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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

mmm, by default it uses Kerbin day (6 hours), to change to earth day,  it you need to multipling the SecondsInDay in the warpplugin setting file by 4. I suggest you create some Module Manage Script which does alters it when RSS is installed

IDK how to make such module manager config, but I can simply change it to 86400

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1 hour ago, raxo2222 said:

Edit: what is working substance in radiators?

It seems like they work in range of 4 - 3700 kelvins.

Shouldn't radiators have minimum temperature to not freeze? Or parts of radiators shut down, when there is low power demand?

KSPI Radiators are more of a abstraction of high performance radiator system  which consist of both High temperature radaitor, medium temperature radiator and low temperature radiators or be able to switch between radiator fluids.



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2 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

mmm, by default it uses Kerbin day (6 hours), to change to earth day,  it you need to multipling the SecondsInDay in the warpplugin setting file by 4. I suggest you create some Module Manage Script which  almultiplies it by 4 it when RSS is installed. If succesfull please post in this forum and I will include it as a patch.

I multiplied it by 4 and now reactor gui overestimates fuel duration by factor of 8 - if alternative resource displays fuel lasts for 1 year, then reactor gui says 8 years.

I set SecondsInDay to 86400

Edited by raxo2222
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Don't forget, about updated MFT patch:

Added UF4 (oops idk why I didn't add it), Diborane and Kerosene.


// Modular Fuel Tanks Config by Trolllception

                        name = ArgonGas
                        mass = 0.000625
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 56.0
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = HTP
                        amount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = KryptonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = NeonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = Hydrazine
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdHydrogen
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdAmmonia
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdNitrogen
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdCO
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdOxygen
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdMethane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdCO2
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = Lithium
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdDeuterium
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .7
                        name = LqdTritium
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = LqdHelium
                        mass = 0.000625
                        utilization = 56
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        fillable = false
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = EnrichedUranium
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = ThF4
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)

                        name = UF4
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = UraniumNitride
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .1
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = LqdHelium
                        mass = 0.000454
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        loss_rate = 1.667794e-8
                        utilization = 7
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = Actinides
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = DepletedFuel
                        mass = 0.00009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        fillable = false
                        utilization = .8
                        name = Water
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdHe3
                        mass = 0.000625
                        utilization = 19
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        loss_rate = 1.667794e-7
                        note = (refrigated)
                        name = Boron
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Ore
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Aluminium
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Alumina
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Hexaborane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = SaltWater
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = HeavyWater
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = Uraninite
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Hydrates
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Lithium6
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Monazite
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Silicates
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Borate
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = SolarWind
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 2.205
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = Diborane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = Kerosene
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = ArgonGas
                        //mass = 0.000625
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = LqdHelium
                        //mass = 0.000625
                        utilization = 2
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        fillable = false
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = HTP
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = KryptonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = NeonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (pressurized)

                        name = LqdMethane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (Refrigerated)

                        name = Hydrazine
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0


@Trolllception  since it was your patch, and I just added missing resources to it, can you make MFT mass ratios match IFS tank? This mass ratio mismatch is bit annoying.

There is test craft with procedural tanks, that have exactly same size as 1.25m x8 liquid fuel tank,  universal holding tank, universal gas tank and cryonics tank.



Edited by raxo2222
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11 hours ago, 123nick said:

i have FAR and other mods installed, and the rest of the UKS mods. also, this: 

is the mod that adds the reactors and kontainers, MKS just has it packaged with itself.


here is a rough modlist: https://gist.github.com/321nick/bc9fecf3abfa5c4ba1bef5f6c26f3d16  

i dont mean too be pushy or annoying, but is there any way too fix this problem, or find out what it is? should i post in the technical support thread for modded installs, but i thought just posting it too the mod thread if its a specific mod is more in-line with forum rules.

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28 minutes ago, 123nick said:

i dont mean too be pushy or annoying, but is there any way too fix this problem, or find out what it is? should i post in the technical support thread for modded installs, but i thought just posting it too the mod thread if its a specific mod is more in-line with forum rules.

Just post it here for now.

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50 minutes ago, 123nick said:

it was the ksp not loading before, i posted logs and a rough modlist, but you liked the post so i assume u saw it.

I think this is your problem:

[EXC 19:47:24.920] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	NearFutureElectrical.FissionReactor.GetInfo ()
	PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (.AvailablePart newPartInfo, .Part part)
	PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator4A.MoveNext ()


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4 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

I think this is your problem:

[EXC 19:47:24.920] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	NearFutureElectrical.FissionReactor.GetInfo ()
	PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (.AvailablePart newPartInfo, .Part part)
	PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator4A.MoveNext ()


thats odd, why would near future reactors be erroring? is it something to do with your module manager configs or could it be something with NF-R

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2 minutes ago, 123nick said:

thats odd, why would near future reactors be erroring? is it something to do with your module manager configs or could it be something with NF-R

It must be something in relation with Near Future Electric. But when I startup with NF-E, I have no loading problem

Edited by FreeThinker
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2 minutes ago, FreeThinker said:

It must be something in relation with Near Future Electric. But when I startup with NF-E, I have no loading problem

did u start it with KSP-IE installed too? 

edit: NF-E also has a patch for the USI reactors, so thats something, maybe the 2 patches are conflicting? if that would be a problem?

Edited by 123nick
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Just now, FreeThinker said:

mmm, it appears I cannot start. Good at least I can reproduce the problem now

great, atleast progress is being made. also, i found that NF-E also has a patch for USI reactors, so maybe the 2 patches arent working well together, due too overwrites or something?

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1 minute ago, 123nick said:

great, atleast progress is being made. also, i found that NF-E also has a patch for USI reactors, so maybe the 2 patches arent working well together, due too overwrites or something?

mmm. possibly

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2 hours ago, raxo2222 said:

Don't forget, about updated MFT patch:

Added UF4 (oops idk why I didn't add it), Diborane and Kerosene.

  Reveal hidden contents

// Modular Fuel Tanks Config by Trolllception

                        name = ArgonGas
                        mass = 0.000625
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 56.0
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = HTP
                        amount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = KryptonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = NeonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = Hydrazine
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdHydrogen
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdAmmonia
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdNitrogen
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdCO
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdOxygen
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdMethane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = LqdCO2
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = Lithium
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdDeuterium
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .7
                        name = LqdTritium
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = LqdHelium
                        mass = 0.000625
                        utilization = 56
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        fillable = false
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = EnrichedUranium
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = ThF4
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)

                        name = UF4
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .8
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = UraniumNitride
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = .1
                        note = (Shielded)
                        name = LqdHelium
                        mass = 0.000454
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        loss_rate = 1.667794e-8
                        utilization = 7
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = Actinides
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = DepletedFuel
                        mass = 0.00009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        fillable = false
                        utilization = .8
                        name = Water
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = LqdHe3
                        mass = 0.000625
                        utilization = 19
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        loss_rate = 1.667794e-7
                        note = (refrigated)
                        name = Boron
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Ore
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Aluminium
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Alumina
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Hexaborane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = SaltWater
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = HeavyWater
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = Uraninite
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Hydrates
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Lithium6
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Monazite
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Silicates
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = Borate
                        mass = 0.0009
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = SolarWind
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 2.205
                        note = (Refrigerated)
                        name = Diborane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = Kerosene
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        utilization = 5.41
                        name = ArgonGas
                        //mass = 0.000625
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = LqdHelium
                        //mass = 0.000625
                        utilization = 2
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        fillable = false
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = HTP
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        name = KryptonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (pressurized)
                        name = NeonGas
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (pressurized)

                        name = LqdMethane
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0
                        note = (Refrigerated)

                        name = Hydrazine
                        amount = 0.0
                        maxAmount = 0.0


@Trolllception  since it was your patch, and I just added missing resources to it, can you make MFT mass ratios match IFS tank? This mass ratio mismatch is bit annoying.

There is test craft with procedural tanks, that have exactly same size as 1.25m x8 liquid fuel tank,  universal holding tank, universal gas tank and cryonics tank.



a question- why are u building completely outside the VAB?

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1 hour ago, 123nick said:

great, atleast progress is being made. also, i found that NF-E also has a patch for USI reactors, so maybe the 2 patches arent working well together, due too overwrites or something?

Alright, there are technically 2 solutions, either Ksp leaves USI Reactor parts alone  when  NF-E is installed or it override NF-E parts added to USI Reactor..

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4 hours ago, Nansuchao said:

It's a mod called Hangar Extender. It allows you to have bigger space in the editor, very useful in RSS or for very big ships.

yeah, but you seem too be building completely outside the vab for a ship that can fit in the vab.


3 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Alright, there are technically 2 solutions, either Ksp leaves USI Reactor parts alone  when  NF-E is installed or it override NF-E parts added to USI Reactor..

so if i remove NF-E's patches for the USI reactors, then it should hopefuly work?

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11 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

It must be something in relation with Near Future Electric. But when I startup with NF-E, I have no loading problem

It's kinda a well known thing that KSPI-E and NF Electrical modual manager patches cause crashes when applied to the same part. this was a common problem with the MK2 expansion. Both they to apply completely different electrical and reactor mechanics to the same stock (or addon) part ant it creates a Module Manager Conflict.

you MUST un-install NF-E (solar still works fine though).

Aperently USI has been causing problems too becasue the author has been adding NF patches into the parts, which in turn creates the exact same conflicts.

if you have KSPI-E installed and understand how to use it, both USI reactors and NF-E are redundant and unnecessary anyway.

1 hour ago, 123nick said:

hey, im just posting too say that ,removing the NF-E usi reactor patch seemed too fix it, and now it loads ok :D thanks for the help @FreeThinker

this works too, but again, goes to prove my point about NF incompatibility. @FreeThinker, you might want to post a warning on the coverpage about it (or the download page on spacedock)

I don't think there's a way to "fix" it. the fact that both mods must inherently apply conflicting information to parts makes it pretty impossible.

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1 hour ago, Rushligh said:


I don't think there's a way to "fix" it. the fact that both mods must inherently apply conflicting information to parts makes it pretty impossible.

As said before there are 2 solutions. Either KSPI-E back modifying USI mod when NF-E is installed or it overrides NF-E attempt to override. I'm leaning to the first one as removing other mods partmodules is more intrusive.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Hi! I've recently started using this mod and it's pretty daunting, but I'm slowly figuring stuff out


I want to use the omega fusion reactor to power a thermal turbojet, but I am not getting any thrust. Here's a picture of my craft and all relevant windows open


Any idea what's happening?

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1 hour ago, Thobewill10 said:

Hi! I've recently started using this mod and it's pretty daunting, but I'm slowly figuring stuff out


I want to use the omega fusion reactor to power a thermal turbojet, but I am not getting any thrust. Here's a picture of my craft and all relevant windows open


Any idea what's happening?

I don't see any air intake. Am I wrong?

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