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Duna Mission on Kerbalism!


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Once in a galaxy, far, fa

No, no really no, this ain`t a hoax thread, this is serious Kerbalism spacefaring action, i decided to return to Duna again, yes AGAIN, this time for serious, putting my Kerbals to the fiery risks of a real hard lifesupport modification, ugly deaths, starvation, radiation, part failures and all the other good things Kerbalism provides...
(English is something like the fourth language i`ve learned, so please excuse the tell :D...)

This missionreport will have lots of pics, and my personal comments of the actual situation, i really hope this is ends well without excessive use of f5/f9, bubblyzine or fireextinguishers.

Mods abuse in use (KSP 1.3.):
MM, NFT, KER, KIS, KAS, KerbalAtomics, HeatControl, TransferWindowPlanner, StockAlikeStationParts, DeepFreeze, TweakScale,
and clearly,
KERBALISM! (Setting on default)...

Okay, without further ado...:wink:..., here is the plan:

"The plan is to get four Kerbals alive to Duna and back in one piece, neither krakened nor elsewise spaghettified, a rescuemission might be possible if needed, but the constraints of Kerbalism make it very unlikely to successfully manage such task in reasonable time..."

Mission Crafts:

Duna Transfer Ship, "KERBIN 1"
Four Kerbal rated interplanetary transfervessel, contains a fridge for three Kerbs, one must stay awake during the journey to check out the situation. And eat some :D.
It has a nice centrifuge and two cupolas, so the lonely Kerbal can hang around wherever he or she desires.
The propulsion runs on LH2, tanks must be cooled and monoprop is the only other sort of fuel in this vessel, no liquid fuel, no oxidizer around. I hope the single Kerbal doesn`t go nuts while the others are sleeping...:confused:


Duna Descend Crew Vehicle, "MUN 1"
Will be covered in a fairing until reaching Duna surface, contains a three Kerb rover. And the ascend vehicle, if the Kerbs make it so far at all...:D Serves as main surface habitat. Propulsion runs on monoprop.


Duna Supply Vehicle, "MINMUS 1"
A supply truck, unkerballed, will be covered in a fairing until Duna arrival... Contains food, water and some other stuff, you never know how severe the situation can get. It has some stuff stuffed in the KIS containers, maybe usefull when times get hard. Can be used for safe surface excursions. Propulsion runs on monoprop.


Mission Index:

2. Missionstart! (First launches)

3. More launches!

4. Crew presentation and orbital assembly, first issues

5. "High quality lead coffins?- Yes please!"

6. Back in business!

7. Entering the voids between the planets...

8. It starts to hurt now

9. Nothing so bad as it seemed 

10. What should i say? Touchdown! 

11. Let the madness begin! 

12. "Why worry?" 

13. Bob "Leadfoot" Kerman


Edited by Mikki
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  On 6/27/2017 at 8:05 PM, Skylon said:

Good luck! Would be more challenging without kerbal atomics, though it depends what you use it for


..."more challenging"...
??? You`re kidding me, you know Kerbalism is actually a suicidemod...:D
KerbalAtomics don`t shorten the traveltime at all... i just like the mechanics, they are challenging too...

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Impressions from the first mission launches, random comments of a very nervous missionmanager (me :D)...

Here the launch of "Kerbin 1", unkerballed, notice the ressource tabs. Launcher was specially buildt for this mission, targetorbit is about 200km, just below the first dangerous radiation belt...


Orbit insertion and fairing deploy, all systems are go and nothing exploded...


Midlaunchpicture of the midstage LH2 tank section, very difficult launch, bad flight behaviour in lower atmosphere but luckily it went up well finally. This part contains a small nuclearreactor and radiators to guarantee accurate cooling of the reactor and prevent LH2 boiloff... Same launchvehicle as before, very reliable.


Docking in 200km altitude, no problems so far. PHEEEWWWWW! :confused::D All upperstages of the launchers are deorbited by own propulsion, no deleting necessary...


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  On 6/28/2017 at 11:20 AM, Alpha 360 said:

Great job! I myself am using Kerbalism, and I plan to visit every body in the GPO solar system. I'll be sure to take a couple things from this. :wink:


I wish you good luck aswell, luck seems a major factor in this mod... If my try is doomed to fail at some point, i`ll try to save my Kerbals at any cost. I have lots of funds, about 40+million Kerbucks... 
I will give some close-ups of the various vessels for public investigation and enhancement! :D

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More launches happened meanwhile, and soon all the vessels are ready for Duna transit.
The decision about who will make the trip isn`t done untill now, its very likely that there will be two Kerbals of each gender on board, two pilots, one scientist and one engineer.

Okay, i`ll display the other launches next,

Orbitinsertion of the "Mun 1" and the "Minmus 1", both unkerballed and remote controlled untill Duna orbit:



And one of three commonly used nuclear propulsionstages, launched with the same launchvehicle as all the others, very convenient. They also carry a small nuclear reactor from NFT to maintain a deathproof powersupply for radiators and LH2 cooling, this not for fun, really... A certain amount monopropellant for RCS is stored, enough for several dockingmaneuvers or resupply of other vessels:


And last but not least a pic from the deorbitburn of a upperstage right aside one of the unmanned vessels in fairings, after reaching assembly orbit at around 200km:


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I see this thread and I go, "Oh, @Mikki? The spinney blue foreign supergiant that testified about Code Purple at the open air courtroom?"

The fact that my first impressions on forum people are random jumbles of adjectives probably shows how deranged I really am.

Great so far! Question, everyone, are interplanetary missions with Kerbalism and DeepFreeze actually nigh impossible? If so, I'm screwed, because in an obsessive desire for realism I started my first KSP career save with FAR and Kerbalism...

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  On 6/29/2017 at 3:19 AM, Mikki said:

... I wish you all the luck of Kerbin... :D Maybe think about it again... FAR + Kerbalism? You`ll need DeepFreeze at some point to go interplanetary for sure...:wink:


Yes, was originally planning a Jool V on kerbalism...but I'm not so sure now. I need to start a career save anyways

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  On 6/29/2017 at 3:19 AM, Mikki said:

... I wish you all the luck of Kerbin... :D Maybe think about it again... FAR + Kerbalism? You`ll need DeepFreeze at some point to go interplanetary for sure...:wink:


Well, FAR just basically means you can't spit at the area rule and things that shouldn't fly, don't. It doesn't actually change the delta-v to orbit I think.

I also have M.O.L.EOPMArkasCyran, and XPC, so once I get interplanetary capabilities I should be rolling in science. For the sake of something to spend it on I'm planning on tacking on KSPI-E and NFTech at some point.

Oh... and I'm doing this with RemoteTech + hard mode...

I have a long and storied history of shooting myself in the foot by getting into overcomplicated + overachieving things right off the bat.

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Here we go again, i`ve done some orbital assembly and took some scenic pictures, and the crew has been chosen aswell, the Duna mission will be executed by:

Jebediah Kerman, Pilot, Five stars, "My enormous experience in wrecking expensive crafts of any kind will benefit the mission for sure."

Zelanda Kerman, Engineer, Five stars, "I like to disassemble stuff. And i like snacks."

Valentina Kerman
Pilot, Five stars, "... Me... and Jeb.... ...oh... ...crap..."

Bob Kerman,
Scientist, Five stars, "We will face serious spacemadness, and i am glad to witness this."

In the background a mockup of the crew transportation vessel called "Potato 1", it is in fact a 4 Kerbal orbital maneuvering craft, a small additional crew department is built in between commandpod and heatshield, it runs exclusivly on monoprop aswell and provides about 950dV fully loaded, and carries supplies for about 3 1/2 Kerbin days. It is planned to use this craft for Kerbin reentry if anything goes well, which looks highly doubtfull...


Okay, so far so good, while assembling and checking "Kerbin 1", i`ve noticed first engineering mishaps, looks like i`ve forgot to add shields to both the cupolas at starboard and portside... oh no...:confused: Anyway, i won`t launch all the stuff again, the crew must deal with it, not me...:D


The other vessels look quite good so far, i did not notice any strange things or other significant happenings, energy supply is stable and lifesupport is on standby untill Duna orbit... Ready for Dunatransit i might say:


Scenic picture from the assembly of "Mun 1"...:


I really appreciate all your comments, and i am really nervous about this mission...:confused:

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  On 6/29/2017 at 4:19 PM, Mikki said:

it runs exclusivly on monoprop aswell


Any particular reason why you're forgoing ~100 seconds of ISP by using monoprop rather than, say, a terrier? Finer control? That looks like a medium sized ship, suitable for a terrier. Or do you have some mod that adds better monoprop engines?

  On 6/29/2017 at 4:19 PM, Mikki said:

Anyway, i won`t launch all the stuff again, the crew must deal with it, not me...:D


Shame on you, they're going to get irradiated every time they look out the window... get into Duna's magnetosphere as soon as possible I guess.

  On 6/29/2017 at 4:19 PM, Mikki said:

I really appreciate all your comments, and i am really nervous about this mission...:confused:


Don't worry! If it fails, it will fail in utterly spectacular fashion and we're all going to be here laughing at you as your kerbals die due to your ineptitude! [/sarcasm]

Seriously, though, you're doing a great job.

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  On 6/29/2017 at 4:36 PM, greenTurtle1134 said:

Any particular reason why you're forgoing ~100 seconds of ISP by using monoprop rather than, say, a terrier? Finer control? That looks like a medium sized ship, suitable for a terrier. Or do you have some mod that adds better monoprop engines?

Shame on you, they're going to get irradiated every time they look out the window... get into Duna's magnetosphere as soon as possible I guess.

Don't worry! If it fails, it will fail in utterly spectacular fashion and we're all going to be here laughing at you as your kerbals die due to your ineptitude! [/sarcasm]

Seriously, though, you're doing a great job.


I decided to discard the use of LFO completly in this mission, all in all it saves partcount, mass and complexity, the monoprop engines come from  NFT, they are not much better than stock though.
I fiddled first around with LFO engines for various tasks but soon i made a clear cut for monoprop only.

"Kerbin 1" carries a single shield generator which does absorb a small amount of external radiation, however i will see how my Kerbals do while fry errm napping in the cupolas :wink:...

You`re right about a eventual missionfail, it will be depicted and commented `till the probably ugly end...:D

Thank you for your motivating and honest words!:)

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  On 6/29/2017 at 4:51 PM, Mikki said:

I decided to discard the use of LFO completly in this mission, all in all it saves partcount, mass and complexity, the monoprop engines come from  NFT, they are not much better than stock though.
I fiddled first around with LFO engines for various tasks but soon i made a clear cut for monoprop only.


Hum... you're right, LFO needs much more infrastructure... but inevitably the rocket equation will come collect its due.

  On 6/29/2017 at 4:51 PM, Mikki said:

"Kerbin 1" carries a single shield generator which does absorb a small amount of external radiation, however i will see how my Kerbals do while fry errm napping in the cupolas :wink:...


I mean, just keep them out of the cupolas for most of the trip. Less mass is better!

  On 6/29/2017 at 4:51 PM, Mikki said:

You`re right about a eventual missionfail, it will be depicted and commented `till the probably ugly end...:D

Thank you for your motivating and honest words!:)


Look forward to watching!



Ooh, any tips regarding my less-than-recommended dive into the deep end of modded KSP? How to survive/thrive in Kerbalism?

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  On 6/29/2017 at 4:56 PM, greenTurtle1134 said:

Ooh, any tips regarding my less-than-recommended dive into the deep end of modded KSP? How to survive/thrive in Kerbalism?


...hmmm, make sure your mods play well with each other, Kerbalism uses a certain electrics consistency management, NFT and KerbalAtomics have their own aswell, other mods may be complicated and maybe incompatible at the end, and DeepFreeze is the only option to go interplanetary on Kerbalism, your vessel would grow ridiculous large and heavy having lots of awake Kerbals eating and drinking all day long... trust me i tried to go without DeepFreeze, no reasonable dice...

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  On 6/29/2017 at 5:52 PM, Gordon Fecyk said:

Hopefully they've packed extra dice.

/me ducks


...Iktomi is a very nice comparison, thank you, i`ve googled it and from your signature i see you live at high latitude aswell... i hope my survival genes work out here...:cool: And greetings to you from scandinavia

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  On 6/29/2017 at 6:12 PM, greenTurtle1134 said:

Only hit I could get on Google for "Iktomi" was a Lakota trickster god


Sorry about that... Iktomi was the name of the game board / Mars-bound ship in Tharsis, a rogue-like game available from Steam. Your objective was to hold together a ship that was coming apart at the seams, all while managing life support, sanity, and the occasional bout of cannibalism.

Iktomi was also the name of a quarian ship in Mass Effect 2, which was used as a joke about quarian crew names, as in "Admiral Zall'Korris vas Iktomi." There was also a ship named Defrahnz referred to in there.

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