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How a Arianne 5 rocket motor works (german)

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While browsing youtube i found a video from a german kids show (Die Sendung mit der Maus) where they explain how a rocket motor from the Arianne 5 is build and how exactly it works.

Unfortunally only in german, the automatical generated english subtitels are sometimes a "bit" funny.....

And yes, video is already many years old.


Maybe someone finds the video still interesting :)



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If parents will do something realy good for the kids they need to bring the kids to look this show. And "Löwenzahn " too...

Scince teached to kids in play stile.

For "big kids" is the "Welt der Wunder" channel a nice addin. Is more mediaalike but you see many basics explained.

Funny Kabooms 


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