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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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A new Version 1.19.7 for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 can be downloaded from here

Released on 2018-09-02

  • compiled against KSP 1.4.5
  • restored persistent thrust capability of Gas core engines and Plasma nozzle
  • hotfix: fixed deletion of a vessel after loading a vessel with an activated VISTA engine
Edited by FreeThinker
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On 8/29/2018 at 6:05 AM, ksp_circles said:

Wondering when the loss of power when ships undock will be fixed. Or a workaround (other than switching ships/going to space center)...

I fixed the problem, it will be uploaded in next release. Unfortunately, it does not work in KSP 1.3.1

Edited by FreeThinker
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A new Version 1.19.8 for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 van be downloaded from here

Released on 2018-09-04

  • Compiled against KSP 1.4.5
  • Added Persistent thrust for early nuclear engines
  • Added alternative unlocking path specialized fusion though exotic nuclear propulsion
  • Reduced amount of visible fields in Thermal engines
  • Balance: increased tech upgrade requirements for Lightbulb
  • Fixed to High Core Temperature for early nuclear reactors combined with fully upgraded heat control tech nodes
  • Fixed loss of Power Management after Docking or undocking vessels
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On 9/4/2018 at 9:46 PM, SpaceMouse said:

Anyone familliar with how the new batteries work now? I can't get them to do much of anything, are they just reactor capacitors like the supercapacitor was?

They are indeed quite similar in operation to the super capacitator except they store a lot more power at the expense of lower charged and discharge times. They are ideal for storing a lot of power long term. Often times they can replace a reactor if you combine it a few solar panels.

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10 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

They are indeed quite similar in operation to the super capacitator except they store a lot more power at the expense of lower charged and discharge times. They are ideal for storing a lot of power long term. Often times they can replace a reactor if you combine it a few solar panels.

Hmmm, i couldn't get it to output any power. I'll mess with it later.

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13 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

They are indeed quite similar in operation to the super capacitator except they store a lot more power at the expense of lower charged and discharge times. They are ideal for storing a lot of power long term. Often times they can replace a reactor if you combine it a few solar panels.

care to elaborate how that works with a working model? i too cant get these to function as they put a strain on the DC subsystem greater than solar panels can recharge.. i also cant figure out how to convert the kilowatthour energy.


what ive tried was to use multiple blue air batteries combined with the capacitors.. i put the air batteries on max KWH > EC and the capacitors on max EC > MJ

combine with a micro transmitter, the power isnt usable even tho it runs out.

Edited by aaronsta1
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32 minutes ago, raxo2222 said:


Goddamnit with broken forum tagging.

I noticed, that radiators can have temperature up to 4400 K

How they simply don't evaporate at this temperature?

The reasoning is that they are made from graphene, which potentially can operate at up to 4500 K and higher.

source: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2017/cp/c6cp06940a#!divAbstract

To use it in campaign, you need to unlock "extreme thermal control"  which pretty much does what it named.

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Cool, I mean hot :p

I think there should be tech, that increases maximum skin/internal temperature.

My 40 something ton craft lost gears and then precooler while climbing out of atmosphere.


It uses plasma engine along with high temperature thermal fusion reactor, so I can use atmospheric nitrogen as fuel.

TWR is around 1 at >20 km


Here is craft (link expires in week): https://we.tl/t-S8Y37d07XG


What is proper uploading site, that doesn't display ads and doesn't make antiviruses screech?

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4 hours ago, aaronsta1 said:

care to elaborate how that works with a working model? i too cant get these to function as they put a strain on the DC subsystem greater than solar panels can recharge.. i also cant figure out how to convert the kilowatthour energy.


what ive tried was to use multiple blue air batteries combined with the capacitors.. i put the air batteries on max KWH > EC and the capacitors on max EC > MJ

combine with a micro transmitter, the power isnt usable even tho it runs out.

@FreeThinker Something wonky is definitely going on with the batteries. I think it's because they don't have a MJ definition. EC will convert back and forth just fine, but you can't run engines directly off of them. I even tried finding the .cfg for them and I can't find the thing.

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43 minutes ago, SpaceMouse said:

@FreeThinker Something wonky is definitely going on with the batteries. I think it's because they don't have a MJ definition. EC will convert back and forth just fine, but you can't run engines directly off of them. I even tried finding the .cfg for them and I can't find the thing.

i think its more than just the batteries.. ive been testing the blanket photovotaic solar panels and im 2Gm away from the sun, they are producing 370,000 units of "energy flow" each, i have 4, yet they dont power the microwave transmitter.. 

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8 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

I think there should be tech, that increases maximum skin/internal temperature.

My 40 something ton craft lost gears and then precooler while climbing out of atmosphere.

I like this idea. I could create a simple partmodule which we could to any part, which would increase internal/skin temperature maximum temperature based on unlocked thermal control tech. It should not be too hard to do.

8 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

What is proper uploading site, that doesn't display ads and doesn't make antiviruses screech?

perhaps this is an idea: simply create a Github project for you  collection of vessels you like to share.

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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

perhaps this is an idea: simply create a Github project for you  collection of vessels you like to share.

I meant I wanted to show you craft, so you can see its hard to get out of atmosphere like spaceplane.



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2 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

I meant I wanted to show you craft, so you can see its hard to get out of atmosphere like spaceplane.



Then why not simply use Dropbox, google drive or any other free cloud services?

Just on dropbox I share several big files, which don't have any expiration time. But I guess there is some fine print that limits it traffic


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Download Version 1.19.9 for Kerbal Space Program 1.4.5 from here

Released on 2018-09-08

  • Compiled against KSP 1.4.5
  • Added reactor activity animation to Open Cycle Gas Core Reactor
  • Added increased tweakscale sizes for RCS and electric engine
  • Balance: Reduced utilization thermal power/propulsion utilization for Open Cycle Gas Core Reactor
  • Fixed full utilization for MHD power generator combined with Open Cycle Gas Core or Plasma Jet Magneto Inertial Fusion Reactor
  • Fixed Thermal/Plasma/Magnetic nozzle imbalance with multiple reactors
  • Fixed ghost persistent thrust when below 0.1 kn thrust
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3 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

It appears WAKEFIELD is completely nonviable for atmospheric planets.

My spacecraft overheats very easily with 2.5m Antimatter Initiated reactor, Charged Particles Generator and Wakefield engine.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/grw6zxhz2oudvss/A Spaceplane.craft?dl=0


The fundamental problem appears to be that the base Isp of the Wakefield is too high, limiting it maximum thrust which is required to get out of a gravity hole. I will lower minimum Isp by 50% while maintaining maximum Isp.

For the construction of your space-vessel, I recommend replacing those tail nose cones by thermal turbo jets and make it double symmetric. THaks to a fix, they now produce perfectly equal thrust.


Also mirror your flat graphene radiators on both sides maximize performance of your electric engine.

Together they  will make the vessel much better balanced and more effective to get in orbit. Once in orbit refill the liquid nitrogen tanks from the thermosphere and start your interplanetary mission.


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So I'm 100% certain someone has asked this before but I can't look through 400 pages to find it, is there a submod or something that replaces Megajoules with Electric Charge? Also, why isn't there a large Lithium Hydride tank? Also, why does the Epstein Drive require so much power, or any power for that matter?

Edited by ChrisSpace
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