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[1.12.x] Trajectories v2.4.5 (2023-08-22) : atmospheric predictions


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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know if this has been asked before, but any plans to have the atmospheric trajectories of more than one vessel calculated? I've written a landing script that I very much want to use for a Falcon Heavy double booster landing but it requires the trajectories impact position for landing and since it can't calculate the same for the other vessel it only works on one script. I've seen Marcus house do this but I don't know how he's able to do it with two vessels. Thanks for this amazing mod, I couldn't have done a lot of things I do in KSP now without Trajectories.

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New release is up!

Version 2.3.2 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.9.x

Download from GitHub or Spacedock

Full Changelog:


v2.3.2 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.9.x

  • 2020-06-12

Changes since the last release

  • Descent Profile angles are now relative to the prograde/retrograde toggles. i.e. old style 135° is now 45° Retrograde.
         Old style angles can still be entered via the text input boxes or the API and will be converted automatically.
  • Descent Profile angles can now be entered via text input boxes.
  • GUI is now clamped to the screen area, eliminating it from being off screen after resolution or scale changes.

For Developers

  • New API functions added for the Descent Profile `ResetDescentProfile DescentProfileAngles DescentProfileModes`.
  • Profiler is now clamped to the screen area, eliminating it from being off screen after resolution or scale changes.

Note: If you are having a drop in FPS then I highly suggest turning the cache on in the Trajectories settings tab.

Edited by PiezPiedPy
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On 5/21/2020 at 11:03 PM, PiezPiedPy said:

All I can suggest is to delete the Trajectories folder in GameData and reinstall, if you still get the same problem then I will need a copy of your log file, upload it somewhere like dropbox and pass me the link.

I have something similar.

I just started a new JNSQ 1.81 game and used CKAN to grab most of what I needed, including Trajectories. However, in game the Trajectories button does not appear on the toolbar. I'm using LGG's Toolbar Controller, btw.

Anyway, looking in the log all looks well...

[LOG 13:36:55.855] [TrajectoriesBootstrap] Trajectories loaded!

But then I see this: 

[LOG 13:41:19.735] [Kopernicus] Could not load 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Trajectories\Plugin\Trajectories.bin'
[LOG 13:41:19.919] [Kopernicus] Could not load 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Trajectories\Plugin\Trajectories13.bin'

...etc. through a series of .bin files. That's the only problem I see in KSP.log, but I'm not sure if that's the cause. I could also, of course, be doing something dumb and just not realizing it. Anyway, any suggestions as to what to try? Trajectories is a required mod in my games :)

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On 6/18/2020 at 9:25 PM, vossiewulf said:

I have something similar.

I just started a new JNSQ 1.81 game and used CKAN to grab most of what I needed, including Trajectories. However, in game the Trajectories button does not appear on the toolbar. I'm using LGG's Toolbar Controller, btw........

Looks like Kopernicus is trying to load the binaries for some reason I suggest asking them, I have no idea what there up to, :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/6/2020 at 10:49 PM, CBase said:


since my rocket builds that I land with Trajectories usually have some deployed control surfaces, I did stumble across some orientation issues with original lift calculation and added deploy angle for control surfaces. Cache precission and decent configuration was also something I wanted to change. Finally I extended the API to integrate with an altered MechJeb Landing autopilot.

Right now my personal build works for me, but since I do play on most recent KSP version only and actually the most important feature is v1.8+ I am not sure if a pull request is a good idea. Anyway if you are interested:


I did cluster most changes into feature commits in this branch.


This sounds very interesting, could you elaborate ?
Im trying to use Autoland in Mechjeb with my SpaceX boosters and it cant hit the target.
Sounds like you solved this kind of problem ?

Sorry if im mistaken and thanks for help

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8 hours ago, Argetz said:

This sounds very interesting, could you elaborate ?

This is my typical 1st stage with deployed wings for reentry:



Lower wing maximizes drag, upper set to hold AoA against aero forces. Only upper has -20 to -30 control authority on pitch and roll, lower is fixed.

My reentry does not involve a reentry burn like SpaceX is doing, but high AoA glides like the shuttle to bleed of speed.

My additions to trajectories for this:

  • include deploy angle for control surface calculations
  • fix orientation bug with up / down being wrong on retrograde entries, which affects tilted wings
  • changed reentry altitudes and sliders to allow better control between -10° AoA (low altitude) and -60° AoA (reentry)
9 hours ago, Argetz said:

Im trying to use Autoland in Mechjeb with my SpaceX boosters and it cant hit the target.
Sounds like you solved this kind of problem ?

Kind of. I did add some Trajectories API code and a major rewrite of MechJeb autoland to follow and adjust Trajectories AoA with the same goal. With a drag parachute at final approach the system is slow and stable enough to hit always the runway and often even launchpad with less than 10m difference.

Without any parachute difference is still around 100m, so no pure SpaceX like landings. The rocket is simply to fast, Trajectory predictions not exact enough and since it should work a vast variety of rockets fine tuning control code for one design does not pay off.



An impression of how different first stages I am landing. Lift to orbit ranges for 1t to over 300t on this pictues, right most with SpaceY tanks, procedural wings and mod with scaled Rapier like engines and air intakes.


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3 hours ago, CBase said:

This is my typical 1st stage with deployed wings for reentry:

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Lower wing maximizes drag, upper set to hold AoA against aero forces. Only upper has -20 to -30 control authority on pitch and roll, lower is fixed.

My reentry does not involve a reentry burn like SpaceX is doing, but high AoA glides like the shuttle to bleed of speed.

My additions to trajectories for this:

  • include deploy angle for control surface calculations
  • fix orientation bug with up / down being wrong on retrograde entries, which affects tilted wings
  • changed reentry altitudes and sliders to allow better control between -10° AoA (low altitude) and -60° AoA (reentry)

Kind of. I did add some Trajectories API code and a major rewrite of MechJeb autoland to follow and adjust Trajectories AoA with the same goal. With a drag parachute at final approach the system is slow and stable enough to hit always the runway and often even launchpad with less than 10m difference.

Without any parachute difference is still around 100m, so no pure SpaceX like landings. The rocket is simply to fast, Trajectory predictions not exact enough and since it should work a vast variety of rockets fine tuning control code for one design does not pay off.

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An impression of how different first stages I am landing. Lift to orbit ranges for 1t to over 300t on this pictues, right most with SpaceY tanks, procedural wings and mod with scaled Rapier like engines and air intakes.


Super cool *_*

Im trying to use your changed version but

Im not that into coding, and i dont know how to use github

I tried to stalk you :D  at github but i seem to get the non compiled source :S no release ?
Thank you


2 hours ago, Gavin786 said:

Finding same thing, Trajectories Icon is gone from Toolbar in flight, and I cant see the Trajectory line anywhere.  Usually I have the trajectory on.

Yep its a no show on 1.1 for me too

Edited by Argetz
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On 4/11/2019 at 9:26 PM, Devoblue said:

On a fresh install of 1.7.0 this mod (v2.2.2) doesn't work, but after copying the file \GameData\Trajectories\Plugin\Trajectories16.bin to Trajectories17.bin, limited testing indicates it still works fine.

Same as before, while waiting for the 1.10 update, copy the 1.9 in place.

Goto \GameData\Trajectories\Plugin

Copy paste Trajectories19.bin.

Rename the new file to Trajectories110.bin


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On 7/3/2020 at 11:40 AM, Argetz said:

I tried to stalk you :D  at github but i seem to get the non compiled source :S no release ?
Thank you

I just posted some pre releases of current state for MechJeb and Trajectories. I only tested it with KSP 1.9, but should work.

Please note: These are private dev releases with some unreviewed changes ! Don't bother the official Trajectories team or bug report if you have any issues.



Edited by CBase
added links, added disclaimer
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On 7/4/2020 at 11:51 PM, CBase said:

I just posted some pre releases of current state for MechJeb and Trajectories. I only tested it with KSP 1.9, but should work.



Your private build will only work on KSP 1.8+, also you don't need the bootstrapper for single dll builds. You only need to compile the version binaries and bootstrapper if you want all versions. ;)

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New release is up!

Version 2.3.3 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.10.x

Download from GitHub or Spacedock

Full Changelog:


v2.3.3 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.10.x

  • 2020-07-09 : Note. This is probably the last Trajectories build that will cater for all KSP versions, Builds for KSP 1.3.1 to 1.7.2 are planned to be
    moved into a separate branch, anyone who wishes to use Trajectories on the older versions of KSP will have to make their own
    private builds from the backport branch.

Changes since the last release

  • Support for KSP 1.10.x
  • OldGui has been removed.
  • Minor graphical changes to the in-flight trajectory, nicer line and markers are now more stable.
  • Added a green target marker to the in flight trajectory.
  • NavBall target and crash markers have been fixed and updated,
       target is now a green circle and predicted crash site is now a red square.
  • Due to performance issues with larger craft, the Cache is now enabled by default. For higher precision,
       it can still be turned off manually.

For Developers

  • A variable Watcher window has been added that can also use the Telemetry module, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more info.
  • The Profiler can now use the Telemetry module.
  • Fixed Profiler entries not updating when the Profiler GUI is re-spawned.


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 I tried using the mod 'FAR v0.15.11.4' with the mod 'Trajectories v2.3.3' on KSP 1.10.0, and there is 'stuttering' during flights.
A brief look at the logs shows some sort of casting problem.


> InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
>   at Trajectories.FARModel.ComputeForces_Model (Vector3d airVelocity, System.Double altitude)


Google drive link to 'Player.log' text file.

In my case, this is a not a pressing issue. So consider this as an FYI to others who may encounter the same problem.

I have made a post on the 'FAR continued' topic as well.

Edited by The-Grim-Sleeper
2.3.2 -> 2.3.3
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On 7/9/2020 at 3:06 PM, PiezPiedPy said:

New release is up!

Version 2.3.3 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.10.x

Download from GitHub or Spacedock

Full Changelog:

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v2.3.3 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.10.x

  • 2020-07-09 : Note. This is probably the last Trajectories build that will cater for all KSP versions, Builds for KSP 1.3.1 to 1.7.2 are planned to be
    moved into a separate branch, anyone who wishes to use Trajectories on the older versions of KSP will have to make their own
    private builds from the backport branch.

Changes since the last release

  • Support for KSP 1.10.x
  • OldGui has been removed.
  • Minor graphical changes to the in-flight trajectory, nicer line and markers are now more stable.
  • Added a green target marker to the in flight trajectory.
  • NavBall target and crash markers have been fixed and updated,
       target is now a green circle and predicted crash site is now a red square.
  • Due to performance issues with larger craft, the Cache is now enabled by default. For higher precision,
       it can still be turned off manually.

For Developers

  • A variable Watcher window has been added that can also use the Telemetry module, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more info.
  • The Profiler can now use the Telemetry module.
  • Fixed Profiler entries not updating when the Profiler GUI is re-spawned.


I really rely on this mod.  Thanks for keeping it up to date!

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On 7/9/2020 at 5:06 PM, PiezPiedPy said:

New release is up!

Version 2.3.3 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.10.x

Download from GitHub or Spacedock

Full Changelog:

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v2.3.3 for all versions of KSP from 1.3.1 to 1.10.x

  • 2020-07-09 : Note. This is probably the last Trajectories build that will cater for all KSP versions, Builds for KSP 1.3.1 to 1.7.2 are planned to be
    moved into a separate branch, anyone who wishes to use Trajectories on the older versions of KSP will have to make their own
    private builds from the backport branch.

Changes since the last release

  • Support for KSP 1.10.x
  • OldGui has been removed.
  • Minor graphical changes to the in-flight trajectory, nicer line and markers are now more stable.
  • Added a green target marker to the in flight trajectory.
  • NavBall target and crash markers have been fixed and updated,
       target is now a green circle and predicted crash site is now a red square.
  • Due to performance issues with larger craft, the Cache is now enabled by default. For higher precision,
       it can still be turned off manually.

For Developers

  • A variable Watcher window has been added that can also use the Telemetry module, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more info.
  • The Profiler can now use the Telemetry module.
  • Fixed Profiler entries not updating when the Profiler GUI is re-spawned.


FYI, the thread title still says up to 1.9.1 with a June 12 2020 release.

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I have the problem that the mod (version v2.3.3) doesn't show trajectory predictions with FAR (version 3: installed (well, it sometimes shows them in a very buggy state during time warp).

It happens when only those two mods (and their dependencies) are installed. But when I remove FAR it works perfectly.

log file including the storm of invalid cast exceptions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5af6cfduo06a3o6/KSP.log?dl=0

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On 7/11/2020 at 9:09 PM, The-Grim-Sleeper said:

 I tried using the mod 'FAR v0.15.11.4' with the mod 'Trajectories v2.3.3' on KSP 1.10.0, and there is 'stuttering' during flights.
A brief look at the logs shows some sort of casting problem.


9 hours ago, Anso McCelland said:

I have the problem that the mod (version v2.3.3) doesn't show trajectory predictions with FAR (version 3: installed (well, it sometimes shows them in a very buggy state during time warp).

It happens when only those two mods (and their dependencies) are installed. But when I remove FAR it works perfectly.

log file including the storm of invalid cast exceptions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5af6cfduo06a3o6/KSP.log?dl=0

Would one of you guys mind creating a GitHub Issue here with the logs: https://github.com/neuoy/KSPTrajectories/issues

Edit: Nevermind, PiezPiedPy amazingly quick-fixed it.

Edited by Kobymaru
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