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KSP Interstellar Extended Continued Development Thread


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So I've been playing in sandbox mode and watching Youtube videos and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.  In a youtube video posted in Dec. of 2016 (16 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpYrkQ_-P2k) shows almost this exact setup below (Quantum reactor with Trialpha) was producing many GW of power compared to my MW.  What am I doing incorrectly?


I tried this in my career game first but got the same result so I tried sandbox and still much lower power output.

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8 minutes ago, DoubleUU said:

So I've been playing in sandbox mode and watching Youtube videos and I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.  In a youtube video posted in Dec. of 2016 (16 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpYrkQ_-P2k) shows almost this exact setup below (Quantum reactor with Trialpha) was producing many GW of power compared to my MW.  What am I doing incorrectly?


I tried this in my career game first but got the same result so I tried sandbox and still much lower power output.


Seems to me you play in Near Future Mode, meaning all power output is reduced by a factor of 500. NF mode is activated whenever near future electric is activated. This balance is necessary because near future engines requires about 500 times less power than they realistically should. In NNF mode not only wolll the reacptrs produce only 0.2% of their original output, all engines also requires 500 times less power in either electrical, thermal or charged particle engergy power

Edited by FreeThinker
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8 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Seems to me you play in Near Future Mode, meaning all power output is reduced by a factor of 500. NF mode is activated whenever near future electric is activated. This balance is necessary because near future engines requires about 500 times less power than they realistically should. In NNF mode not only wolll the reacptrs produce only 0.2% of their original output, all engines also requires 500 times less power in either electrical, thermal or charged particle engergy power

Have you considered putting a blinking NEAR FUTURE ELECTIC MODE ON in the power helper? Then it could be turned off for people.

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KSPI's thermal rocket nozzles are giving me a headache, serious thrust consistency problems.



1. Pod

2. Pebble or Molten reactor

3. Liquid fuel tank

4. Thermal rocket nozzle


either yields a rocket with zero thrust (https://img42.com/JyLfv) or functions as expected at launchpad. I've noticed it happens more often with the Molten reactor than Pebble bed reactor, and switching from the former to the latter in VAB can sometimes fix the problem. I've also noticed that switching fuel tanks (esp. from a Rockomax to an FTL-800) in VAB can also fix the problem.

Anything I should know or is this a know bug?


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42 minutes ago, ryan123 said:

Anything I should know or is this a know bug?


It's not a bug, notice the static air threshold is higher than engine max thrust, canceling all thust. In space you would not have this problem.

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13 hours ago, Liquid5n0w said:

Have you considered putting a blinking NEAR FUTURE ELECTIC MODE ON in the power helper? Then it could be turned off for people.

Nevermind... I reread the answer.  Misunderstood.  All good now!

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I have a question about the "Graphite Umbrella Radiator". The description states "A high-diameter heat shield with the panels extended", but whenever I attempt a reentry with it extended, it just breaks away when the going get though (no matter which way it faces).

Is this supposed to work for reentries, or not?

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Just now, entropy-- said:

I have a question about the "Graphite Umbrella Radiator". The description states "A high-diameter heat shield with the panels extended", but whenever I attempt a reentry with it extended, it just breaks away when the going get though (no matter which way it faces).

Is this supposed to work for reentries, or not?

I doubt it. Most extendable solar panels/radiators break with much air force.

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OK, so.. quantum singularity reactors... first off, I found a use for them; my previous planet pack mod was badly broken, ie, the atmosphere didn't work and it looked different from orbit than on the ground... some planets anyway... so regardless, I have a new one with a second star system 10LY from Kerbin.  Have to use QSRs to get there with the warp drives since you go through so much antimatter that you can't make it even one way, powering the drives that way... so, ok, that works; but why do I have to start the QSRs in helium or deuterium mode and THEN switch back to hydrogen mode?

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I had just installed the latest update going from 1.12 to 1.12.6 and I lost the ability to mine from the sites I'd placed on two moons in Galileo Planet Pack...just unable to use the vanilla drills to harvest ore and convert to liquid fuel and oxidizer.


Was this intended, or is there something I screwed up on installation?  Did the stock ISRU and drills processing get removed from KSPI-E?


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9 hours ago, ss8913 said:

but why do I have to start the QSRs in helium or deuterium mode and THEN switch back to hydrogen mode?


Well that certainly not intended, you should be able to start in any mode, it's just that the lighter atoms generate more charged particles, I need to verify ..

9 hours ago, ss8913 said:

OK, so.. quantum singularity reactors... first off, I found a use for them; my previous planet pack mod was badly broken, ie, the atmosphere didn't work and it looked different from orbit than on the ground... some planets anyway... so regardless, I have a new one with a second star system 10LY from Kerbin.  Have to use QSRs to get there with the warp drives since you go through so much antimatter that you can't make it even one way, powering the drives that way... so, ok, that works;


Indeed that is the QSR main intended purpose. You are right about the antimatter endurance problem, antimatter at first sight looks very promising for warp travel or charged particle propulsion, until you realize you need tons of it and the storage isn't exactly efficient. Antimatter shines best for short duration power surges, not longer than a few days, but if you need high amount of power for months that you are better of with Advanced Fusion or QSR

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first of all, thanks for this truely phantastic mod! Learned more about physics and chemistry than in my entire school life haha!

I have one problem though.. Since you have removed the refinery (?) I don't see any possibility to extract ammonia anymore. I was about to set up a huge ammonia industry on jool orbit / laythe following your wiki. But neither the ISRU refinery (which is mispelled IRSU in the description btw ;)) (also had checked its cfg...) on laythe nor the scoop in jool's atmosphere (just finds helium?) seems to be able to extract ammonia.. Or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your help!

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Running into something odd, and thought I'd throw it out here...Looks bug-ish, though possibly a Kellis-did-something-stupid...

  • Fresh KSP install.
  • Grab the KSPIE .zip from the front page.  Copy everything in.
  • Start KSP.  New sandbox game.
  • Create a "ship" with a probe core, scanner, batteries, and antenna.
  • Edit it into Munar orbit.
  • Scan!  Scan works, transmits information to KSC, and the moon glows white from whatever resource it just found.
  • Return to the KSC, and hop over to the tracking station.  Tab to the moon.
  • No resource overlay.  No resources listed in the popup from the resource button.

Checked the console log and KSP.log for anything suspicious.  Right upon switching to the tracking station, there's a (shall we say) suspicious.

[LOG 20:43:27.756] [Tracking Station]: SetVessel(null)
[LOG 20:43:27.757] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Mun
[ERR 20:43:27.796] Exception handling event onPlanetariumTargetChange in class KnowledgeBase:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ResourceMap.GetResourceItemList (HarvestTypes harvest, .CelestialBody body) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetResources.CreateResourceList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetResources.ActivateApp (.MapObject target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase.ActivateApps (KbTargetType targetType, .MapObject target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase.OnMapFocusChange (.MapObject target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventData`1[MapObject].Fire (.MapObject data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[EXC 20:43:27.800] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	ResourceMap.GetResourceItemList (HarvestTypes harvest, .CelestialBody body)
	KSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetResources.CreateResourceList ()
	KSP.UI.Screens.KbApp_PlanetResources.ActivateApp (.MapObject target)
	KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase.ActivateApps (KbTargetType targetType, .MapObject target)
	KSP.UI.Screens.KnowledgeBase.OnMapFocusChange (.MapObject target)
	EventData`1[MapObject].Fire (.MapObject data)
	KSP.UI.Screens.SpaceTracking:SetVessel(Vessel, Boolean)

From some poking around, the only other place I found someone reporting something like this was when they'd been hacking around in the Community Resource Pack and managed to remove some resource or other that was used by one of their mods.

This doesn't seem to affect the operation of anything while running a ship - only the ability to choose a resource to view from the tracking station.  Leaving the resource overlay on from a ship results in the overlay still showing (and there being no way to disable it) when switching to the tracking station.

Removed just the KSPI WarpPlugin folder and restarted and ran exactly the same steps again - just to verify it wasn't the rest of the mods (or, heck, just the CRP, alone).  Without KSPI, the Tracking Station works just fine..so it's either in KSPIE or in an interaction KSPIE has with someone else...

Managed to track down a couple oddities in atmosphericresourcedefinitions.cfg looking for anything suspicious...

  • LqdHE3 instead of LqdHe3 (dunno if case matters)
  • LqdDeutrium instead of LqdDeuterium (missing e)

...not that the typo-fixing solved the issue.  It happens when attempting to view minerals at the Mun.  At Minmus.  But not after scanning and viewing Kerbin.


  • Kerbin works
  • Mun doesn't.
  • Minmus doesn't.
  • Duna doesn't.
  • Ike doesn't.
  • Dres doesn't.
  • Jool doesn't.
  • Laythe doesn't.
  • Vall doesn't.
  • Tylo doesn't.
  • Bop works.
  • Pol works.
  • Eeloo doesn't.

...not sure what Kerbin, Bop, and Pol have in common.

Given everything is still usable from a ship, it's not exactly critical, but...Figured I'd report to see if it's something that's known or others have seen, or if I've just managed to muck up, somehow.

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3 hours ago, Kellis said:

Managed to track down a couple oddities in atmosphericresourcedefinitions.cfg looking for anything suspicious...

  • LqdHE3 instead of LqdHe3 (dunno if case matters)
  • LqdDeutrium instead of LqdDeuterium (missing e)

...not that the typo-fixing solved the issue.  It happens when attempting to view minerals at the Mun.  At Minmus.  But not after scanning and viewing Kerbin.


Intressting find, but this cannot affect the stock scanning system in any way. A more likely culprit are the double resource declarations in both IFS and KSPI, possibly they interfere causing the scaning system to get confused. It's a bit unclear what happens when declaration conflict. 

3 hours ago, Kellis said:
  • Create a "ship" with a probe core, scanner, batteries, and antenna.

Exactly what scanner did  you use?

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9 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

Exactly what scanner did  you use?

The standard M700 Survey Scanner from stock.

The duplicate definitions thing is an interesting thought.  I may fiddle with that, tonight, and see what sort of resource overlap there is on every planet but Kerbin, Pol, and Bop..

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I really like this mod  and I Focus on this for two years :D


I have find something wrong with Radlator from stock part. If you check the "Radlator Panel(Largh)" ,that have  surper light mass(0.05t) and real big surface Area (60m²)that it look like to be.  it make that part have incredible Area/mass ratio. It make it light, small, and be the more op than other tyoe of Radlator. 

Is that part performance make sense or it just an incorrect number?



PS; I forget how to put a screenshot here so no pic:(


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Hello Everyone,

Forgive me as my googlefoo is failing me. 
First of all, I just want to say excellent work with this mod. It has been some time sense I have played with Interstellar and the improvements that have been made are incredible. Especially with the mechanics of power distribution. 

Speaking of power distribution, I have a question. 
Currently I have a power plant on Minmus, This plant has the capability of transmitting Microwave, UV, and Infrared power. This is done through using the Free Electron Laser and Gyroton, 
Around Minmus, Mun, and Kerbin I have my communication and relay satellites. There are two types, relay for Microwave power which utilize the Phased Microwave Transceiver, and relays for UV which have the UV Light Mirror.

My issue is, no matter what band the Free Electron Laser is set on, the relays do not relay UV power. This includes the visible light spectrum as well. If I have a clear line of sight to the power plant, I have no issues, can receive power on any band. 

Microwave power relays work fine, though from Minmus the loss is laughable which I would expect. 


What am I missing? 

Thanks for the help. 

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On 2/21/2017 at 10:29 PM, Kellis said:


  • Kerbin works
  • Mun doesn't.
  • Minmus doesn't.
  • Duna doesn't.
  • Ike doesn't.
  • Dres doesn't.
  • Jool doesn't.
  • Laythe doesn't.
  • Vall doesn't.
  • Tylo doesn't.
  • Bop works.
  • Pol works.
  • Eeloo doesn't.

...not sure what Kerbin, Bop, and Pol have in common.

Given everything is still usable from a ship, it's not exactly critical, but...Figured I'd report to see if it's something that's known or others have seen, or if I've just managed to muck up, somehow.


I'm probably way off but, something like this happened to me at one point and it turned out I had some settings mixed up in ScanSat. Background scanning and stock scanning settings were both turned off. If you don't have ScanSat installed then I'm obviously way wrong :) cheers.

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21 hours ago, zredmon said:

Hello Everyone,

Forgive me as my googlefoo is failing me. 
First of all, I just want to say excellent work with this mod. It has been some time sense I have played with Interstellar and the improvements that have been made are incredible. Especially with the mechanics of power distribution. 

Speaking of power distribution, I have a question. 
Currently I have a power plant on Minmus, This plant has the capability of transmitting Microwave, UV, and Infrared power. This is done through using the Free Electron Laser and Gyroton, 
Around Minmus, Mun, and Kerbin I have my communication and relay satellites. There are two types, relay for Microwave power which utilize the Phased Microwave Transceiver, and relays for UV which have the UV Light Mirror.

My issue is, no matter what band the Free Electron Laser is set on, the relays do not relay UV power. This includes the visible light spectrum as well. If I have a clear line of sight to the power plant, I have no issues, can receive power on any band. 

Microwave power relays work fine, though from Minmus the loss is laughable which I would expect. 


What am I missing? 

Thanks for the help. 


don't no. I have to investigate,

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1 hour ago, FreeThinker said:

don't no. I have to investigate,

Fair enough. 

I'll give you a hand. 
I'll set up a test environment with just KSPI-E, its dependencies, and hyper edit. 
If I can repro I will see if I can see anything in the source code and or config files. 

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2 hours ago, zredmon said:

Fair enough. 

I'll give you a hand. 
I'll set up a test environment with just KSPI-E, its dependencies, and hyper edit. 
If I can repro I will see if I can see anything in the source code and or config files. 

I have done some more testing in a cleaner environment. 
Clean install of KSP, KSPI-E, Dependencies that are included with KSPI-E, and Hyperedit. 

Looks like we do have a bug. 
The TLDR is that we are actually relaying power. It is just converting it from any band to microwave. I'm actually able to transmit IR and receive Microwave by forcing it to go through the UV Light Mirror. 

I will perform a lot more testing/debugging, write a proper write up, and do some bug hunting this weekend. 


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6 hours ago, zredmon said:

I have done some more testing in a cleaner environment. 
Clean install of KSP, KSPI-E, Dependencies that are included with KSPI-E, and Hyperedit. 

Looks like we do have a bug. 
The TLDR is that we are actually relaying power. It is just converting it from any band to microwave. I'm actually able to transmit IR and receive Microwave by forcing it to go through the UV Light Mirror. 

I will perform a lot more testing/debugging, write a proper write up, and do some bug hunting this weekend. 



Hold your horses. Perhaps the problem is already fixed by this.commit by @ms6107. I intend to release today.

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