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Superluminal - WIP Video Update #2


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Thanks Jack for the kind words! It's appreciated :) 


Just today i spoke to Nertea, and he kindly agreed to let me expand the command modules section of the community technology tree

Whilst all the centrispinnials and main hulls and other pieces fit into the CTT with ease under the colonization and other nodes, i felt that with squad bringing in 5m parts as an official thing in the upcoming expansion/update, the command modules would need to be a bit more end-gameish than the current nodes allow.

These are parts that are not only big, of course, but incorporate advanced stuff like reverse thrust engines for motherships that you just dont want to spend time turning around when coming in to dock, extra SAS/reaction to handle such large vessels, plus life support, built-in antennas and science and the like. And then there's the lander cans that also are more advanced using similar technologies.

So, with that in mind and thinking not only of myself but what other folks might create in the future, i suggested going on from the name of the last node in the current setup - Specialization.


Command Modules split into two lines. Landers and Command Centers, and this is mostly what it should look like.

Specialized Command Modules - Already in the game and just that, is the point at which mods can diversify their command modules. Kraken (a lander), Polta (A Space Bus for Personnel) and Priax, a VTOL all enter here.

Specialized Landers  and Heavy Landers - The Tekto and Plock. Specialized modules for getting people from their large ships to and from the surface of planets. (There's another piece or two to go into the two lander nodes (just didnt have the room in this image),

Specialized Command Centers and Heavy Command Centers - All the other modules. Where command modules that are likely never to ever again taste hard ground  go. Space is their place!


These are the icons i came up with. Considering i've not done pixel/clip/icon art in possibly 10 years, im rather chuffed with them :)


EDIT - oops, also forgot to add - I finished fully texturing the 3.75m Tekto Lander. So now i'm on the home straight of texturing the command modules. Only the 5m ones - IXS Rademaker, Urlum and Neidon left. It's getting closer!!

DOUBLE EDIT - May as well shove an image of the Tekto here too then.


Edited by Stevie_D
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Dat Tekto pod though.

I'm partially concerned about the names of the pods though. What if you get into legal trouble with OPM?

Also, what are the point of the centrispinnials, and the centrispinnial command pods?

Edited by kjack1111
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  On 7/23/2017 at 4:09 AM, kjack1111 said:

You missed two video updates! TWO! THIS HERESY WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED! /Warhammer

Seriously though, can we get a update? (Sorry to be that person?)


Great to see enthusiasm for a modder's excellent work, but let's remember that modders do all this hard work to give us these shiny toys for free, in their spare time, asking nothing in return.  They don't owe you anything.

Remember that modders are people, too.  They have IRL responsibilities such as work, school, family, etc., just like the rest of us, and of course those responsibilities have to take priority over a hobby like modding.  If a mod author has been quiet for a while, no doubt it means they're busy with something more important.  The mod author will presumably post an update here if and when it suits their convenience to do so.  It might be tomorrow.  Or next week.  Or next year.  Or never.

Regardless of when it might be, let's remember that they're doing this to give us shiny toys for free and don't owe anybody anything.  We're lucky to get anything the author has been kind enough to give us, so it seems a poor return on their generosity to complain that the free cookies haven't been coming as fast as we'd like.  All we can do is wait until the author has the time and inclination to update further.  And, speaking as a mod author myself, who's friends with a fair number of other mod authors, I can assure you that nothing kills motivation faster than someone complaining about the free stuff you're giving them.

So:  I know everyone means well, and it's great that you're enthusiastic, but let's not get in the author's way by breathing down his neck and jostling his elbow, shall we?

Thank you for your understanding.

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  On 7/23/2017 at 2:13 PM, Snark said:

[le snip]


I apologize if i gave off the vibe i was complainging. I was simply concerned if the mod died or not.

I was following a mod development thread, and the mod went into "Sleeping." I'm now fairly sure it's going to die, due to the track-record of the series of mods, so the last thing i need is this mod dying.

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  On 7/24/2017 at 1:57 AM, kjack1111 said:

I apologize if i gave off the vibe i was complainging. I was simply concerned if the mod died or not.

I was following a mod development thread, and the mod went into "Sleeping." I'm now fairly sure it's going to die, due to the track-record of the series of mods, so the last thing i need is this mod dying.


Well, the last update about this mod it was the wednesday, you can't expect a daily update, even in the most actively updated mods. A mod could have weeks, or even months between updates, without being "dead", all depends on the time, patience and desires of the mod author.

Being enthusiastic about a mod, helps. Ask about updates or even about estimated times for release, usually not. Just have a little patience, and tell the mod author about how amazing his models are, because they are. :P

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  On 7/24/2017 at 2:39 AM, GonDragon said:

Well, the last update about this mod it was the wednesday, you can't expect a daily update, even in the most actively updated mods. A mod could have weeks, or even months between updates, without being "dead", all depends on the time, patience and desires of the mod author.

Being enthusiastic about a mod, helps. Ask about updates or even about estimated times for release, usually not. Just have a little patience, and tell the mod author about how amazing his models are, because they are. :P


Indeed they are. Indeed they are.

Now i need to figure out how to model as good as him or i'm going to loose my mind.

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Well, this weeks weekly update doesn't contain much. But for good reason.

I'm in lock-down now. I've only a couple textures left to do and then its on to finalizing the cfg files and testing it a few times in-game for tweaking before i get to Alpha 1.

I would post a screenie of the 5m Neidon command module, which is all but fully textured; but i'm still undecided on a few details, so it can wait.


I'll most likely twitch stream my testing of all the parts sometime next week, but, that will be the only media (screenshot or otherwise) i'll be putting out until i post the DL link to Alpha 1.



What other mods will be required to make one this work? - Zakkpaz


I'll be trying to get Superluminal to work in the base game with only b9partswitch as a requirement (for those that dont like mods in their game, but still want a few parts). 

But that, and WildBlueTools will most likely come bundled.

The only part that requires anything really other than that is the VTOL engines of the Priax, which require Infernal Robotics to function. But even for those who dont want a VTOL or use IR, you can then still use the Priax as the most awesome, cool looking rover buggy ever designed heh.

Edited by Stevie_D
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  On 7/24/2017 at 6:51 PM, Stevie_D said:

I would post a screenie of the 5m Neidon command module, which is all but fully textured; but i'm still undecided on a few details, so it can wait.


I'll be trying to get Superluminal to work in the base game with only b9partswitch as a requirement (for those that dont like mods in their game, but still want a few parts). 

But that, and WildBlueTools will most likely come bundled.

The only part that requires anything really is the VTOL engines of the Priax, which require Infernal Robotics to function. But even for those who dont want a VTOL or use IR, you can then still use the Priax as the most awesome, cool looking rover buggy ever designed heh.


SoonTM then :)


Which parts will need the B9partswitch?  Also, what .dll are the centri-spinnals using for their animation? Is it WildBlueTools?


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