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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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45 minutes ago, ss8913 said:

What I usually do is clip the large flat radiators inside the spaceplane wings so that just a little is sticking out the front.  This essentially gives you radiator wings.  It's not the most elegant solution but a 400% tweakscaled Big-S delta wing can have like 6 large flat radiators at 100-150% stuffed inside each one, which is enough for even multiple 3.75m antimatter reactors.  And it doesn't damage the aesthetic much if at all.

This was mostly my own strategy in the past. But even being visually inside a wing, they still get drag, and a lot of drag can get you "interesting" landing experiences.

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14 hours ago, ss8913 said:

What I usually do is clip the large flat radiators inside the spaceplane wings so that just a little is sticking out the front.  This essentially gives you radiator wings.  It's not the most elegant solution but a 400% tweakscaled Big-S delta wing can have like 6 large flat radiators at 100-150% stuffed inside each one, which is enough for even multiple 3.75m antimatter reactors.  And it doesn't damage the aesthetic much if at all.

@FreeThinker you may or may not be aware, or care since it's a CKAN thing and it's probably on their end; but KSP Interstellar isn't showing up on CKAN currently *at all*, even if you tell it to show 'all available mods regardless of compatibility'.  It did this once before.  IIRC it fixed itself but I'm not sure how that sausage was made, exactly.

I'll grab the 1.1.2-compatible one manually from the forum front page for now.  IFS is updated and correct on CKAN though, it's just the core mod that isn't.

My next update of IFS should fix it

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50 minutes ago, ss8913 said:


@FreeThinker you may or may not be aware, or care since it's a CKAN thing and it's probably on their end; but KSP Interstellar isn't showing up on CKAN currently *at all*, even if you tell it to show 'all available mods regardless of compatibility'.  It did this once before.  IIRC it fixed itself but I'm not sure how that sausage was made, exactly.

I'll grab the 1.1.2-compatible one manually from the forum front page for now.  IFS is updated and correct on CKAN though, it's just the core mod that isn't.

I'm aware of the problem. Let's just say I'm working on it.

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On 5/1/2016 at 1:51 AM, gary85 said:

you need reactor and charged particle generator atleast 2 foldable radiators and full antimater tank . You have to be far away from planet ( atleast 1000km )

i have 18X 3.5M antimatter reactors and 2X 5M antimatter reactors, 6X foldable radiators, and 1X Charged Particle Generator. Still won't work. do you think it may be because the ship is almost 1500 tons?

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4 hours ago, TheTaleteller said:

This was mostly my own strategy in the past. But even being visually inside a wing, they still get drag, and a lot of drag can get you "interesting" landing experiences.

FAR's voxel based aerodynamics will prevent them from getting drag (except for the parts that stick out) since FAR does not do drag per part but instead models the entire shape of the craft when calculating drag.  One reason I never play KSP without FAR :)

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5 hours ago, Plecy75 said:

i have 18X 3.5M antimatter reactors and 2X 5M antimatter reactors, 6X foldable radiators, and 1X Charged Particle Generator. Still won't work. do you think it may be because the ship is almost 1500 tons?

What are you trying to build a warp bubble around, kerbin itself? One antimatter reactor should be enough. Flying warp is pretty easy, the "hard" part is getting into orbit afterwards, since warp will retain your original vector. Therefore dont forget to bring a more conventional engine with lots of dV.

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6 hours ago, Plecy75 said:

i have 18X 3.5M antimatter reactors and 2X 5M antimatter reactors, 6X foldable radiators, and 1X Charged Particle Generator. Still won't work. do you think it may be because the ship is almost 1500 tons?

yes deffinitly , heavier it is more power it need.

just make 1 2.5m antimatter + 1 charged particle + 4 foldabe raditors + foldable warp drive + thermal turbojet  - this config works for me always i use it with mk3 cargo bay and hydrogen or liquid fuel i will give u SS.


here are 200 , 2000 , 20000 km orbits - notice difference in warp drive



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@Plecy75 You de realiize every antimatter reactors requires a seperate particle generator? also I would advice you them fit them with thermal electric generators, then you produce more power and generate less waste heat, which is going to be your number one problem

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4 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

@Plecy75 You de realiize every antimatter reactors requires a seperate particle generator? also you are advice them fit them with thermal electric generators, you produce more power and less waste heat, which is going to be your number one problem

w8 so thermal generators are betterfor antimatter now ?? it was the opposite before.

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9 minutes ago, gary85 said:

w8 so thermal generators are betterfor antimatter now ?? it was the opposite before.

Most energy is in the form of charged particles yes, but it still produces some heat and unless you convert it to power, it's going to be waste heat. Both radiators and generators have mass, so depending on your power profile and space it might be better to add a generator or more radiators.

Btw I notice an oversight of be, the Warp drives should have a wasteheat resource which will act as a wasteheat buffer

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14 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Most energy is in the form of charged particles yes, but it still produces some heat and unless you convert it to power, it's going to be waste heat. Both radiators and generators have mass, so depending on your power profile and space it might be better to add a generator or more radiators.

Btw I notice an oversight of be, the Warp drives should have a wasteheat resource which will act as a wasteheat buffer

well i only have 4 folding radiators and never have problem with waste heat in 1.1 or hydrogen boiling off .

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24 minutes ago, gary85 said:

well i only have 4 folding radiators and never have problem with waste heat in 1.1 or hydrogen boiling off .

Intresting, have you tried any of the graphite surface radiators yet, they are significantly lighter than their folding veriants. I wonder how they perform of a SSTO spaceplane

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20 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Intresting, have you tried any of the graphite surface radiators yet, they are significantly lighter than their folding veriants. I wonder how they perform of a SSTO spaceplane

yep i use curved radiators for droptanks ( skin wrappers ) nothing wrong with them . Do kspi radiators have aerodynamics? i dont run fusion engine and thermals at the same time maybe thats why 4 is enough.

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41 minutes ago, gary85 said:

yep i use curved radiators for droptanks ( skin wrappers ) nothing wrong with them . Do kspi radiators have aerodynamics? i dont run fusion engine and thermals at the same time maybe thats why 4 is enough.

I  haven't added any additional areodynamics. and I have no idea how the change flight characteristics. Perhaps you could find out since you already know how your vessel performas without. Might be intresting to see how it performed when you replace the folding radiators completely  with surface and skine radiators with the same effective furface area

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4 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

I  haven't added any additional areodynamics. and I have no idea how the change flight characteristics. Perhaps you could find out since you already know how your vessel works without

i will put stock radiators and try to see any difference but they are smaller so idk if it work.

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11 minutes ago, gary85 said:

i will put stock radiators and try to see any difference but they are smaller so idk if it work.

Notice the graphite radiator have very high maximum temperature (3700 K), much higher than space plane parts. THis could effective be used shield a space splane againt high temperatures. Might be usefull next time you reenter the atmosphere.

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2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

Notice the radiator have very high maximum temperure, even higher than space plane part. THis could effective help shield a space splane againt high temperatures. Might be usefull next time you reenter the atmosphere.

ye if they wont get tear off by aerodynamics effects ... hmmm goin to eve , we see.

That umbrella radiator is 1 part or it will break apart on destruction?

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2 minutes ago, gary85 said:

ye if they wont get tear off by aerodynamics effects ... hmmm goin to eve , we see.

That umbrella radiator is 1 part or it will break apart on destruction?

Yes, it's a single part. I have actualy no idea what would happen when it fails, my guess it would rip of and anything attached to it. Could be fun to watch

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looks insane but so far so good - i think they are like massless parts and areodynamics dont work on them .

idk why all radiators are MK2 since i got all techs unlocked.

Only flat radiators are ACTIVE.


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Could you show a screen shot of the graphite panel radiator info, and also of the semi foldable radiator? Although the are 5 tech levels, the are divided in 2 groups, so the top tech would be graphite radiator mk2

Players do not seem to relaize tHere are several advantage of using surface radiators

1 because they depend on the structure they are placed on, they can be made a lot lighter than fixed or folded radiators

2 They are always 100% active, which especialy durring takeoff and reentry is a big advantage

3 The can potentialy can at as heat shields durring reentry and keep critical parts cool

4 They require less power (less distance to reactor)

5 Potentialy less drag, if they fit the contures of the surface area

6 Can act as wipple shields to protect again micro meteriods

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6 minutes ago, gary85 said:

ye still either engine or cockipit blowup . One day i gona put ssto with stock skin parts on eve :)


Was the engine active or deactivated? What were the temperature of the radiators, we might fix the problem why increasing the heat pumping speed of the radiators ....

Notice that I kept the stock heat pumping speed much lower than stock, but this can easaly be fixed.

Could you manualy increase the heat speed (by a factor of 10) and re-add the part and try again?

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