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[1.3.1]TextureReplacerReplaced v0.5.4


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Sorry if this has been asked earlier.. Can anyone confirm if the transparency can be adjusted? The pink visor fix works great and now have the default semi transparent golden space visor with 1.4.2. I was wondering if I could reduce the transparency, so it was just golden visor (kerbal faces hidden behind golden mirror)? Thanks


also tuning the RGB components of the visor in the TRR advanced windows helps, but the visors are still very transparent. I seem to only be able to tune the gold aspect  GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Default, but have not achieved a full mirror yet.

Edited by ksp_colin
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  On 4/24/2018 at 3:36 AM, ksp_colin said:

Sorry if this has been asked earlier.. Can anyone confirm if the transparency can be adjusted? The pink visor fix works great and now have the default semi transparent golden space visor with 1.4.2. I was wondering if I could reduce the transparency, so it was just golden visor (kerbal faces hidden behind golden mirror)? Thanks


also tuning the RGB components of the visor in the TRR advanced windows helps, but the visors are still very transparent. I seem to only be able to tune the gold aspect  GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Default, but have not achieved a full mirror yet.


You have to create a texture to be the visor.  The more transparent the texture is, the more transparent the visor, and the more opaque the texture, the more opaque.  In my suit pack, I use a flat gray texture to allow it to be tinted by the TRR options.  You can use my suit pack, or copy and modify my visor texture, or just use it as a template to make your own.


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  On 4/23/2018 at 6:12 PM, SpaceFox25 said:

Did the original Texture Replacer just get updated or is that just me? If so, is there any difference to using TR or TRR? Now I'm getting confused :D


TR has not been really updated, just recompiled for this version. I don't have forgotten you guys but I've got few time to code and lot of headaches (witch make coding difficult :wink:  ) 

  On 4/23/2018 at 11:25 PM, Beetlecat said:

Apologies if this is an already-answered question, but is there a method of whitelisting a mod's images to *not* get compressed? Nanogauges all appear "fuzzy" on-screen when using TRR. Maybe those graphics need to be converted/implemented differently?


I disabled by default the old compression system (this come from one of the first features of TR)

isCompressionEnabled = never

But, TRR still generate MipMap when there are none. I think the problem can come from this (this come also from an ancient time) and there are some images that don't need mipmap (the navball was one of these) I think the nanogauge have the same problem that the navball had, you should have a solution here : 


in the setting file @TRR_Default.cfg in the folder "000_TRR_Config" , try to set

isMipmapGenEnabled = auto

to :

isMipmapGenEnabled = never

and tell me if that solve the problem

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  On 4/24/2018 at 3:36 AM, ksp_colin said:

Sorry if this has been asked earlier.. Can anyone confirm if the transparency can be adjusted? The pink visor fix works great and now have the default semi transparent golden space visor with 1.4.2. I was wondering if I could reduce the transparency, so it was just golden visor (kerbal faces hidden behind golden mirror)? Thanks


also tuning the RGB components of the visor in the TRR advanced windows helps, but the visors are still very transparent. I seem to only be able to tune the gold aspect  GameData\TextureReplacerReplaced\Default, but have not achieved a full mirror yet.


As Cetera pointed out, you have to make a texture yourself if you want full opaque/mirror. The 3 bundled textures are just a full grey color (125,125,125) with opacity set to

- Iva : 35%

- Eva Ground : 75%

- Eva Space : 92%

You can also go for a white color but you will have better ingame recoloring result with a grey



Here is a 100% opaque grey texture that you have to put in your custom "Default" folder, name it like one of these choices to replace one of the default visor texture : 

kerbalVisor.png     for the Iva

EVAgroundVisor.png  for the Eva Ground

EVAvisor.png for the Eva Space



Edited by HaArLiNsH
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@HaArLiNsH, @Cetera, Thanks!

Am making the push into 1.4.2 so just trying the suggestion to add the Grey texture:

  On 4/24/2018 at 10:59 AM, HaArLiNsH said:

Here is a 100% opaque grey texture that you have to put in your custom "Default" folder, name it like one of these choices to replace one of the default visor texture : 

kerbalVisor.png     for the Iva

EVAgroundVisor.png  for the Eva Ground

EVAvisor.png for the Eva Space


The only other thing I did was tune the RGB components in the Visor Menu of "EVA Space Visor Base Color" from 125/128/0 -> 255/255/0, for brighter personal preferences. I think it looks great!



Just a heads up that my log file is full of messages:

RR 07:47:15.812] [TRR.Loader] TRR : Texture unloading freed approximately 228.7 MB of system RAM

[LOG 07:47:15.814] [TRR.Replacer] ++++ 'load()' ++++
[LOG 07:47:15.851] [TRR.Reflections] ++++ 'load()' ++++
[LOG 07:47:15.854] [TRR.Reflections] Some environment map faces are missing. Static reflections disabled.
[LOG 07:47:15.855] [TRR.Personaliser] ++++ 'load()' ++++
[LOG 07:47:16.131] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_MALE, using them
[LOG 07:47:16.131] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_FEMALE, using them
[LOG 07:47:16.133] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_SUIT, using them
[LOG 07:47:16.151] [TRR.TextureReplacerReplaced] ++++ 'TRR is loaded'++++
[ERR 07:47:16.162] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

[ERR 07:47:16.162] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

<and then thousands of the _MainTex one liners, -ksp_colin>


which I thing might have something to do with Jool's rings or Auroras in another graphics mod, SVE or EVE or Planetshine, not sure. Have been poking around at most of these for the last few days and noticed that is often a guilty culprit (on 1.4.2 as of late April). 

In any case I think this is effectively stable and I am all set. Cheers!!

Edited by ksp_colin
tags for the two Profiles were previously not correct
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  On 4/24/2018 at 1:04 PM, ksp_colin said:

Just a heads up that my log file is full of messages:

RR 07:47:15.812] [TRR.Loader] TRR : Texture unloading freed approximately 228.7 MB of system RAM

[LOG 07:47:15.814] [TRR.Replacer] ++++ 'load()' ++++
[LOG 07:47:15.851] [TRR.Reflections] ++++ 'load()' ++++
[LOG 07:47:15.854] [TRR.Reflections] Some environment map faces are missing. Static reflections disabled.
[LOG 07:47:15.855] [TRR.Personaliser] ++++ 'load()' ++++
[LOG 07:47:16.131] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_MALE, using them
[LOG 07:47:16.131] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_FEMALE, using them
[LOG 07:47:16.133] [TRR.Personaliser] Settings found for DEFAULT_SUIT, using them
[LOG 07:47:16.151] [TRR.TextureReplacerReplaced] ++++ 'TRR is loaded'++++
[ERR 07:47:16.162] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

[ERR 07:47:16.162] Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

<and then thousands of the _MainTex one liners, -ksp_colin>



The [LOG] are normal stuff made to track the activity of TRR (so we can "debug" the log easily). 

The [ERR] about the _Maintex can come from other mods that tries to change or affect the maintexture of a gameobject. It could come from TRR too or a conflict somewhere. If you have thousands of them,it means something is going badly at each update()   (each frame if you prefer).

ksp 1.4.2 is still officially not supported :)


Glad you could configure the visor has you like btw :cool:

Edited by HaArLiNsH
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  On 4/24/2018 at 10:44 AM, HaArLiNsH said:

I disabled by default the old compression system (this come from one of the first features of TR)

isCompressionEnabled = never

But, TRR still generate MipMap when there are none. I think the problem can come from this (this come also from an ancient time) and there are some images that don't need mipmap (the navball was one of these) I think the nanogauge have the same problem that the navball had, you should have a solution here : 


in the setting file @TRR_Default.cfg in the folder "000_TRR_Config" , try to set

isMipmapGenEnabled = auto

to :

isMipmapGenEnabled = never

and tell me if that solve the problem


That's very helpful -- I'll try that out when I get a chance, though I have the feeling this will do it. Once that's confirmed, do we need to premake mipmaps for the gauges, or exclude them by hand? I'm assuming the auto MipMap generation is an otherwise good thing? :wink:

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  On 4/24/2018 at 10:44 AM, HaArLiNsH said:

TR has not been really updated, just recompiled for this version. I don't have forgotten you guys but I've got few time to code and lot of headaches (witch make coding difficult :wink:  ) 

I disabled by default the old compression system (this come from one of the first features of TR)

isCompressionEnabled = never

But, TRR still generate MipMap when there are none. I think the problem can come from this (this come also from an ancient time) and there are some images that don't need mipmap (the navball was one of these) I think the nanogauge have the same problem that the navball had, you should have a solution here : 


in the setting file @TRR_Default.cfg in the folder "000_TRR_Config" , try to set

isMipmapGenEnabled = auto

to :

isMipmapGenEnabled = never

and tell me if that solve the problem


Quick followup -- tried this and no good -- the nanogauges are still "blurry". I tried the "never" setting, and even also tried adding ^Nereid/ to the list below (^ is "not" right?).

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  On 4/26/2018 at 4:43 AM, Beetlecat said:

Quick followup -- tried this and no good -- the nanogauges are still "blurry". I tried the "never" setting, and even also tried adding ^Nereid/ to the list below (^ is "not" right?).


If this don't work, it may be related to the bilinear/trilinear stuff. I need to check if we can disable this (or I'll gonna make the option) because TRR (and TR) do change bilinear texture to trilinear.   And (if I understood well) the  " ^Nereid/" add the mod to list of mipmap to be generated. 
This is stuff I still haven't really looked since I got on TRR.


  On 4/28/2018 at 9:56 PM, jack gamer said:

I have one question, whats the evaground Suit for?


The EVA ground suit is for the case where you are on the Mun or another planet/moon than Kerbin without atmosphere. Think as it as the suit they use in the movie "the martian", they use a different space suit when they are on the ground of Mars than when they are in space
I made it because I was doing a big texture pack and I needed a new type of suit. The texture pack is still coming but my experimentations on changing the bodies put this on hold because now I so want to be able to use the civilian body with the hands 


this is the IVA version of the pack I'm talking about :



Btw, this (experimental) method is still under work, I found the way to "stitch" the new bodies on our kerbal but the bones are still a problem. I'm actually trying to extract the bones from the basic KerbalEVA body and put it on the new piece but its easier to say it than doing it :)
And the last update (1.4.3) did something horrible because I have a new problems that I didn't had until now ..  You can check the advancement of this on my dev branch for the 1.4.X :

Keep patience, one day (no too far I hope) , we will have 2-3 new bodies for our kerbals :cool:


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  On 4/29/2018 at 10:48 AM, HaArLiNsH said:

If this don't work, it may be related to the bilinear/trilinear stuff. I need to check if we can disable this (or I'll gonna make the option) because TRR (and TR) do change bilinear texture to trilinear.   And (if I understood well) the  " ^Nereid/" add the mod to list of mipmap to be generated. 
This is stuff I still haven't really looked since I got on TRR.


Shoot -- well thank you for looking, just the same. The Nanogauges mod may benefit short-term from what was done for Final Frontier -- i.e. make the images bigger so that they down-scaled to the correct size.

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  On 5/4/2018 at 3:16 AM, Rainbowd4sh said:

I got an issue with Texture Replacer Replaced, I am running 1.4.3, and the only actual files for it is this: 

Here's my issue: https://imgur.com/a/t5GWUDY 

As you can see, the kerbal visor is pink. If I set to no suit, I don't have that issue.  


Yeah, that's the old PEBKAC error.

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  On 5/4/2018 at 3:16 AM, Rainbowd4sh said:

I got an issue with Texture Replacer Replaced, I am running 1.4.3, and the only actual files for it is this: 

Here's my issue: https://imgur.com/a/t5GWUDY 

As you can see, the kerbal visor is pink. If I set to no suit, I don't have that issue.  


TRR is not compatible with 1.4+. Please read the main page under the Links section, there is a shader hotfix I made, if you are using Windows.

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  On 5/5/2018 at 4:34 AM, Messier said:

Do you happen to remember the Scott Manley Head Pack?


You seem to have misspelled "That Which Shall Not Be Mentioned (or, gods forbid, screenshotted)".  Of course, it's an easy typo to make, so we can forgive you.[1]






[1]Unless you do post a screenshot.  Then we start handing out the torches and pitchforks.

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