fusion Reactions no 224% 1.27 60% 5.66 LqdDeteurium + Lithium Helium4 90% 82.6% 10%
p-Li6 Fusion Fusion MCF * Exotic Fusion Reactions yes 238% 0.227 60% 5 LqdHydrogen + Lithium Helium4 + Helium3 99.9% 82.6% 0.1%
He3-He3 Fusion Fusion MCF / ICF * Exotic Fusion Reactions no 265% 0.73 80% 6.3x LqdHe3 Helium4 + Hydrogen 100% 40.8% 0%
p-D Fusion ** Fusion MCF Ultra High Energy Physics yes 283% 0.31 50% 8x LqdHydrogen + LqdDeteurium Helium3 0% 0% 0%
p-N15 Fusion ** Fusion MCF Ultra High Energy Physics yes 300% 0.284 99% 9 LqdHydrogen + LqdNitrogen Helium4 + Carbon 100% 0% 0%
Microfusion Fussion-Fision Hybid AIM Exotic Fusion Reactions   100% 1 97% n.a. Deuterium & LqdHe3 UraniumNitride & AntiMatter Helium4 + Hydrogen + DepletedFuel 95% 15.9% 5%
AntiMatter AntiMatter Antimatter Antimatter Power   100% 1 22% n.a. AntiMatter none 80%   0%


Name Unlocking Technology Foldable Mass Resize Scaling Factor Radiator Area Temperature Special
Inline Radiator       3     Build in Reaction Reaction Wheel
Small Flat Radiator Heat Management Systems no   2   1600 / 3500 Physicsless
Foldable Heat Radiator Heat Management Systems yes 0.8 2.25 400 / 680 1600 / 3500 Contains Folding automation technology
Large Flat Radiator Specialized Heat Management no   2   1600 / 3500 Can be used for landing stability


Propellant Fuel Modes
Propellant Unlock Technology Chemical Thermal ISP multiplier EngineThrust Multiplier Thermal Decomposition Full Decomposition Energy Soot Effect Toxic Thermal / Electric Propellant Average Density ISRU
Liquid Hydrogen Nuclear Propulsion H2 1 1     -0.01   Both -- ++
Methane Efficient Nuclear Propulsion CH4 0.3503 - 0.78 1 - 1.6 1000K - 3200K 19.895 0.25   Both + +/-
Hydrazine Efficient Nuclear Propulsion N2H4 0.744 1.4     -0.01 yes Both ++ -
Helium Improved Nuclear Propulsion He 0.7 1     0   Electric - +
LiquidFuel Nuclear Propulsion ? 0.744 1     0 *   Both ++ --
Ammonia Efficient Nuclear Propulsion NH3 0.63 1.4     -0.01   Both + -
Hydogen - Fluorine * Efficient Nuclear Propulsion H2 + F2 0.7 2.2     0   Thermal afterburner +/- -
Hydrolox (Hydrogen + Oxygen) Improved Nuclear Propulsion H2 + 02 0.63 2     -0.01   Thermal afterburner -- +/-
Methalox (Methane + Oxygen) Improved Nuclear Propulsion CH4 + 02 0.25 - 0.55 ? 1 - 2 1000K - 3200K ? 19.895 ? 0.1   Thermal afterburner + +
LOX (Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer) Improved Nuclear Propulsion   0.417 1     0   Thermal afterburner ++ ++
Water Improved Nuclear Propulsion H2O 0.3333 - 0.4714 1.2071 2000K - 4200K 2.574 -2.5   Both ++ +
Kerosine Improved Nuclear Propulsion   0.21888 - 0.42477 1.459 1000K - 3200K 12.305 0.4   Both + ++
Liquid Carbondioxide Improved Nuclear Propulsion CO2 0.2132 - 0.4085 1.459 3200K - 7000K 12.305 -2.5 - 0.33   Both +/- +/-
Liquid CarbonMonoxide Improved Nuclear Propulsion CO 0.3273 - ? ? 4000K - 10000K 6.1525 0.5   Both +/- -
Liquid Nitrogen Improved Nuclear Propulsion N2 0.3273       -0.01   Both ++ +/-


ISRU scoop
Planet/Mun Ar CO2 N2 H20 02 NH3 CH4 He He3 H2 D Ne
Eve 1% 62% 37%                  
Kerbin 1% 0.035 78% 2% 21%   0.002 0.005   0.0005   0.018
Duna 1.7% 96%     1.3%              
Acleptus 1.5% 48% 39% 1% 10.5%              
Jool           0.2% 0.3% 9.7% 0.0137% 89.8% 0.000137%  
Laythe   0.6% 79.4% 2% 18.6%              
Sarnus       0.1%   0.012% 0.4% 3% 0.03% 96%    
Ulrum               15% 0.15%      
Neidon               13% 0.13% 85%    


ISRU Refinery
Process Required Resources Resource Products Tech Level (*)
Ammonia Electrolysis LqdAmmonia LqdHydrogen + LqdNitrogen 1
Water electrolysis Water LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen 1
CO2 Electrolysis LqdCO LqdCO + LqdOxygen 1
Methane Pyrolysis (*) Methane LqdHydrogen + Carbon 1
Water Gas Shift Water + LqdCO LqdHydrogen + LqdCO2 2
Reverse Water Gas Shift LqdHydrogen + LqdCO2 Water + LqdCO 2
Sabatier Process LqdHydrogen + LqdCO2 Methane + LqdOxygen 2
Antraquinonene Process LqdHydroden + LqdOxygen HTP (Hydrogen Peroxide) 2
Haber Proces LqdHydrogen + LqdNitrogen LqdAmmonia 3
Peroxide Process LqdAmmonia + HTP Hydraine + LqdOxygen 3


Interstella Fuel Tanks
Title Technology Volume (Liter) Bonus Mass (mT) Boiloff Exposure Power Req (kW) Breaking Force Special
IFT X48 High Performance Fuel Systems 48000 15% 6 28000 70 250  
IFT X24 High Performance Fuel Systems 24000 12% 3 16000 45 250  
IFT X16 Advanced Fuel Systems 16000 8% 2 14000 35 200  
IFT X12 High Performance Fuel Systems 12000   1.5 10000 25 200 NoseCone
IFT X8 Advanced Fuel Systems 8000 5% 1 8000 20 200  
IFT X10 Large Volume Containment 11000   0.8 8000 20 50 Radial
IFT X2 High Performance Fuel Systems 2000   0.25 2000 5 190  


Type Technology Method ISP (LqdHydrogen) Efficiency Variable ISP Gimbal manouverability Functions in Atmosphere Functions in Vacuum Propellant Electric Power Need Jet Engine Special Thermal Thrust Bonus Wasteheat effect Operating Cost
Nuclear Turbojet Nuclear Propulsion Thermal 203s 2000s 125% no very high full no Atmospheric Air none Turbojet build in precooler no Consumes very low
Nuclear Ramjet Nuclear Propulsion Thermal 203s 2000s 125% no high full no Atmospheric Air none Ramjet build in precooler and air intake no Consumes very low
Thermal Nozzle Improved Nuclear Propulsion Thermal 813s- 8000s 100% no high partial yes any NTR propellant + Oxygen as afterburner none Ramjet Can overheat when exchangers get clogged with soot full Consumes low
Thermal Turbojet Improved Nuclear Propulsion Thermal 813s- 8000s 100% no high partial with propellant thermal, full in jet mode yes Atmospheric Air or NTR propellant none Turbojet Turbojet + Build in reactor full Consumes very low
5 way Resistojet RCS Ion Propulsion Thermal 272s (cold) / 544s (heated) 80% partial RCS partial yes Any propellant partial   Cannot use oxidizing propellants full High low
VTOL Resistojet (*) Ion Propulsion Thermal 1000s 80% no high yes yes Any propellant yes   Cannot use oxidizing propellants full Low average
Linear Arcjet RCS Advanced Ion Propulsion Thermal 272s (cold) / 2000s (heated) 52% no RCS partial yes Any propellant partial   Cannot use oxidizing propellants full High average
ATILA Advanced Ion Propulsion Magnetic/ Thermal 2854s - 5704s (*) 50-80% yes average partial yes Any propellant yes   Cannot use oxidizing propellants partial Average average
MPD Plasma Propulsion Magnetic 11213s ionisation efficency no average partial yes Any propellant yes   Efficency depend on propellant no Average average
VASMIR Advanced Electromagnetic Systems Magnetic / Thermal 2956s - 29,969s 30-60% yes low partial yes Any gas/ liquid propellant yes   Efficency depend on Isp partial High average
Quantum Vacuum Thruster Specialized Plasma Generation Quantum Vacuum not applicable 10% no low yes yes vacuum plasma from nothing yes   reactionless propulsion no Very High high
Magnetic Nozzle Efficient Nuclear Propulsion Charged Particles/ Magnetic 11000 - 1200000 100% yes none no yes LqdHydrogen + Charged Particles low, 1% charged power   Requires charged particles no Consumes average
VISTA Engine Fusion Propuslion Fusion 15500 - 1550000 > 1000% yes none no yes LqdHydrogen + LqdDeuterium + LqdTritium yes, 2.5 GW   Deadly radiation and Safety Features n.a. Extreme very high


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  On 12/2/2015 at 4:13 AM, Profit- said:

How is that a bug?   Any reactor would still produce a very small amount of heat due to long life radionuclitide decay and spontaneous fission events, and you could use that to produce a small amount of electric charge.  

Even if it is a bug, this should be operation of any reactor in space.   They should have a system that could constantly produce a maintenance charge, and I think it should be mentioned in the description. 


Ok, in this way it makes sense, however as you said this should be a feature of every fission reactor, while the non-built-in reactors don't have this.

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  On 12/2/2015 at 4:18 AM, Profit- said:

Explosion mechanics are limited by game limitations on explosions. There are a lot of mods that had this issue. 

the 17 mins is to allow a chance to come out of warp time and fix the issue without insta-explosion if I had to guess.  



Pretty sure there's a way to override the onDestroy behavior for parts. BDA manages to make its bombs explode when destroyed; it doesn't seem like there are technical reasons against this. KSPI's antimatter explosion works just fine - the only problem is when it's triggered.
17 minutes won't save you at any particularly high time warp, but I guess its nice to have some lenience there. If nothing else, it'd be nice to see it configurable in the tanks' part.cfgs.


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  On 12/3/2015 at 5:42 PM, NAMROG said:

All my reactors produce no heat, and I'm not entirely sure how to turn them on?


Make a small ship with 2 KSPI-E Radiators (MAKE SURE THEY ARE KSPI-E!)

Add a molten salt reactor
Add a thermal nozzle. 
Add a fuel source (Carbon dioxide has the best thrust)
Add some form of control. 

Right click and bring up the reactor interface menu on launch. 
Take a screenshot and post that vehicle. 

Like this.

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  On 12/4/2015 at 1:33 AM, NAMROG said:

Am I doing it right?



Actually no.. now that I look, you should have your thermal nozzle directly connected to the reactor.   
But I do not see the reactor window open either.   You have one of those damaged installs now that I look at your screen.  Follow the instructions above. 


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Alright, so I'm having an odd issue. I have a ship I landed on Moho (with some struggling). It's 250 tons of fuel and a closed cycle gas core engine. When I go to lift off again, the engine temperature rises to around 1500k and I get proper thrust, then unexpectedly starts to drop. Thrust goes from 862 to 68.5. I lose about 1 degree/second, then seems to bottom out around 790 until I crash into the ground. Turning the engine on and off gives me short bursts.

Waste heat is 0 (for the ship and the part) thermal power is full, uranium hexaflouride is near full, electric charge for the ship is full (although the part shows .18). It's using liquid fuel.

Is this intentional behavior? What's it in reaction to? Is there a way to reduce it?

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  On 12/4/2015 at 8:20 AM, Profit- said:

Actually no.. now that I look, you should have your thermal nozzle directly connected to the reactor.   
But I do not see the reactor window open either.   You have one of those damaged installs now that I look at your screen.  Follow the instructions above. 



How do you see its "damaged"?

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  On 12/4/2015 at 8:20 AM, Profit- said:

Actually no.. now that I look, you should have your thermal nozzle directly connected to the reactor.   
But I do not see the reactor window open either.   You have one of those damaged installs now that I look at your screen.  Follow the instructions above. 



He has no bottom for the reactor window and the thermal nozzle is functional on the generator but loses power. Nansuchao is probably right.

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  On 12/4/2015 at 12:46 PM, Speadge said:

How do you see its "damaged"?


You have your reactor window open and there are no context menu's. It should look like this-> 

  On 12/4/2015 at 12:30 PM, nezumi said:

Alright, so I'm having an odd issue. I have a ship I landed on Moho (with some struggling). It's 250 tons of fuel and a closed cycle gas core engine. When I go to lift off again, the engine temperature rises to around 1500k and I get proper thrust, then unexpectedly starts to drop. Thrust goes from 862 to 68.5. I lose about 1 degree/second, then seems to bottom out around 790 until I crash into the ground. Turning the engine on and off gives me short bursts.

Waste heat is 0 (for the ship and the part) thermal power is full, uranium hexaflouride is near full, electric charge for the ship is full (although the part shows .18). It's using liquid fuel.

Is this intentional behavior? What's it in reaction to? Is there a way to reduce it?


Do you perhaps have a thermal generator with a high power draw on the same reactor?  If so maybe it is heating up and becoming less efficient and drawing more heat. 

The other thing is the gas core engines, some suffer from "Buoyancy Effects" and perhaps the acceleration is destroying nuclear reaction. 


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